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show episodes

Future Ecologies

Future Ecologies

Ogni mese
Made for nature lovers and audiophiles alike, Future Ecologies explores our eco-social relationships through stories, science, music, and soundscapes. Every episode is an invitation to see the world in a new light — weaving together narrative and interviews with expert knowledge holders. The format varies: from documentary storytelling to stream-of-consciousness sound collage, and beyond. Episodes are released only when they're ready, not on a fixed schedule (but approximately monthly). This ...
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A monthly show where we get to talk and learn about all things ecological, including interviews with top ecologists (both employers and employees), those working with ecologists, and also aspiring and inspiring career-seeking individuals setting out to make a difference. New episodes released first Monday of the month.
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Ecolo au boulot

Le podcast qui booste l'écoresponsabilité au travail

Ogni mese+
Trouvez des idées et de l’inspiration pour rendre son quotidien au travail plus écologique et se sentir utile ! Pour les personnes qui travaillent et ressentent ce besoin vital de prendre en compte l’écologie dans leur sphère professionnelle. Je suis Cassandre, salariée convaincue que notre impact en tant que professionnels peut être immense. Découvrez ici des interviews de salariés inspirants, d'experts et mes découvertes pour s’engager au travail et faire changer les choses. Abonnez-vous a ...
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Neste espaço estamos disponibilizando, gratuitamente, podcasts sobre ecologia, meio ambiente e biodiversidade. Também incluimos composições musicais de minha autoria, como forma de expressão da linguagem universal que é a música. In this space we are making free podcasts available on ecology, environment and biodiversity. We also included musical compositions of my own, as a way of expressing the universal language that is music.
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Zoom écologie

Zoom écologie

Ogni mese
Zoom écologie est une émission de la radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle, diffusée tous les jeudis soirs sur 106.3 fm en Ile-de-France et chaque semaine sur Spectre. Plusieurs équipes se relaient pour raconter, entre reportages et entretiens, les luttes et les réflexions de celles et ceux qui ne se contentent pas de petits gestes ni de marcher pour le climat.
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Backyard Ecology™

Shannon Trimboli

Ogni mese
Nature isn’t just “out there” in some pristine, far-off location. It’s all around us, including right outside our doors. Hi, my name is Shannon Trimboli and I’m here to help busy homeowners in the eastern U.S. create thriving backyard ecosystems they can enjoy and be proud of. Join us as we ignite our curiosity and natural wonder, explore our yards and communities, and improve our local pollinator and wildlife habitat. Learn more at: https://www.backyardecology.net/podcast
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The Ecology Hour features in-depth interviews with experts on every facet of Mendocino County's diverse and spectacular natural world. Rotating hosts include Environmental Educators Hannah Bird and Sue Coulter, Scientists Bob Spies & Tim Bray, and Trail Steward Chad Swimmer.
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Ecology Everywhere

Ecology Everywhere

Ogni mese
Three budding ecologists discuss new research across the ecological sciences, from genetic underpinnings to broad patterns. Topics include: behavioural ecology, population ecology, community ecology, evolution, and more!
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A series of interviews from the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, focusing on people and organizations working at the confluence of religious and ecological perspectives. Interviews cover four main areas: 1) new and forthcoming publications, 2) engagement in practice, activism, and advocacy, 3) teaching and curriculum, and 4) perspectives from environmental humanities. Our Vision is a flourishing Earth community where religious and spiritual traditions join together for the shared wellbein ...
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THE BIG SHIFT ! Écologie

Xavier Seux

Ogni settimana
Bienvenue dans la ressource-thèque audio la plus complète pour comprendre les grands enjeux écologiques du siècle ! Je suis Xavier Seux, et chaque semaine, je rencontre une personne experte d'un sujet de la transition écologique, qui nous l'explique à vous et moi. Au-delà de nos efforts personnels, sensibiliser les autres est le meilleur moyen d'avoir un vrai impact ! Alors partagez vos épisodes préférés sans effort de modération, ça rend service à tout le monde ! Laissez une note avec le pl ...
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Ecología Topísima

