The newest sermons from Christian Fellowship Church on SermonAudio.
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Christian Fellowship Church is a presence based church, building strong marriages and families and maturing the saints. This podcast includes messages from Senior Pastor Ben Aguirre, elders, leadership and guest speakers. Visit for more information on who we are.
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Christian Fellowship Church, Detroit Lakes MN - Messages
Christian Fellowship Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Encouraging words from Christian Fellowship Church in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
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This Podcast is where you can find all of the audio sermons and teachings from Christian Fellowship Church in Columbia, Missouri. This is a great way to rehearse what God is doing in our midst or to catch up on the latest message when you're out of town. Whether you're in Columbia, Missouri or somewhere else across the United States or even the world, we hope our sermons and teachings help you personally know Jesus more.
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This is a podcast from the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship in Finland, where you can listen to biblical teachings, messages, and sermons. May God bless all our listeners.
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Restoration Christian Fellowship Church (RCFC) is a Non-Denominational Full-Gospel Church, where everybody is somebody, and you are loved with the love of the Lord. We extend to you a personal invitation to attend RCFC. Senior Pastor Emogene M. Ingram, Kenneth E. Jones, Assistant Pastor Sicklerville, NJ 08081 WWW.RCFCHURCH.ORG
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of New Life Christian Fellowship Church led by Pastor Dr. Dexter Easley in Goose Creek, SC. New Life Christian Fellowship Church is teaching the word of God in an un-compromised fashion according to II Corinthians 5:17. Pastor Dr. Dexter Easley wants you to experience God's best for your lives because with Jesus all things are possible. So come out and experience the abundant life in Christ with New Life Christian Fellowship Church and discover how you can be vi ...
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Anyone who knows the working of God at Bibleway...knows this ministry has sought to impact and embrace the lives of the people of God in the Alle-Kiski Valley (area of Western Pennsylvania) and beyond. We believe the Bible to be the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God. Our Spirit-filled, non-denominational congregation is integrated with ALL races and creeds. We ARE a multi-racial congregation. Furthermore, we encourage all people to "come as-you-are" into the fellowship of the Lo ...
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Welcome to the sermon podcast of Grace Fellowship Christian Church, a church in Bonifay, Florida. GFCC meets every Sunday and Wednesday.
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Recorded live at our weekend services, these messages feature Pastor Tony Guadagnino and guest speakers at Christian Love Fellowship Church in Deerfield Beach, FL. For more information visit us online at
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God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things. --Pastor Tim Rice, speaking at Christian Fellowship Church in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota on 3-9-2025.Di Christian Fellowship Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
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"እውነተኛ መሪ" በሚል ርዕስ በወንጌላዊ ዘገየ መኮንን የቀረበ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል መልዕክት። መነሻ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ክፍል፡ ዘኁ. 13፡1-16 ሌሎች ክፍሎች፡ ዘኁልቁ ምዕራፍ 13 እና 14
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Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 1 of our series through the time of Lent. We will be following in the Revised Common Lectionary for this series, using the Biblical passages for each week. The series is titled "From Wandering to Wonder." The wandering in the desert of Lent creates openness and room for the wonder of Easter and resurrectio…
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Di Dr. Dexter Easley
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Di Sr. Pastor Emogene Ingram
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Di Stephen Sherman
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“The Lord is king; let the peoples tremble! He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake! The Lord is great in Zion; he is exalted over all the peoples. Let them praise your great and awesome name. Holy is he!” (Psalm 99:1-3) Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 19:1-6, 10-15Di Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
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Di Evangelist Dean Turner
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Di Dr. Dexter Easley
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Di Dr. Dexter Easley
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Di Dr. Dexter Easley
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Di Dr. Dexter Easley
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Di Dr. Dexter Easley
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Di Dr. Dexter Easley
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Christians who love each other draw other people to Christ. --Pastor Tim Rice, speaking at Christian Fellowship Church in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota on 3-2-2025Di Christian Fellowship Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
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"መንፈሳዊ ተሃድሶ" በሚል ርዕስ በወንድም ያቬሎ ናታዬ የቀረበ ተከታታይ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል መልዕክት። ክፍል 4፡ የመንፈሳዊ ተሃድሶ መንገዶች መነሻ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ክፍል፡ ኢሳ. 40፡27-31 ሌሎች የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ክፍሎች፡ መዝ. 103፡15-16፣ ሆሴ. 6፡3፣ 1 ጴጥ. 1፡24-25፣ ዘካ. 4፡6፣ ኢሳ. 40፡6፣ መዝ. 46፡10፣ ዕብ. 11
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Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 5 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we wrap up the series looking at love. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and g…
