Have you ever locked eyes with a stranger and wondered, "What’s their story?" Step into someone else’s life and expect the unexpected. Extraordinary stories from around the world.
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Hosts Matt and Aviv talk about everyone's favorite police procedural show: Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
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O podcast mais ordinário do Brasil!
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En kristen podcast för dig som vill förbli, förstå och förvandlas av Guds Ord. Petrus och Jenny Eurell gräver djupare i Bibeln och pratar om vad den lär. Musiken du hör är gjord av Fredrik Hermansson. Om du gillar vår podcast, se till att Sprida Ordet!
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Þáttur um íslensku og önnur mál. Umsjón: Anna Sigríður Þráinsdóttir og Atli Sigþórsson
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Dk. Troens Ord Brande Danmark. Optagelser fra vores møder og vores bibelstudier. En. Troens Ord Brande Denmark. Recordings from our services and bible studies.
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A podcast about psychoanalysis, politics, pop culture, and the ways we suffer now, featuring Abby Kluchin & Patrick Blanchfield
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NOREA: Guds ord er levende
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Te contamos lo que no se le ocurre a nadie en el momento más inoportuno.
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Cada semana en Julia en la onda, los chicos de El Orden Mundial nos hablan sobre política y Relaciones Internacionales con el objetivo de comprender cómo funciona el mundo
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Få et ord til eftertanke. Lyt til en ny andagt på alle ugens dage, det tager kun ca. 2 minutter. Hver uge er der en ny person, som holder andagten.
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Um podcast sério sobre assuntos mais ou menos sérios para debater história, literatura e cultura medievais, sempre de olho em outras cronologias. Falamos sobre temas científicos mas também sobre quem trabalha nestes universos e os desafios que encontramos. Levantamos um pouco do véu sobre o trabalho académico, mas aqui ninguém fala de cátedra.
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Ordinary People... Extraordinary God!!!
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Der Podcast für Dein ordentliches und aufgeräumtes Leben. Für mehr Zeit und Platz, Klarheit und Energie, Freude und Lebensqualität. Ich zeige Dir, dass Ordnung auch Spaß machen kann und gebe Dir Tipps & Tricks, wie auch Du Dein Leben ordentlich gestalten kannst. Du lernst Überflüssiges loszulassen, Ballast über Bord zu werfen und wie Du herausfindest, was Dich wirklich glücklich macht. Außerdem zeige ich Dir praktische Methoden zum Ordnung halten und wie Du sie für Dich umsetzen kannst.
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Ordet og Israels podcast: Nyheder fra Israel, andagter, bibelundervisning og gode fortællinger. Redaktion: Ellen Hessellund (ansvh.), Anders Vindum, Ruben Tambjerg Hoffmann Musik: Simon Kammersgaard
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De luni până vineri, La ordinea zilei avem interviuri cu specialiști și știri despre subiecte fierbinți. Subiecte actuale comentate din perspectivă creștină. La radio de la 13:20 si in reluare la 18:20, pe www.rve-timisoara.ro
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DEEP conversations about the consequences of the words (terms) used for World Events upon an unsuspecting Public.
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Bli en betalende abonnent: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/renate-nygu00e5rd/subscribe Podcast om rydding og organisering for deg som av ulike grunner lett blir overveldet. Her senkes tempoet og mengden. En skuff i uken er bedre enn ingen!
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We explore the edges of blockspace, from Ordinals to Layer 2s and back. Join host Charlie Spears for weekly interviews and livestreams on Bitcoin’s frontier.
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Kevin Flynn and Rebecca Lavoie invite special guests to talk about ripped-from-the-headlines episodes of Law & Order, SVU, and Criminal Intent. It's the f'ing OG of police procedurals!
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Chris Snowdon, Tom Slater and guests discuss the latest in nanny-state killjoyism.
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Failures, victories, wins, and losses. We're exploring, uncovering, and unpacking the most valuable life lessons learned from the most successful men on the planet. Conversations include Jocko, Chris Williamson, Ben Shapiro, Dave Ramsey, David Goggins, Tim Tebow, Shawn Ryan, Cam Hanes, Terry Crews, Matthew McConaughey, Adam Carolla, Robert Greene, Ryan Holiday, Mark Manson, and so many more. If you want to learn how to be a better man, we've got you covered.
