World traveler, businessman, health enthusiast, life coach, and pastor helps you to take your mind, body, and spirit to another level.
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You have to be able to answer when God calls you. Do you really know your name or calling from God?Di Nathaniel Bronner
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There are prophets that come into our lives and give us words from God. We have to realize that prophecy isn’t always what we’d like to hear but it’s necessary for our own good.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Who you surround yourself with is one of the most important decisions of your life. Surround yourself with people that will uplift, support and guide you in the areas of life that you would like prosperity in.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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God will take us all through trials and tough times in life, but from those trials will come our testimonies.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Do you struggle to do what God says? We all do. Get the 3 keys that will help you win the struggle.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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The 3 miracle foods of Jesus. #14 of the 14 message health series.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Oh Ye Priests, The Tithing Of Leaders
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1:00:55If you are in any position of leadership, you should be in covenant with God with your tithes because whichever spirit you have flows down onto those that are with you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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An open hearted candid conversation about the Pastor’s health that may even relate to you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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5 Keys Learned from a swimming lessonDi Nathaniel Bronner
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This is a message on how the Ark of Salvation came to be and it's destiny in the future. When God needs you to grow, change must occur.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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When you obey God's voice, things will go well for you no matter what, and S.T.U.F.F. will turn around for you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Change requires sacrifice and with change comes different challenges. However change comes, keep going and never stop. Adapt to it and always continue to grow.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Thy Will Be Done
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1:03:30Whatever you do, make sure that you write out a Last Will and Testament and be very specific about everything you put in it.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Fix or improve your marriage with these 3 steps. Send this to every married person you know at ShareTheFix.comDi Nathaniel Bronner
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When God calls you to your destiny, you cannot get there by staying where you are. You have to get up and move in order to get to where God wants you to be.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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What you have done is not where God wants you to go. Start looking into the future and not to your past so you can reach the destiny God has set up for you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Tired, depressed, overwhelmed? Get the keys to keep you going - Part 2Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Are we doing what God has guided us to do or are we doing what we want to do?Di Nathaniel Bronner
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When God gives you a Promise, be obedient and do what’s necessary to see it through because usually there’s a blessing in store maybe not just for you but for others through you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Di Nathaniel Bronner
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In a time with so much negative distraction, let nothing make you afraid and fearful as we are the children of the most high God.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Sometimes there will be attacks in your life and you will wonder “God, I thought you were with me”. Just know, God is always there with you and the attacks will not succeed against you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Got stress in your life? Learn these 3 keys to reducing stress in your life.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Unusual changes for an unusual church but sometimes you have to be unusual to get to where God has destined you to be.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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We have to build a foundation not for only us, but for our children’s children and it will benefit many many others as well.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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In life, we have to be and remain humble because there are things in life that will try to boost our pride but remember to Thank God and stay humble through it all.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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If you want your prayers to be effective, do this thing before you ask God for anything.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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When God gives you a vision, dream or a promise, keep repeating them and have them before your eyes at all times as a constant reminder.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Always be kind and hospitable to everyone you cross paths with. You never know if one of those people has the Blessing that God wants to bless you with.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Do not put so much focus on your cell phone and start to put more focus on God.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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The secret of unity from the Calvary Baptist Anniversary Address.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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If you learn how to pray this way it may change your captivityDi Nathaniel Bronner
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Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Do NOT pray The Lord's Prayer if you are NOT willing to do this.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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The name of El Shaddai, God AlmightyDi Nathaniel Bronner
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If you know you are doing something wrong and are delivered from that thing, try to not go back to that thing because usually it gets worse.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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What is the 1 thing that you know you should be doing? When will you start to do it?Di Nathaniel Bronner
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God will oftentimes not reveal the reason for the things He tells us to do because we will not understand.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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God says a blessing is coming but often His people can't receive the blessing. Learn the keys to receive the blessing that's coming to you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Life has many obstacles, hardships and struggles but that is no excuse for you to not be successful and prosperous. Get rid of the excuses and get done what you need to get done.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Are you worried about doomsday?Di Nathaniel Bronner
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If we want miracles to start to happen for us, we need to start becoming miracles to others around us.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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There will be times in life where God calls you to be the Angel who blesses someone else. We need to be obedient and do what God instructs you to do.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Do not let anything of life take your joy. You have the love of Christ inside of you.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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This is the full outlining of the Getting Rid Of Demons program from God.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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It's always in your best bet to stay with God in life. If you venture off from him, come back to him.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Are you struggling with something that seems like it’s impossible to overcome? Listen to this message to see how to rid yourself of potential spiritual oppression.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Everyone has two reservations and they are gauranteed to check in someday.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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Jesus never said it would be easy to get into Heaven so the 1st thing you must make sure of is that you know him.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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We have to become more focused on spending time with God and not let distractions keep us from maintaining that focus.Di Nathaniel Bronner
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