Welcome to This Week Online Today with your host Ahmed Khalifa, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully. And to those who have subscribed to my newsletter, you will also receive a bonus tip of the week to help you further. So make sure you subscribe to stay ahead of your competitions.
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Episode #43: Facebook Usage Has Dropped, Google is Moving Sites to Mobile-First Index, Snapchat Copying Instagram & Anchor is Now a Podcasting Platform
Welcome to Episode 43 of This Week Online Today, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully. And at the end of the show, I will also be giving you a bonus tip of the week to help you further.…
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Episode #42: Google Pushing AMP, the new-look 'People Also Search For', YouTube Attacking Facebook & Amazon Launched a WordPress Plugin
Welcome to Episode 42 of This Week Online Today, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully. And at the end of the show, I will also be giving you a bonus tip of the week to help you further.…
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Episode #41: Google's New SEO Audit Tool, Booking Travel on Search Results, Snapchat Custom Lenses & 157 New Emojis
Welcome to Episode 41 of This Week Online Today, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully. And at the end of the show, I will also be giving you a bonus tip of the week to help you further.…
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Episode #40: Facebook's Multiple Algorithm Updates, Snapchat's Potential In-App Commerce, Google's Guide on Featured Snippets
Welcome to Episode 40 of This Week Online Today, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully. And at the end of the show, I will also be giving you a bonus tip of the week to help you further.…
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Episode #39: Amazon Go is Open, Concerns About Social Media, the Wrong Swipe on Tinder, HomePod is Coming, Burger King Clarifying Net Neutrality
Welcome to Episode 39 of This Week Online Today, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully.
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Episode #38: YouTube Sets Stricter Rules to Earn Money, Page Speed Ranking in Mobile, New Google Search Console Rolling Out, Missile Alert Agency's Passwords on Post-It
In this episode, I discuss the major changes that YouTube has done for monetization on their platform, the new page speed ranking factor for mobile search, the exciting new update in the Google Search Console and a ridiculous act of writing passwords on Post-It note by a missile agency
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Episode #37: H&M Racial Fashion Faux Pax, Hackers Targeting Winter Olympic, YouTube Reprimanding Logan Paul, Facebook Reducing Your Page Visibility
In this episode, I discuss H&M's racial fashion faux pax, hackers who have been the Winter Olympic, the post-effect of Logan Paul & YouTube and the big changes on Facebook
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This is the last every IgniteRock podcast. Have a listen as I explain why I'm saying goodbye and what is my next plan
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In this episode, I talk to Chris Marr, founder of Content Marketing Academy; the membership-based business which help other to grow by using the power of content, but also looks at other essential areas such as leadership, sales, email marketing, social media, etc.
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There are certain things you need to know before doing any WordPress updates, so this episode will look at what you need to understand.
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Episode #33 - The Power of Advertising & Landing Page Optimisation to Pre-Sell Your Product with Luke Szyrmer from Launch Tomorrow
In this episode, I talk to Luke Szyrmer; an entrepreneur who help others to launch their products fast by using the power of advertising to pre-sell your product. He is also a landing page expert which plays a part in this process and we will go to in more details about that.
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Why you should always challenge yourself to help you grow, learn new skills and realise that you can do more than you think you could do.
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In this episode, I talk to John Lagoudakis; an internet marketer who was in the Top 100 Clickbank Affiliate and featured in various publications such as CNN Money, Forves, Fortune and Inc.
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In this short n' sweet episode, I talk about the importance of...you've guessed...persistence, and how it can have a dramatic impact in your life.
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In this episode, I talk to Sean Campbell; the co-founder of Cascade Insights in the B2B market that specialises in technology market research.
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In this short n' sweet episode, I get deep and personal about how much WordPress means to me, not just in my business, but in my lifestyle.
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In this episode, I speak to Jaime Slutzky from; a Canadian based near Seattle, Washington. As well as being a WordPress developer and an online technology consultant, Jaime also helps her client with running a virtual summit to grow and leverage their business.
