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The 8 Most Common Objectives to Church Multiplication - Objection #8 "Leaders Who Plant Have Unhealthy Motives" with Paul Fraser, Michael Bronson and Sam Sibley
This the 8th and final episode of our series on the 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication. This last one is about "Leaders Who Plant Have Unhealthy Motives". Check out what our hosts and guest have to say about the legitimacy of this objection but how it shouldn't be a reason for leaders and churches to still multiply. Thanks to Sam Sib…
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The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication - Objection #7 - "It's Too Risky" with Paul Fraser, Michael Bronson and John Albiston
This is our 7th Most Common Objection to Church Multiplication, "It's Too Risky". Everything we do in life carries some form of risk, you can't eliminate it all. But you don't have to be unwise and risky either. There are so many great resources, strategies, training and coaching that helps set up a new disciple-making communities for success way b…
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The 8 Mosts Common Objections to Church Multiplication - Objection #6 "There aren't enough resources" with Paul Fraser and Michael Bronson and special guest Wendy Payne.
This is our 6th most common objection to church multiplication; "There aren't enough resources". This objection finds its roots in a scarcity mentality. But where does good stewardship fit in here? Where does faith and risk fit in? Why don't we have enough resources? We are grateful to have Wendy Payne who is the leader of the New Churches Network …
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The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication - Objection #5 "We're Not Ready" with Paul Fraser, Michael Bronson and Jim Molloy
This is the fifth episode of the series called The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication. This objection is around idea that churches are simply not ready to plant. Is that true? Are existing churches not in the right place to multiply? Are they using that as an excuse to not prepare themselves for multiplication? We are grateful to hav…
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The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication - Objection #4 - "Multiplication Hurts Existing Churches" with Paul Fraser, Michael Bronson and Dave Slater
We are in the fourth episode of this series called The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication. This objection is around the thoughts that all new churches hurt existing churches by taking people away. Is it true? Do new church plants steal sheep? Should existing churches lead more with a sending mindset? Do we need better communication b…
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The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication - Objection #3 - "We Need To Revitalize Churches Not Plant New Ones" with Paul Fraser, Michael Bronson and special guest Jeremiah Raible
We are in the third episode of our new podcast series called "The 8 most Common Objections to Church Multiplication". This objection is around the idea that all our efforts need to be about revitalizing churches not starting new ones. Where do you think this objection is rooted? Does this have some validity? Should we stop planting new churches unt…
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The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication - Objection #2 "Too Many Churches" with Paul Fraser, Michael Bronson and Jim Molloy
We are in the second episode of our brand new podcast series called "The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication". Objections #2 is "we already have enough churches". The objection here is based on the idea, "we already have so many churches here in Canada, why do we need any more?" Is this a valid objection? Our cohosts for the series, P…
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The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication Series - Objection #1 - "Not Enough Leaders" with Paul Fraser and Michael Bronson
We are kicking off a brand new podcast series called "The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication". Objections #1 is "we don't have enough leaders". How will we have enough leaders to start new works when we don't have enough to fill our existing churches? Is this a valid objection? Our cohosts for the series, Paul Fraser and Michael Bron…
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Episode 61 - "Accidentally Multicultural or Intentionally Intercultural? How should churches respond to newcomers to Canada?" with Charles Hermelink
In this episode, we talk with Charles Hermelink from PAOC Mission Canada about how churches should be responding to newcomers to Canada, those who are coming to our churches and living in our communities. Charles shares about what it takes to have cross cultural intelligence as churches and leaders, and shares several resources to help get you ther…
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Episode #60 - Reaching, Developing and Discipling Millennials and Younger with James Clarence
In this months podcast we tackle the topic of stewarding millennials and the younger generations in our churches. James Clarence from First Assembly in Calgary, along with his leadership team, are doing innovative and intentional discipleship for grade 9 up to millennial ages in their church. They have engaged a ministry school model that is produc…
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Episode 59 - Replanting, Repairing and Revitalizing with Jordan and Amy Baker, Forest City Church in Burnaby, BC
In this episode with talk with the co-lead pastors of Forest City Church in Burnaby BC, Jordan and Amy Baker about their replanting journey. With so many religious spaces sitting empty in our rural, suburban and urban communities, replanting is something all leaders must be thinking about. While Jordan and Amy are very new into this process still, …
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In this episode we are so grateful to have Jess DiSabatino from Journey Church in Calgary, Alberta join us in this podcast. She co-pastors with her husband Dave and shares some great insight and advice for couples who are currently co-pastoring or thinking about co-pastoring. We also tackle some heavy stuff around deep friendships and how leaders c…
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In this podcast conversation with Jason Small, the District Superintendent of the Western Ontario District for the PAOC, we talk about our roots as a movement in the PAOC, why church multiplication is still so important post-pandemic and why all churches to partner in some way with this vision. Please also stick around to the end to hear a great en…
