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Welcome to Get Green Northwest Indiana, Your home for lawn care solutions with Steve Daly. In each podcast, you'll learn the secret tips for growing healthy, green grass & best-practice solutions for watering, weed and feed, aeration, and mowing. For lawn care tools, charts, tables, blogs, and community pages with local support, visit:
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We all know about the doom and gloom associated with environmental issues. We need to tell ourselves a new story. Instead let's talk about energy independence, green jobs, livable cities, clean water, clean air, and healthy children. This is where politics, perceptions, and life-style meet the catastrophe that is unfolding in front of our eyes. Here's a suggestion — subscribe, tune-in, and stop doom-scrolling.
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show series
In today's podcast, Steve reveals the secret to finding your best lawn care special offers and how to avoid the hidden lies buried in some spring turf deals! Steve also discusses why lawn care outcomes are better than results! The difference is critical to achieving long-term goals and getting the most value from your lawn care service! You'll also…
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In today's lawn care episode, Steve & Jano discuss the secrets for growing healthy, green grass in DeMotte, IN. You'll discover the unique challenges facing Demote homeowners and why an area with so many farms can be such a challenge for homeowners. You'll also learn why turf in DeMotte requires a different fertilizing, aeration, and watering appro…
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EPISODE 104 SHOWNOTES We begin with a gripping look at the birth of modern environmentalism, when a burning river and devastating oil spill sparked America's largest-ever demonstration: the first Earth Day. This unprecedented show of unity led to landmark environmental protections that shaped the next half-century. Moving to the present, we tackle …
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Best Lawn Services for NWI- Lawn Care Solutions with Steve Daly Season 3 Episode 1 Steve and Jano discuss Best Lawn Services and Why! You'll also get a teaser of the new NWI Lawn Care Community Pages.... These pages include game-changing lawn care tools, apps, maps, and lawn and watering tips for every Northwest Indiana community Perma-Green serves…
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As Trump's second term approaches, this episode explores the staggering scope of environmental rollbacks planned for his administration. Through Project 2025's detailed blueprint, Trump aims to systematically dismantle decades of environmental protections while installing climate deniers in key positions throughout government. The threats are unpre…
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How Trump Plans to Remake America In this second of three episodes, we explore how Trump's return to power threatens to fundamentally transform American democracy. His tactics, honed over decades in New York real estate and refined through his business empire, reveal a calculated approach to dismantling democratic institutions. Trump's strategy inv…
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Introduction The unthinkable has happened — Donald Trump has been re-elected president. Despite experiencing the most destructive presidency in history, America chose him again. In this series, we'll explore the enormous impact Trump's presidency will have on America, the world, and the planet. In This First Episode: America stands at a crossroads …
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Do you think we owe something to our future descendants who will be painfully aware of our actions, or lack of action? Our radical alteration of the climate does not end in the year 2100. Let's go out eight generations, that is about 200 years. What do you imagine your distant relatives, in the year 2200, will think about the world that they inheri…
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It's easy to despair. Too easy. The future hasn’t already been decided. The future is as uncertain as it’s ever been. Knowing this, there is still a chance to seize the best-case scenario rather than surrender to the worst. Taking action is the best way to live in conditions of crisis and disruption. Although individual choices and actions are impo…
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An Imagined Scenario from 2024—2028. Presenting a very special Green Elephant Podcast Episode. Having just come off a 3-Part Podcast Series entitled: “The Most Dangerous Organization in History: The Republican Party” we wanted to give the GOP a chance to redeem themselves. At this moment in time, the only way to accomplish this was to write a ficti…
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1. Meet people whose profession was destroying the planet that had a change of heart. Not only did they quit what they were doing, but became advocates for what they had been working against. Meet a rancher, logger, fisherman, and author who experienced an about-face and made positive contributions to the health of the planet. 2. Unquestionably ren…
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Today you'll discover what is included in lawn care application #4. You'll also discover why this has been a challenging year for your turf, from lawn disease, drought, heat stress and pests. Steve also shares his Daly's Tips for recovering from this years difficult climate with best-practice watering and mowing. Finally, Daly reveals how you can s…
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SHOWNOTES In this, the third podcast in a three-part series, we start buy discussing the fundamental difference between Republican and Democrat voters. Next, a deep dive on how Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 — by not winning the popular vote, and how he could easily do it again. Then, insights on how the nation has to prepare itself on ele…
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In this episode, Steve Daly reveals what the homeowner can do to optimize the results of core aeration. Do you leave the plugs or remove them? Should you overseed, and if so, how? When should you mow and water? What's the difference between aeration, core aeration, and thatching? Aeration is considered one of the most important lawn care services, …
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SHOWNOTES In this second of three episodes in series, we are delving into what an unnatural force of nature, Donald Trump will be. Worse than any fire, flood, or hurricane, for the future of our planetary systems, and also on human institutions that will have to deal with the magnitude of the consequences of his policies. That’s a strong statement,…
