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WHY? Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life

Jack Russell Weinstein / Prairie Public

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Join us each month as we engage in philosophical discussions about the most common-place topics with host Jack Russell Weinstein, professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Dakota. He is the director of The Institute for Philosophy in Public Life.
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philosophical minds

skyler mathis

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The podcast about the stuff we wonder about and other things We welcome exotic thinking , unique philosophy , wonder & wisdom. Exploring interesting walks of life, advanced technology, innovation, esoteric realms , social sciences , and much more For 15% off your Temple of Mercury Orders enter PHILOCAST at checkout For 15% off your Eaux Chaotiques Orders enter PHILOPOD at checkout For 10% off your Temple of Medicine Buddha Labs ...
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My name is Tedy Nenu and I am the host of the 'Philosophical Trials' podcast. This is a place where philosophers, mathematicians, linguists and other bright individuals share with us fascinating aspects of their work. Whether you are interested in the nature of mathematical reality or how language works, there will be an episode here that caters to your interests.
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The purpose of the SIGPhil's podcasts "Philosophical dialogues: the story behind the work" is to go behind the published work and seek answers to why philosophy, how philosophy, when philosophy and with whom. Together with the guests talking about their experience we will explore the history, the ideas, the reasoning, the process, the challenges and the funny things that happened and made contribution to what they published. We will also discuss what did not got published and the future of t ...
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From Discomfort to Strength explores philosophy, personal growth, and perseverance. Inspired by thinkers like Nietzsche, we dive into adversity, the will to overcome, and strategies for lasting success. Each episode unpacks why most quit at discomfort’s first sign—and how pushing through leads to mastery, transformation, and self-realization. Whether you aim to elevate your mindset, embrace discomfort for growth, or explore timeless ideas through a modern lens, this podcast offers thought-pr ...
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Zack Bartell got his start in athletics, developing an insane level of strength while training for football and, eventually, powerlifting. Fast forward nearly a decade, and he's turned that passion for training into building an incredibly successful in-person gym called SoCal Powerlifting. Through that process, he's built his own business and exper…
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In this episode of the WHY Podcast, Jack sits down with Mark C. Taylor, Professor of Religion at Columbia University, to discuss how the humanities and the natural world intersect. They talk about how literature, philosophy, and art can provide new insights into our connection with nature and offer paths toward a more sustainable and harmonious rel…
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《催稿拉黑》的听众朋友们好,今年1月22日,我和播客《残言片语》(typlog、小宇宙)的主持人、残障议题研究者谢仁慈连线,聊了聊安乐死与残障权益之间错综复杂的关系。这期节目已经在《残言片语》上线(typlog、小宇宙),我在这里做个备份。《残言片语》是一档从残障视角观察和探讨社会话题的播客,在当代中文公共讨论中极为稀缺,强烈推荐大家关注收听。 以下是《残言片语》为本期节目制作的中文文案: 【聊了什么】 当我们热烈讨论“有尊严地死去”的权利时,是否曾停下来思考,有多少人尚未获得“有尊严地活着”的条件?在当代政治与伦理的激辩场上,安乐死权利被包装为自由与选择的象征,但在一个对残障理解不足的社会里,这种自由选择是否真的如表面般简单? 仁慈与林三土展开了一场关于安乐死的深度对话,试图穿透这个议题表…
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今天上传一份来自2020年6月的“怀旧”音频:《时差 in-betweenness》(Buzzsprout主站、小宇宙镜像)播客的第一次录音(原本分为上、下两期节目发出);当时我的设备出了点问题,所以每当轮到我说话时音质就比较炸裂,还请大家多多包涵。 《时差》成立于2020年,是我和张晨晨、郭婷、李瀚伦共同主持的一档播客,旨在向中文听众介绍海外人文社科领域的最新发展,以及这些领域中的年轻华人学者的研究。《时差》的主站在Buzzsprout,国内朋友可以在“小宇宙”上收听;但从去年开始,在小宇宙上无法直接搜索《时差》(搜到的都是别的同名播客),只能通过点击播客的链接地址间接进入节目(其中有几期节目只能在外服上收听;我在下面的文案中会分别列出迄今各期节目的国内外收听链接以及文字整理稿——如果有的…
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Dr. Peter Giacobbi and I first met in a bar where we ended up discussing various philosophical interests and ways of understanding the world. Little did I know I was talking to one of the foremost experts in sport psychology and guided imagery. Since that fateful day, he's become a member of my dissertation committee and enlightened me to the many …
