Bible teaching and preaching, personal interviews
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A podcast focused on helping you dig deep into the Bible so you can find greater hope, assurance, and confidence through the shifting sands of life. Join us for our weekly lessons.
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Using the Truth of God's Word to direct people to see that the Bible is being fulfilled today.Showing that God's plan of Salvation through the finished work of Christ on the cross for the lost and living in the expectancy of the soon return of Jesus for believers is the only Hope for a sin-cursed world.
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Dr. Camale D. is an ordained minister with a ThD and a professorship given by the Holy Spirit. Her vision is to live Christ, Love People, and teach them Bible truth. Produced by $DrCamaleD. Th.D, D.B.S, MDiv, B.B.S For speaking engagements or questions, contact Dr. Camale D. at [email protected]. You may also send a message to the email address provided or click on " Message" on the home page and record a voicemail. To donate click on support or send your donations to CashApp $D ...
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Proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord
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Join Trent Dubberke as he digs into the Bible to seek truth.
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Sermons, Bible Studies, Devotions, and Challenges from the Word of God.
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Bible Truth Revealed! is a bible study podcast located at, intended to find the one, ultimate truth on each biblical question. We are Israelites in captivity, followers of Yahusha HaMashiach in obedience to YAHUAH Almighty. If you are seeking ultimate truth, this is the podcast for you. We are non-denominational and our primary motivation is that we share scriptural truth amidst the 'sea' of lies, contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. Welcome to the official p ...
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God sent a prophet Messenger in our day as he did in time past to bring his children back to his word. Malachi 4:5&6 and Revelation 10:7 therefore God’s children must exit all denominations to come back to the word of God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost in their soul. The Lord Jesus Christ had no denomination neither did his disciples but when they needed salvation he gave them his Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and to everyone else that were ordained unto salvation. The Bible said Com ...
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Библейская Церковь "Слово истины"
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Join us each day as we dive into Scripture guided by the Reformed Confessions: The Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession and Canons of Dordt. At Unfading Truth, we provide daily Bible readings that connect to key doctrines of the Christian faith, with insights written by Reformed pastors. Whether you’re seeking to grow in understanding or find deeper applications for your daily walk with Christ, these readings will encourage and equip you. Subscribe now and strengthen your faith one day at ...
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Are you looking for creative, enjoyable ways to help the kids in your life want to know God? You can introduce your family to Jesus Christ and the valuable lessons found in God’s Word through podcasts! Adventures: Bible Truths in Action uses familiar stories and characters to illustrate Bible principles that kids can understand and apply to every day life—now. #christiankids, #Biblestoriesforkids, #christianstoriesforkids, #familydevotions, #familybibletime, #bedtimestories, #drivetimedevoti ...
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Raising up disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ through an in-depth Catholic Bible Study
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Bible studies, messages, and discussions on biblical, typological, prophetic, and cultural issues with Daniel Baer, pastor of the Gospel Assembly Church in Green, Ohio. The name "Baer Truth" is not intended to infer that this is truth that is relative to one teacher (Daniel Baer), that is just one man's version of the "truth" versus other men's version of the "truth" since real truth cannot be relative, it is absolute. Nor was the name "Baer Truth" chosen to infer that the things taught on t ...
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Journey of reading the Bible to discover the truth.
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I am starting a journey of reading the Bible. My podcasts will be brief and based on my readings from that day. Join me on this journey of the truth!
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Faith Fuels My Fire: The Podcast-Spiritual Development, Spiritual Growth, Bible Study, Prayer, Discernment, & Transformation of the Heart, Mind, & Soul for the Truth Seeking Christian Woman
Faith Fuels My Fire | Spiritual Growth and Bible Studies for Christian Women, Truth Seekers, and Believers of Jesus Christ
Podcast for the Truth-Seeking Christian. Spiritual Growth + Spiritual Development + Bible Study + Jesus + Practicing Discernment + Heart, Mind, & Spirit Transformation. Lorena Camille helps transform the Christian’s heart, mind, and spirit through Bible Study, Practicing Spiritual Discernment, Prayer, Scripture, and Spiritual Development. Lorena is obsessed with teaching others to have a heart and mind like Jesus and discern the truth through prayer, Bible Study, and asking for knowledge and ...
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This 4-part series examines the area of public worship. Each lesson looks not only at the practice of worship but also explores the purpose and personal experience that the Bible describes for those who worship in Spirit and Truth.
