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The great mind of Aflojack provides you with a space to freely discuss pop culture and bs without fear of being judged. As the black sheep of the family, this duo discusses the latest music and film releases, the impact they have in our daily lives, and how they can relate back to issues we all go through in life, especially in our twenties. Have no expectations, just listen to De Blek Sheep. ig: @debleksheepodcast
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La storia è fatta dagli uomini. Eppure le donne hanno contribuito allo stesso modo allo sviluppo storico, politico e culturale, seppur spesso dimenticate dai libri.Questo podcast è un piccolo omaggio alle loro vite.Ogni martedì, vi racconterò in meno di 10 minuti le loro storie, sperando che siano di ispirazione a molti all'ascolto.
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English and French available below. Il Novecento è stato un secolo di guerre e miserie, ma al tempo stesso di grande prosperità e bellezza. Riviste come Vogue e Vanity Fair sono stati i luoghi in cui la fotografia ha provato a raccontare il mutare delle epoche e l’evoluzione dello stile nel passaggio da un decennio all’altro. “Chronorama. Istantanee dal Novecento” è un racconto audio in tre parti che ci porta all’interno della mostra “Chronorama. Tesori fotografici del 20° secolo” in apertur ...
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Learning a fast-paced language like Italian can be challenging, so SBS Italian is here to make it easier with 'Slow Italian, Fast Learning'. Hear news updates from the journalists at SBS Italian, spoken at a slower pace. Listen to an episode each week and fast track your language learning! Find transcripts for each episode in Italian and English on our website. - Noi di SBS Italian ci rendiamo conto che, per chi sta imparando l'italiano, il nostro ritmo in onda può essere troppo veloce e dif ...
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Million Business Radio

Adelina Mihaylova

Ogni mese
Million Business Radio - La prima radio interattiva dedicata agli imprenditori. Creata da imprenditori per imprenditori Gli show: 1. [Make Italy Great Again - I Segreti del Successo] I più grandi imprenditori italiani raccontano le loro storie di Successo. Ruba i loro modelli di business 2. [WoMarketing - Come conquistare il mondo business su un tacco 12] Le donne nel business sono altrettanto di Successo! Se sei una donna, ispirati della loro storie! 3. [Champions - Alimentazione e integraz ...
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Radio Raheem

Ogni mese
Spassolini è il programma di Radio Raheem e Chiara Galeazzi sulla comicità con un obiettivo molto poco divertente: analizzare cosa fa ridere oggi, cosa ha fatto ridere in passato e in quali contesti. Conduce Chiara Galeazzi, autrice TV e giornalista.
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Ciao, io sono Alexander, un tizio al quale piace parlare di giochi da tavolo, serie tv, videogiochi, fumetti, giochi di ruolo, film e altre nerdate! Tu, invece, non so come ti chiami ma sei su GDTLive, un Podcast che, essendo il mio, parla proprio di queste cose qua! Novità, curiosità, interviste, recensioni e voci di corridoio, dall'Italia e dall'estero in un formato leggero e tascabile! Segui il Podcast e aggiungilo ai tuoi social e ai tuoi feed preferiti, clicca qui:
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show series
Australia's most famous maritime asset, the Great Barrier Reef, is under threat like never before. An education project aims to turn tourists into reef advocates. - La più famosa risorsa marittima dell'Australia, la Grande Barriera Corallina, è minacciata come non mai. Un progetto mira a trasformare i turisti in sostenitori.…
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Picture the stereotypical Viking - tall, bearded, adorned with a horned helmet, and almost certainly male. But now, a new exhibit at Denmark’s National Museum is exploring the history of a mysterious female Viking sorceress known as the Völva. - Immaginate lo stereotipo del vichingo: alto, barbuto, ornato da un elmo cornuto e quasi certamente masch…
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Australian animated television series 'Bluey' has been recognised for its cultural impact and international success at the Australian High Commission in London. - La serie televisiva animata australiana “Bluey” è stata premiata dall'Alta Commissione australiana a Londra per il suo impatto culturale e il suo successo internazionale.…
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Our 3rd season finale deserved to be dedicated to one of the most emotional final scenes in cinema. Directed by Mike Newell in 2003, Mona Lisa Smile proved to be way ahead of its time in the representation of female characters. A conservative women's college in Massachusetts offers the perfect scenario for a collision of ideologies on the role that…
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The program is aimed at getting children active and engaged, coming from an area with a high migrant and refugee population. - Il programma mira a rendere attivi e impegnati i bambini che provengono da un'area ad alta densità di immigrati e rifugiati.