Leonardo Saravia

Ogni mese
Sobre la ecología pero basado en la ciencia, biológia, cambio climático, IPCC, deforestación, aumento de la temperatura, IPBES, perdida de la biodiversidad, derretimiento glaciario.
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One Humanity Lab: Into an Ecology of Wholeness

Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner

Ogni mese
The One Humanity Lab Podcast: Into an Ecology of Wholeness explores the field of coaching from various angles through the lens of the e-Co Leadership Coaching program. The e-Co program is based on the perspective that we must first develop inner capacities in order to then expand outwards in our service to others. Inner capacities include a return to our dreaming, intuition, creativity, and grounded connectivity to people, communities, nature, and Source. Coaching is one of many containers f ...
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Critical Ecologies

Patrick Bresnihan

Ogni mese
A series of short interviews with postgraduate students in the Geography Department of Maynooth University. Students discuss their original research on diverse topics relating to environmental and spatial justice in Ireland. The series is part of the Critical Ecologies class on the MA in Geography and Spatial Justice.
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Aqui você vai aprender mais sobre permacultura, empreendimentos sustentáveis no campo e construções ecológicas através de entrevistas e debates. Investimentos Conscientes, Sítio Rentável, Renda extra e empreendedorismo. Siga-nos em nossas redes sociais! #permacultura #agroecologia #institutopindorama
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Body Ecology Living

Donna Gates

Ogni mese
Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, is the international best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity, The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger: Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation, and Stevia: Cooking with Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener. An Advanced Fellow with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, she is on a mission to change the way the world eats.
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Your brand, your way. Create a clothing line that aligns with your brand, and your company using the best sustainably sourced materials in the world. We have a mission to educate people about what they put on their body. All clothes are not created equal!
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Ecologos - Écologie et christianisme

Bertrand Bucalossi-Rolin

Ogni mese
Ecologos, c’est un podcast d’écothéologie qui explore les liens entre foi et écologie. On parlera d’exégèse. On parlera de Laudato Si et de la doctrine sociale et écologique de l’Eglise. On parlera des grands penseurs écologistes du XXeme siècle et de leur lien avec le christianisme.
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Welcome to Second Nature, a podcast about living with ecological grief. Each week, Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo takes us on a deeply personal journey about planetary loss, and what we love, what we have lost, and how we move forward. Through a series of engaging, thought-provoking, and moving conversations with incredible guests from around the world, Second Nature is an invitation to come together to share stories of loss, love, despair, and joy, as we learn how to live with – and embrace – ecologica ...
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Ecological Studios

Ogni mese
Hello and welcome to Ecological! We are a team of 4 high school students in Amsterdam. We wanted to create an informative podcast about the current state of our environment that would summarise the important things to make it easy for everyone to understand. We will break down current events such as important developments in science, politics and generally just events from the media. We are open to feedback and criticism! Please leave a comment or send us a message! And now we're on the Moon!
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The Ecological Approach Podcast

