A podcast for people like me who have a fascination with cults, their leaders and their inner workings. Features well know cults, lesser known cults, groups with cult like tendencies and cults in South Africa.
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If you have been extremely hateful for decades, and in that time taught others to be equally as hateful, what will happen if you suddenly have a change of heart. Will this flock who have been so devoted to your teachings listen, or will they reject you, just like you taught them to reject those who did not have the same opinion as you? EMOTIONAL AS…
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A well-respected lawyer loses his right to practice. This man, who thrives on power and loves to argue now has a lot of time on his hands, time and anger. But where or to whom will he direct this anger towards? EMOTIONAL ASSISTANCE: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-…
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When a grandfather and his grandson go for a leisurely bicycle ride in their local park, the grandfather spots two men who look like they are soliciting his grandson. This interaction will kick off a picketing campaign that will bring a small church with some very strict beliefs to the forefront. EMOTIONAL ASSISTANCE: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South …
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This week we will be taking a break from the heavy material and look at a brand new belief system. Who knows, maybe one of you have already been touched by His noodly appendage. #Cults #cultsandextremebeliefs #decodingcults EMOTIONAL ASSISTANCE: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.…
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In this the conclusion of our deep dive into Papa Pilgrim, we follow the family to the Alaskan Wilderness, and see how his reign of terror finally ends. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.ch…
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This week we continue with the family's life in New Mexico, we delve a bit more into Papa's relationship with his daughter and we unpack a few more of his cult-like rules. #cultsandextremebeliefs #cults #decodingcults Emotional assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/ho…
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In this week's episode we will continue with Bobby's journey home after South America and follow his evolution from being a hippie who was into meditation to a fanatical Christian. #cults #decodingcults #papapilgrim EMOTIONAL ASSISTANCE: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotl…
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How does a young man with everything going for him become cult-leader like over his own family? Over the next few episodes we will look into the life of Robert Alan Hale and how he went from a boy with the whole world ahead of him to what he would eventually become. EMOTIONAL ASSISTANCE:\ Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety G…
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This week we will look finish with Lev Tahor, we will look at their time in Guatemala and what happened from there. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. Contact Decoding Cu…
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This week we follow Shlomo to Canada, we discover what new rules he puts on place and see how the authorities catch up with him there. EMOTIONAL ASSISTANCE: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. …
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When a young man raised as a secular Jew in Israel find his way to religion, to some this may be beautiful, but in this case it leads to a lot of anguish for his eventual followers. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or …
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In this, the final episode on this group, we will follow the last few years of the group, how Katie finally found freedom and the ultimate end to Bala's tyranny. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website …
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In this week's episode, we will be continuing in 1980 and also take a closer look at the beliefs and practices of the group. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. Contact us…
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This week we delve into a small political cult that was around for almost 40 years right in the heart of London and no one realised what was happening. Decoding Cults Facebook Group · By Design Crafts SA · Endeavour AV · YouTube Channel · Facebook GroupDi Paulsy
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In this our last episode on this group we will be looking at the further growth of the group and what has happened with them recently. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. …
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In this week's episode we are going to delve into some more of the group's beliefs and then continue on with their history. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. Contact Us:…
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In this episode, we will be looking into a bit more of the group's history and also touch on some of their beliefs. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. Contact Us: decodin…
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The twelve tribes describe themselves as a religious communal group. But underneath there are some questionable practices. In this episode we will be delving into the early life of the group's founder as well as how the group grew and expanded. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 …
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This week we continue our conversation with Daniel Schricker. We learn a little more about him and he gives us some valuable insights into the mission. You can follow Daniel on Twitter @ComposerDan90 We will be taking a 4 week break. Happy Holidays, stay safe and see you in the new year. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African D…
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Daniel Schricker, PhD is a composer and writer based in Adelaide, Australia. He completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the university of Adelaide, being awarded a PHD in 2020. His doctoral research examined Arnold Schoenberg’s concept of developing variation from a compositional perspective. Other areas of interest include cults and fr…
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This week we continue our conversation with Erika. I really hope that you enjoy this episode! Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Contact Decoding Cults: dec…
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Erika Bornman is a writer and editor in the magazine publishing industry. She is also a whistleblower and an Author. Her book is called Mission of Malice, my exodus from Kwasizabantu. It was one of the books I used as a research reference when I looked into the KSB mission. Her biggest drive is to make the world a better place, especially for child…
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In today's episode we will be looking at what happened when the story broke, the aftermath thereof and look at some of those who came to the mission's defense. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at…