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We know that not everybody understands the importance of ranting, but in this house, we respect the fact that sometimes a b*tch needs to complain. In this season’s final session for the Sheep In Wolf's Clothing series, Aflojack reflects on this past six months struggles, and prepares mentally to face the upcoming challenges. ig: @debleksheepodcast …
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Another piece of queer history resurrected by a Netflix production. The story delves into the life and story of Bayard Rustin, the man behind the iconic march for black rights in 1963: that day Martin Luther King gave his iconic "I have a dream" speech, and to this day that is considered a pivotal moment in the history of civil rights movements. In…
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The beloved little beetle is taking on a new role as a pest killer, thanks to new research from Murdoch University. - Uno studio condotto alla Murdoch University ha dimostrato che quando le coccinelle vengono introdotte agli psillidi abbastanza presto nel loro ciclo di vita, possono imparare a riconoscerli come prede preferite.…
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Just like every other person living in their twenties, we've had thoughts and doubts, we have been wondering what is our role on this earth only to get frightened by our expectations. In other (more dramatic) words: We've been having existential crises. Some might say that we are thinking too much about ourselves, but I believe that sensible souls …
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Farmers in India are switching to so-called 'natural' farming practices to make their crops more resilient to extreme weather. - Gli agricoltori indiani stanno passando a pratiche agricole cosiddette “naturali” per rendere le loro colture più resistenti alle condizioni climatiche estreme.
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The giant kangaroos - called 'Protemnodon' bounced on the earth between five million until 40 thousand years ago. - I canguri giganti, chiamati “Protemnodonti”, balzavano sulla terra tra i cinque milioni e i 40 mila anni fa.
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Written and directed by David Robert Mitchell in 2018, "Under The Silver Lake" is a story about the search for a greater meaning. The protagonist, Sam, played by Andrew Garfield, starts investigating after a girl in his apartment complex disappears mysteriously. In his quest to find this girl, Sam unravels the mysteries behind a privileged secret s…
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Every month we take you in a new comfort-free journey, and this time, @ticketsfor_two are the ones in wolf's clothing. Between hostels at 3€, open air kitchens, and some rats, Giorgia and Luca took the stepping out of comfort to the next level. Today, they share with us their new incredible journey. ig: @deblecksheepodcast tt: @aflojack Luca and Gi…
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The initiative comes as migrants continue to be over-represented in Australia's drowning statistics. - L'iniziativa nasce nel momento in cui gli immigrati continuano a essere sovrarappresentati nelle statistiche australiane sugli annegamenti.
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At the beginning of May one movie caught all the internet's attention, and it's the latest Luca Guadagnino movie "Challengers", starring Zendaya, Mike Faist, and Josh O'Connor. This feature tells the story of three young tennis players who…get involved…let's leave it like that, and taught us that tennis is so much more than sweat and adrenaline. ig…
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Measles is one of the world's most contagious diseases and was technically eliminated in Australia in 2014 thanks to vaccination. Still, the World Health Organization warns that there is a risk of “disruptive” outbreaks if immunisation rates are not kept high. - Il morbillo è una delle malattie più contagiose al mondo ed è stato tecnicamente elimin…
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Everything we do, we do with passion. This includes love, but most importantly: hate. Today's session is entirely dedicated to the TV characters that almost made us quit our favourite series because of how insufferable they were. Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, and many other iconic shows earned their place in today's episode thanks…
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‘Draw Out Some Cash Day’ started as an online petition, protesting the declining use of cash in everyday transactions. - Il “Draw Out Some Cash Day” è nato da una petizione online per protestare contro la diminuzione dell'uso del contante nelle transazioni quotidiane.
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While keeping up with a spring full of new releases from huge pop acts, we cannot not mention the latest release of the one and only Taylor Swift. "The Tortured Poets Department" took us by storm with its double album release and it will probably take us the whole month to process all those wonderful lyrics and all the things she decided to address…
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Ormai lo sapete. Oltre che qui, su GDTLive, potete ascoltarmi anche su Giochi sul nostro Podcast, il podcast del sito Giochi sul nostro Tavolo. Da quelle parti siamo in pieno clima pre Modena Play, e siccome ci siamo resi conto che i giochi da tavolo in uscita quest'anno saranno DAVVERO tanti, ci siamo detti: "perché non registrare un'anteprima del…
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In April's "Blunt Sesh," Aflojack contemplates the fading allure of "getting away with it" as adulthood and responsibility take the stage. This episode delves into the evolution of our ethical standards over time, drawing from personal experiences to illustrate the complexities of this shift. ig: @debleksheepodcast tt: @aflojack…
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The Federal Government has released its draft autism strategy, aimed at improving outcomes for autistic people in Australia. - Il governo federale australiano ha pubblicato la bozza della sua strategia per l'autismo, volta a migliorare i risultati per le persone autistiche in Australia.