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This is the first of three episodes about how Donald Trump, if elected, will strangle Climate and Environmentalism in it’s crib. In this episode: Trump and his party have a new climate-strategy — acknowledging that change is happening, but refusing to actually do anything to stop it. Also, considering how shokingly unfit Donald Trump is for leading…
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Lawn Fungus, or turfgrass disease, is causing severe damage to lawns. In today's special encore podcast, Steve Daly shares with you what lawn disease is, where it comes from, and what to do if you have it. Daly also covers the different types of lawn disease and best-practice solutions. You'll also learn the difference between heat/drought stress a…
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In today's episode, Steve reveals interesting lawn and grass facts most homeowners don't know. You'll discover everything from why your lawn looks brown after mowing to why most people make the mistake of believing its good to water your lawn often. Of course, it's not enough to just discover Northwest Indiana turf fans' misconceptions! Steve share…
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In today's episode of Lawn Care Solutions with Steve Daly, you will learn what July's lawn treatment includes and why it's important to your turf's health. You'll also discover how to survive the dog days of summer. The best lawns don't happen by themselves. In today's podcast, you'll also discover why 2024 is the season with numerous challenges fa…
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It's a special podcast you won't want to miss! We are celebrating 50 years as Northwest Indiana's oldest lawn care service. Today, you'll look at where we started, how lawn care has changed in half a century, and where it's going! You'll also discover Permagreen vs. Perma-Green. What's the difference? With this historic year's excitement, people se…
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In today's podcast, you'll get the inside scoop on what is included in the 2nd Application of a 6-App Full-Season Lawn Care program. You'll also learn the secret to controlling Lawn Grubs and most other lawn pests in a single application... and it's better for the planet. You'll also learn how to read the notification left on your door after each a…
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Hundreds of climate scientists were asked this simple question: “What do you feel about climate change.” The result was poignant, angry, bewildered, and in some cases hopeful letters from climate scientists that most importantly, spell out what we need to do to avoid the calamity that is barreling rapidly toward us. Climate change is a complex and …
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This year elections are taking place across the globe covering almost half of the world’s population. It is also likely to be, yet again, the hottest year on record as the climate crisis intensifies. Around the world, nations are choosing to prioritize economic growth and national interest over climate policy. There are worrying signs of a green ba…
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The Climate End-Game is when global temperatures exceed 3°+ Celsius over this next century and beyond. If that were to occur, there could be multiple tipping points sparking each other at the same time, jacking the scorching heat even higher. Scientists say the world needs to think about a worst-case climate senerio. A team of international researc…
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Right at the moment when climate impacts are dramatically manifesting themselves, concern from global citizens is shrinking. We have lost that loving feeling toward the living world. We have lost any sense of urgency. As temperature rise, climate change remains a low priority for most individuals. Polling data shows that, concerning the greatest th…
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Science has never been more crucial to deciding the political issues facing the country. Yet science and scientists have less influence with the federal government than at any time in modern history. Despite that the marvels of scientific progress that has improved our lives immensely, some well-funded groups whose positions fly in the face of over…
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Can shaming help mitigate the climate crisis? As the climate crisis has worsened, experts have put forth numerous solutions to curb greenhouse gas emissions and stop rising temperatures. Could shaming be one of them? Recently, celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift and Drake have been getting flack on social media for how often they fly their …
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Most people are not climate deniers. It is an unreasonable and frankly, a stupid position to take. Recent polling shows that the majority (73%) of Americans strongly believe that climate change is happening and that it is caused by humans. You would think that with that much agreement, we would vote in politicians with similar convictions. But we d…
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SHOW NOTES UPDATED INFORMATION: In this acclaimed classical rebroadcast we take the news-media to task for its appalling lack of coverage in this critical time of climate and ecological breakdown. We need to hold the media accountable for their miserable record of reporting on our fossil fuel-driven climate emergency. The news media is powerful, in…
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Spring has sprung! Today, you'll discover the real purpose of spring fertilizer and treatments. Steve also shares the best services offered by lawn care experts and how the price compares with doing it yourself! You'll also learn what difference it makes when you run a full-season lawn care program vs just fertilizing at certain times. We hope you …
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UPDATED INFORMATION: In this acclaimed classical rebroadcast we take the news-media to task for its appalling lack of coverage in this critical time of climate and ecological breakdown. We need to hold the media accountable for their miserable record of reporting on our fossil fuel-driven climate emergency. The news media is powerful, influential a…
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In this episode we revisit the complicated human emotion of FEAR. In our last episode we argued that fear could be the driving motivational factor for inciting eco-action. We took another look human psychology of fear, and found out, even though we’re living through an unprecedented climate and ecological disaster, it is shocking that most American…
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We are caught in an economic and political system that encourages our collective participation in our planet’s daily disintegration. Why would we expect to feel good, and good about ourselves, while we are a part of the decimation of life on Earth, including ourselves and everyone we love? On one hand, we are the victims. No one asked to be born in…