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《催稿拉黑》的听众朋友们对美国最高法院前大法官露丝·金斯伯格(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)想必都不陌生。2020年9月18日金斯伯格去世,第二天我参与录制了《小声喧哗》(Loud Murmurs)纪念她的播客节目。《小声喧哗》如今已经停播,网上也找不到原先的节目录音,所以我想借今天三八国际妇女节的机会,重发一下这期节目。播客中谈论的许多内容,尤其是金斯伯格的功绩成就,大家在其它许多地方也都能读到听到;但除此之外,我还讨论了一些别人在聊金斯伯格时不太涉及的话题,比如我对比了金斯伯格与另一位女性自由派大法官索托马约尔之间微妙的观念差异,并讨论了当代泛自由派文化圈为何只把金斯伯格作为偶像符号,却对其实观念更加进步的索托马约尔没有那么热衷;由此衍生出我对当代泛自由派文化圈的一些观察与批评…
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You're in the backroom with your athlete and they just smoked their opener. As they walk off the stage, you need to figure out how many kilos to bump up. Is there a science to attempt selection? Is it all based on intuition? Is it both? In this episode, Chris details his recent work examining the jumps elite weightlifters take in competition and ho…
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Strength is a hot commodity in the sport of weightlifting. Every coach and athlete will claw and scratch for every kilo they can add to their squats, pulls, and presses. This is for good reason - strength underpins all forms of movement. So, the question becomes, what's the best way to develop it, and is it even that important in the first place? L…
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Many athletes struggle with similar aspects of the lifts. This is because snatches and cleans will always be snatches and cleans, without much external unpredictability. Pull variations are intended to emphasize phases of the lift that must be trained perfectly. How you program these movements, including high and low stress days, to your specific p…
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The longer you write programs, the less they look like templatized, cookie-cutter 12-week blocks. Eventually, the programs morph into something more akin to something found in the Russian manuals. This is due to the critical nature of training volume, intensity, and exercise selection driving the adaptive response. Blanket prescriptions (5x5) go th…
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In this episode of the WHY Podcast, Jack sits down with Krista Thomason, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Swarthmore College, to explore the intriguing idea of finding value in negative emotions. Krista, author of Dancing with the Devil: Why Bad Feelings Make Life Good, delves into how emotions like shame, guilt, and anger can, paradoxically, l…
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Steph Mock Grubbs hails from Pennsylvania, spending the last four years as the Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Performance at the University of Pittsburgh. As of 2025, she's accepted a position as a MLB Strength Coach with the Houston Astros, taking her understanding of S&C, sport science, and leadership to H-Town. In this episode of the pod…
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Derek Miles, DPT, is a no silly BS rehab specialist who runs his own physical therapy clinic (Miles Rehab and Performance) in Cincinnati, Ohio, and works on the Pain and Rehab team for Barbell Medicine. In this episode, we discuss many pain and rehab-related topics, how to become more disagreeable when communicating science, training for power afte…
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Austin Baraki should be a household name. Aside from being a kickass Internal Medicine Physician, he's a member of the Barbell Medicine team where he puts out some of the highest quality information related to health, nutrition, physical activity, and rehab. In this episode of the podcast, Austin and I discuss the concept of health (i.e., what is g…
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I welcome Olivia Reeves back on the podcast! She was previously on episodes 219 & 236, where we discussed her background in the sport, her thoughts on making it to the Olympics, and what it would take to reach the podium. In this episode, we relive her Olympic victory, where she took gold in the 71 kg class at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. But that…
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2025年1月3日,我和云南大学的游天龙老师在昆明璞玉书店进行了一场题为“进步主义破产了吗?”的对谈,暨拙著《空谈》的线下分享会。这里是对谈的现场录音,文字整理稿见《林垚×游天龙:进步主义破产了吗?》。 附: 2024年8月7日北京《空谈》分享会录音:《林垚×淡豹:人工智能时代,读文科还有什么用?》 2024年12月7日上海《空谈》分享会录音:《林垚×贾敏:信息茧房时代的公共说理》 2025年1月21日《端传媒》对谈文字稿:《林垚×赵蒙旸:特朗普重掌白宫,属于进步派的时代是否已经过去?》