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In this episode we chat with Bill Markham from Central Community Church in St. Catherine's about some cultural issues facing churches and leaders. Lots of things get discussed here like consumption, convenience and conflict. We also discuss meta-modernism and post truth society and believe it or not....even more! You will be challenged and encourag…
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Episode #55 - Leadership Lean-in: Church Planting Globally, Disciple-making Culture and International Missions with Murray Cornelius
In this leadership lean-in conversation, Paul chats with Murray Cornelius, who is the Executive Director of International Missions at the PAOC. They chat about what IM is up to, what's changing, and what's staying the same, as well as church planting and disciple-making globally. Take some time to listen, to celebrate how God is on the move through…
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Episode #54 - Leadership Lean-in: Microchurch Meets Existing Church conversation with Landen Dorsch
In this leadership lean-in conversation, Paul Fraser from the Multiply Network chats with Landen Dorsch, Lead Pastor of Gateway Family Church in Leduc Alberta. They talk about how, with the support of the local church leadership, they are attempting to bridge a microchurch network with an existing church model. They dive into the opportunities micr…
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Episode #53 - Leadership Lean-In on Church Planting with Jeff Christopherson, Executive Director of Church Planting Canada
In this leadership conversation, we chat with Jeff about the upcoming Church Planting Canada Congress, the replant he's leading in Oakville, disciple-making culture and even how his smoked turkey went over on Thanksgiving weekend. Hope you can take time to listen in on this leadership conversation.Di Multiply Network
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In this episode, we chat with Mark Davis from Westwinds Community Church in the community of Cloverdale in Surrey, BC. Mark is the lead pastor there, as well as being a full-time professional firefighter and chaplain. Mark has had unique experiences and training that help him see healthy leadership through a different lens. Emotional health and res…
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Episode #51 - Urban Mission and Planting with Steve Pike from Urban Islands Project in collaboration with Sidewalk Skyline Podcast
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1:06:43Steve Pike has been at the forefront of church planting for thirty years. He served as founding director of Church Multiplication Network (CMN) for the Assemblies of God (USA) denomination. Seeing a need for more church plants in cities, he founded Urban Islands Project, which exists to “increase the presence of the Church in the Urban O.” We’ll as…
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In this episode, Paul Fraser takes some time to do a "State of the Union" podcast for the 50th episode. In the podcast, Paul takes time to encourage all leaders, planters and multipliers to engage 5 areas moving forward in our ministries. He talks about: 1) Spiritual Dependency 2) Disciple-making Culture 3) Future Church 4) Bridge Building 5) Healt…
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In this episode, we catch up with Anthony and Michele Yackel (UBC Campus Church from Tenth Church in Vancouver) and Jeff Wong (More than 12 Church in Vancouver). In this conversation, we discuss how the pandemic is affecting how we do church now and in the future. We talk about realigning to discipleship, empowering laity, and developing strategic …
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Episode #48 - Overall Health, Overflowing Hope and the Future of Church with Ben Johnson from FA Church in Calgary
In this episode we cover a lot of ground with Ben talking about leading through this pandemic being healthy as a leader. We also talk about how to lead staff through uncertainty, the future of digital church and Ben shares at the end some encouragement every leader needs to hear. Check it out!Di Multiply Network
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In this episode Paul announces the launch of a new website going live on January 15th. He outlines three important areas this new resources addresses for leaders and the disciple-making communities they are leading. Check out www.paocmultiply.com now for free access to the current resources and look for new ones dropping every month!…
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Episode #46 - Passion, Perseverance and Pioneering an Interview with Dr. Bill Wilson founder and pastor of Metro World Child
In this interview we chat with Dr. Bill Wilson about what it takes to reach people far from God, how to stay the course in so much disruption and discouragement and so much more. Over 200,000 kids from all over the world meet weekly in Sunday schools and are looking to start even more in 2021 in new countries they haven't been yet. Take some time t…
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In this episode we hear some encouraging stories of what God is doing in the province of Quebec. Paul also shares some needs that Quebec churches and leaders have as well as the partnership opportunities available for churches outside the province to participate in. While good things are happening, much more needs to be done. Please pray for worker…
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In this interview, we check in with Dan Collado from Aboriginal Bible Academy and Mission Canada. Dan brings a wealth of experience in ministry to Indigenous Peoples and a fresh perspective on the great potential for Kingdom impact in Indigenous communities. He also cautions Canadian leaders to seek to understand the differences in worldview betwee…
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In this episode we chat with Dave Wells about what he'd like to see in his next term as General Superintendent. He lays out a vision that focuses on engaging younger leaders while increasing the urgency of focusing on discipleship. He shares about the importance the PAOC needs for agility and being willing to make the right changes for the future. …
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Episode #42 - Discipleship and Next Generation Students with David Burke, Trevor Gingerich and Adam Gilfillan
In this episode we chat with some of our Mission Canada workers about how discipleship is changing on University, College and High School Campuses. We catch up with David Burke from Ryerson University, Trevor Gingerich from Humber College and Adam Gilfillan who works as a communicator and influencer on high school campuses all over Canada. We talk …
