Podcast by Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do you ever have a struggle entering into the presence of God? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches how sin separated us from God in the Garden of Eden, but how Jesus came and died for our sins so we could regain access to our Heavenly Father.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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How do you handle moments of walking through spiritual darkness? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann reminds us that Jesus is always present and came to be the light that leads us out of the darkness.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What is it that you truly hunger for? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches about how after the feeding of the five thousand Jesus goes on to reveal that He is the one that can truly satisfy.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Where do you have influence? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann teaches on the twelve spies who brought back the report of the Promise Land and how leaders don’t just represent yourself.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Have circumstances in your life turned into a fight to survive? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches on the story of David and Goliath and how you can’t avoid the giants that get in the way of the call God has on your life.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Have you been experiencing a spiritual attack? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann teaches on the life of Sampson and how the enemy will use the desires of this world to lead to spiritual destruction in your life.Bonus: For more resources on this topic, check out The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewishttps://www.amazon.com/Screwtape-Letters-C-S-Lewi…
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Following God’s calling on your life often brings excitement and fear. In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga shares the challenges of Joshua following Moses’ leadership and how fear is one of the biggest obstacles you will face in your obedience of following God.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Transitions can be hard, but they also can be rewarding. In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann teaches on the leadership lessons David learned while serving under Saul and how each of us must learn that this place we are today isn’t all about us.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Are you trying to live for God in your own strength? In this message, Pastor Anvita Elder teaches about putting on the full armor of God and how you can depend of the power of God in your life.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do you have areas of your life where you need a fresh start? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches on the birth of Jesus and the great news of Christmas that whoever you are, no matter what you’ve done, you can be born again!Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do you have areas of your life where you need a fresh start? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann teaches from the birth on Jesus and the great news of Christmas that whoever you are, no matter what you’ve done, you can be born again!Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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How do you faithfully obey God’s call on your life? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga shares how our plans can often keep us from where God is leading and how Joseph had to make a hard choice to obey God.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What could God do with you through faithful obedience? In this message Pastor Josh Husmann, shares the story of a poor single woman named Mary, and how the favor the Lord might sometimes feel more like a burden than a blessing.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What do you do to fill the holes of pain and disappointment? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga shares how bad things do happen to good people, even God’s Son, Jesus. And how the announcement of the birth of Jesus is good news for us all.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do you believe that God will answer your faith-filled prayer? In this message, Pastor Rob Elder teaches on the importance of making room for prayer and how God is looking for people to raise the spiritual temperature.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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How do you deal with fighting and pain in your relationships? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann reminds us that life is short and how James 3 shows us that when we take on a posture of humility that God will lift us up.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do your words represent what it means to live for Jesus? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga, teaches how your words our often windows into bigger issues God wants to address in your heart.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do your actions reflect the faith you claim? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann challenges you to not make excuses for not doing what is right but to instead demonstrate true faith through your deeds.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What if you the trials you face have a purpose? In this message Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches from James chapter one and shows how faith in Jesus empowers us to face trials with resilience and joy.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What would you do with endless time, resources and creativity? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches how God created the church to be a family living on mission together.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What is the secret sauce to being a great church? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann and Pastor Nate Nupanga teach how the Apostle Paul planted churches all over the Roman Empire and we the church is not meant to survive but to multiply.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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How to you deal with your brokenness? In this message, Pastor Justin Davis teaches about the women who poured her perfume and tears at the feet of Jesus and how we can live without shame.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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How do you pray when you are going through something painful? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches on one of Moses low moments and how being broken can bring us closer to Jesus.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What would it look like to look forward to what God is doing in you during this season? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann teaches from Psalm 39 and describes how we can allow God to move in the deep places in your heart that you try to protect from others.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What will you tell your kids about what God has done in your lifetime? