Speaking Brazilian Language School specializes in Brazilian Portuguese. New lessons every Wednesday with tips on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of Brazilian Portuguese.
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News from Brazil, by The Brazilian Report — an independent media outlet uniquely positioned to offer an insider’s view of current affairs in Brazil.
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Dotun Adebayo and Tim Vickery chat about football, music and culture.
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in Brazilian Portuguese with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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Iconic podcast specializing in Brazilian music old and new, since December 2004. From MPB to Tropicalia, from Samba to Soul, from Indie to Choro - always beyond the clichés.
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Brazil is going through challenging times. There’s never been a more important moment to understand Brazil’s politics, society, and culture. To go beyond the headlines, and to ask questions that aren’t easy to answer. 'Brazil Unfiltered,' does just that. This podcast is hosted by James N. Green, Professor of Brazilian History and Culture at Brown University and the National Co-Coordinator of the U.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil. Brazil Unfiltered is part of the Democracy Observatory, sup ...
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
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This is Brazil resgata o Brasil dele mesmo. Pedro Duarte e Nícolas Queiros comentam sobre a brasilidade no seu estado mais puro, exemplificada por áudios de WhatsApp, transbordando de suco verde e amarelo.
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A podcast network focusing on nostalgic rewatch podcasts from childhood shows. If you grew up on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel, this podcast is for you. We rewatch and recap our favorite movies and tv shows from the late 90s and 2000s. Hosted by the Brazilian Dragon himself, Felipe. Current Projects: Pod, Talk, Jam & Break (High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Recaps) Scooby Snax & Chats (Scooby-Doo Movie Recaps) We Wanna Be Famous (Total Drama Re-Watch Project) Pa ...
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Brazilian Portuguese Podcast is a podcast for Portuguese learners where you can find real conversations between native Brazilians. While you listen, you’ll learn about Brazilian culture and pick up some fun facts. We hope you enjoy it! Brazilian Portuguese Podcast es un podcast para estudiantes de portugués en el que puede encontrar un montón de conversaciones reales en portugués entre brasileños nativos. Aquí también aprenderá sobre la cultura y curiosidades brasileñas de una manera diverti ...
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Fala Gringo is a show in easy brazilian portuguese to intermediate learners, presented by Leni. Aprenda o Português do Brasil com temas atuais e episódios sobre a língua e cultura brasileira. Quer progredir rápido? O Fala Gringo é o seu podcast de Português Brasileiro Intermediário. - Learn Portuguese Podcast - Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Apprendre Portugais Bresilien Podcast - Portoghese Brasiliano Podcast - Brasilianisches Portugiesisch - Speak Brazilian Portuguese - Portuguès de Brasil - ...
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Learn Brazilian Portuguese with real-life conversations you'll never find in textbooks or apps. Join Alexia (🇧🇷 native speaker) and Foster (🇺🇸 learning Portuguese) to have interesting, fun conversations that will improve your Brazilian Portuguese comprehension and communication.
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Brazilian Portuguese Podcast is back! Now powered by Really Learn Portuguese. Our goal is to produce great posts and podcasts to really help people learn Portuguese language and Brazilian culture in a fun and simple way.
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Short stories, comments and funny things about Brazil by an expat living in London.
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O programa "A Través da Biblia" é parte de um estudo bíblico mundial do ministerio de Através da Biblia. As series foram originalmente elaboradas pelo Dr. J.Vernon McGee, e tem sido traduzidas e adaptadas para mais de 100 linguas e dialetos. O programa foi eleborado para ser de 30 minutos diarios que sistematicamente leva o ouvinte através de toda a Biblia. Atualmente os programas estão disponives ??on Line?, pela Internet. Estamos contentes que você escolheu começar a estudar mais acerca da ...
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Brazile Babble
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BrazilianPodClass is a free podcast for those who want to learn Brazilian Portuguese. It is released once a week, for all levels with focus on conversation, vocabulary, grammar and popular expressions.
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Para aprender a língua portuguesa brasileira.
