Central Presbyterian Church Sermons
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Welcome to the weekly podcast from Central Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, KS. For more information about Central Church go to centralchurchonline.com
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A global Christian family, following Jesus at the heart of London.
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Recent sermons from the pulpit of Christ Central Prebyterian Church in Tampa, FL
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Connect, serve, love
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We are a church in the greater Memphis area that wants to be different. Our desire is for people who are far away from God as well as those who are tired of religion, to see a church that is doing everything possible to honor Christ and change the world. For more information visit www.centralchurch.com
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Connect. Grow. Serve
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Where Jesus Is Central
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We are a church in Royal Oak, MI that seeks to help people follow Jesus. Pastor Jacob Riggs' sermons are featured here.
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Sunday sermon series from Central Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas
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Welcome to the Central Coast Community Church sermon podcast. We are a Christian community in Wyong Australia that exists to to help our surrounding community encounter Jesus through service, human connection, and worship. We are also a part of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church. If we can support you in anyway please reach out to us at pastor@cccc.org.au
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Revd Dr Howard Mellor 'Jesus suffers glory and offers hope' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Date: 3/23/25 Series: Repent, Turn, and Live Passage: Revelation 2:18-29 Speaker: Rev. Charles GodwinDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Mar 23, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 4:1-10Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Matthew 5:43-48 When Jesus talks about "perfection," he isn't referring to unattainable sinlessness. He's referring to maturity, specifically, being mature and complete in our love for others. It may not always be pretty or easy to understand, but love for the unloveable becomes the ultimate measure of one's growth towards Christlikeness.…
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Date: 3/16/25 Series: Repent, Turn, and Live Passage: Revelation 2:12-17 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Mar 16, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 3:13-18Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Revd Tony Miles - 'Holy Tears' Sermon on the 2nd Sunday of Lent 2025 by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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John 15:1-17 As an apprentice of Jesus, our life is anchored in his presence by the Holy Spirit. This is the call to "abide" in him. If you're not abiding in Jesus, you're abiding in something: media, relationships, careers, or any combination of things. Apprenticeship with Jesus recognizes that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit that we mus…
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‘The same Holy Spirit that sustained Jesus in the wilderness, the same Holy Spirit that empowered Him to endure the cross, that same Holy Spirit dwells within you. When you trust in Him, you will find the strength to stand firm and win in the face of temptation.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Date: 3/9/25 Series: Repent, Turn, and Live Passage: Revelation 2:1-7 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Mar 9, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 3:1-12Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Mark 1:16-20 We live in a world that imagines one can be a "Christian" but not an "apprentice" of Jesus. The invitation to follow Jesus is more than subscribing to the bare bones beliefs of Christianity. Jesus invites us to follow him and to become his apprentice. Converts to Christianity will not change the world, but apprentices of Jesus who embo…
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Date: 3/2/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 11 Speaker: Rev. Cole LescherDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Mar 2, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 2:14-26Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Revd Helen Cameron - President of the Methodist Conference: ‘Seeing and Living Anew by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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John 6:35; 6:68-69 There is a difference in knowing about Jesus and being in relationship with Jesus. We are invited into a deep and abiding relationship with him that impacts our entire life. In John 6, Jesus not only feeds the 5,000, but declares himself to be the “bread of life” that “comes down from heaven.” Are we “all in” with who Jesus decla…
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Psalm 37, Matthew 7:13-14, 1 Corinthians 1:21-25 Jesus is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all.Di Rev. Mark Snodgrass
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Revd Tony Miles: 'Let Love Be Real' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Lansford Penn-Timity: 'Living the Beatitude Lifestyle' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Date: 2/23/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 9 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Feb 23, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 2:1-13Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Date: 2/16/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 7:1-31 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Feb 16, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 1:19-27Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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The eternal destinations of heaven and hell are determined by where we place our trust and what we truly desire in life. While some trust in their wealth and earthly kingdoms, true believers place their complete trust in God. Death comes to everyone regardless of status, but it's not the end - it leads either to eternal comfort or torment. Hell is …