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In this episode, I go personal about my journey with podcasting so far and what do I get out of it. When you listen to podcasts, you don't really think about what happens behind the microphone. I certainly didn't until I researched more about how it works and then gradually deciding to do it too. But after 26 episodes, I'd like to think that I'm ge…
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Episode #25 - Overcoming Burnout to Succeed in Business & Life with Ian Farrar from Far North
In this episode, I talk to Ian Farrar, the Founder & Managing Director of Far North; sales & marketing consultancy with a passion to drive growth in the North-East of the UK's manufacturing and technology industry. Ian shares a very personal story on how he had suffered burnout and got admitted to hospital after a highly-pressured sales role. Now t…
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In this episode, I talk about our working environment, whether you are in self-employment or employment, and how shaking it up a bit can boost your productivity. It's so easy to get comfortable and stuck in our habits. But how do we know whether it's helping us to work at our maximum capacity or not? There are a few tweaks here and there which can …
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In this episode, I talk to Holly Worton, a business alchemist, who helps female entrepreneurs to use the power of their mindset to help their businesses to grow. And as a major enthusiast of WordPress, Holly has also shared her own journey of building her online profile and the systems she uses to create a huge backlog of content; from books, to bl…
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In this episode, I talk about something that I hear quite often of the years; and that is when people blame the actual WordPress core for when anything goes wrong with their website. This is an interesting thought because it doesn't matter what Content Management System you use, you will have some kind of problems. Guaranteed! We take websites for …
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Episode #21 - Show Your Authentic Star Power to the World with Sharon Haver from Focus On Style
In this episode, I talk to Sharon Haver, a New Yorker, a Style Expert and a Personal Brand Strategist from Focus On Style. Having been online since 1999, Sharon knows the ins and outs about being online using your natural and authentic self to stand out from the crowd. Even before we hit the record button, Sharon and I have talked for 15 minutes ju…
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Episode #20 - Create an 'Awesome Log' to Get Out of Your Slump and Improve Your Productivity
In this episode, I want to talk about an issue many, if not all of us, deal with. Things like imposter syndrome, anxiety, lack of productivity, feeling down. We all feel like that, and I'm not different. And just to be clear, I'm not just talking about only the entrepreneurs and business owners. It can affect everyone; employees, parents, carers, h…
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Episode #19 - Using Your Unique Experiences & Knowledge to Stand Out from the Crowd, with Eric Rosenberg from Personal Profitability
In this episode, I talk to Eric Rosenberg from Personal Profitability, where we talk not only about his financial background and his journey from working in the corporate financial industry to running his own financial management company. On top of being a financial consultant, he is also a public speaker, podcaster and a professional writer. Here …
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Episode #18 - Preparing for WordCamp Edinburgh 2017 & 7 Things to Think About When Attending Conferences
This is a different type of episode to the normal interviews. In this episode, I will be talking briefly about my excitement for this weekend's WordCamp Edinburgh 2017 and also how my experience has helped me to appreciate conferences and similar events even more. I have listed a few points that we should all think about the next time we attend con…
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Episode #17 - Using Your Niche to Create Content Online & Offline with Andrei Polgar: Online Entrepreneur, Economist, Author & YouTuber
In this episode, I talk to Andrei Polgar; an online entrepreneur who is passionate about economics and investing on "exotic" assets such as domain names. Andrei is also an author of Wealth Management 2.0; a book which is dedicated to those who are earning a living and making money online. As well as that, he also uses his niche and knowledge to cre…
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In this episode, I talk to Gary Arndt from Everything Everywhere (not the UK mobile phone network); a popular travel blogger, 3 times Travel Photographer of the Year in the US and a podcaster. Gary has shared his story about he decided to go travelling in 2007 after working for many years. He decided to things differently by going to places that ar…
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Episode #15 - Building & Creating Beautiful Digital Memories with Carole Asselin from Scrapbook Campus
In this episode, I talk to Carole Asselin (or Cassel as she is also known as) from Scrapbook Campus and based in Calgary, Canada. Carole has shared her story about the importance of storing your memories using digital version of a scrapbook. Thanks to her passion in doing so, she teaches others who can do the same, runs regular webinar and manages …
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Episode #14 - Making the Most of Your Time in Life to Build Your Passion by Alexandria Blaelock
In this episode, I talk to Alexandria Blaelock; an author, blogger and philosopher based in Melbourne, Australia. Alexandria has shared a powerful story on how a major health setback in her life has set her into making the most of your time and follow your passion. In this case, it is to write and publish books, which Alexandria has successfully do…