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Listen to expert updates on the key political and economic developments in Brazil from a new podcast from the Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute.
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Onseregarde Brazil é o PodCast poliglota onde você encontra as mais interessantes conversas e melhores entrevistas com pessoas iguais a você.
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Student work
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Podcast by Rodrigo Brandao
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O mundo através de sons! Música, notícias, pensamentos e humor! The world through the sounds! Music, news, fun and all Good stuffs from Life!
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Come To Brazil
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Hello everybody!! Olá pessoal!!!My name is Clayton from Brazil 🇧🇷 and bringing you through new episodes...a little of Portuguese language...enjoy it!!!
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Please go here to see the correct website: http://www.brazilianismspodcast.com
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These are sample dialogs and lessons from our online course.
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Empowering Conversations with Successful Artists, Athletes, Thought Leaders & More
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An insight on the contemporary issues rooted in the historical context of Brazil. Answering questions on why things are the way they are.
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I host Oakland A's & San Jose Sharks Pre/Postgame Live on NBC Sports California. Leave me a voicemail at (510) 343-3640, the best ones may appear on a future podcast!
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Portugalščino govori dobrih 250 milijonov ljudi, kar jo uvršča na 6. mesto svetovnih jezikov. Podobno kot pri angleščini, ima tudi južnoameriška portugalščina v Braziliji svoje posebnosti. A ne glede na to, ali se učite evropske ali južnoameriške različice, vas bo melodičnost tega romanskega jezika hitro navdušila. Poudarek tečaja je sleng, ki ga govorijo v Riu de Janeiru. Fotografija na naslovnici: Barbara Eckstein (Flickr)
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Welcome to the Brazilian Happiness Coach podcast, where amazing things happen.
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DJ Vivo and Mr Bongo take you on a monthly journey through all styles of Brazilian music. Samba, Bossa Nova, Black Rio, Carnival styles, MPB, Baile Funk, Samba Funk, Sambareggae, Samba Breaks, Forro, Reggae, Dub, Hip Hop and more.
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Presented by Arko Advice, Brazil's main political risk company. Weekly, three Brazilian political analysts discuss the ongoing developments in the Brazilian Political Scenario. Get insights and views from local experts.
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A podcast about Brazil’s changing territorial, environmental, and agricultural policies. With the voices of those who are working to reconstruct, reimagine; and redivide. From urban to rural. In the Amazon and beyond.
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Welcome to the Learn Brazilian Portuguese podcast! Learn daily phrases, music, literature, pronunciation, grammar and other tips! I’m William, native Brazilian Portuguese speaker, living in Brazil. I’ll see you soon!
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Podcast by Empreende Brazil
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Get your FREE lesson pdf here: https://www.speakingbrazilian.com/how-to-be-polite-in-brazil/ Learn Portuguese with us! Check out our courses here: https://www.speakingbrazilian.com/online-courses/ Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of my videos: https://school.speakingbrazilian.com/p/youtube Start learning Bra…
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As Trump's trade threats reshape global commerce, Brazil grapples with a mounting yellow fever outbreak ahead of Carnival. Meanwhile, controversial Amazon oil drilling plans gain momentum under new Senate leadership, testing the country's environmental commitments. Support the showDi The Brazilian Report
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In this episode of BTL, we will talk about living abroad, moving to a different country, and what we should consider before making the decision of leaving your home country. What places would you like to move to? Where would you like to raise your children? What are the “best” countries to live in? Promoção de 5 Anos - English in Brazil - IMPIERDÍV…
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Tá me achando arrogante porque tô de moto, tô de carro? Vá reclamar com Jesus! Se tá com inveja? Trabalhe! Frases que protegem aqueles que estão com a autoestima e as finanças em dia! Mas, lembre-se: em uma vida de novela tudo pode acontecer! O inesperado precisa ser o esperado, senão o destino planeja um cavalo de pau na BR, certo? E que nosso "me…
