At Ninth and O, we like to say that it’s not about a religion — it’s about a relationship. It is our desire to see every person come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and we stand ready to help you in that journey as you seek to come to understand what it means to be a follower of Christ. Visit our website at
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Basin and Towel Christianity: Jesus’ Blood and Our Smelly Feet (John 13:1–17) - Dr. Bill Cook
Basin and Towel Christianity: Jesus’ Blood and Our Smelly Feet (John 13:1–17) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Difficult Choices in Stormy Times: David Spares Saul’s Life Again (1 Samuel 26) - Dr. Bill Cook
Difficult Choices in Stormy Times: David Spares Saul’s Life Again (1 Samuel 26) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Three Lives, One Story: The Wisdom of a Godly Woman and the Kind Providence of a Holy God (1 Samuel 25) - Dr. Bill Cook
Three Lives, One Story: The Wisdom of a Godly Woman and the Kind Providence of a Holy God (1 Samuel 25) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Do Not Take Your Own Revenge (1 Samuel 24) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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The Danger of Desperation and Isolation: Forgetting God (1 Samuel 21) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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True Friendship: David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 19–20) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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The Confusing Ways of God (1 Samuel 18) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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The Battle Is the Lord’s: David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Living in God's Bootcamp (1 Samuel 16:14–23) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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The Challenge of Being a Nobody: Living for God in Obscurity (1 Samuel 16:1–13) - Dr. Bill Cook
The Challenge of Being a Nobody: Living for God in Obscurity (1 Samuel 16:1–13) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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More Room for More Disciples: What Should I Look for in a Church? (Acts 2:42–47) - Dr. Bill Cook
More Room for More Disciples: What Should I Look for in a Church? (Acts 2:42–47) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Choosing Best over Good: Jesus Is the Only Necessary Thing (Luke 10:38–42) - Blake RingDi Ninth & O Baptist Church
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Follow the Star: A Journey Begun in Faith Will End in Worship (Matthew 2:1–12) - Dr. Bill Cook
Follow the Star: A Journey Begun in Faith Will End in Worship (Matthew 2:1–12) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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From the Cradle to the Cross (Luke 2:10–11) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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The Account of Jesus' Birth (Luke 2:1–7) - Dr. T. J. BettsDi Dr. T. J. Betts
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The Glory of Singing: The Songs of Two Spirit-Filled Women Luke 1:39–56 - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Having Hope in the Middle of a Health Crisis - Ryan Morris, Bill & Jaylynn Cook, and Danielle Shuff
Having Hope in the Middle of a Health Crisis - Ryan Morris, Bill & Jaylynn Cook, and Danielle ShuffDi Ninth & O Baptist Church
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The Day God Broke His Silence: The Announcement of the Messiah's Forerunner (Luke 1:5–25) - Dr. Bill Cook
The Day God Broke His Silence: The Announcement of the Messiah's Forerunner (Luke 1:5–25) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Finding Peace in the Midst of Conflict - Ryan Morris, Jeff Elieff, Chanda Brown, and Tommy Sims
Finding Peace in the Midst of Conflict - Ryan Morris, Jeff Elieff, Chanda Brown, and Tommy SimsDi Ninth & O Baptist Church
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The Incarnation of God's Son (John 1:1–5, 14, 18) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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What Do I Say When...? - Ryan Morris with Andrew & Christian WalkerDi Ninth & O Baptist Church
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To Obey Is Better than Sacrifice (1 Samuel 15) - Dr. Bill CookDi Dr. Bill Cook
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Discerning Truth in the Midst of Culture's Lies - Ryan Morris, Adam Cole, Philip Brown, and Blake RingDi Ninth & O Baptist Church
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The Significance of One for Good or for Evil (1 Samuel 14) - Dr. Bill CookDi Ninth & O Baptist Church
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Deacon Ordination - Dr. Bill CookDi Ninth & O Baptist Church
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