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Psalm 37; Matthew 11:28-30 The creation account describes a rhythm in which God separates, fills, and rests/blesses. In the same way, our lives are "recreated" by God's Holy Spirit when we seperate from the world, are filled by God, and become a conduit of God's blessings to the world. Jesus invites us into this way when we are invited to "take his…
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Mark 10:46-52 Are we so familiar with God that we're missing Him? Hear the Word from Mark 10 as Rev. LaMorris Crawford provokes us to live in faith and expectancy.Di Guest: Rev. LaMorris Crawford
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Date: 2/9/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 6:1-21 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Feb 9, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 1:12-18Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Deep places are where we ask those hard questions. We don’t have to go into the deep water, we can stay in the shallows, in the places that feel safe and easy. Where we know where we are, and our feet are firmly on the ground. Jesus invites us to the deep however, he knows that it is when we take the risk of going into the unknown that we can grow.…
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‘We’re called to be loving and to serve others, but it doesn’t mean we always meekly do as we’re told or conform to other kinds of peer pressure. With grace and inner strength, Christians must remain obedient to their calling and to their convictions.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Date: 2/2/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 5:1-17 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Feb 2, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 1:5-11Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Di Central Church
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Psalm 37; Luke 17:11-19 Delighting in the Lord means we revere the Giver more than the gift. In the story of the 10 lepers who were cleansed, one came back to give thanks, a Samaritan! We are not entitled to anything, but everything is a gift from God. This cycle is sustained by grateful hearts who find their delight in their relationship with God.…
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This truth is our story, and it is our song. That this joy comes from the Lord. It is not tied to our circumstances but to God's unchanging character. It’s a joy that strengthens us in the most challenging times, and here is the Good news no matter what we face, “The joy of the Lord is our strength.”…
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Date: 1/26/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 4:5-15 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Jan 26, 2025 - Mr Mike Thornhill expounds on Psalm 46:1-11Di church@christcentralpca.org (Mr Mike Thornhill)
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Di Central Church
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Psalm 37 Some people are leapers - they jump in with both feet with little hesitation. Others are calculators - they analyze the risk thoroughly before making a decision. Both are called to be disciples of Jesus who trust God above all else. This way of living demonstrates for the world the most basic of all biblical truths: God is with us!…
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Date: 1/19/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 3:1-15 Speaker: Rev. Dr. Mike FarleyDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Jan 19, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on James 1:1-11Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Sermon given during the week of prayer for Christian Unity. ‘There is only one Church! It is vital that, despite our diversity, Christians learn to act as one Church in obedience to the heart’s desire of Christ. AND so that the world may believe!’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Finding joy in seeking those who are spiritually lost - exploring Jesus's heart for reaching others through powerful parables in Luke 15. Discover the transformative patterns of loss, searching, and celebration that reveal God's deep love for every individual. Learn practical ways to build meaningful relationships with non-believers and share your …
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Revd Dr Joyce Popoola: ‘New beginnings.’ by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Date: 1/12/25 Series: Discovering the Beauty of the Kingdom of God Passage: John 2:1-11 Speaker: Senior Pastor Clay SmithDi Central Presbyterian Church
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Jan 12, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on Matthew 12:1-21Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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Di Central Church
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Psalm 37:1-9 This Psalm invites us to fully commit to the ways of God that bring peace in place of worry. It's a daily decision that teaches us faith in the character of God and not in our circumstances. As we face new situations, we commit to this way again and again, experiencing more of God's peace and faithfulness.…
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Christians must persist fervently in prayer - they are to keep at it! This isn’t easy.It takes great effort and requires discipline, but once nurtured, it becomes a powerhouse - a key to fruitful Christian living.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Jan 5, 2025 - Pastor John Keen expounds on Hebrews 4Di church@christcentralpca.org (Pastor John Keen)
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