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In this episode, we are doing something a little bit different. Normally I talk to awesome individuals who are doing something really awesome with WordPress. Today, I talk to Alban Brooke, the Director of Marketing at Buzzsprout, the podcasting hosting company, which is also the host of The IgniteRock Podcast. Here are just a few things we talk abo…
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In this episode, I talk to Erin Flynn; a web designer based in Aspen, Colorado but with a difference. Despite starting her career within the web design and development industry, as she focuses on helping other designers and developers to run their business more efficiently and effectively. I first spotted Erin after reading a blog about her 5-year …
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In this episode, I talk to Emanuel Blagonic; a Croatian-native who has talked about the impact that WordPress has had in his native country and the community that it has built. The first time I met Emanuel was at WordCamp Belfast 2016, where he did a talk entitled "How WordPress Changed the Face of Croatian Politics". I was captivated by his talk a…
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Episode #10 - Becoming a Better Role Model using WordPress with Russell Aaron from WebDevStudios
In this episode, I talk to Russell Aaron of WebDevStudios who shares his story from originally wanting to become a world-changing journalist and ended up as a WordPress expert. Russell, who is currently based in Las Vegas, works at Maintain which forms a part of WebDevStudio and a die-hard WordPress advocate who believes in its power to both transf…
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Episode #9 - Being a Digital Nomad with the Help of WordPress with Anne Dorko from Dialect Pro
In this episode, I talk to Anne Dorko of Dialect and Without Boxes who has been using WordPress to help create her digital nomadic lifestyle. Anne shares her story of how started from nothing into getting into WordPress and create a business out of it. Anne has worked her way up by creating WordPress themes and plugins via Dialect Pro and helping o…
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Episode #8 - Building a Photography Community & Your Own Freedom with Julie Christie from Tea Break Tog
In this episode, I talk to Julie Christie from Tea Break Tog, a community and course-based photography website which was built on the back of Julie's passion for photographer as well as the determination to have a business to revolve around her family. I first spotted Julie when watching and listening to a video podcast which featured herself and s…
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In this episode, I talk to Ben Usher Smith, a web designer and illustrator who runs his own design business and has been in the industry for over a decade now. I knew Ben from our regular chats during our local WordPress Meetup group in Edinburgh and it was apparent that he has huge knowledge in the world of web design and WordPress. He is never on…
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Episode #6 - Building an SEO Freelancing Business with Steve Morgan from Morgan Online Marketing
In this episode, I talk to Steve Morgan, an SEO Freelance Consultant at Morgan Online Marketing, blogger at SEOno and various publications, as well as being a regular speaker at major conferences. I first originally got to know Steve via Twitter and after time has passed, we finally met each other at an SEO conference. Steve is someone I have alway…
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In this episode, I talk to Shannon Mattern from WP+BFF, a community-based site where she helps you to create your own freedom using WordPress. I first spotted Shannon on Twitter when she was doing Periscope video on this subject and I instantly knew that I had to invite her on to the show. Despite being based in Ohio and with 5 hours time differenc…
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Episode #4 - Specialising in Facebook Ads Instead of Generic Social Media with Gavin Bell from Blue Cliff Media
In this episode, I talk to Gavin Bell from Blue Cliff Media, a social media agency who specialises in Facebook Ads. One of the main reasons for inviting him is because of that particular niche that he chooses to focus on. Gavin wants to stand out from the generic social media industry by choosing to niche down and it looks and sounds like he has do…
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In this episode, I talk to Dan Ellis and Ryan Ogilvie from Theme Park Trader, a site where they discuss everything related to their passion; theme parks. Not only are they passionate about this topic, but they are very clever guys from the inbound marketing and web development background. I know Dan and Ryan from my time working at a digital market…
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Episode #2 - Running WordPress Restaurant Themes & Plugins Business with Nate Wright from Theme of the Crop
In this episode, I talk to Nate Wright from Theme of the Crop; a WordPress theme business that he owns that solely caters for restaurants. I first met Nate at the WordPress Edinburgh Meetup, which he co-organises and started to work with him on his theme-based business. I have asked to appear on the show and to give us his insights on the WordPress…
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Episode #1 - Creating a Recipe Book & Food Site with Omer Eltigani from The Sudanese Kitchen
In this episode, I interview Omer Eltigani from The Sudanese Kitchen who is in the middle of preparing the first ever Sudanese recipe book in English. We talk about: his background and how came up with the idea of creating his own recipe book how the idea was validated with a number of people, Sudanese and non-Sudanese people, as well as after sett…
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Hello and welcome to The IgniteRock Podcast, a show where I interview inspiring entrepreneurs, companies and brands who uses WordPress. My name is Ahmed Khalifa and I am the host of The IgniteRock Podcast. This is episode 0 where I say hello, welcome you and briefly explain the reasons behind IgniteRock; both the website and podcast. In this episod…
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