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Sharon Doran Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Sharon Doran
Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study
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How many things today are link to Bible and History Support this podcast:
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CHRIST CONFIRMS IN THE BIBLE HOW EVERYONE CAN IDENTIFY HIS TRUE SERVANTS: Matthew 26:6-13. Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. [email protected]
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Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study with Sharon Doran - Discerning Hearts
Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Trusted Catholic Spiritual Formation and Direction
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Are you seeking truth and practical wisdom from the Bible? Look no further than "The Truth, The Bible and Everything Between" podcast. Join us for in-depth discussions relevant to all Christians and those hungry for the profound insights of the Scriptures. Delve into practical applications of biblical teachings and explore the intersections between faith, life, and everything in between. Tune in to enlightening conversations that bridge the gap between spiritual truths and everyday realities ...
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Founded in Truth Fellowship - Bible Teachings and Sermons
Founded in Truth Fellowship - Bible Teachings and Sermons
Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link ””
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His Word My Walk - A real relationship with God, the Bible, and practical steps to implement your faith and God's truth into your life today
Kaela McKaig
How is your relationship with God? How is your time reading the Bible? Do you wish you were more consistent? Do you wish you understood the Bible better and could apply it to your life today? That is what the His Word My Walk podcast is. In this podcast you will find simple and practical applications to understanding the Bible and walking out God's truth in your life. Your faith in Jesus Christ will grow week after week as I share personal stories and testimonies with Biblical strategies and ...
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God has promised you victory in Jesus, and He will not change His mind!Di Chad Werkhoven
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Scott continues the study of Romans, focusing on the crucial foundation of faith. Drawing on the analogy of a football, Scott highlights the importance of having strong foundational beliefs, particularly understanding God's sovereignty, as Paul discussed. These foundations are likened to footers upon which the entire faith structure is built. If th…
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CLAIMING GROUND, TAKING GROUND, HOLDING GROUND, AND POSSESSING GROUND Taken from a message given at the Green Gospel Assembly Church Send us a text Support the show Thank you for listening to our podcast! If you have any questions, subjects you would like to hear discussed, or feedback of any kind, you can contact us at: [email protected] or t…
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Judges 3:23-30Di Tim Reynolds
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Is the Bible's prophetic timeline starting to unfold??? Join Dr Rob Lindsted this week as he discusses important topics like, the new alliances in Europe, recent developments in the government, and the status of Christianity! Buy the new book here: For more episodes, visit: http…
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Which is Witch Ep. 3: By Dr. Fred Price Jr.
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1:09:38Dr. Price continues to reveal to you the dangers of practicing witchcraft in the church. Learn whether you are unknowingly engaged in witchcraft.
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What is our daily bread? Why is it important? How do we receive it? If you are a new Christian or just getting into your Bible, then you've probably been reading or hearing about our daily bread. You may have been asking yourself one of all of the questions above. In today's episode, I will be answering these questions and more. I will be pairing t…
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Зрелище на Голгофе-3 / The Scene on Golgotha-3 Голгофа – это место возвышения Христа-2 / Golgotha is the place of Christ’s Exaltation-2 Евангелие от Луки – 234 От Луки 23:40-49 1Кор.1:18 Ибо слово о кресте для погибающих юродство есть, а для нас, спасаемых, – сила Божия. 1Cor.1:18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,…
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These 5 short stories help kids learn how to apply God’s wisdom to their every day lives. Proverbs 28:14, “Happy is the man who is always reverent,” and Proverbs 12:1, “Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid.” #kids, #christiankids, #storiesforchristiankids, #biblelessonsforkids, #hidegodswordinyourheart, #…
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God is the one thing you can trust in this shifty world.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Your ability to love depends on your growing knowledge of Christ.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Anchor your hope in God's unchanging purpose!Di Chad Werkhoven
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Benefit from deep theology by viewing it through God's simple truths.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Does your daily prayer routine include asking God to curse?Di Chad Werkhoven
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Deep in the heart of Israel, God desires to be known by His chosen people. Revealing Himself to Moses as Yahweh, the Great I Am, a name too holy to utter, the Israelites call Him Jehovah. Throughout the Old Testament, Jehovah responds to the faith of His people and shows Himself strong on their behalf. In remembrance of Jehovah’s power and love, th…
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You're God's special possession, so declare His praises in all you do.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Scott continues the study of Romans with focusing on righteousness and justification. Starting with acknowledging the simplicity often sought in Christian teachings, Scott emphasizes the complexity and depth of the Bible and the importance of engaging with challenging questions about faith. The episode covers the notion that God’s righteousness is …
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Following the herd never leads to the freedom you desire.Di Chad Werkhoven
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You've been redeemed, and that changes everything.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Judges 3:12-30Di Tim Reynolds
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God's 'favor rests upon you.' What does that mean?Di Chad Werkhoven
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Join Dr Lindsted this week as he discusses the current deals being made to recoup government money, what the future for oil and minerals looks like, and the coming rapture! Buy the new book here: For more episodes, visit: Vi…
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Episode 2 Which is Witch: By Dr. Price Jr.
