The digital library of Koinonia Ministries Indy
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Located in the Central Valley of California, Koinonia Church is an interdenominational church that seeks to: Ignite Contagious Faith in the One God Who Restores All! Listen as Lead Pastor Andrew Cromwell and the other staff pastors challenge us to grow our spiritual lives.
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Onder naam KOINONIA BIJBELSTUDIE verzorg ik regelmatig bijbelstudies en beschouwingen over het kerkelijke leven. Soli Deo Gloria! Become a supporter of this podcast:
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KOINONIA International Christian Fellowship Aalborg – Denmark exists to be an international community of Christians in Aalborg who faithfully proclaim God’s Word in worship, discipleship, and evangelism, and visibly display God’s love in fellowship and service. Our 'official' language is English. Acts 2:42, “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching, and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
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A Reflection of Christ | Sharing the gospel through accurate, precise and expository knowledge of Christ.
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Pastoring people through everyday life with open, honest conversations about the things we are all thinking about.
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Welcome to our Sunday Message Library. We hope today's message encourages you, challenges you, and draws you closer to Jesus. For more information about our church you can head to
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bible talk podcast Support this podcast:
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Helping to shine light on the diversity of the body of Christ and our harmony together through fellowship and love relationships in the knowledge of our king and Lord, Jesus Christ
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Enseñanza de temas de relevancia a través de dialogo. Con Adolfo Membreño, Michael Havlin, & Efrain Valladares.
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Latest sermons by Apostle Joshua Selman and up-to-date library of Koinonia Messages. Subscribe to this podcast to receive an update of the latest sermons. For more sermons, visit This podcast is curated by the team at To support us, donate here - KOINONIA is a weekly programme organised by the Eternity Network International (ENI) where people come to experience WORSHIP, WORD, MIRACLES AND LOVE, exp ...
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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God's Testimony About JesusDi Bethelkirken
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Kort overzicht van de verschillen tussen de opvattingen over (rituele) onreinheid om Jodendom en bij Jezus volgens de Synoptische evangelieën Become a supporter of this podcast: Robbert Veen
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Do you want to be healed?Di Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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In Levinas' werk On Escape uit 1935 onderzoekt hij het concept van “ontsnappen” als een fundamentele menselijke behoefte om uit de beperkingen van het bestaan te stappen. Deze behoefte om te ontsnappen is niet simpelweg een verlangen om onaangename realiteiten te vermijden, maar een dieper verlangen om los te komen van de beperkingen en het gewicht…
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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He BelievedDi Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Star of BethlehemDi Bethelkirken
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Morgen is het eerste advent en dan ga ik voor in de Samenvaart, dat is de gemeente van de PKN in Anna Paulona. Ik lees dan twee teksten die traditioneel ook als aankondigingen, als profetieën van de Messias worden gezien. Uit Jesaja 9 vers 1 tot en met 6 en uit Jesaja 11 vers 1 tot en met 10. In deze uitzending heb ik het over Jesaja 9 en het is to…
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Acts 10
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Josh Sneed covers the Gentile Pentecost of Acts 10.