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann teaches about some of the great moments where God moved throughout the Bible and how now is your time to experience Him.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Are you ready to experience God’s power? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches how the disciples experienced the power of the Spirit for the first time and how you can still experience Him today.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What would it look like to have the fire of God in your life? In this message, Pastor Anvita Elder shares how Elijah dealt with the idols in his generation and what it can look like when you live a life fully devoted to God.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What could God do in you lifetime? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann share about how Paul challenged the church at Ephesus to work together and how you can see the fullness of God working through you.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What do you do when you need to level up your faith? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga and Rob Elder break down the Great Commission Jesus gave to the disciples and how we can experience the life Jesus told us to expect.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Are you passionate about seeing those far from God come home? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches about the love of the father in the parable of the Prodigal son, and how you can love people far from Him, too.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What is it going to take to change the world like those who have come before us? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga shares how Peter and the apostles were able to live confidently and unashamed of the Jesus and how you can, too.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Who can be a leader in God’s family? In this message, Pastor Rob Elder shows how Jacob modeled leadership to Joseph and each of us is called to be a leader in God’s Kingdom.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Are you listening for God’s direction? In this message, Pastor Greg Dyson teaches how Jesus rested when the disciples were focused on the storm and how you can speak peace to the storm.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do you ever stop to look back to see all that God has been doing in your life? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches how Joseph sees the big picture of what God is doing through his life and how you can be part of something bigger than yourself.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do you hate people who hurt you? Have you been the one hurting others? In this message, Pastor Jeremy Lefler teaches how Joseph encountered a transformed version of his brother Judah, and how God still has healing ready for your story. This message is rated PG-13 for some adult themes.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Have you avoided restoring broken relationships? In this message, Pastor Mark Johnson teaches on Joseph mending the relationship with his family and how God's restorative power can help you do the same.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What do you do when your dream isn’t turning out the way you expected? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches how Joseph’s dream quickly turned into a nightmare and how God continues to speak to us until we get to where we are going.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Trusting someone else can be very difficult. How much more difficult is it to trust someone we can’t see? In this message, Pastor Davey Blackburn shares how God led Israel for 40 years on a desert road to spare them from something they weren’t ready for and how tests are an opportunity to learn a new lesson from God.…
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Have you been left in a difficult situation? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches on how Joesph was thrown in prison after trying to honor God and how you can being caught in the middle of the mess is not the end of your story.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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How do you deal with dysfunction in your family? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga teaches about how Joseph and his brothers had an unhealthy relationship and how you can choose the family you become.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What do you do when you find yourself stuck in a difficult season of life? In this message, Pastor Rob Elder teaches God prepared you Israel in the wilderness so they could face the giants in the Promised Land.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What does it look like for you to get away and spend time with God? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann share how Jesus chose to go into the wilderness and how we can find rest in our spiritual life.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Do you make emotional decisions or do you make decisions based on the will of God? In this message, Pastor Anvita Elder teaches how Abigail’s personal relationship God placed her on an unexpected path of redemption.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What are you living for today that will matter in a 100 years? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann teaches about some of the great men and women of faith seen in Hebrews and how we can live today with eternity in mind.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Are you waiting for God to show up in your life? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann shares how after the resurrection the disciples had to stop staring at the clouds and start living by the power of the Holy Spirit.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Have you found yourself questioning God? In this message, Pastor Jeremy Lefler shares how Jesus came closer to Thomas when he felt abandoned and how doubt can be an on ramp to getting closer to Jesus.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Can anyone experience a turn around in their faith? In this message Pastor Nate Nupanga, describes just how far away Paul was from God before encountering Jesus, and people aren’t the enemy in our lives but sin is.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Have you experienced a great failure in your life? In this message Pastor Nate Nupanga, shows how Peter was able to bounce back from denying Jesus three times, and how you can learn for your failures.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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Have you noticed God right next to you? In this message, Pastor Josh Husmann shares how Mary Magdalene encountered Jesus after the resurrection and what you need to know to encounter Him personally.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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What is the cost of sin? In this message, Pastor Nate Nupanga shares how Jesus paid the price for all sinners including a criminal like Barrabas and how this is good news for you as well.Di Mercy Road Church - Carmel
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