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In our last episode we explored this question: Is it possible that individual actions will move the needle on large scale eco-issues such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and widespread habitat loss, or is individual action virtually pointless? In researching this question, not surprisingly, we have uncovered a basic truth, our eco-issues are c…
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SHOW NOTES In this very special episode we are addressing, what may be, one the most conflictual. but essential issue concerning environmentalism and the planet. There is a great conundrum that has gripped the environmental movement for decades. Many, many well-meaning people have bought into this controversy, including myself. That is what is more…
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In today's podcast, Steve Daly shares why the secret to spring lawn care and fertilizers is control and timing. To make matters worse, most people are doing the opposite. Today, Steve sets the record straight and why grass growth regulators can help homeowners save time and money while mowing less. You'll also discover best-practice maintenance tha…
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The U.S. electrical grid that delivers energy to us is a marvel of engineering. It was designed to carry energy from coal and gas-powered quickly and cheaply to our homes and businesses. But the system is old and antiquated. Although this power grid system supplies coal and gas-powered energy to homes relatively well, it is a major obstacle to supp…
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In today's episode of Lawn Care Solutions with Steve Daly, you'll discover a lawn treatment called Grass Growth Regulators and why this application means mowing and watering less. Best of all, this technology means you'll have a healthier, greener lawn. It also means your turf is more capable of resisting lawn damage from disease and drought! It's …
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What do you think is the most common form of human infrastructure in the world? Not only does it cover vast tracts of the earth’s surface, but it is also virtually invisible. Worldwide, our wild lands are laced with countless stretches of fences. The total length of all fencing around the globe is 10 times greater than the total length of roads. If…
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SHOW NOTES As societies get richer, they consume more resources. That also means they generate more pollution, driving climate change and destroying natural ecosystems. We need to somehow break this link between material wealth and environmental catastrophe. There are no realistic scenarios to make the economic growth demanded by capitalism compati…
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In today's Podcast, Steve discusses the pros and cons of Lawn Renovation vs Lawn Maintenance. According to Steve, all too often, homeowners jump into very expensive lawn renovation because they see a yard filled with weeds or numerous bare spots. While often the damage is severe enough that renovation is the only option, most of the time, a well-de…
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SHOW NOTES For most of humanity, we have lived outside of cities. It has only been in the last decade where populations have split evenly between rural and urban living. As soon as 2030, 70% of us will live in cities. There are now 33 megacities worldwide with over 10 million inhabitants — but by 2030, six new mega cities will arise, including in t…
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Lawn renovation can be both costly and time consuming. According to Steve Daly, most people jump into lawn renovation when they don't need to. It's not even the best solution most of the time. In today's Lawn Care Solutions podcast, you'll learn the best lawn care hacks for rejuvenating your yard. To learn more about Perma-Green - here is a link to…
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Steve Daly switches from growing grass to growing awareness and donations for the Kiwanis Club of Valpo. Today, you'll learn who is Kiwanis, why they matter, who they help, what fun events are planned, and how you can join the fun! LINKS Perma-Green Valpo Kiwanis Perma-Green Podcast Kiwanis International JOIN US! Kiwanis of Valpo We'd love to tell …
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Ackerland verpachten und einen Solarpark bauen lassen, ist die beste Basis, damit alle Beteiligten davon profitieren können. Das bestätigen die Experten von Green Solutions Technologie. Einerseits tragen Photovoltaikanlagen dazu bei, die Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen zu unterstützen und fördern grünen Strom. Andererseits hat auch der Verpachtende …
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Unverbindlich und kostenlos können Sie sich mit Green Solutions Technologie in Verbindung setzen, wenn sie die Ergebnisse von einem Pachtpreis Rechner vorliegen haben und Interesse daran haben, Ackerland verpachten zu können. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Kompetenzen, um Ihr Solarprojekt erfolgreich umzusetzen. Wir begleiten Sie entlang der gesamten Wer…
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Das Ziel von Green Solutions Technologie ist es, erneuerbare Energien zu fördern und den Übergang zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Projekten setzen wir auf modernste Technologie sowie innovative Lösungen. Eine Verbindung von Solarenergie und fortschrittlicher Technologie bietet e…
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Green Solutions Technologie ist ein Unternehmen, das in erneuerbare Energien investiert. Nachhaltig, zielgerichtet haben wir uns einer Zukunft verschrieben, von der alle profitieren. Wir sind Ihre Spezialisten rund um das Thema Photovoltaik.Di Green Solutions Technologie
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In today's Podcast, you'll learn 9 Fall Lawn Care and Yard Maintenance Tips every homeowner should know before winter hits. Steve also shares the secrets of professional lawn care experts. When the snow melts, your lawn will hit the ground running! Finally, here are the links to some of Steves's best lawn care maintenance schedules, tables, and use…
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Steve & Jano discuss if aeration is worth it when to aerate, how to aerate in clay soil, and how often. You'll also learn the differences between overseeding, dethatching & core aerator. Subscribe and never miss another episode. Visit Steve Daly and the Lawn Care Tips, Tables and Tools at Perma-Green Lawn Care Website https…
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