A podcast for Catholic disciples who are wrestling to be missionary-minded in their normal, everyday lives. Joseph and Crystal were Catholic missionaries for over a decade with FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, serving at MIT, UW Madison, Carnegie Mellon University, Western Washington University, and then at a parish in Jackson, Michigan. They're now the co-founders of Our Outpost Marriage Ministry, Inc., a marriage ministry seeking to awaken authentic Catholic culture t ...
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We're joined with Amanda Teixeira, co-founder of WalletWin, to talk about her time as a full-time missionary and the lessons and fruit that came from years with FOCUS and beyond! Hear how she was at the beginning of both FOCUS Greek and FOCUS Summer Projects! In January 2012, FOCUS missionary Amanda Teixeira, and her husband, Jonathan, had $25,000 …
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Soren and Ever Johnson are founders of Trinity House, and Joseph had a chance to sit down with Soren and discuss what makes a home really imitate the love of the Trinity. The mission of Trinity House Community is to inspire families to make home a taste of heaven for the renewal of faith and culture. Consider launching a Trinity House Community Gro…
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"Remember Man that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return!" There's no time like Lent to reflect a little more deeply on death. Find the catechism section here: https://www.vatican.va/content/catechism/en/part_one/section_two/chapter_three/article_11/ii_dying_in_christ_jesus.html As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at ht…
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Deacon Luke Oestman, longtime missionary with FOCUS and director of St. Timothy Fellows, joins the podcast to share his passion for the Father's blessing! You can find Deacon Luke here: https://focus.org/missionaries/luke-oestman/ As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platf…
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Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy House, with Dana K. White // Episode 218
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1:00:46Crystal had the opportunity to interview her favorite podcaster, Dana K. White, host of the podcast "A Slob Comes Clean." Dana just came out with a new book, Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy Home, and Crystal had a delightful time talking with her about it! Dana is the creator of the No Mess Decluttering Method and (much to her own surprise) a D…
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Turning the Hearts of Fathers to Their Children with Peter Herbeck // Episode 217
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1:03:47We had the delight of having Peter Herbeck, executive vice president of Renewal Ministries, on the podcast to unpack the last line of the last OT prophet, "He will turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents" (Malachi 4:6a). As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.or…
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What if having a family were a team sport? What if a lot of the loneliness and frustration of the home were from someone being guilty of poor sportsmanship? Jordan Langdon joins us to share her story of transformation, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did! Check out her work at https://www.familiesofcharacter.com/ As always, check out our wor…
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This topic probably deserves a longer episode treating it, but I really wanted to get some thoughts about feeling homeless from the two primary institutions (family and Church), and especially from feeling so from within the institutions. There are a great number of people who come to Mass and don't feel at home, just as there are a great many who …
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When we make invitations, we're making several statements all at once-- that we have something worth offering, that the other might receive, and that they're free to make a choice one way or another. If we don't make invitations, all three of those statements get called at least into question. Listen in to find out more! As always, check out our wo…
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Why would we want to improve? Joseph goes through the three main reasons-- and the third might not be what you expected! Listen in to find out more! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platform here catch our other podcast, Love Your Marriage, by clicking here: https://ou…
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In Dietrich von Hildebrand's epic tome, Transformation in Christ, he writes that the thing without which there is not the Christian life is a readiness to change. Listen in to find out more! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platform here catch our other podcast, Love Y…
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Merry Christmas, from Our Outpost to Yours! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platform here catch our other podcast, Love Your Marriage, by clicking here: https://ouroutpost.org/podcasts/ see what we have upcoming in terms of events here: https://ouroutpost.org/events/ …
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Am I my brother's keeper? Is he mine? What responsibility do we have to one another? Is the answer to Cain's question all that straightforward? Listen in to find out more! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platform here catch our other podcast, Love Your Marriage, by cl…
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A sixth-born and a twelfth-born walk onto a podcast... Joseph and his brother, Fr. Jacob, reflect on what openness to life means and goodness of having a large family. As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platform here catch our other podcast, Love Your Marriage, by clicki…
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Signs of Christmas are starting to appear everywhere-- in stores, on the radio, on lawns and across roofs, in homes, and we're wondering: is that a bad thing? Listen in to a discussion between Joseph and his brother, Fr. Jacob, about celebrating Christmas outside the Christmas season! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https…
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Scripture is shallow enough for a lamb to wade and deep enough for an elephant to bathe, so saith St. Gregory the Great. So for this episode, we'll do a shallow review of salvation history with little vignettes that show some of the depths to be plumbed. There are six main salvation history moments before Christ: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, …