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Marianna Poyares is a Fritz Fellow at Georgetown’s Center on Privacy and Technology. She is a critical theorist working on the ethics of new technologies of migration and border enforcement. Trained as a philosopher and with a background in human rights policy and advocacy, Marianna has worked, among others, with the Brazilian National Truth Commis…
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2025 is your year to level up your Brazilian Portuguese—agora é a hora! 🇧🇷 Join us at Carioca Connection In this episode of Carioca Connection, Alexia and Foster share their experience at a meditation retreat at the Art of Living Center in Boone, North Carolina. Alexia discusses her first immersive meditation experience, which coincided with her 35…
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3rd December 1954 - Wolves V Honved - When Wolves became World Champions
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1:01:14Dotun and Tim are joined by Jason Guy the host of Wolf Whistle Podcast and author of Tales From Tape to discuss the day Wolverhampton Wanderers became World Champions, defeating Puskas' Honved. THIS EPISODE WAS LIVE STREAMED, SUSBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@FootballSmashYT?sub_confirmation=1 FOLLOW THE BRAZILIAN SHIRT NA…
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What is she like? / She is nice and friendly. / What does he look like? / He is quite tall. / He has got brown hair and blue eyes. / Does he look like his mother or his father? / He looks like his father.Di LinguaBoost
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Get your FREE lesson pdf here: https://www.speakingbrazilian.com/how-to-learn-portuguese-with-youtube/ Learn Portuguese with us! Check out our courses here: https://www.speakingbrazilian.com/online-courses/ Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of my videos: https://school.speakingbrazilian.com/p/youtube Start le…
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Abi-Maria Gomes Talks Traitors 3
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1:08:09Today Felipe sits down with Survivor's Abi-Maria Gomes to chat about The Traitors on Peacock. Have any questions for the podcast? Email them to [email protected]. Thank you to Freddy Luna (StuckOnYouCartoons) for the incredible Brazilian Dragon Podcast Artwork. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Brazilian Dragon Patreon Brazilian Dragon Yo…
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Brazil's Congress elects new leaders
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1:21:47Our podcast is back! For our first episode of 2025, we bring you a crucial topic for Brazil’s political landscape: the upcoming elections for the leadership positions in Congress and how they will affect Brazil’s political landscape, the tensions between the Lula administration and the far right, as well as how the new congressional outlook will af…
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2025 is your year to level up your Brazilian Portuguese—agora é a hora! 🇧🇷 Join us at Carioca Connection In this episode of Carioca Connection, Alexia and Foster continue their conversation about 2025, reflecting on personal rituals, new traditions, and ways to create a more fulfilling year. From long walks to weekend getaways, they explore the bal…
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May 11th 1996 - Man Utd v Liverpool - The Spice Boys
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1:00:49Dotun Adebayo and Tim Vickery are joined by Peter Hooton to discuss the 1996 FA Cup Final, a game remembered for Eric Cantona's goal and Liverpool's White Suits SUSBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@FootballSmashYT?sub_confirmation=1 FOLLOW THE BRAZILIAN SHIRT NAME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/brazilshirtpod/ FOLLOW…
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CAS 547 | Cape Verde - part 2 [CURRENT SEASON]
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2:00:00marina íris feat elisa lucinda | voz de cabo verde | grupo serenata | tito paris | luis morais | bonga | baiana system feat. manoel cordeiro e claudia manzo | gabriela mendes | ayom | assol garcia | mindel band | rodrigo lessa | fantcha | maninho almeida | djosinha | luiz américo | tulipa negra | rosa mestre | sam fortes | helio ramalho | codé di d…
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Cultural FAQs: Feathers McGraw Did Nothing Wrong
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1:32:27Welcome to Cultural FAQs, a pop culture talk show podcast hosted by comedians Felipe and Quandel. In our fifth episode we discuss Anora, Wicked, Ainda Estou Aqui, The Traitors, The Real Housewives of Miami, Big Brother Canada 5 and more. Have any questions for the podcast? Email them to [email protected]. Thank you to Freddy Luna (StuckOnYo…
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