A podcast that picks apart the news along the highway of American culture.
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https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-military-might-struggle-to-win-or-perhaps-lose-war-with-china-or-russia-report-says/?fbclid=IwAR1zBn5ddMTavur0GxNHS3tOZ6tCb0pk20xitv7PKZq_jysvDcQ5FIt0PGs https://www.amazon.com/Boyd-Fighter-Pilot-Who-Changed/dp/B01I5OK43U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1542322871&sr=8-1&keywords=boyd The post 048 Is the US Military Strong E…
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Welcome to Liberty Buzzard the podcast for inquisitive minds. https://reason.com/blog/2018/11/08/san-francisco-just-passed-the-largest-ta http://www.kut.org/post/what-are-propositions-austin-voters-will-decide-november-its-alphabet-soup https://www.cnn.com/election/2018/exit-polls/texas/senate https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/nat…
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https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-citizenship/trump-to-push-executive-order-to-end-birthright-citizenship-report-idUSKCN1N41MD?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews The post 046 Immigration and Birthright Citizenship appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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People who think that if they don’t show up they are sending a message. The post 045 Voter Turnout and the 2018 Midterms appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: NYTimes OpEd Original NYT Article YouTube documentary Identity politics and the Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/08/opinion/intellectual-dark-web.html Intellecual Evergreen State and George Orwell’s Animal Farm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Farm Evergreen State protests (https://youtu.be/2cMYfxOFBBM) The p…
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Stories: Whole Foods workers seek to unionize (Tech crunch article) Wage stagnation. Why? Has technology made humans more productive? Or are we stagnant? What about trade guilds? Independent contractor (freelancer) movement The post 043 Unions, Robot Scabs, and The Fall in American Productivity? appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.…
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Stories: What is changing The importance of the new name. U.S., Canada and Mexico just reached a sweeping new NAFTA deal. Here’s what’s in it. Why people fear nationalism. The post 042 – Will the new NAFTA [USMCA] change everything? appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Show Notes Weaponizing the Judiciary Who judges the judges? Lifetime appointment Supreme Court impeachment: Samuel Chase: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/12/12/can-a-supreme-court-justice-be-forcibly-removed-from-the-bench-a-quick-civics-lesson/?utm_term=.73f3cfeea46f The concept of precedent The post 041 Weaponizing the Ju…
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Show Notes: Joining us today is Mary DeMuth, the author of Not Marked, Thin Places, and the upcoming book The 7 Deadly Friendships (Affiliate Links). You can find out more at 7DeadlyFriendships.com. Evergreen State documentary: The post 040 – #MeToo with Special Guest Mary DeMuth appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.…
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The post 039 Officer Involved Shooting in Dallas appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Talking Points: Background: Weather Channel reporter leaning into the wind while two dudes stroll past. Reporters kneeling in water to make it look deeper during hurricane IKE. Video Fox News reporting that 500 million people were without power in North Carolina. The sensationalism of weather. Find and focus on the drama. Drum it up if need be. The…
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Links: Democrat Beto O’Rourke pulls within 4 points of Ted Cruz in Texas, new poll finds Schoolhouse Rock Speech The post 037 Separation of Power the Supreme Court and Will Texas Turn Blue? appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Links: Jimbo Fisher salary article Jimbo Fisher went from a $72,000 salary to one of the highest-paid coaches in sports in 19 years The highest-paid public employee in 39 US states is either a football or men’s basketball coach Could Football Ever Be Banned? The post 036 The Future of American Football appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.…
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Links: United States Woefully Unprepared for Nuclear Strike, Say Scientists The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm (Affiliate Link) Top Counties To Survive The Bomb New Zealand (Thomas Pick #1) Switzerland (Thomas Pick #1) North Korea (Dustin’s Pick) The post 035 How to Survive THE BOMB and the Problem with WMDs …
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In this episode, we reflect on the life of John McCain. Senate McCain’s Senate career began in January 1987, after he defeated his Democratic opponent, former state legislator Richard Kimball, by 20 percentage points in the 1986 election. The term “maverick Republican” became a label frequently applied to McCain, and he has also used it himself. In…
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Links: Texas High Court Dismisses Rick Perry Indictments The post 033 Will Trump Get Trump Impeached? appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Links: 3 Kinds of Jobs That Will Thrive as Automation Advances The post 032 – Are Robots Coming for Our Jobs? appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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In this episode, we talk about racism and the difference between how the marines and police handle race. Sponsor This episode of Liberty Buzzard is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Get Tom and his team on YOUR team a…
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Today we talk about what it is like to ride a Tesla and why the days of gasoline-powered cars are numbered. Sponsor This episode of Liberty Buzzard is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Get Tom and his team on YOUR tea…
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Links ‘Keep out!’: China sent 6 warnings to a US Navy plane, but the US didn’t back down Sponsor This episode of Liberty Buzzard is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Get Tom and his team on YOUR team at www.taxmantom.…
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Links TThe Genetics (and ethics) of Making Humans Fit For Mars The Super Hero Conundrum God-Kings Caste System New Species Sponsor This episode of Liberty Buzzard is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Get Tom and his t…