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1:09:08Dr. Price answers naysayers from his social media page. Dr. Camale D shares her comments at the end of this message.
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KC and his neighborhood friends help kids learn God’s Word and understand how to apply it to their every day lives through Bible stories about Jesus, Bible memory verses, object lessons and so much more! In this episode, kids learn that God sent Jesus to the earth to show us that God loves us and He’s not made at us. “There is peace with God throug…
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Let Psalm 91 melt your fear & anxiety.Di Chad Werkhoven
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You belong to God, but don't get too cocky about it.Di Chad Werkhoven
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In this episode, Scott continues the study of Romans by starting in Romans 3:1-20. He begins by discussing the advantages of being Jewish, emphasizing that the true benefit lies not in outward practices but in being entrusted with the oracles of God. He also examines the inherent righteousness of God and the sinfulness of humanity, underscoring tha…
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God's unconditional election has transformed your core identity!Di Chad Werkhoven
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You're saved by grace and empowered by the Spirit.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Revelation 6:9-11Di Tim Reynolds
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Judges 3:5-11Di Tim Reynolds
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Keep listening to Jesus, and then follow what He says.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Faith without works can hinder your pray life.
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Even since last week, there have been major updates on the pursuit of a Third Temple! Join Dr Lindsted this week as he explores the excitement for a Third Temple! Buy the new book here: For more episodes, visit: Visit biblet…
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When things get complicated, simplify them!Di Chad Werkhoven
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You Have More Than They Did—Are You Using It?Di Chad Werkhoven
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cott continues the study of Romans, exploring spiritual superiority and what it means to be in alignment with biblical principles, focusing on the message in Romans 2:25-29. Scott discusses the concept of legacy planning from a biblical perspective, using Warren Buffett's advice on inheritance as a starting point. He relates this to the Jews' perce…
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Have you been trying to write your own story? Do you have a certain time frame of things you want done and plans on how you are going to accomplish them? Have you been asking God for things and not getting answers so you have decided to take matters into your own hands? Trust me, I get it.... I've been there, many times. In today's episode, we will…
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THE RESTORATION OF THE CHURCH 24: The New Covenant Church in the Wilderness / Revelation 12 Part 11
THE RESTORATION OF THE CHURCH 24: The New Covenant Church in the Wilderness / Revelation 12 Part 11 - A quick review of some of the traditional (solar calendar-based) dates of the interpretation of the period of the 1260 years FOLLOWED (after a musical interlude) BY a discussion of why we cannot use our solar calendar (of 365.24 days) to measure th…
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Faith doesn't hide you from reality, it strengthens you as you face it.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Which came first? Your faith or your religious expression of it?Di Chad Werkhoven
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When Squincy, Pestie and Robbie accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord, they begin to be transformed from Bad Feathers to Good Feathers. But Pestie doesn’t change willingly or quietly so Squincy and Robbie try to help him do the right thing. "I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me." John 5:30 #kids, #storiesforkids, #bedtim…
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You're saved the same way God's people always have been—but not the way most think.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Join Dr Rob Lindsted this week as he discusses the growing excitement for the possible building of the Third Temple in Israel! Buy the new book here: For more episodes, visit: Visit and DOWNLOAD the FREE mate…
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Which is Witch? E.P-OneBy Dr. Fred Price Jr.
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1:08:50Dr. Price explains what witchcraft is and who some are practicing witchcraft in the church and at home.
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THE RESTORATION OF THE CHURCH 23: The New Covenant Church in the Wilderness / Revelation 12 Part 10
THE RESTORATION OF THE CHURCH 23: The New Covenant Church in the Wilderness / Revelation 12 Part 10 - The first part of a discussion of Revelation 12 and the 1260 years (to be continued in the next session), along with other issues related to the subject of the restoration of the church Send us a text Support the show Thank you for listening to our…
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Зрелище на Голгофе-2 / The Scene on Golgotha-2 Голгофа – это место возвышения Христа-1 / Golgotha is the place of Christ’s Exaltation-1 Евангелие от Луки – 233 От Луки 23:40-45 Ис.43:25 Я, Я Сам изглаживаю преступления твои ради Себя Самого и грехов твоих не помяну Isaiah 43:25 I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake…
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It's Friday! Put things in perspective with our weekly Psalm.Di Chad Werkhoven
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Scott continues the study of Romans, focusing on the themes of impartiality in God's judgment and the concept of conscience. He begins by addressing common questions about the fate of those who have never heard of Jesus, setting the stage for a deep discussion about God's fairness and the standards by which all humanity will be judged. Romans 2 is …
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The Father gave us to the Son, who gave us His Father's words, giving you salvation.Di Chad Werkhoven
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