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On the surface, the guests of this podcast are seemingly ordinary. And yet, they have great stories and ideas, and they've done great things. New episodes every Tuesday.
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Ord om Øl er et fælles podcast-projekt fra Niels Kristian Skjærbæk, der står bag bloggen A Word on Beers og Anders Ousen fra bloggen Ousen om Øl, hvor vi siger en masse ord om øl. I får altid vores ærlige og umiddelbare mening om det øl vi smager og de emner vi tager op.
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Este é o PODCAST oficial da ORDEM MÁGICA CAMINHOS DA EVOLUÇÃO e terá início com o BLOCO nº 1 formado por 12 textos, todos de autoria de André Cozta.
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Israelpodden från Livets Ord är en podcast som vill ta Israel till de Kristna och inspirera Kristna till Israel. I vår podd bjuder vi in intressanta gäster som alla har något att berätta om Israel och det judiska folket. Vi vill vara en röst för Israel i Sverige och uppmuntra till engagemang för Israel och det judiska folket.
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Exploring the intersection of queer identity and catholicism - sharing stories of those who've left, remained, and created their own journeys; providing commentary on the catholic church's harmful teachings; helping those who've been hurt.
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Host Becca McGee can't shut up about literally anything - nothing is off limits and its not that serious.
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This is a free-thinking, pot-smoking, media-loving podcast, based out of California. We watch and rate a ton of movies, tv shows, and video games. We also talk comics, books, technology, and whatever else catches our attention. Follow us here on Soundcloud, or we're on Stitcher and iTunes also. Join the Order!
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Regg and Taurian B. put your favorite Hip-Hop albums of the past on the stand, with a track-by-track interrogation to see how they’ve stood the test of time on Rap & Order podcast.
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Jermaine and Trevaunn Richards sit with Sheldon Sabastian to discuss everything from laundry to alien invasions.
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An African and Redneck who are friends from two totally different backgrounds talking about their life, current events, and random things that they see and happen.
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A weekly podcast on the greatest hockey pool of all time.
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In intimate conversions, Andy Kushner shows you the extraordinary in the ordinary, and the ordinary struggles that even the extraordinary experience. EOP gets to the heart of the matter with interesting people that we rarely get a chance to talk with.
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Chronologically studying the Bible until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God (Ephesians 4:13)
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We are a group of tabletop RPG gamers and these are the games we play.
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“Ordinary Time” is a Catholic podcast inspired by the liturgical Calendar. It features episodes in which non-clergy or lay members of the Catholic Church are...
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The Major World Order is part of The Major Pod Network, interviewing Major Marks. Hosted by Husvar, Billy Peck, and Jake Wyatt.
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A Pom, an Aussie and two Kiwis walk into a bar ... it’s not a joke, it’s The Top Order, a cricketing podcast where good friends mix their own banter and opinion with extended interviews with some of cricket's most interesting characters from the past and present day.
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„Orden on air“ – der Podcast der Ordensgemeinschaften Österreich holt Ordensfrauen und -männer vor den Vorhang und – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes – vor das Mikrofon. Ziel ist es, interessante Persönlichkeiten und besondere Talente vorzustellen sowie das Engagement von Ordensleuten in den vielfältigen Bereichen des Lebens zu zeigen. Der Podcast soll auch Platz bieten, gesellschaftspolitische Themen aufzugreifen und anzusprechen sowie Hintergründe darzulegen.
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Hope. Real Hope. Real stories. From ordinary people, just like you. 🎙️ NEW podcast episode every other Sunday!
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„Sucht und Ordnung“ ist ein Podcast für Menschen, die sich mit den Themen Abhängigkeitserkrankungen, psychotrope Substanzen, Safer Use, Therapiemöglichkeiten und Drogenpolitik beschäftigen. Das Format soll Betroffenen Hilfestellungen bieten und ihnen zeigen, dass sie nicht alleine sind. Zugleich soll es ein realistisches Bewusstsein für den Konsum psychotroper Stoffe in der Gesellschaft erzeugen und im besten Fall auch politisch zu einer neuen, evidenzbasierten Herangehensweise an die Drogen ...