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Released in 2014, written and directed by the great Damien Chazelle, Whiplash is a story about achieving perfection. With many spoilers, in this episode we discuss the main reasons why you should watch this film, in case you haven't yet. A final comparison with a well-known film from 2010 allows us to reflect on which methods might be more function…
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A parasite less than one millimetre long has the power to destroy the honey and agriculture industries. Now, around 200 beehives across the A-C-T and New South Wales will take part in a trial, in hopes of establishing a new system to detect and control the spread of varroa mite. - Un parassita lungo meno di un millimetro ha il potere di distruggere…
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Taking a step in creating something from scratch can be terrifying at times, and so is sitting in front of a professional telling you what is wrong in your creation. This past month Aflojack had their fair share of experiences with that, always together with our best friend: procrastination. ig: @debleksheepodcast tt: @aflojack…
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Founded in 1949 with a commitment to collective defence and peace, NATO's recent expansion represents a strategic shift, reinforcing unity against external threats, particularly from Russia. - Fondata nel 1949 con l'impegno alla difesa collettiva e alla pace, la recente espansione della NATO rappresenta un cambiamento strategico, rafforzando l'unit…
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With the release of Cowboy Carter in two days' time, we set the stage for Queen B by bringing you her First Act: Renaissance. This album is a phenomenon not only for the new masterpieces to groove to, but especially for the recognition it gives to ballroom houses and black and queer culture. In each of her songs, willingly or unwillingly, Beyoncè c…
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In questa puntata parliamo prima di Altay, Viking Route, Sylvan Dale e Eastern Empires! O meglio… Ne sentiremo parlare direttamente da chi li ha fatti: Ares Games. Dopodiché mi sono permesso di condividere qualche pensiero sulla scomparsa di Akira Toriyama. --- Unisciti a GDTLive ➜ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ In questa stagione testiamo una nu…
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Once a month Aflojack sits with a microphone and reports what did they experience this month to get out of their comfort zone. For the March issue, they were forced to approach random strangers, and quickly interview them (seriously thinking of turning this into a habit), but they were also faced with the ugly truth that adulthood sucks and dealing…
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Parkinson's disease is a degenerative condition without a known cure, but a Samba drumming class in Cardiff, Wales is having a surprising and beneficial effect on patients. - La malattia di Parkinson è una patologia degenerativa senza una cura conosciuta, ma un corso di samba a Cardiff, in Galles, sta avendo un effetto sorprendente e benefico sui p…
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As the 2023 award season comes to an end, Aflojack is reporting for duty as always, as We stayed up from home in Europe and watched the movie industry’s biggest night. We already went through our predictions for the winners and discussed the nominations in a previous episode - find it on our podcast page - and, I don’t want to brag, but we got a lo…
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Prima puntata della nuova stagione con una nuova formula! Quest'anno si parla di giochi da tavolo, serie TV, videogiochi, fumetti, giochi di ruolo, film… Insomma un po' di tutto, basta che sia roba geek! In questa puntata parliamo prima di Hazbin Hotel, una serie tv notevole, per tanti motivi, molti dei quali non sono nemmeno presenti nella serie! …
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In this new "Blunt Sesh" Aflojack tackles the stress that can come from the expectations of the future: having deadlines or life-changing moments can disorient you and make you lose track of the present times making it very difficult to enjoy everyday life. However, moving towards new things can also be challenging and exciting and lead you to bett…
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An international group of scientists has discovered more than 100 new species living on seamounts off the coast of Chile. - Un gruppo internazionale di scienziati ha scoperto più di 100 nuove specie che vivono nelle montagne sottomarine al largo delle coste del Cile.
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Dopo una pausa più lunga del previsto si ritorna carichi con una terza stagione! Questa è una puntata veloce, lo scopo è ripartire e presentare un paio di novità, che non sono tante ma molto interessanti! Fatemi sapere nei commenti cosa ne pensate! Vi ricordo che mi potete ascoltare anche su Giochi sul nostro Podcast, il podcast di Giochi sul nostr…
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Awards season is coming to an end. Although the past awards' ceremonies have already given us a good idea of which films will leave their mark on this year's cinematic landscape, we are confident in the revenge of some masterpieces. Noting the controversy surrounding the nominations that we all expected and were disappointed by, today we analyse ou…
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has signed a devolution agreement with the Indigenous territory of Nunavut. The deal gives the people of Nunavut control of their lands, including the right to collect mineral royalties that would otherwise go to the national government. - Il Primo Ministro canadese Justin Trudeau ha firmato un accordo di devo…
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Studies have shown that social isolation and loneliness can be the root causes of several health conditions. And while social isolation and loneliness are similar, health experts say there are important distinctions. - Alcuni studi hanno dimostrato che l'isolamento sociale e la solitudine possono essere alla base di diverse condizioni di salute. Se…
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As music's biggest night took place, Aflojack tried their best to get through the ceremony despite the timezones clash. A lot of big names attended the ceremony, as it happens every year, but this time was a little more special to us: from Beyonce to Jay-z, Taylor Swift and Lana del Rey hanging out together, Billie Eilish, Miley Cyrus.. it felt lik…
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Scientists say the successful pregnancy of a surrogate southern white rhino shows they can use IVF to preserve the more endangered and near extinct northern white rhino sub-species. - Secondo gli scienziati, il successo della gravidanza surrogata di un rinoceronte bianco meridionale dimostra che è possibile utilizzare la fecondazione in vitro per p…
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Emerging from the seemingly endless January, a new month has dawned, bringing with it the intriguing tale of the Sheep in Wolf's Clothing. This month, Aflojack has been a background actor and a film critic. Notably, one of these experiences might not have occurred if not for a previous challenge of this particular rubric. We hope our monthly out-of…
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