Dois amigos programadores discutem assuntos técnicos, mercado de trabalho e as principais notícias do mundo da programação.
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Jestem nauczycielem języka angielskiego. Pomagam przełamać barierę językową. Nagrywam podcast po angielsku a w nim: -porady jak pokonać barierę i zacząć swobodnie mówić po angielsku -zwroty i wyrażenia niezbędne w komunikacji -gramatyka w praktyce -nauka przez seriale i teksty piosenek
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Í Undralandi Ólafssona er allt morandi í kanínuholum. Aron og Arnar reyna að tipla á tánum í kringum þær en eiga það til annað slagið að falla ofan í þær með tilheyrandi pælingum og vitleysu. Í Undralandi eru þó ekki einungis kanínuholur heldur líka fullt af glensi og meðþví!
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Tecnologia sob a perspectiva humana. Reflexões sobre a vida em um universo em constante transformação, compartilhadas através de histórias inspiradoras e discussões envolventes que colocam as pessoas em primeiro plano. Um podcast que vai melhorar seu dia.
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Olaf Mann ist ein erfolgreicher Fitness- & Natural Bodybuilding Coach in seiner Wahlheimat München, sowie passionierter Athlet im deutschen Natural Bodybuilding und ehemaliger Kampfsportler. In seinem Podcast lässt Olaf Athleten und Experten aus dem Natural Bodybuilding und auch aus anderen Sportarten zu Wort kommen. Die Gespräche drehen sich um Natural Bodybuilding, Kampfsport, Sport im Allgemeinen, Ernährung und gelegentlich ein wenig Psychologie, eben alles rund um einen gesunden Lebensstil.
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The COF Olavo de Carvalho podcast is a dedicated audio series that explores the teachings, thoughts, and philosophy of Olavo de Carvalho, a Brazilian philosopher known for his deep analyses on topics such as politics, culture, history, and spirituality. The podcast brings together conversations, lectures, and reflections that reveal his unique perspective on contemporary society and traditional values. Engaging and thought-provoking, this series aims to reach audiences interested in Carvalho ...
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Some last minute tips for Economics A-level exams!
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Zafer Algöz ve Can Yılmaz'ın sunumuyla gerçekleşen #BurdaOlanBurdaKalır yeni konu ve konuklarıyla sizlerle! Burda Olan Burda Kalır Youtube kanalıyla ilgili talep, öneri ve görüşlerinizi e-posta adresine iletebilirsiniz. *Can Yılmaz Twitter @canyilmaz1 / Instagram @68canylmz Zafer Algöz Twitter @zaferalgoz / Instagram @kendiismim
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Beyond Code, czyli rozmowy pierdololo 😉 Ola Kunysz rozmawia z ludźmi z IT o rzeczach kompletnie niezwiązanych z wytwarzaniem oprogramowania. Ola jest w branży od kilkunastu lat. Poznała wiele ciekawych osób, które zaprasza do rozmowy na różne tematy. To seria podcastów podczas których możesz dowiedzieć się jak lepiej pracować i zainspirować się tym, co ludzie z IT robią po godzinach. Ciekawe pasje, dbanie o zdrowie, różne ścieżki rozwoju, umiejętności miękkie i unikanie wypalenia zawodowego. ...
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Powitaj świat pełen inspiracji, motywacji i odważnych historii kobiet sukcesu w każdej dziedzinie. #GIRLBOSSKIE to przestrzeń, gdzie Ola Gościniak opowiada o szeroko pojętym biznesie i byciu #GirlBoss oraz zaprasza wyjątkowe kobiety, które przełamują bariery i osiągają swoje cele. Razem odkrywają kluczowe momenty, drogę do sukcesu oraz udostępniają cenne wskazówki dla wszystkich, którzy dążą do spełnienia swoich marzeń. Dołącz do nas, aby czerpać inspirację, zdobywać wiedzę i budować siebie ...
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To motivate, inspire and encourage someone today
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The whole idea is to inspire you. Hopefully you smile as well.
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The unsolicited opinions podcast. (I'm still going to share it anyway)
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Welcome to the olando haynes podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Todos los mensajes donde las Onces Tv esta presente, un contenido fresco, actual y bendecido
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Welcome to the Get Richer Teacher Podcast. My name is Ola and I'll be your guide and mentor on your way to a profitable, sustainable, but most importantly, enjoyable language education business. And why would you care to do that? To build a business like that? Because there is literally no other way. The language education market is in a bizarre state. Companies making millions in profit yet paying teachers peanuts. Native speakerism is still way too powerful. And finally, the students are b ...
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Experiência incrível
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Welcome to the Adegoriola Olanipekun podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Türkiye'nin polisiye dergisi Dedektif, Olay Yeri isimli podcast serisi ile karşınızda. Bu seride polisiye yazarları ile bir araya gelip, röportajlar gerçekleştireceğiz. Polisiye kitapları, dizileri ve filmleri inceleyip, sizler ile paylaşacağız.
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By Stella, Daniel and Sahara
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Lorem ipsum eksempeltekst
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Historias de fútbol, análisis y más..
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Podcast yang membahas pertandingan-pertandingan bigmatch olahraga dari sudut pandang guru olahraga yang malas olahraga Dibawakan oleh Pak Niko
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. Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the Olá Mundo! podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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Harmless fun to relax you at any point in time ..we go hard just fun.
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Welcome to the Olaves Econ podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Olave 2019
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All the news from the world of Sport
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Laga Raga merupakan podcast berita olahraga terkini oleh Wavesuara. Berita pertandingan, score dan lainnya dari berbagai aspek olahraga baik nasional, maupung internasional. Disajikan oleh salah satu tokoh influencer musik, Mr.Panda. Kenali wavesuara :
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Recapturing your original self...
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All about Personal Finance, Lifestyle, Relationships, and Productivity. This Podcast will help you grow in every area of life. Subscribe so you don't miss any episodes. Support this podcast:
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apostolic Church
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Un podcast del club de buceo Oceánides
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Se stai cercando di pensare a come imparare l'olandese, stai sbagliando. Impara l'olandese come hai fatto l'italiano: ascoltandone moltissimo. (Con almeno una vaga idea di cosa significhi!) Migliaia di frasi in olandese, insieme alle traduzioni in italiano, presentate direttamente al tuo cervello: dal pratico al filosofico al flirt. Solo frasi, nessun riempitivo! Vai ben oltre le basi della lingua olandese non solo per comunicare, ma anche per diventare una persona interessante in olandese. ...
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This podcast is unpaid and survives on donations. You can donate here via paypal or buy merch here Ola' Kool Kitchen is a show on KCLA 99.3FM In LA, 107.5 Andhow.FM in New Zealand, Maximum Threshold Radio, Rock Radio UK, Sword Radio UK, Jammerstream One, Kor Radio, Bombshell Radio, Pop Radio UK, Radio Wigwam, Dirty Chai Radio , Rock XS Radio, Radio Candy Radio, Firebrand Radio and Radio Lantau hear more show ...
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Enregistrement dans le cadre du cours de francais
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Welcome to Unfiltered with Ola podcast, where we chat about everything openly and talk about these insecurities that no one wants to tackle.
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El 27 de noviembre de 1983, un Boeing 747 Jumbo de la compañía colombiana Avianca cayó envuelto en llamas en una pequeña vaguada de Mejorada del Campo.
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