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The Nerd World Order Broadcast is the official podcast of the Nerd World Order Community
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The two ordinary cops are former Northern Territory Police Officers Remote Sergeant Ben Schultz and Detective Sergeant Damien Barbe. With over 25 years experience Ben and Damo share stories from their time in the job. Follow along through the laughter, anger and tears that come with the rigours of Policing Australia’s last frontier.
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A chronological journey through the struggles, sacrifices, and successes of every animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Join your hosts, Andy, Hunter and Michael, in discussion and debate surrounding Disney's most (and least) beloved fairytales and adventures in the broader context of the Walt Disney Company and the animation studio's influence on pop culture.
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The Ordinary Average Guy Podcast Show is a podcast hosted by an ordinary average guy, for ordinary average people, talking about ordinary average things. This is a podcast for everyone with a conversation everyone can relate to. The host is a former stand up comedian who brings interesting insight on everything from life and family to cutting grass and cleaning out the garage.
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Lukasevangeliet 12 1-7
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Bed, så skal der gives jer; søg, så skal I finde; bank på, så skal der lukkes op for jer.
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Sunday | Pas. Stephen Moses | 09-03-2025
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Intervju med författarna till nysläppta boken ”Folket som överlevde”. Här finns boken: https://webshop.livetsord.se/produkt/folket-som-overlevde/ www.israelreport.org
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Episode 202 - Jeg er ik' sur
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1:32:53Skriv til os med ris, ros, forslag og kommentarer Anders og Niels Kristian mødes for første gang i en måneds tid i online studiet og hygger med hele tre øl fra Lille Holmgård Bryghus. I skolernes vinterferie var Niels Kristian en tur i nærheden af Borris, så da han var tæt på bryggeriet var han en tur forbi, for at smage på lidt af øllet, men det b…
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Interviu cu Prof. Dr. Otniel Bunaciu, pastor https://www.conferintamomentum.ro/ https://youtube.com/live/VxA8Y9MjQPI ============================ Mai puteti asculta: BIBLIA AUDIO https://anchor.fm/biblia-audio ============================
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Episode 361 - Devastating Story (ad@22.05)
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2:00:07On this week's episode, hosts Aviv and Matt are back after a brief hiatus to review season 16 episode 18 of SVU - Devestating Story! Aviv tells Matt what THOT means, Matt takes a victory lap on the death of Snack or Wack, all this and more! Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, get at us on BlueSky @svupodcast and send us an em…
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EP 117: Your friendly Neighborhood Spiderman
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1:17:47Dukes, "X-Man "and Ya Boi Joe discuss Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman Disney Plus. To connect with us search #iamnwo on all social media.Di Nerd World Order
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Todays episode features Becca on a mic. Planning frenzies, manifesting, Armie Hammer, Tefi, and lots of laughing. ENJOY I HOPE YOU LOL <3Di Becca McGee
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[EOR SoloStream] "Queen of the Black Coast (Part I)" (GURPS)
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1:21:58We're shifting gears this week, away from Dragon Warriors in favor of another venerable TTRPG system: GURPS! Specifically, we're diving into one of the solo scenarios published in the late 80s for the GURPS Conan line, this one based on one of the best (in our humble opinion) of the original Conan stories, "The Queen of the Black Coast"! EOR YouTub…
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On this week's very special bonus episode, snack or wack is dead, long live snack or wack. Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, get at us on BlueSky @svupodcast and send us an email specialviewingunit@gmail.comDi Matthew Reuter
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 10, 2025 is Numbers 35-36. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We …
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Jesu gudomlighet i Markusevangeliet
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1:05:32Framställs Jesus som Gud i Markusevangeliet? Vi avslutar denna serie genom att gå igenom Markusevangeliet kapitel efter kapitel och ser hur varje kapitel vittnar om Jesu gudomlighet. Från evangeliets öppning till Jesu makt att stilla stormen, förlåta synder och uppstå från de döda – ser vi gång på gång hur Markus framställer Jesus som Herren själv,…
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Sue Dobson was a white South African who risked her life as an ANC secret agent Sue was a student when she was first recruited as a spy for the African National Congress liberation movement in the 1980s, and she knew that if she was caught she'd face prison, torture or death. Sue's mission would require her to infiltrate the pro-apartheid media est…
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Lukasevangeliet 11 45-54
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S29E7 Mickey's Lost Rule
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2:16:07#Mickey17#TheRuleOfJennyPen#IntoTheLostLandsDi Attention Deficit Order
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Dine ord er en lygte for min fod, et lys på min sti.