Russ Jones and Shane Butnari

Ogni mese
Russ and Shane are biologists, bowhunters, and arborists. If you ask them, ecology and hunting are entwined so tightly that they are inseparable. Join them as they discuss all aspects of bowhunting, biology, conservation and other outdoor pursuits. Get closer to nature with an Ecological Approach.
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As these videos bring to life, ecological design systems are far more efficient, economical, and humane than current design norms. In place of today’s failed brute-force approaches that attempt to dominate the natural world, these innovators are demonstrating sophisticated ways of designing buildings, vehicles, technologies, cities and social systems to interact harmoniously with living systems - enlivening you with just how advanced the Ecological Design revolution is. Since 1990, Bioneers ...
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show series
Il y a beaucoup de termes compliqués en RSE : l'analyse de double-matérialité en est un. On a décidé de vous expliquer simplement et rapidement cet outil de priorisation de vos enjeux environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG). Merci à Océane Puech, fondatrice de Greenscale et experte ESG pour sa participation à l'épisode. __________________…
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In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Carolyn Stephen, Jamie Ladner, and Lauren Sullivan about the effects of prescribed fire on plant communities like dry woodlands, dry-mesic woodlands, and glades in Missouri, USA. Full journal article can be found at https://fireecology.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186…
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Summary As gardeners, it’s common to get the gardening itch in late winter and early spring. The temptation to finish cleaning up our gardens during this time is a natural temptation. However, when doing your spring garden cleanup, it’s important to remember why you didn’t do those activities in the fall. Remembering that can help you choose what t…
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We spoke with Dr Alex Maisey, author of "Foraging activity by an ecosystem engineer, the superb lyrebird, ‘farms’ its invertebrate prey", to hear the story behind the paper. Alex also shared his personal journey into animal ecology and some unexpected sounds from a local lyrebird.You can read Alex's full paper, co-authored by Angie Haslem and Andre…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift Starlink, Oneweb, Kuiper : tous les projets d'internet par Satellite ont un coût : matériel, d…
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This episode of Spotlights features the Rev. Dr. Lisa Dahill, Miriam Therese Winter Chair for Transformative Leadership and Spirituality and Director of the Center for Transformative Spirituality at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace. We talk about her personal and professional engagement with ecological theology, her study of…
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Join host Richard Dodd in this enlightening episode of the Ecology Academy podcast as he converses with Adam Rowe, the CEO of the South East Wales Biodiversity Centre (SEWBReC). Discover the significant role Local Environmental Record Centres (LERCs) play in the gathering, management, and dissemination of biodiversity data. Adam shares his journey …
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À medida que os humanos invadem cada vez mais o mundo natural, muitas espécies selvagens lutam para sobreviver. Essa ameaça existencial geralmente é pior perto de centros humanos. Mas não precisa ser assim, sugere um novo estudo. Pesquisadores analisaram registros paleontológicos para comparar a distribuição histórica das 14 maiores espécies da Ási…
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Meet Gizem Salcigil White, aka the Turkish Coffee Lady! She is the Founder & CEO of Turkish Coffee Lady, the first and only authentic Turkish coffee brand in the U.S., dedicated to building a global community of coffee explorers and empowering women. With a brick-and-mortar coffee house in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, Gizem has created a space to…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift La conquête spatiale peut faire rêver, ancrée dans nos imaginaires par des récits de science-f…
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Émission consacrée au livre Sans transition, une nouvelle histoire de l'énergie, de Jean-Baptiste Fressoz. On y parle donc de phasisme, ou plutôt de sa critique, de bois, de charbon, de pétrole et d'atome, d'additionnalité - et de politique - énergétique. On finit par le premier chapitre de la nouvelle environnementale proposée en exclusivité dans …
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In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Erica Smithwick about how oak-juniper woodlands respond to crown fires in Fort Cavazos, and how that affects species like the endangered golden-cheeked warbler. Full journal article can be found at https://fireecology.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s42408-024-00311-…
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Summary Ground nesting bees represent a significant portion of our native bee population, yet they often go unnoticed due to their solitary nature and unique nesting habits. In this episode, we dive into the fascinating world of ground nesting bees and how we can get involved in their study and conservation. Today’s guest Dr. Jordan Kueneman is a r…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift L'histoire du plus beau flop standup de Rafaella Scheer 😄 Faire rire quand on est pas sur les …