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Links: Apple, Facebook, and Spotify shut down Infowars’ Alex Jones Sponsor This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Get Tom and his team on YOUR team at www.taxmantom.com. The post 027 Infowars Banned on Face…
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Links: CNN’s Jim Acosta Challenges Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Then Makes a Quick Exit Apple’s $1 Trillion Milestone Reflects Rise of Powerful Megacompanies Sponsor “This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Get T…
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Links https://www.businessinsider.com/lebron-james-hints-he-could-run-for-president-2018-7?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=referral https://variety.com/2016/digital/news/youtube-stars-traditional-celebrities-data-1201799487/ Sponsor “This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pa…
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Links The Extinction of the Middle Child They’re becoming an American rarity, just when America could use them the most. Sponsor “This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Get Tom and his team on YOUR team at …
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Sponsor “This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Find out how to get Tom and his team on YOUR team at www.taxmantom.com.” The post 023 Internet Ethics and Amazon’s “Obligation” to Preserve the Past appeared …
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Topics: Facebook Stock Plunges. It is the END. Death Spiral. Stock Prices are down to what they were at in May 2018. Andrew Brunson, U.S. Pastor, Moved to House Arrest in Turkey Sponsor This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the I…
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Links: Hardcore History Dan Carlin Sponsor “This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Find out how to get Tom and his team on YOUR team at www.taxmantom.com.” The post 021 Amazon, IKEA, and Remembering Our His…
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Topics: How we are going to count listener numbers. Comments! Tom is listener #1, Brian is listener #2 and Kevin is listener #3. Sponsor “This episode is brought to you by Tom Umstattd, CPA. Tom has over 35 years of experience helping people like you pay only their fair share in taxes. Don’t let the IRS stress you out. Find out how to get Tom and h…
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Links: Theodore Rosevelt Holding a Minigun (Affiliate Link) George Washington (Affiliate Link) Pre-Suasion (Affiliate Link) The post 019 Jurassic World, Chaos Theory, Pre-suasion, and Marketing Ethics appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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The post 018 Federalism, the Kavanaugh Nomination, and the Future of Roe Vs Wade appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: Fueled by drug crisis, U.S. life expectancy declines for a second straight year The post 017 Self Driving Cars, 5G, and American’s Life Expectancy appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Hazlitt Economics book link: The post 016 American Farming & Free Trade appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: Teen killed over fireworks dispute in southeast Austin Best of NextDoor The post 015 The Austin Fireworks Wars of 2018 appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: I used to be a 911 dispatcher. I had to respond to racist calls every day. Jordan Peterson Interview. The post 014 Vampires, Shootings, and 911 Calls Gone Bad appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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The post 013 Justice Kennedy’s Retirement and California Busybodies appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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The post 012 Is Social Media Real and The Rise of the Radical Moderates appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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What do you think? The post 011 Immigration Jet Lag appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: The Indie Party Jonathan Jenkins Website The post 010 Could The Indie Party Candidate Jonathan Jenkins Oust Ted Cruz? appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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The post 009 Austin Justice Coalition Micro Cast appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: IHOP Did Us a Bamboozle! Bread Gate Net Neutrality The post 008 Bread Gate and Net Neutrality appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: Trump Wins Primaries G7 Summit The post 007 Free Trade, Primaries, and Monster Truck Republicans appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Stories: 2018 North Korea–United States Summit The post 006 Trump, Peace Negotiations, & 1000 Years of Kim Jong-un Sons appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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IHOP becomes IHOb, with ‘b’ for burgers President Donald Trump says he’d likely support bill to end federal pot ban President Donald Trump said Friday he’d likely support a bipartisan bill that would end the federal ban on pot and defer to states’ laws on marijuana legalization — a break from Attorney General Jeff Sessions stance on cannabis enforc…
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Dealing Haters HuffPost Doxing Apple WWDC 2018 Memoji with tongue detection Good news for owners of older iPhones: iOS 12 will work on any device that supports iOS 11, and it will even give a speed boost to some older devices. Apple says the iPhone 6 Plus, for instance, launches apps up to 40% faster and takes photos up to 70% faster while running …
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Today’s Stories: The Supreme Court Weighs in on the Wedding Cake Wars Trump Says He Can Pardon Himself The post 003 Wedding Cake Wars and Evil Geniuses appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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Today’s Stories: Teens Are Leaving Facebook Racism is not a known a side effect of Ambien The post 002 En Ambien Vertas: Why the Kids Are Leaving Facebook and Rosane is Leaving Everything appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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The post 001 Is Chipotle Queso Worse than Solo a Star Wars Story? appeared first on Liberty Buzzard.Di Liberty Buzzard
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