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46: Cinco años después de la cuarentena II/II - Acceso anticipado
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1:46:48Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Acceso anticipado para Fans - Segunda parte de la primera parte donde comentamos que se cumplen cinco años desde el encierro domiciliario al que nos vimos sometidos los españoles, y no hemos querido dejar pasar la ocasión para co…
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ICC Champions Trophy Final Review: NZ v India - spin dominates again as India claim the title
In this episode of the 2025 ICC Champions Trophy daily review, Binksy, Raj and Stu look back at the tournament final between New Zealand and India. It's a tough morning for Black Caps fans as another ICC final ends in defeat, but for India it was congratulations all around as we saw a continuation of an astonishing run of form for their white-ball …
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46: Cinco años después de la cuarentena I/II
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1:51:21Se cumplen cinco años desde el encierro domiciliario al que nos vimos sometidos los españoles, y no hemos querido dejar pasar la ocasión para comentar el delirio colectivo que produjo la desastrosa gestión de la epidemia por parte de nuestro gobierno de progreso. Como siempre, si dejan su like y su comentario, les estaremos profundamente agradecido…
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El plan de rearme de la UE ante un futuro incierto con Trump: "No es descartable ver un ejército europeo sobre Ucrania"
Fernando Arancón y Alba Leiva hablan de las políticas arancelarias de Donald Trump y nos cuentan cómo se está rearmando la Unión Europea y han revelado qué país europeo tiene un mayor porcentaje de mujeres científicas e ingenieras.Trump pone en jaque a Wall Street con su política arancelaria y hace temblar a la economía estadounidense…
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Darcy reveals her journey as "God's problem child" in this deeply vulnerable conversation about finding faith through life's unexpected divine interventions. As a fifth-generation Iowa farmer and storyteller who grew up feeling like an outsider in church settings, Darcy shares three remarkable stories that challenged her skepticism and revealed God…
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 9, 2025 is Numbers 33-34. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We a…
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Gud viser sin kærlighed til os, ved at Kristus døde for os, mens vi endnu var syndere.
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A fost cumplitul ceas al omenirii Când vechiul legământ s-a destrămat Și Noul Legământ, pecetluit cu sânge Pe veci de veci, cu Tatăl, deplin ne-a împăcat. Isus Cristos la cină - doar El și ucenicii În atmosferă intimă, în camera de sus Din bob de grâu, ca și din rodul viței I-a invitat pe-ai Săi să ia acolo jos, ș-apoi doar Sus. Când Iuda a ieșit a…
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You're listening to Bitcoin Season 2. Subscribe to the newsletter, trusted by over 7,000 Bitcoiners: https://newsletter.blockspacemedia.com We break down the 2024 River Financial Report. What countries are buying? Which funds are buying? What does the average Bitcoin user look like? And what the heck is up with Lightning these days? Notes: • Lightn…
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Heute ist ein besonderer Tag – der Weltfrauentag. Ein Tag, an dem wir uns an die vielen Fortschritte erinnern, die Frauen weltweit gemacht haben, aber auch an die Herausforderungen, denen wir uns noch stellen müssen. In dieser kurzen Episode möchte ich Dir ein paar Gedanken und Wünsche mit auf den Weg geben - für Dich und für alle Frauen da draußen…
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92: Gerontophallocracy 2025: The Primitive Accumulation Monster Dad at the End of History Teaser
Subscribe to get access to the full episode, the episode reading list, and all premium episodes! www.patreon.com/OrdinaryUnhappiness For the first time since the inauguration, our series metabolizing the ongoing chaos of American politics returns. That’s right: Gerontophallocracy is back! The topic is a certain grandiose deadbeat manchild patriarch…
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Freddie Attenborough from the Free Speech Union joins Chris Snowdon and Tom Slater for the latest episode of Last Orders, our nanny-state podcast. They discuss Labour’s latest free-speech crackdown, why vaping really isn’t as bad as smoking, and the nonsensical claim that Britain’s students are hooked on gambling. Celebrate 25 years of spiked. Dona…
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 8, 2025 is Numbers 31-32. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We a…
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John Legend Can't Wait to Sing 'Ordinary People' | EP 206
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Frygt ikke, jeg hjælper dig. Frygt ikke, Jakobs orm, Israels kryb, jeg hjælper dig, siger Herren, han som løskøber dig, Israels Hellige.
