Criado em 2004, o Personare é o resultado do trabalho de profissionais especializados nos mais diferentes temas, mas com a mesma motivação: incentivar pessoas a aproveitarem melhor suas vidas. O portal traz conteúdo, serviços e ferramentas sobre os mais diversos temas como astrologia, meditação, numerologia, yoga, tarot, alimentação, florais, entre outros. Nosso objetivo é levar autoconhecimento, harmonia e bem-viver para sua vida. Conheça:
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This is about the Brain Maze and Sludgeland and a bit of therapy.
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Programas, entrevistas, receitas e ofertas do mercado Harmonia da Terra. O Mercado Harmonia da Terra é um espaço dedicado a oferecer alimentos frescos, naturais e de qualidade, com foco em produtos que promovem saúde e bem-estar. Com uma seleção cuidadosa de fornecedores, o mercado busca equilibrar o valor justo ao consumidor com a preservação de práticas sustentáveis, trazendo um conceito diferenciado para o dia a dia de quem valoriza uma alimentação consciente.
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Harmonia Uncut is a biweekly podcast featuring highlights from recent and archival concert recordings of early music, curated and presented by Wendy Gillespie.
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Prática de atenção à respiração, por Luiza Camargo by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Nesta época de festas de fim de ano, o trabalhador brasileiro só pensa nele: o 13º salário. Até o dia 30 de novembro, milhões de trabalhadores no Brasil recebem a primeira parcela do salário extra. Este direito do trabalhador foi oficializado em 13 de julho de 1962 pela lei nº 4.090, que define que os empregadores devem pagar um salário extra aos s…
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Celia Lima conduz uma respiração que te ajuda a se tornar uma pessoa mais focada de forma lúdica, que é "Respirar Colorido". A técnica de indução do relaxamento pode ser feita substituindo as cores conforme a intenção que quiser dar ao seu exercício: cura física, emocional, mental, podendo ainda expandir as cores para além do corpo físico e abraçan…
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On Sunday, May 21, the Bloomington Early Music Festival kicks off a whole week of concerts and activities under the theme "Arabia, Iberia, and Latin America," expanding the focus of early music beyond Europe.
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Nesta meditação, você faz uma jornada de liberação de ressentimentos e mágoas que podem estar prejudicando sua vida.Di Portal Personare
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Por Ceci AkamatsuDi Portal Personare
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We'll hear music of Francois Devienne, CPE Bach, and Frédéric Duvernoy performed in 1988 by Colin St. Martin and Richard Seraphinoff, who were students at the IU Early Music Institute at that time.
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We'll hear music from the viol consort Phantasm during their 1999 U.S. tour.
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Meditação pra Peixes em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Sagitário em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Escorpião em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Libra em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Leão em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Câncer em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Touro em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Aquário em 2022 by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação para Capricórnio em 2022Di Portal Personare
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Meditação para Virgem em 2022Di Portal Personare
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Meditação para Gêmeos em 2022.Di Portal Personare
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Meditação para Áries em 2022Di Portal Personare
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Quando a atenção está baixa podemos cometer pequenos e grandes deslizes na vida. Errar caminhos que podem nos levar para locais perigosos, esquecer a chama do fogão aceso e sair de casa, esquecer de apertar um botão importante num maquinário no local de trabalho, esquecer de buscar o filho numa atividade regular etc.Esta meditação pode ajudar a equ…
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Join us for arrangements of well-known Elizabethan tunes mixed with serious secular polyphony in this 2019 concert by the ensemble Antic Faces entitled "Joyne Hands - Elizabethan entertainments for mixed consort."
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Meditação Rápida para ansiedade by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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This is an introduction to the brain Maze and Sludgeland and general ramblings. *Mention of Suicide*
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Meditação Ho'oponopono by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação de cinco minutos by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Here's a delicious Telemann sandwich filled with CPE Bach! (Hold the mayo and mustard.)
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Meditação para dormir by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Head-banging viol consorts - really? YES! Join “The Brade Bunch” in Berkeley, CA in 2008 for some of the best music that has ever been.
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Thomas Binkley died in April of 1995, and in September of that year a large group of former students and colleagues gathered to remember him with his own favorite kind music-making—live performance.
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The year is 1983 and notes inégales are about to be heard for the first time in Recital Hall at the IU School of Music.
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Meditação da Criança Interior by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação Reiki com Andrea Leandro by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Meditação Guiada com a Pedra Citrino by Portal PersonareDi Portal Personare
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Judith Linsenberg has been living with her arrangements of Bach organ sonatas as trio sonatas for many years now, but we’re going to travel back to when she was getting to know the music for the first time.
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What the heck is fourteenth century chamber music?Excerpts from a concert called “Fourteenth century chamber music” - performed by faculty of the Early Music Institute in Bloomington, Indiana, in 1989.
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Thomas Binkley founded the Early Music Institute at IU School of Music in Bloomington, Indiana in 1980. We'll hear excerpts from the very first faculty performance.
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A performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam,” BWV 7, on February 26, 2017, in Bloomington, Indiana. It was the fifth of six cantatas in the seventh season of the Bloomington Bach Cantata Project.
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We'll hear a performance from a 1980 cassette tape of the Hilliard Ensemble's first concert in NYC.
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The UNT Collegium Singers and Baroque Orchestra present several different ways of performing the music, just as Giovanni Legrenzi suggests. Check it out!
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Listen as Hebrew, Islam, and Christian traditions overlap and diverge as they spread around Europe and Asia, in a performance by ensemble Schola Antiqua.
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The ensemble Sonnambula plays music from seventeenth-century France by Lully, Lalande, and more at the Baruch Performing Arts Center in NYC of September 2017. Join us!
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Let's hear some of Quire Cleveland's 2017 performance of the St. Matthew Passion by Renaissance composer Richard Davy.
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Tempesta di Mare created a very unusual Christmas concert of Czech music, most of which was found in a bishop’s library in the Moravian Court in Kroměříž. Singers, strings, brass, winds, and organ join together for festive music of the season.
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Join us for excerpts from the concert “Hecho en Mexico” by Austin Baroque Orchestra.
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Travel with us back through time to October 2016. We’re visiting St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City for “King James and his Bible: a musical portrait,” a concert presented by the viol consort Parthenia with guest bass-baritone Dashon Burton.
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In January, 2020, Alchymy Viols underwent some friendly alchemy to become an ensemble of singers and instrumentalists perfect for the performance of Marc Antoine Charpentier’s 11th and final mass, first performed at the Sainte Chapelle in Paris, probably during the feast of the Assumption in 1699. We’ll hear some of that splendid mass and also Char…
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We'll hear excerpts from the Rose Ensemble's concert at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St. Paul in March of 2017. The concert comprised liturgical music composed in the style current in France in the seventeenth century, though not all the repertory is by French composers...
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Harmonia Uncut brings you two performances from back in the time of concerts, one of Mozart from Gili Loftus, and one of Muffat from Matvey Lapin.
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