AppAdvice Daily is your ultimate app News, Reviews and Tips resource for any iDevice.
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AppAdvice is the definitive resource for news and reviews about everything Apple and apps. The show will cover the latest Apple news, greatest new apps, and best game releases. This is the one stop podcast to find out all about everything Apple as well as the best apps in the App Store. The hosts are Trevor Sheridan of, and Brett Nolan of We hope you enjoy.
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Join us this week as we sneak into Midgard to look for patterns, paper airplanes, and Apple's favorite apps.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we prepare for Thanksgiving and Black Friday with Rosies redout realities, as we may lose our marbles as spring falls away.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as you are in for a change of perspective as we get lost in space and time as we bend it like shyamalan.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 124: Disney+ Now Playing On The New MacBook Pros
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1:16:20Join us this week as we watch Disney's mosaic without tapes on the new lifelike MacBook Pros.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we hear zombies and opponents groan on a distant moon and paint with all the colors of an Escher-esque moon.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we go in-depth on Apple TV+ as we see a new morning for streaming mankind.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 122: Halloween Apps and Games with AirPods Pro
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1:03:37Join us this week as we listen in with AirPods Pro as Halloween apps take over the App Store and Apple Arcade.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we skate with wild hearts on our cab based pilgrimage through Apple's end of year.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we check in on Apple's competition, while riding enchanted rails towards an ocean conspiracy.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we speed over land to Catalina to see how the new Mac cards are assembled on the AppAdvice podcast episode 119.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we avoid hot lava and flying koopa shells all while slashing our way through dungeons across the alps.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 117: The iPhone 11 Goes Pro With iOS 13 And Apple Arcade
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1:08:40Join us this week as we go hands on with the iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13, and Apple Arcade as we swing through clues in traffic in the dark.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as look at the big picture of Apple's past and future innovation or potential lack there of.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 115: Dissecting The iPhone 11, Pro, And More
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1:01:55The 2019 Apple event has come and gone, and we're here to go over everything that was announced.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we preview what to expect from Apple's 2019 iPhone event, while dealing with dead cells, stranger things, and giants.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 113: Disney+ Shifts Into High Gear
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1:04:04Join us this week as we shift into gear for the plus side of Disney, and that ain't no lie.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we snake through unhatched rumors with a witch's eye to speculate on Apple TV+ and Apple Arcade.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we break down the latest apple earnings and hit the air and sea with hyper speed.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week we call Dr. Mario to work together with touchbars while in mansions.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we grab our cursed swords and race around dungeons and magical worlds while putting out fires 60 seconds at a time.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we cast spells to clean crime scenes and beta test on our Apple devices.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we explore hostile houses, dreary dungeons, and E3, while slaying dragons, knights, and each other.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 105: WWDC 2019 In-Depth Special Edition
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1:21:01Join us this week as go in-depth on everything that Apple unveiled at their WWDC 2019 keynote.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we attempt to increase the zombie population, while taking down kaiju and giving our WWDC predictions.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week in a continuation of our app developer series, this time with Mike Bushnell, PMO Lead of Funko Digital, as he discusses everything about the app made for collectors, and what's in store in the future.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we go through strange time loops and listen to the radio in our gardens on the new MacBook Pros.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we test our reflexes and our wits as we swipe, twist, tap, wordsmith, and watch TV.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we set the tone for the next 100 episodes with an astrological bird blitz through Apple's App Store.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 100: Our Major Milestone Meets Winterfell's Endgame And A Giveaway
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1:34:36Episode 100 is such an achievement, we decided to change things up for this one episode, and talk about the biggest pop culture weekend, maybe ever. Warning, Spoilers included in this episode as we go in depth on Avengers: Endgame and Game of Thrones Season 8.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we look to the future with Disney to then time travel back to the Eighties, and flip some pancakes in the process.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we're snapping and rolling through iOS nostalgia, while discussing a couple of tech break-ups.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 97: Swinging For AirPower In Apple's Arcade At PAX East
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1:08:15Join us this week as we watch Apple swing and miss at AirPower, while checking Apple's arcade future at the Penny Arcade Expo East.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 96: Analyzing Apple's 'It's Showtime' Event
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1:01:50Join us this week as we look at the pluses and minuses of Apple's big streaming event.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 95: Drawing New iDevices To Stream App Store Games
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1:03:09Join us this week as we try to stream console games, and draw brackets for new iDevices.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we go on a co-op adventure battling pirates and giant sandworms, all while trying to predict what Tim Apple has up his sleeves.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 93: Watching A Shapeshifting Apple, Avocado, and App Store
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1:01:46Join us this week as we shape shift into avocados, and try to avoid typos by using voice notes.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 92: Apple In 2019 And An Oscars Recap
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1:17:12Join us this week as we transform apps into Oscars nominees and take a look at what hardware Apple will be releasing in the new year.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we march towards Apple’s next event to see what’s in the cards for the roots of a possible evolution.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 90: Patrolling Apple's Earnings Blackout
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1:07:31Join us this week as we patrol the streets in search of vandals and Apple's missing guidance numbers while avoiding blood thirsty aliens.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 89: The Best iOS Games Of 2018
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1:10:38Join us this week as we count down the top ten iOS games of 2018, and recap the great year in App Store gaming on the AppAdvice podcast episode 89.Di AppAdvice
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Episode 88: Apple's More In The Making Event
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1:10:33Join us this week as we discuss all of the more in the making of Apple's latest event.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we're invited to sift through the App Store on our iPads to try to reign forever.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we try to find our rhythm while slashing, tapping, swiping and ricocheting our way to victory.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we channel surf to watch cute cats play pinball on the AppAdvice Podcast episode 85.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we go an adventure with ants, while morphing into dragons and tossing bacon on everything in sight.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we try to escape the shadows of the App Store desert's strange paradox.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as we blast off into space to battle evil spirits and our vocabularies as we attempt to uncover the truth in a quest for more screen time.Di AppAdvice
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This is our Gather Round event special edition in which we recap all that Apple announced at their latest event.Di AppAdvice
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Join us this week as Apple invites to gather round the donut hole to fill our iPhone hunger.Di AppAdvice
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