Understanding the twists and turns of life can be confusing, leaving us looking for answers! Join expert astrologer Dr. Michael Lennox every Monday as he fills you in on the week’s astrology, and helps you make sense of your dreams. This podcast is for those of you piecing together life’s mysteries one week at a time.
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Welcome to The Stephanie Lennox Show! I'm your host Stephanie Lennox: bestselling author, speaker and transmedia producer -- and each week I bring you the holistic truth of how you REALLY become a bestselling creative in the 21st Century. Thank you so much for listening, now let's dive right in. Shall we?
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"As you listen to these intentionally brief podcasts, you can allow yourself the gift of Stillness, out of which Clarity will naturally arise. You will then be listening to the wisdom of your innate self. My purpose is to support the awakening that is happening all over the planet. Working together, we can build the future we dream is possible. Come dream with me." -Scott Lennox
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What was it like living and working in the largest mental deficiency hospital in Britain? And what changes led to its relatively recent closure? In it's heyday in the 1970s, Lennox Castle Hospital in Scotland housed over 1600 patients in purpose built multi-occupancy villas, and most staff lived on site or in nearby Lennoxtown. Oral historian Howard Mitchell started his working life there, as a member of the hospital's nursing staff. In the tracks on this album, he looks back at the history ...
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For the week of March 10th; ask, are you showing up with the responsibility needed to live your best life? This week we talk about the symbolism of neighbors in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of March 3rd, we are at the cross path of three retrogrades, generating some uncomfortable feelings. This week we talk about the symbolism of marriage in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of February 24th, use this new moon to dive into putting your spiritual connection first. This week we talk about the symbolism of cutting the bottom of your feet off in dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of February 17th, pay attention to matters of the heart the first few days this week. This week we talk about interpreting the decisions we make in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of February 10th, we are aware of how past emotional patterns live in us. This week we talk about symbolisms of familial intimacy and issues show up in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of February 3rd, turn to spirit first, or you will not have the energy to face the challenging year ahead. This week we talk about the symbolism of military recruitment in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of January 27th, go on a hero’s journey to see what you want to create and serve the world with. This week we talk about the messages in our dreams saying, fight for your existence!Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of January 20th, Aquarius season lights up our transformational energy. This week we talk about the symbolism of loved ones passed, and caretakers in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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Astrology for the week of January 13th
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1:00:32For the week of January 13th, remove inhibitions to climb the mountain of your desires. This week we talk about the symbolism of old jobs in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of January 6th, your spiritual practice is important to attend to as the nodes change signs. This week we talk about the symbolism of tornados in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of December 30th, the future we are trying to create will take great effort. This week we talk about the symbolism of sinkholes in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of December 23rd, ask are you willing to put in the hard work that goes into expansion? This week we talk about the symbolism of the pets in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of December 16th, find the light within. This week we talk about the symbolism of portals and shipwrecks in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of December 9th, what do you have to let go of in order to share your life with others? This week we talk about the symbolism of being mummified and glimpses of our past lives.Di Mi
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For the week of December 2nd, this retrograde wants us to get deeper into our personal truths. This week we talk about the symbolism of snow in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of November 25th, set intentions for more joy in your life. This week we talk about the symbolism of having familiar people in our dream living rooms.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of November 18th This week we talk about old selves dying in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of November 11th, shift your conscious awareness into the direction of hope. This week we talk about dreams signaling change.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of November 4th, focus on the hope that comes from expanding wounds. This week we talk about the symbolism of tunnels under your house.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of October 28th, pay attention to where you feel supported by the divine. This week we talk about the symbolism of our old dwellings in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of October 21st, surrender to change. This week we talk about the symbolism of aliens in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of October 14th, this lunar cycle is all about relationships. This week we talk about the symbolism of hallways and threats of violence.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of October 7th, your healing might demand you to speak up even if your voice shakes. This week we talk about when our dreams tell us to wake up!Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of September 30th, it’s Libra season! Go to the mirror and say I am the perfect expression of all love, and I attract all loving experiences to me. This week we talk about the symbolism of Cher in your dream.Di Michael Lennox
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For the week of September 23rd, we are focused on what we are moving away from. This week we talk about the symbolism of Jesus and brick walls in our dreams.Di Michael Lennox
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