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Di Stephen Sherman
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Di Sr. Pastor Emogene Ingram
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Di Dorian Johnson
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Wednesday Night
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1:07:46Pastor Ben Aguirre, Wednesday Night, 02/26/25Di Pastor Ben Aguirre
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“Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘The potter has no hands’? – Isaiah 45:9 Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 18:1-12Di Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
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We cannot show the full measure of God's love without each other. --Pastor Tim Rice, speaking at Christian Fellowship Church in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota on 2-23-2025.Di Christian Fellowship Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
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የጌታን ራት (ቅዱስ ቁርባን) ቀንን አስመልክቶ በወንጌላዊ ዘገየ መኮንን የቀረበ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል መልዕክት። መነሻ ክፍል፡ 1 ቆሮንቶስ 11፡23-34
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Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 4 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we look at what it means to truly rest. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and …
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Honor the Lord with Your Wealth
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1:19:51Di Stephen Sherman
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1:37:59Pastor Ben Aguirre, Sunday 02/23/25Di Pastor Ben Aguirre
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Di Sr. Pastor Emogene Ingram
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Di Dennis Sherman
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Anchors of our Faith Pt. 3
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1:24:59Di Pastor Ben Aguirre
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We come together to “call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised” (Psalm 18:3). Second Reading: Revelation 12:1-6 2/16/25Di Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
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"የሚመካ በእግዚአብሔር ይመካ!" በሚል ርዕስ በወንጌላዊ ዘገየ መኮንን የቀረበ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል መልዕክት። መነሻ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ክፍል፡ 1 ቆሮ. 1፡26-31፣ ኤር. 9፡23-24 ሌሎች የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ክፍሎች፡ ኤር. 7፡16-18፣ 8፡4-7፣ 9፡14-15 ፣ ገላ. 6፡12-15፣ ሮሜ 6:6፣ 1 ቆሮ. 6፡11
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Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 3 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we look at waiting in God. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, contentment and gratitude. Lo…
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Be Steadfast
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1:11:24Di Stephen Sherman
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Anchors of Our Faith Pt. 2
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1:47:21Di Pastor Ben Aguirre
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Di Stephen Sherman
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Basic Anchors for the Faith
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1:19:09Pastor Ben Aguirre Wednesday 02\12\2025Di Pastor Ben Aguirre
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“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” – Psalm 115:1 Second Reading: Jeremiah 13:1-11, Ephesians 13-14 2/9/25Di Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
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The path to victory over life's struggles in only by the power of the indwelling Spirit of Jesus Christ. --Pastor Tim Rice, speaking at Christian Fellowship Church in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota on 2-9-2025Di Christian Fellowship Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
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Today, Pastor Michael Acock speaks in week 2 of the series called "Living the Given Life". This will be a 5-week series looking at the practical rhythms of everyday life and how God intersects us in those places. Today we look at accepting the humanity of our limitations. Receiving what God is giving to you in life and finding both satisfaction, co…
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"ፈተናን መለየትና ማሸነፍ!" በሚል ርዕስ በወንድም እምነት ካሳ የቀረበ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል መልዕክት። መነሻ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ክፍል፡ ያዕ. 1፡1-6 ሌሎች የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ክፍሎች፡ ማቴ. 26፡51፣ 1 ቆሮ. 10፡12 የክርስቲያን ፈተና ዓይነቶች/ክርስቲያን በማን ሊፈተን ይችላል? 1) ክርስቲያን በእግዚአብሔር ሊፈተን ይችላል። ዘፍ.22፡1-8 2) ክርስቲያን በራሱ ምኞት ሊፈተን ይችላል። ያዕ. 1፡12-15 3) ክርስቲያን ስለወንጌል መከራ/ፈተና ሊደርስበት ይችላል። ሐዋ. 14፡22 4) ክርስቲያን በሰይጣን ሊፈተን ይችላል። ማቴ. 4፡1-፣ ኤፌ. 6፡1…
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Di Sr. Pastor Emogene Ingram
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Di Stephen Sherman
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Chris Holland
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1:29:25Di Chris Holland
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Di Sr. Pastor Emogene Ingram
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Di Sr. Pastor Emogene Ingram
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“In you, O Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me; incline your ear to me and save me. Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress, to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel. For you, O Lord, ar…
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Di Stephen Sherman
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Priorities Pt 3
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1:09:37Di Pastor Ben Aguirre
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Christians are to be discipled and make disciples. --Pastor Tim Rice, speaking at Christian Fellowship Church in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota on 2-2-2025Di Christian Fellowship Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
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