A collection of media, reflections, and resources from our weekend gatherings. For additional information on Ecclesia Houston visit us online at http://ecclesiahouston.org
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What is God’s blessing for you? Through the story of Jacob, Pastor Sean invites us to reflect on this question and challenges us to be curious about who God is shaping us to be.Di Sean Palmer
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As we look ahead to a new year, Pastor Wayne shares a message about the ways we must live and love in order to become the best version of ourselves that includes being humble, staying curious, and practicing gratitude.Di Wayne Brown
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Love is a word that is used loosely in our Western culture, so what do it really mean to love someone, much less to love all? In today's mesage Pastor Sean challenges us to a deeper love by being willing to sacrifice for those around us.Di Pastor Sean Palmer
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How do you give gifts that matter? In a season where gift-giving is front of mind, it can be easy to be swept away into a consumer mindset. Pastor Chris invites us to give better gifts to the people we love.Di Chris Seay
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Pastor Sean teaches on what and how we spend with and through ourselves in the Advent season.Di Sean Palmer
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When was the last time you did anything fully? On this first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Sean challenges us to consider our presence as an act of worship. In an age of distraction, what would it mean to be fully present with the people in the room with us?Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Chris shares a message that bridges our series in Acts with Advent that emphasizes our role in the Kingdom of God and that together we are the Priesthood of Believers able to make a tangible impact in our community and around the world.Di Chris Seay
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Today Ericka Graham concludes the series on the Book of Acts with a message about the ways that the Holy Spirit is a force for unity and love.Di Ericka Graham
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How do Christians view their role in advocating for and holding positions of power? In the wake of the election, Pastor Chris recenters our focus on continuing to be the people of faith that God has called us to be and to not be distracted by the allure of power.Di Pastor Chris Seay
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Di Chris Seay
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Who are you becoming? God calls us into transformation and renewal and urges us to leave behind the "old self" and embrace the new identity offered in Christ. Pastor Sean challenges us to examine areas in our lives where we might be clinging to a past belief or bias.Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Sean continues our series in Acts with stories from Scripture and his own life. We get to hear how Peter learns that God builds no walls or barriers and that the Kingdom of God is an abundant, ever expanding movement of inclusivity and love.Di Sean Palmer
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Ericka Graham leads us through one of the most important biblical stories of our faith with the transformation of Saul to Paul. Ericka reminds us that through Jesus we have experienced this transformation alongside people in our lives.Di Ericka Graham
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What masks do you wear with God, others, or yourself? Ericka Graham closes out the series on the Rhythms of Ecclesia, with Be Real. In being real, we acknowledge our weaknesses and openly share with others during our times of celebration, mourning, and the things that lie in between.Di Ericka Graham
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Today we celebrated 25 years of loving and serving our community in Houston and across the globe. Hospitality is at the core of Ecclesia's ethos, and Pastor Chris celebrated stories of hospitality in and around our community of faith.Di Chris Seay
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At Ecclesia, we believe that we are created to be open to sharing time, talents, and resources with others in love. Pastor Chris encourages us to see serving not as an obligation but rather as a life-giving joy.Di Chris Seay
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What does it mean to truly be kind? It's more than being nice or polite. Kindness is something we give without expecting anything in return. This week Pastor Sean offers insights and stories into what true kindness looks like and how you can offer it to those around you.Di Sean Palmer
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How do we orient our lives around beauty? Pastor Chris encourages us to take the time to reflect on the beauty in the world around us.Di Chris Seay
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Pastor Sean shares how Jesus invites us to seek the kingdom of God and what that looks like in our daily lives.Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Chris sets up our fall series by reminding our community of a few postures we hold as a community that is committed to unity, diversity, and rhythms of life.Di Chris Seay
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Pastor Chris talks about the roots of Ecclesia, telling stories and sharing scripture that motivated him to start Ecclesia Houston 25 years ago.Di Chris Seay
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Today our dear friend, Dave Gibbons, visited us as a guest speaker to share about his experiences growing up as an Asian-American, how the events of his life lead him to grow in God's love and grace, and his journey to discover forgiveness. These stories and many more are a part of his memoir, The Shape of My Eyes.…
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Why do we care when things are broken? Pastor Sean concludes our series on the Fruit of the Spirit by speaking on Peace. We are invited to see the fragmentation in our lives as opportunities to seek repair and peace.Di Sean Palmer
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Is knowledge alone enough for spiritual growth? Ericka Graham invites us to explore experiential knowledge that transcends our minds and engages our hearts.Di Ericka Graham
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Pastor Sean invites us to examine how we embody the fruit of the Spirit by beginning with Love; it all begins with Love.Di Sean Palmer