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In this episode we chat with Jeff K. from the PAOC International Office on Disciple-Making Movements that are working around the world and what their future is in Canada. We talk about what DMM's are, will they work in Canada, and is now the time to explore these new models? Jeff works with PAOC Restricted Access Nation's global workers and brings …
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In this episode we talk with Bill about the creative vision he and his leadership have for their new building, what the future looks like for churches in Canada and the necessary pivots churches should make moving forward. You will feel both challenged and encouraged as you hear his heart in this interview.…
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Episode #38 - Expert Drummer to Executive Director, as well as Church Planter? An interview with Travis Blackmore from Lionhearts and Oxygen Church
In this episode, we talk with Travis Blackmore, who is the Executive Director of Lionhearts, a charity that helped distribute 2.3 million dollars worth of food last year, and has already served over 20,000 meals since early March in the Kingston, Ontario area. Travis oversees this charity and the great work they are doing, and is also looking to pl…
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Episode #39 - Moving from Community Focus to Community Engagement. An interview with Jim Molloy, Chad Nickerson, and Dave Sawler
Take some time to listen in on an excellent conversation with active practitioners as it relates to community involvement. Dave Sawler from Glace Bay, N.S., and Chad Nickerson from Saint John, N.B are interviewed by Jim Molloy, from the Maritimes District Office - They talk about real, practical steps for how we can help our communities navigate th…
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Episode #37 - Big Questions, Budgets and our Belief in God for the Future with David Hazzard
In this episode we chat with David Hazzard about some of the big questions he is hearing from leaders around Canada and the world, what kind of budgets we as church leaders should be looking at in light of the economic changes we are seeing and how important our faith in God is while we navigate these very uncertain times.…
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Episode 35 - Pioneering New Ministry to the Margins of the Next Generation with Andrew Hansen
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Episode #34 - Why are evangelists on the "endangered species" list and what can we do about it with Dr. Bill Hogg
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In this episode we chat with Jeff Christopherson who is a planter, author, speaker and a leading missiological voice from right here in Canada. In this interview we ask him to put on his "missiologist" hat and talk to us about what he sees are the changes we need to make in church multiplication strategies to be effective in reaching Canadians.…
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In this Take 5 interview we chat with Kevin Janzen from Hope City Church in Edmonton about what kinds of gifts and leadership characteristics are needed to be a successful multisite pastor!Di Multiply Network
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In this podcast we chat with Addison Martin, Bethany Crews and Ewen Erickson on how they see the church now and in the future. These three are all currently attending Vanguard and were able to record this podcast at their first year Activate Retreat. They have some great takes and perspectives that we think you will enjoy!…
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Episode #31 - Multiplication, Management and the Heart of a Church Planter with Brett Esslinger
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Episode #25 - Balance, Boundaries and Discipleship with Mike Miller from Nova Church, Halifax
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In this Take 5 episode we talk with Matt about the journey they have been on in planting South Point Church, things they are learning and what they are excited about!Di Multiply Network
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Episode #28 - Campus Church and Discipleship with Jordan Cameron from Evensong Church, Halifax
In this Take 5 interview we chat with Jordan about what they do for campus church in Dalhousie University in Halifax and how they work at discipling students. We also talk about a big "why" as it relates to planting churches and ministries on our campuses.Di Multiply Network
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Episode #29 - Discipleship, Doubt and Development with Rob Good from Promise Church, Bradford Ont.
In this Take 5 interview we catch up with Rob to get an update on their church in Bradford Ontario, their discipleship model and how they are working at implementing it. We specifically talk about the "questioning" part of their process and how maybe making room for people to process what they are learning will allow greater development.…
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In this episode we talk about two new churches that have been planted from their network, what is making their multiplication efforts so successful and some ideas on how to keep churches multiplying in the future.Di Multiply Network
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In this episode we talk with our resident historian and archivist Jim Craig about the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada from the very early years all the way up to today. Specifically, we look through our 100 year history as it relates to church multiplication in our movement.Di Multiply Network
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In this episode we talk about online church, the scale and scope of online churches and what they are doing at Axis Church to try and not only reach Canada but the world through their online services.Di Multiply Network
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In this Take 5 interview we talk with Ken McIntyre from Hope City Church in Edmonton about their online presence as a church, how it is helping the church grow and what are some of the things they are learning through this process.Di Multiply Network
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In this episode we talk about unique disciple-making communities in urban centres. Kevin shares some creative ideas on outreach and paints a picture of what ministry to the marginalized could look like.Di Multiply Network
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