A pair study podcast on the new work of Ethical Creativity with hosts Nicholas Cole-Farrell, Dr. Dan Glass, and Sandee Bisson.
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Our hosts Sandee Bisson and Nicholas Cole-Farrell in conversation with Dena Maple (Valley Beth Shalom Day School, Encino, CA) talking southern food, childhood entrepreneurship, engaging students around social emotional learning, assessment and perseverance, storytelling, and good books. Recorded at the SoundLab, The Brandeis School of San Francisco…
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Design School X d.school K12 Lab David's whitepaper on MakerspacesDi Nicholas Cole-Farrell, Dan Glass, Sandee Bisson
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Episode Two features our three hosts- Dr. Dan Glass, Sandee Bisson, and Nicholas Cole-Farrell talking about the origins, process and future of the work of Ethical Creativity. Conversations range from pedagogy to slowing down, to space, to ethics, to joyful reality shows and absurdist comedy.Di Nicholas Cole-Farrell, Dan Glass, Sandee Bisson
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2018 Ethical Creativity Institute: Micaela Winton / Rand Raynor / Merav Luban / Bat Sheva Miller / Rabbi Scott Westle / Molly Yfrach / Beckie Beeson / Irit Daly / Liron Lahav / Alison Hurwitz-Kelman / Robert Hendlish / Revital Sabag / Dena Maple / Sue Bojdak / Sedey Gebreyes / Liz Phillips / Jenny Rinn / Crystal Brown / Jody Passanisi / Sara Goldra…
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Introducing 'Ethical Creativity Havruta'- a discussion and pair study of Ethical Creativity, design thinking, constructionist pedagogy, tinkering and Jewish ethical frameworks and traditions. First episode launching soon!Di Nicholas Cole-Farrell, Dan Glass, Sandee Bisson
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