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Christ is king, but not like any other king. His authority comes from a completely different way of conceptualizing power. The constrained vision of authority as a permanent power struggle is something Christ totally side-steps, and that changes how we understand Him, our role in the world, and our role in our homes. Listen in to find out more! And…
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If we believe in a God Who hears us, intercessory prayer makes all the sense in the world. And yet. And yet, sometimes we relegate intercessory prayer to the background. This episode explores three reasons Joseph might do so-- maybe one or more might strike home with you, too! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ourou…
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Creation, Fall, Incarnation, Salvation. The gospel, if anything, is a response to the brokenness we all experience (and participate in...). Here's a way to talk about it! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platform here catch our other podcast, Love Your Marriage, by cli…
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Evangelization has become something of a buzz-word in Catholic circles today. Worse than that, sometimes it takes on an inhuman and mechanistic tone that couldn't be further from the truth. So Joseph unpacks what he means by evangelization, and what he suspects the Church also means... Here's the cycle in picture form! If you're a Catholic husband …
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"Lord, don't trust Philip today." Simple, profound, hilarious, and supremely useful, this prayer has long been a favorite of Joseph's, and in this episode, he shares why. If you're a Catholic husband, you can sign up for 45 minutes with Joseph here: https://bookme.name/ouroutpost/45-minutes-with-joseph As always, check out our work, and join our em…
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This past Sunday's gospel reading was about the rich young man, and one thing that may not have been immediately evident is how tied it is to the notion of marriage. Listen in to find out more! If you're a Catholic husband, you can sign up for 45 minutes with Joseph! https://bookme.name/ouroutpost/45-minutes-with-joseph As always, check out our wor…
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Happy 200th episode, everybody!! Christ instituted seven sacraments. Three of them are sacraments of initiation, two of them are for healing, and two, friends, are ordered toward the salvation of other people. Those two sacraments are holy orders (deacons, priests, and bishops) and matrimony. Hear how we unpack how matrimony is meant to be an apost…
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Have you ever been to a talk on evangelizing and been told that everyone has a testimony to share? It's partially true. But where it's partially false, it can be extremely damaging to people. Because not everyone has a testimony to share right now, but everyone is in the midst of the greatest love story ever told. If you're a Catholic husband, feel…
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One thing missionaries need to be able to do is to start friendly conversations. Joseph may not be the most charming and extroverted fellow, but he spent years thinking and trying out different ways to start conversations with strangers-- here are some thoughts on the process! Here's a link for Catholic husbands to spend 45 minutes with Joseph: htt…
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One of Joseph's favorite questions to ask people is "What have you been reading recently?" It's both prompted great conversation, as well as produced a number of awkward moments. Matthew Kelly has said, "We become the books we read"-- so if we're interested in who people are and who they're becoming, what they're reading is incredibly important! He…
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We're in a pretty failure-averse world. There's not much mercy and not much margin for error in a world where our mistakes can be plastered across screens throughout the world. So how do we wrap our heads around failure, and what kinds of failure are out there? Turns out, there's at least three kinds of failures-- one for when we're learning and gr…
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Nathaniel Hawthorne has a lovely version of the story of King Midas, called "The Golden Touch," and Joseph read it aloud to his kids recently. While it's ostensibly about greed, it's also about exchanging real life for sterile, un-smellable, un-tasteable, un-nourishing shiny facsimiles. In other, unrelated news, how's your smartphone looking these …
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It's weird how scandalous it sounds, that life is worth living, sharing, and multiplying. But these are ways we're inclined to be, to behave, and to desire as human beings. So saith Aristotle, Aquinas, and me, your friendly neighborhood podcaster. (Joseph did mis-speak-- it's in question 94, article 2, not question 86, of first part of the second p…
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Our social fabric is threadbare these days, and making invitations is our way of re-enforcing, patching, and strengthening society. Joseph talks about having invite-to-able lives, about making clear invitations, and handling rejection. Those are the things he needs to hear, so he's guessing you might too! On our website, if Catholic husbands have a…
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How proud am I? Do I think I'm wiser than I really am? Do I think I'm stronger than I really am? Do I think I'm more excusable than I really am? Probably. And that, my friends, is prideful. Listen in to find out more! Here's the website for Catholic singles (aged 22-35ish): https://ouroutpost.org/dating/ As always, check out our work, and join our …
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If we want to live in harsh conditions, we could wear appropriate equipment, we could change the conditions, or (maybe impossibly) we could change ourselves to adapt to those conditions. If we want to live in perfect love, there's a temptation to either become superficial or water down what it means to live perfect love, while the only real option …
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Marriage can be great for many reasons, but its greatness is not one of the reasons Joseph talks about getting married. What does he talk about? The sacrament of marriage fundamentally re-orients us to with respect to time, it stitches together a broken society, and the process of finding a spouse can and should help raise the collective bar for me…
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Here's the text of the passage from Mark 4:35-41: On that day, as evening drew on, Jesus said to his disciples: “Let us cross to the other side.” Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him. A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. J…