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Kicking off our new series, Pastor Chris invites us to view our spiritual growth and maturity through the lens of a vineyard. He offers a few ways of living that help cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives.Di Chris Seay
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Pastor Sean continues the friendship sermon series by telling stories from his life as well as from Scripture. He talks about the different types of healthy friendships and what they look like in action.Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Chris launches our new series around Friendship with a look at what the Scriptures and C.S Lewis say about the value of true friends.Di Chris Seay
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If you look around, it feels like the world is going crazy, and the decisions we make are incredibly important to be the type of church and be the type of people that Jesus has called us to be. That means we tune out the noise, remember THE story, never give in to fear, and no matter what, be a blessing. Today Pastor Chris wraps up our series on Ac…
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Pastor Ericka shares a message about how we, as people of God, are empowered by the Holy Spirit by love and to love every 'other' on our journey, even our enemies.Di Ericka Graham
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This week Pastor Sean preaches on Acts 8:26- 40 and discusses topics of inclusion and our ability to see ourselves in scripture, and most importantly, that Jesus is for everyone.Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Sean Palmer challenges us to rethink how we view power. Through the book of Acts and the story of the Civil Rights movement, we are invited to see the way that real lasting change is made through everyday actions.Di Sean Palmer
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Rochelle Palmer tells stories of mothers in her life with beautiful and tragic stories, and shares how Jesus and the disciples taught us how to journey through life holding grief and joy all at the same time.Di Rochelle Palmer
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Pastor Sean Palmer continues through our series in the book of Acts sharing and invites us to consider whether we value people or what a relationship can give us. Through the story of Peter's imprisonment and release, we see how the early Church began to grow.Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Chris invites us into a new initiative inspired by the actions of Barnabas from the Book of Acts.Di Chris Seay
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Ericka Graham challenges us to believe and see the power of resurrection in our everyday lives. She guides us through chapters 3 & 4 of the Book of Acts and leads us to three important points: 1. God often invites us to heal, instead of offering us what we "want" 2. Resurrection is a beginning and not an ending 3. The church is not in the business …
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Pastor Sean is continuing the sermon series on the book of Acts and shares stories from scripture in Acts 2. He invites us to consider that the Holy Spirit dwells in us all and that God's good news is good for ALL, no matter who you are, what you've done or where you're from.Di Sean Palmer
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This week Pastor Chris launches a new series called 'Beyond Us" where we will be joining together to read through the book of Acts and learning what it means to be a Christian and be the church in our diverse context.Di Chris Seay
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He Is Risen! Ecclesia family we wish you a very Happy Easter as we celebrate Jesus' resurrection through story, song and worship.Di Chris Seay
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What do a mustard seed and Palm Sunday have in common? Ericka Graham continues our series looking at the parables of Jesus and examines the theology of a mustard seed.Di Ericka Graham
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Pastor Sean continues our series through the parables in the book of Matthew by focusing on the "Parable of the Unforgiving Servant". Jesus challenges us to choose into Kingdom living through virtue instead of value.Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Chris leads us through the parable of the wedding banquet and shows us how we were made to celebrate the joy and fulfillment found in accepting God's invitation to be part of His kingdom. We learn that our purpose is to experience the abundant life that God offers through a relationship with Him. Celebrating encompasses a life filled with gr…
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Pastor Chris invites us to reflect on our freely given, not earned, grace and what that means for how we live, work, and love as people of God.Di Chris Seay
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Pastor Chris takes us to the Colombia/Venezuela border and shares about the work and lives of our partners at La Frontera Church. Continuing in our series on the parables of Jesus, Pastor Chris encourages us be the type of people who act our of faith and not fear and invest what we've been given to God.…
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Our new series "The Kingdom" focuses on the parables of Jesus in the book of Matthew. Pastor Sean invites us into the parable of the sower to wrestle with the question "Does what I do or who I invest into really matter?"Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Sean Palmer finishes our series "Hearing The Voice" with practical wisdom for reading the Bible.Di Sean Palmer
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Pastor Chris invites us to read the bible with Jesus as the cornerstone and how that will inform the reflection of our shared humanity and belovedness.Di Chris Seay
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Pastor Sean Palmer explores the role of the prophets in the Old Testament and invites us to consider our own role in our world today. The prophets came with a Kingdom vision in a silencing culture to bring justice and call people back to God .Di Sean Palmer
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Join us for week 2 of Hearing the Voice, series on reading, understanding, and growing in appreciation of The Bible. This week pastor Chris discusses the ways ancient cultures interpreted the events of their lives through the story of Abraham and Isaac and challenged us with the idea that our salvation isn't about us and that there is nothing we ca…
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Pastor Sean reminds us of how the story of humanity (our story) is reflected in scripture and what that means for how we live and relate to each other.Di Sean Palmer
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