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John 4:1-36. The woman at the well.Di Bethelkirken
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Is de inhoud van de Christelijke theologie een nadenken over de voortgaande apostolische prediking? Of is het startpunt de complexe geschiedenis van de eerste gemeente die begon met onderwijs en prediking van Jezus, maar zich geleidelijk heeft ontwikkeld tot een Christendom dat gebroken heeft met het Jodendom. Become a supporter of this podcast: ht…
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In prelude to the Gentile Pentecost, Peter heals Aeneas and raises Tabitha. These episodes continue to stretch Peter’s understanding and involvement in the gentile mission. Luke is likely contrasting these individuals with characters from Virgil’s Aeneid to highlight that the expansion of the kingdom of God brings life in contrast to the destructiv…
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Do you like to obey?Di Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Paul comes to life and exits exile as the church affirms Paul’s conversion and is baptized. Paul immediately begins acting on the calling that the Lord has given him by ministering to both Jew and Gentile audiences, proclaiming Christ to them. A few years later, Paul engages with the Apostolic headquarters in Jerusalem largely thanks to Barnabas’ a…
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John 3 16 to John 22 God loved, God gave his son.Di Bethelkirken
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Persoonlijke podcast over de "onopgeefbare verbondenheid met Israel" die de facto al sinds 2004 niet meer bestaat, die volgens sommigen te warrig is om gehandhaafd te worden en die nu tijdens de Synode van de PKN dreigt geheel en al te verdwijnen. Zie ook: Become a supporter of this podcast:…
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Acts 9:1-9
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Saul, later called Paul, begins as one who opposes the church but is transformed on the Damascus Road. In a story of ironic spiritual reversals, the heavenly light of Christ shows Paul that he remains in personal spiritual exile while the church of many nations has found the way out of exile. In a parallel text, Paul receives his commission to act …
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Genesis 2, Hooglied 2 Gods liefde voor en in mensen. Become a supporter of this podcast: Robbert Veen
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Jesus did not believe in the people and Jesus and NicodemusDi Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Het christendom beschouwt Jezus niet alleen als de zoon van God in de oud-testamentische zin, maar ook als God de Zoon, wat deel uitmaakt van de drie-eenheid. Dit idee was mogelijk nog niet volledig ontwikkeld tijdens de tijd van de synoptische evangeliën (Matthäus, Marcus, Lukas). In het Nieuwe Testament zijn er teksten die zowel de goddelijkheid …
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Preek in Warmenhuizen, in de oude Ursulakerk. Teksten: Ex. 33 en 34; Psalm 85. God zien of horen? Become a supporter of this podcast: Robbert Veen
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Zeal for the Father's HouseDi Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes & Announcements: Koinonia Church
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Acts Review
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In this lesson, we review chapters 1-8 of Acts as we return to our study of the book. Main points from this lesson are: Jesus reigns. The restoration of all things has begun. The true temple is spreading across the world in the Gospel.
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Jesus Manifest His Glory at the Wedding in CanaDi Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! For Sermon Notes visit: Koinonia Links: Koinonia Church
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Igniting Contagious Faith! For Sermon Notes visit: Koinonia Links: Koinonia Church
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These two lessons aimed to assist parents in grasping what the self is in order to more clearly aid their child in understanding who they are. We discussed that there are matters essential to our identity with uniquely essential parts of our identity given to us in union with Christ. Beyond the essential matters of identity, there remain “accidenta…
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Come and See!Di Bethelkirken
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Parenting Series 7: Self and Parenting (Part 1)
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This lesson provides a biblical basis for a discussion of "identity" which prepares for part 2, application of identity questions to parenting.
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Who Are You?Di Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! For Sermon Notes visit: Koinonia Links: Koinonia Church
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The Word Became FleshDi Bethelkirken
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De liefde voor de vijand is niet iets dat pas in het Nieuwe Testament wordt onderwezen. Become a supporter of this podcast: Robbert Veen
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Liefde die niet wordt uitgelokt door de beminnelijkheid van een ander, die niets terug verwacht, die alleen de belangen van een ander op het oog heeft, die tot offers bereid is, moet zonder meer agapè worden genoemd. Become a supporter of this podcast:…
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Wat is liefde? Ik ben veel met de de Bijbel bezig, dus dat is mijn grote bron. Niet het woordenboek, niet de psychologie en uit mijn persoonlijke ervaringen kan ik ook niets universeels distilleren. Wat is dus het Bijbelse idee van de liefde? Become a supporter of this podcast:…
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Igniting Contagious Faith! For Sermon Notes visit: Koinonia Links: Koinonia Church
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Parenting Series 6: God and Parenting
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This lesson discussed the Scriptural directives regarding how parents are to transmit the story of God to their children. Some “best practices” on how to accomplish this were offered regarding education generally and spiritual education according to cognition, affection, and volition. Within the topic of spiritual education, the what, who, when/whe…
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Introduction to JohnDi Bethelkirken
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Igniting Contagious Faith! For Sermon Notes visit: Koinonia Links: Koinonia Church
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Igniting Contagious Faith! For Sermon Notes visit: Koinonia Links: Koinonia Church
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