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In this episode we will be delving into a few more of the practices at the mission and see what happens to those who leave. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. Contact: de…
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In this episode we are going to delve into some more of the beliefs and practices within the mission and some of the shocking allegations that have come to light. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website…
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Now that we have had a look at the history of the mission, in this week's episode, we will delve a little into the hierarchy at the mission, then we will unpack some of the practices with a focus on family and children. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/…
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Nestled in The Valley of a Thousand Hills in Kwa-Zulu Natal is a mission called KwaSizabantu. In isiZulu this means the place where people are helped. This week we will look at the political and cultural climate that helped this mission thrive. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 …
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Shots ring out, a frantic phone call is made to the local sheriff's office and then the standoff begins. In this the final episode of this particular group, we will be looking at the tragic loss of life and the end of David and his closest followers. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 08…
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In our penultimate episode on this group, we look at the internal and external events that would lead up to the ultimate and tragic end of David and his followers. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their websit…
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In this episode we will unpack the daily life of Vernon Howell’s followers now that they had regained ownership of the compound and how Vernon’s teachings became more and more cult-like. Emotional Assistance Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline…
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In this episode, we will look at the showdown between George Roden and Vernon Howell, who won, and what happened next. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za 116 to reach Childline or go to their website at www.childlinesa.org.za. Contact: decodin…
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In this episode, we will look at the two factions that sprung from the Branch Davidians and how they collided. We will also look at the life of a young man named Vernon Howell and how he rose up the ranks and gained the trust of the followers. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 1…
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In this episode we will focus on a branch that split off from the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Davidian Seventh Day Adventists also known as the Shepard’s Rod Seventh Day Adventists or The Rod. And how they became the Branch Davidians. I am going to cover this group over quite a few episodes because there is tons of information on them, and if you a…
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In two of our previous episodes, I had referred to the Waco standoff and I wanted to tell you that story, but the more I researched the further back I had to go to understand how they ended up where they did. Thus, I ended up right at the beginning which is the start of the Millerite movement and the creation of the Seventh-day Adventist church. In…
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Today’s episode will be a bit different from the ones before as I had the privilege to interview Luke Lamprecht. Luke is an amazing activist for women, men and children who have suffered from all types of abuse. He has qualifications in mental health, diet and nutrition, health and fitness to name a few and he is currently completing an MSc in Neur…
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At this point in time the Buddhafield group is still pretty benign, but then they go on the run and grave secrets come to light. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za Contact: decodingcults@gmail.com bydesigncraftssa@gmail.com By Design Crafts SA…
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In the 1960’s the golden age of Hollywood’s studio system was declining with the dominance of Television. A young Venezuelan man with stars in his eyes moves to America to fulfil his dreams of fame. When he doesn’t make it big on the ballet stage or on the big screen, he decides to find adoration in other ways. Emotional Support: Lifeline – 0861 32…
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In this episode, we will be focusing on the growth of the cult, the beliefs and daily lives of the followers within the movement, we will also see how it came to an end and the aftermath. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za Contact: decodingcul…
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In 1960 Paul Kashaku, a farmer with a small farmstead in the hill country, claimed that he had a vision. In this vision, his deceased daughter Evangelista had appeared to him and foretold that he would be visited by “apparitions from heaven”. This came to fruition in 1988 when he said that he had been visited by St Joseph, Mary and Jesus. He claime…
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1750km east of northern Australia, in the South Pacific Ocean lies the Republic of Vanuatu. This republic is made up of 83 islands created by volcanic residue of which 65 are populated. This nation has been voted the happiest place in a world a few times. Emotional assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG)…
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In this episode we will look at the way in which Heaven’s Gate grew and developed its beliefs within the changing times, how it ultimately ended for the away team and how that impacted those who were left behind. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotline…
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The son of a Presbyterian minister with multiple degrees, seeking something more in life. A compassionate nurse with four children and a passion for astrology, Theosophy and the occult looking for a kindred spirit. Their paths cross, they become deeply intertwined and from there a new movement is born. Emotional Assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 …
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In this episode we will look at the birth, rise and the ultimate fall of the Seven Angels Ministry. Numbers for emotional assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za email: decodingcults@gmail.com YouTube Channel · Facebook Group…
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Nestled in the beautiful mountains of the Eastern Cape in South Africa is a community of devout Christians who were so taken by their pastor that they could not see his true colours. Numbers for emotional assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za Contact: deco…
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A quick introduction to the Decoding Cults podcast. Numbers for emotional assistance: Lifeline – 0861 322 322 South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) – 0800 12 13 14 Opencounseling.com/hotlines-za Facebook Group · YouTube Channel · Facebook GroupDi Paulsy
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