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Aristotle writes about three different kinds of friendship in the Nicomachean Ethics. It's not uncommon to hear talks about friendship, and how of the three kinds, the best/truest kind of friendship needs to be focused on. We even have some episodes about that very thing. But what Joseph noticed recently is that we're suffering not just from a lack…
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While the Grubers have started a marriage ministry, that also serves Catholic singles, Joseph has been moonlighting as one of the pilot-ers of the pilot initiative of the Knights of Columbus, Cor. It's been a very different way to serve men in the community, both from what the Knights have been doing as well as from what Joseph has been doing. You …
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Changing the Dating Culture with MaryRose Depperschmidt // Episode 186
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1:02:07We are delighted to share a conversation with MaryRose Depperschmidt with you all! She is the host of two podcasts, The Crab and the Cross and The Catholic Dating Podcast. Our conversation ranged all over, getting some of her story, her takes on the dating culture, and some really interesting dives into issues facing men and women today. We hope yo…
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How to Organize Your Life and Make Sense of Your Vocation with Andy Hickman // Episode 185
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1:18:05We're delighted to be joined by Andy Hickman, whose approach to work and organization somehow, and we're not sure how, contains elements that appeal to both Joseph and Crystal, who have...very different approaches to work and organization. Andy Hickman is the Founder of hēl, a ground breaking art form for clarifying thoughts, healing emotions, and …
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John Michael Talbot joins us for an engaging conversation about his life, his conversion, and his thoughts on Christian community and how lacking the American church is in contemplative prayer and the contemplative life. Joseph read his latest book, an autobiography, and recommends it to all of our listeners! If you haven't heard John Michael Talbo…
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If you asked Saint Paul to boil down his beliefs-- where they came from, what they are, and who they're for-- you couldn't get much better than what he offers at the end of 1 Corinthians. We're blessed with a Catholic anthropologist uncle again on this episode, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did! As always, check out our work, and join our …
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Jim Jansen, an accomplished evangelist, author, and all-around good guy, joins us for a conversation revolving around his book, "A Clear Path of Discipleship." We talk about what most parishes are missing, and also talk about how to apply the principles that he lays out in his book to family life, too. Heartily recommend giving this episode a liste…
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Music in the Home and the Liturgy with JohnMarc Skoch // Episode 181
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1:01:43We're joined with JohnMarc Skoch-- musician, missionary, man of God, and all-around great guy-- to talk about the role of music in the home and in the liturgy. JohnMarc Skoch is the Director of Music for FOCUS, as well as a Senior Regional Director in FOCUS. Not only did he compose the music that he permitted to be used in our intro and outro, he w…
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How do we foster healthy masculinity in a world that is skeptical that such a thing even exists? We have John Bishop, founder of FORGE, on for an exciting discussion of things men can do to form the next generation of men. His website is here: https://myforge.org/ John started his professional career working at the Fellowship of Catholic University…
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Friendship! It's one of those things that, without which, we can't really say we're happy. We gave a talk to a group of missionaries a few weeks ago on this topic, and we cover not only the standard friendships of use/pleasure/virtue, but also what the levels of intimacy are, and how to communicate truth, goodness, and beauty to a friend on the reg…
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Marriage, that bedrock of society, is a little bit crumbling these days. So we invited Pete Burak, from Renewal Ministries, to talk with us about it. Pete has spent many years investing deeply in that vaguely defined group known as Catholic Young Adults, so if anyone has a clue about what's going on with this demographic, it's probably him. Find mo…
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The Sacrifice of Isaac: An Avuncular Episode with a Catholic Anthropologist // Episode 177
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1:14:52One of the most jarring stories of all of Scripture, the sacrifice of Isaac invites deeper and deeper exploration. Come with us and an uncle as we go line by line through this densely told story from Genesis! As always, check out our work, and join our email list, at https://ouroutpost.org/ join our free resource library platform here catch our oth…
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'Tis the season to make goals, resolutions, pacts, vows, and Exoduses... And if you haven't taken time to consider what your hopes and dreams are, maybe now is a good time! We talk about common reasons to avoid our hopes and dreams, and then why it might be a good idea for them to see the light of day. Happy New Year! If you want some help to re-co…
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Romans 12:1-2 sounds an awful like we're all priests in the new covenant, with no room for a set-apart priesthood a la Leviticus...or does it? Always a joy to have Fr. Jacob with us, and we hope you enjoy as well! If you've been missing us (and we've been missing you too), we'll be offering a live video workshop with the founders of WalletWin! Plan…
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Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, we don't recommend listening with children present (you probably figured that out by the title, though...) We are delighted to have Steve Pokorny on our podcast to talk about his story and his mission! Steve Pokorny is the founder of Freedom Coaching (found at freedom-coaching.net), a one-to-one mission for…
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We have a great guest on, Daniel Boyd, who has spent years working to support the Catholic Church, with everything from campus ministry through RCIA through consulting to having a lovely marriage. And, almost needless to say, he has spent years letting the Catholic Church support him. We talk about some of the ideas from Msgr. Shea's little book, F…
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