Are you ready to meet your new favorite podcast?! Get ready to meet your one-stop shop for everything home design and renovation. Nuhaus is here to put the power back into the hands of the consumers through education, humor, and a healthy dose of father-daughter banter.
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Podcast ini menyajikan pembahasan tentang nilai-nilai ajaran islam. Nilai-nilai ajarannya diserap dari Al-Qur'an, hadits, serta kitab-kitab yang telah diakui kredibilitasnya. Dari persoalan fiqih hingga moral yang berkaitan dengan fenomena terkini. Pembahasan ini dikemas dalam bentuk pengajian oleh kiyai dan diskusi percakapan oleh santri.
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Send us a text Trying to get information is hard! Listen as the group discusses cutting through the noise and making your own decisions. It's a lot but you just have to take it one bite at a time!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text The group talks about how people can start taking some control and how compromise may not be the as bad as it sound.Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text Join the group as they discuss some conspiracies and issues they found in the news recently!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text Join the group as the discuss price inflation, who pulls the strings and the problem with government committees.Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text The group discusses who the biggest market spenders are and why the news just doesn't make sense.Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text How can we fight the major problems? What is the difference between fighting a symptom versus fighting the actual problem? Find out as the group talks about what that looks like for you!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text We discuss different options for builders on pricing, what people should keep an eye on when vendor give estimates and how the prices keep rising!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text Join John in the hot seat as we discuss how builders prices have gone up and what people should keep an eye on for the future!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text In this episode, we put producer Zach in the hot seat! He talks about his time as a realtor and what some of the big news stories mean for the industry!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss how consumers can take their power back with a simple question....why?Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text This episode is a doozy! We talk about the show, how crazy things have gotten and what the future holds!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text The group talks about "trends" that reality tv has started and common misconceptions about them! Then, we play a fun game of "Are These Designs Real"!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text What's in a survey? Why should you get it? How did Ralph become....Ralph? Find out in this episode!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text Ever find yourself looking online at how much a house might cost you? Get sticker shock after seeing the price? The gang talks about the housing Market and the problem of rising house prices.Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text How long will your project take? What should your timeframe expectations be? Will we ever not laugh at Johns intro? Find out in this episode!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Send us a text The team talks about the shortage of skilled labor. How did this happen and what can we do to start moving in the other direction? Listen to find out! mics!Di Nuhaus Knows
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Lirik Sholawat Nisyan اِجۡعَلۡنَا مِنۡ اَهۡلِ الۡقُرآن ۩ اِجۡعَلۡنَا حَامِلِ الۡقُرآن Jadikanlah kami termasuk ahli Quran. Jadikanlah kami pemelihara Quran بِجَاهِ سَيِّدِ الۡاِحۡسَان ۩ وَ بِجَاهِ سَيِّدِ الۡخِتَام Dengan derajat Baginda Ali kebaikan. Dan dengan derajat Baginda Nabi terakhir اِحۡفَظۡنَا نِسۡيَانَ الۡقُرۡآن ۩ فِی كُلِّ وَقۡتٍ وَ …
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membahas tentang bersuci
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Hewan buruan
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Tafsir Surah Al-Maidah Ayat: 3
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Tafsir surah al-maidah ayat 2
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Tentang bulan-bulan harom
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Episode ini membahas tentang tafsir dan asbabunnuzul surah an nisa ayat 173 sampai 176
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Episode ini membahas tentang tafsir dan asbabunnuzul surah an nisa ayat 171 sampai 172
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Perlakuan Mar'ah Sholihah kepada Putra Putrinya |Kitab Mar'ah Sholihah | Ning Hj. Raudloh Quds
Perlakuan Mar'ah Sholihah kepada Putra Putrinya
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Episode yang membahas tentang cara membalas orang yang menzalimi kita menurut penulis kitab tafsir al-munir.
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Episode ini membahas tentang tafsir dan asbabunnuzul surah an nisa ayat 142 sampai 144. di dalamnya menjelaskan tentang perilakunya orang munafik dan balasan yang akan ditimpa mereka di akhirat nanti.
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Tafsiran ayat al quran yang menjelaskan tentang hijarah dan sholat qoshor
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Tafsir al quran yang menjelaskan tentang cobaan dan ujian
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Episode ini membahas tentang tafsir dan asbabunnuzul surah an nisa ayat 44 sampai 48
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Tafsir Surah An-Nisa Ayat: 64-68
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Tafsir Surah An-Nisa Ayat: 58-62
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Tafsir Surah An-Nisa Ayat: 50-52
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tafsir Surah An-Nisa Ayat: 44-46
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Berisi penjelasan tafsiran ayat alquran yang menjelaskan tentang orang-orang yang dilarang untuk melakukan sholat dan ayat tentang perintah tayamum.
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Tafsiran ayat yang menjelaskan perhitungan amal baik.
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Tafsir alquran yang berisi penjelasan tentang berbuat baik kepada sesama.
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Tafsir ayat al quran yang menjelaskan tentang perempuan sholihah dan hukuman bagi perempuan yang nusyuz.
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Penjelasan tafsir surah An Nisa ayat 32 dan 33
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Penjelasan tafsir QS. An Nisa ayat 26 sampai 30
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tafsir tentang hukum mahar yang diambil kembali
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Berbuat Baik kepada Kedua Orang Tua
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Tafsiran ayat tentang keharoman menikahi ibunya dan tafsiran ayat tentang wanita-wanita yang haram untuk dinikahi oleh laki-laki.
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tafsiran ayat tentang taubat dan dalil-dalil untuk laki-laki dalam mempergauli istrinya. beserta kisah mengenai nuzulul ayat alqurannya.
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tafsiran tentang pembagian warisan dan wasiat.
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tafsiran tentang pembagian warisan
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Episode Semaan al-Qur'an ini merupakan hasil dokumentasi Tashih 30 Juz Bil Ghoib oleh saudari Devi Musthoviyah yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 September 2021
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Episode Semaan al-Qur'an ini merupakan hasil dokumentasi Tashih 30 Juz Bil Ghoib oleh saudari Devi Musthoviyah yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 September 2021
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Episode Semaan al-Qur'an ini merupakan hasil dokumentasi Tashih 30 Juz Bil Ghoib oleh saudari Devi Musthoviyah yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 September 2021
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Pengajian Kitab Tafsir Al-Munir| Tafsir Surah Ali Imron Ayat: 180--183 | Ning Hj. Raudloh Quds
Pada episode kali ini membahas tafsir Surah Ali Imron ayat 180 sampai 183 yang membahas tentang sifat bakhil dan bahaya dari sifat tersebut. Dan dijelaskan asbabun nuzul Surah Ali Imron ayat 181.
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