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„David i-a zis: 'Nu te teme, căci vreau să-ţi fac bine din pricina tatălui tău Ionatan. Îţi voi da înapoi toate pământurile tatălui tău Saul şi vei mânca totdeauna la masa mea'.” (2 Samuel 9:7) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/7Ou1-E4AfUQ ------------------------------------ Ioan Ciobotă tel. +40728276516 ==========…
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"În ce mă priveşte, departe de mine gândul să mă laud cu altceva decât cu crucea Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, prin care lumea este răstignită faţă de mine şi eu faţă de lume!" (Galateni 6:14) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/IGSOACk50cY ------------------------------------ Ioan Ciobotă tel. +40728276516 ===========…
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Wie negative Glaubenssätze junge Menschen zerstören
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1:07:46mit Simon Batta In dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Simon Batta, Jugendcoach und Gründer von Simonbatta Jugendhilfe e.V., über seine persönliche Reise und seine Arbeit mit Jugendlichen, die im System oft übersehen werden.**Themen der Folge:** Warum Jugendliche in Deutschland immer weniger Perspektiven haben Wie Simon selbst den Weg von der Straße zu…
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Gerade hat die Fastenzeit begonnen, die auch „österliche Bußzeit“ genannt wird. Doch was bedeutet Buße eigentlich und passt sie überhaupt noch ins Jahr 2025? Sr. Teresa Hieslmayr, Dominikanerin vom Kloster Kirchberg am Wechsel, schlägt in der neuen Podcast-Folge alternative, moderne Begriffe vor und ist überzeugt davon, dass sich Buße immer auszahl…
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In this episode of Friday Field Notes, Ryan Michler discusses why every man must learn to advocate for himself. He explains how setting boundaries, communicating needs, and standing firm in convictions are essential for personal and professional success. Ryan challenges the belief that self-advocacy is selfish and presents compelling research on ho…
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In this episode, Schultzie and Damo chat about their weekend catch-up with police mates, give a shout-out to a listener joining Queensland Police, and dive into the controversy around lowering the standards to join the force—sharing some strong opinions on the risks it brings. They also discuss Cyclone Alfred, the chaos of panic buying, and the cha…
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 7, 2025 is Numbers 28-30. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We a…
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Lukasevangeliet 11 37-44
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I den følgende tid gik han fra by til by og fra landsby til landsby, og han prædikede og forkyndte evangeliet om Guds rige.
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Interviu cu Vera Kirilă, jurnalistă https://youtube.com/live/StUxkPlFmhA ============================ Mai puteti asculta: BIBLIA AUDIO https://anchor.fm/biblia-audio ============================
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"Nimic întinat nu va intra în ea, nimeni care trăieşte în spurcăciune şi în minciună; ci numai cei scrişi în cartea vieţii Mielului." (Apocalipsa 21:27) ------------------------------------ Video aici: https://youtu.be/mnqIFUy-Ejs ------------------------------------ Ioan Ciobotă tel. +40728276516 =================== BIBLIA AUDIO: https://www.youtu…
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March Watch-a-long and Purchases
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1:42:58It's the start of the month so we check in on what Major Pod has going on. We talk about the removal of their Pro Wrestling Tees shirts, different retro companies, and all of Major's Toy Fair reveals. We also get into our latest gets. Jake got new shoes, Billy got the motherload, and Husvar got...
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Send David a text be sure to include contact info if you would like a response :) Our Chronological Bible reading plan for March 6, 2025 is Numbers 26-27. This could be considered a deeper, or more advanced application Bible study because we don't just take the traditional view of scripture. We go deeper to see what lessons are being revealed. We a…
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Lukasevangeliet 11 33-36
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Men alle dem, der tog imod ham, gav han ret til at blive Guds børn, dem, der tror på hans navn.
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