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Dans cet épisode daté du 10/10/2024 du Zoom écologie, Vigz et Lisa font rapidement le tour des gros dossiers de presse et d'investigation écologiques du moment. Puis, Lisa vous livre un reportage de l'enterrement du BIP en Ile-de-France. Enfin, on vous diffusera le premier épisode de la mini-série "Sabotage" réalisé par Louis. -Emissions…
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Le tri des déchets, c'est la base ! Parfois ce n'est pourtant pas en place dans certaines entreprises. Nadine s'est vu confié cette mission et en a profité pour s'occuper du sujet des mégots de cigarette (qui occupaient alors les pots de fleurs). Elle explique pas à pas la démarche pour que les fleurs retrouvent leur place et que les mégots soient …
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A poluição sonora dos oceanos é algo real. Muitos acham que o fundo do mar é completamente silencioso. Quem mergulha no oceano a poucos metros de profundidade ou até mesmo quem assiste a alguns documentários na televisão tem a impressão de que se trata de um ambiente muito calmo. No entanto, há muito barulho no mar, como a crepitação de corais e os…
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This episode turns the spotlights onto our host, Sam Mickey. Kimberly Carfore came back on the podcast to interview Sam and talk about the way that his experiences, personal life, and religious commitments relate to his work in the field of religion and ecology. This podcast has been running for five years, and one of the frequent request we receiv…
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Robert Jamgochian and Doug Nunn talk about the SONAR program (School of Natural Resources) they created and ran at Mendocino High School for several years. Students learned how to follow scientific protocols, collect field data, analyze it and write up their findings in scientific reports. Many have gone on to pursue education and careers in enviro…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift Consultante sur slides le jour, comique climatique sur les planches la nuit. C'est la vie de R…
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In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Erica Smithwick about how managers in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States can safely put prescribed fire back into the landscape to address local issues. Full journal article can be found at https://fireecology.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s42408-024-0031…
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In this very special donkumentary, we’re headed to the Mojave Desert — to Death Valley, in particular — where we find one animal at the centre of a heated debate in land management: the hardy wild burro (AKA donkey, ass, or Equus asinus). These feral burros, beloved by some and reviled by others, are an introduced species in the desert southwest, b…
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Émission enregistrée en public au café-librairie Michèle Firk à Montreuil le 24 janvier 2025. On reçoit Matthieu Adam, auteur de Contre la ville durable (Grévis, 2024) pour une discussion autour du développement durable – résultat de la digestion de la critique écologiste par le capitalisme et de ses déclinaisons urbaines.…
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Émission enregistrée en public au café-librairie Michèle Firk à Montreuil le 24 janvier 2025.On reçoit Matthieu Adam, auteur de Contre la ville durable (Grévis, 2024) pour une discussion autour du développement durable – résultat de la digestion de la critique écologiste par le capitalisme et de ses déclinaisons urbaines.…
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Émission enregistrée en public au café-librairie Michèle Firk à Montreuil le 24 janvier 2025. On reçoit Matthieu Adam, auteur de Contre la ville durable (Grévis, 2024) pour une discussion autour du développement durable – résultat de la digestion de la critique écologiste par le capitalisme et de ses déclinaisons urbaines. Depuis plusieurs décennie…
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Summary When someone decides they want to attract birds to their yard, often the first thing they do is put up a birdfeeder (or two). It’s what we did when I was a kid, and it’s what countless other people I know have done. There’s nothing wrong with putting out a birdfeeder. They’re a great way to bring the birds to locations where it’s easy for u…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift Sécheresses, frontières maritimes importantes, aléas agricoles. Les Emirats Arabes Unis ont be…
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We’re unlocking one of the conversations from our bonus feed. In this interview, building on episode FE6.2, Mendel speaks with Skye Augustine, a leading voice uplifting the science, history, and culture of Sea Gardens. In a time where so much of the future feels uncertain, the resiliency of Sea Gardens over millennia is (at least to us) a source of…
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Avant d'agir pour l'écologie, on voudrait être sûr de bien faire. Et parfois, c'est complexe ! Pour économiser l'énergie de la veille de mon ordinateur, est-ce qu'une prise à interrupteur, programmable ou à télécommande vaut vraiment la peine ? En termes d'énergie économisée, de CO2 et économiquement ? C'est la question posée par une auditrice à la…
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This episode features the Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright, Pastor of Creation Care with the Evangelical Lutheran church in America. We discuss many facets of her life and work, from personal experiences with faith, interpretations of ancient scripture, the theology of Martin Luther, process theology, and much more, including attention to water stewardship, i…
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Welcome to the Ecology Academy podcast, where host Richard Dodd interviews Richard Crompton from Ecology On Demand. Dive into a fascinating discussion as Richard shares insights from his 26-year career in bat and ecology work, focusing on his unique consulting service dedicated to supporting fellow ecologists. Discover the intricacies of ecological…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift Séverine Ginot, juriste en environnement, a vécu une simulation grandeur nature des négociatio…
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Como podemos redesenhar estratégias de conservação de biodiversidade em meio à crise do clima? Não é possível, hoje, bater o martelo a respeito da evolução das tendências climáticas — exatamente como e onde vão ocorrer, e em que grau de intensidade —, mas modelos científicos já predizem que os biomas ao redor do mundo sofrerão grandes alterações na…
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Functional Ecology author Ella Plumanns Pouton chats to Amelia Macho about her research article, 'How do intervals between fires influence canopy seed production and viability?'Ella's study sought to understand how the frequency of fire shaped the quantity of available cones and the seeds within those cones. Her findings, in the context of expected…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift Les banques sont de plus en plus enjointes à bonifier les taux des projets écologiques, les su…
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Os cientistas descobriram um ecossistema surpreendentemente rico e densamente povoado que cresce nas profundezas do Oceano Ártico. Enormes “jardins de esponja” – como poderíamos assim dizer - foram encontrados vivendo nos picos de vulcões extintos perto do Polo Norte durante uma expedição de um navio polar de pesquisas. Essas criaturas primitivas s…
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In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Clare Boerigter, Sean Parks, and Jonathan Long about using intentional, human-ignited fire as a tool to restore natural conditions within wilderness. See companion StoryMap here https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/57bac07618ef4e1c922a6ac0b5835bee Full journal article …
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Summary Amanda shares the journey she and her husband have taken to transform their small, suburban yard into a vibrant habitat for birds and pollinators. We discuss the various projects they’ve undertaken, the challenges of DIY landscaping, the importance of community support, and the positive reactions from neighbors and family. Their story shows…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift L’immobilier représente 26 % des émissions de CO₂ en France. C'est énorme, et 97% du parc n'es…
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La transition écologique et solidaire, on en parle beaucoup, mais peu sauraient qualifier ce secteur d'activités. Pour Martin Durigneux, de l'Institut Transitions, c'est à la fois un socle de valeurs et la base d'une économie naissante à développer. Il nous parle en toute liberté et sans langue de bois des chemins de transitions professionnelle ver…
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This episode features our host reviewing the latest book by Robin Wall Kimmerer, The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World, focusing specifically on the idea of a gift economy. The book invites us to transition from the extractive and exploitative market economy that is dominant around the globe to a gift economy oriented aro…
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift On pourrait s'inspirer de la biodiversité océanique et des techniques de permaculture terrestr…
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Une émission hivernale consacrée à la lutte menée par les communautés Wet’suwet’en contre le Coastal Link Pipeline dans le grand Est canadien à l’occasion de la sortie du documentaire Yintah et de la venue en France de deux représentantes de ces communautés.Di Zoom écologie
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❤️ Sponsorisé par La NEF ! Ouvre un compte d'épargne sécurisé qui finance uniquement des projets écologiques, sociaux et culturels en 3 clics : https://www.lanef.com/particuliers/ouvrir-livret-nef?pk_campaign=livret&pk_source=podcast&pk_medium=thebigshift Géomimétisme, pompe biologique océanique, ça ne vous dit rien ? A moi non plus, avant d'enregi…
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É um impulso humano natural e político recuar quando ameaçado por uma crise que parece além do nosso controle. O mundo está enfrentando vários desses estresses ao mesmo tempo: escassez de alimentos, inflação, persistência do COVID-19, guerras e os efeitos do aquecimento global. Coletivamente, eles ameaçam a estabilidade e a prosperidade de países a…
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Summary I am so excited to be relaunching the Backyard Ecology™ podcast! New episodes will be released every other week, and we have some exciting guests already lined up. Going forward, in addition to the traditional audio version of the podcast episodes, there will also be a video version available for the episodes with guests. The video version …
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