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In this episode of the WHY Podcast, Jack sits down with Avram Alpert, author of The Good-Enough Life, to explore the philosophical question: "When is life good enough?" Alpert, a writer, teacher, and Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Art and Theory Program in NYC, discusses the themes of the book, which challenges the notion of perfectionism and…
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2024 was one heck of a year for weightlifting. Olivia Reeves won Olympic gold, Karlos Nasar stole our hearts (thanks, Weightlifting House), China won 5 Olympic golds, and the sport doesn't seem to be slowing down. In this episode of the podcast, I was joined by the one and only Seb Ostrowicz, founder of Weightlifting House. Seb and I discuss the pa…
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Chris Taber, PhD in Sport Physiology, joins me yet again to tackle training questions through a science-informed lens. During this episode of the podcast, we discuss flywheel training, jumps, plyometrics, and how to program power-based movements. Enjoy Follow Chris:…
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Meredith Alwine is one of the most decorated weightlifters in the USA. She's a 3x Pan American Champion, 2021 World Champion, and Junior World silver medalist. Along with being an incredible athlete, she's also an avid thinker, finding her love of philosophy at thirteen years old. Join us as we discuss Meredith's most recent performance at Worlds, …
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2024年12月7日《空谈》上海分享会『林垚×贾敏:信息茧房时代,跨越立场的真正交流能否实现?』现场录音(8月7日北京分享会『⁠林垚×淡豹:人工智能时代,读文科还有什么用?⁠』有⁠录音⁠及⁠文字稿⁠;8月12-14日⁠成都分享会⁠未录音)。 【主办】中信书店·上海江湾里店 【主持】贾敏,历史学博士,密涅瓦人文思想系列主理人,华东师范大学美国研究中心特邀研究员 【主讲】林垚,上海纽约大学政治学实践助理教授,《空谈》作者
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Spencer Arnold has coached at two Olympic Games, helped produce countless D1 athletes, and continues to leave his mark in the sports performance world. Listen in as we discuss his experience at the Paris Games, why he decided to step down from Power and Grace, and how Hebron Christian manages to produce so many elite athletes. This is an episode yo…
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Marcos Soriano is a PhD working in both academia and athletics. He has been conducting and publishing some of the coolest research in weightlifting, all centered around understanding performance. Listen to this episode of the podcast as we explore the split jerk and weightlifting overhead pressing derivatives. This includes the role of the press, p…
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在对2024年美国大选的诸多复盘分析中,通胀与移民是最常被提起的两个议题,我在此前参与的两场对谈(许子东×周轶君×林垚《特朗普与民主》、林垚×王浩岚×赵修业×宋珂嘉《特朗普何以再次当选》)中也有所涉及,但受时间及形式所限均未能充分展开(另参:林垚×忽左忽右《民主党又输给特朗普了》)。不过其实早在四年前,2020年美国大选结束后不久,我和夕岸、钟思骋就已经在播客《唯理对谈》中专门聊了一期当代美国的移民政治,基本上把今年大选中的相关议题(比如拉美裔选民的政治转向、华裔川粉的意识形态构成、极右翼信息生态圈的打造、“非法移民”问题的来龙去脉等等)全都涵盖到了,直接套用到当下也绝不过时。那期播客的收听量较低,所以我在此重发,供感兴趣的听众朋友们参考。 【以下为《⁠唯理对谈⁠》原节目的文案及时间轴】 2…
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"Good coaching is thinking in patterns and not pieces." This is a quote that has stuck with me since I heard it on the On Coaching podcast. Long-term planning is a process of managing the patterns in training, attempting to produce the best competition result when it's needed. CoachLogik has really pushed a long-term planner that was part of the im…
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2024年11月8日,林垚×王浩岚×赵修业×宋珂嘉,清华大学“青年学衡沙龙”对谈美国大选(原标题:《乡下人的悲歌:美国大选与美国社会》)。 【时间轴】 00:08 主持人 02:24 林垚 14:22 主持人 14:52 林垚 18:06 主持人 19:04 王浩岚 31:26 主持人 31:48 王浩岚 41:02 主持人 41:18 王浩岚 45:00 林垚 52:04 主持人 52:33 赵修业 76:03 主持人 76:58 宋珂嘉 84:36 主持人 85:00 林垚 93:00 赵修业 97:07 宋珂嘉 98:55 赵修业 100:42 听众提问 101:10 王浩岚 107:10 林垚 109:42 王浩岚 113:06 听众提问 113:25 赵修业 115:58 听众提问…
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2024年11月7日,许子东×周轶君×林垚,“今夜三人行”对谈美国大选(原标题:《78岁,富可敌国,特朗普卷土重来到底图什么?》;视频回放:《特朗普为何胜选?将对中国有何影响?》) 【时间轴】 00:08 许子东 00:53 林垚 01:13 许子东 02:24 周轶君 03:18 林垚 05:16 许子东 07:00 林垚 08:27 周轶君 12:08 许子东 12:43 林垚 17:40 许子东 20:42 周轶君 22:43 林垚 29:37 许子东 34:55 林垚 36:47 许子东 39:30 周轶君 41:05 林垚 48:10 周轶君 49:22 林垚 53:52 许子东 61:06 林垚 67:20 周轶君 69:24 许子东 70:32 林垚 72:57 周轶君 76:…
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  2024年美国大选,特朗普击败贺锦丽,二度入主白宫;不仅如此,共和党目测将在国会两院均获得多数席位。接下来对这次选举结果肯定会有铺天盖地的分析,我自己也会在今后两天参加相关的直播讨论。   不过在此之前,我想先发一份今年7月3日我在“忽左忽右”为宣传《空谈》而录制的一期访谈,当时首场总统辩论刚刚结束不久,我在访谈中针对拜登在辩论中的老态尽显,提到了民主党这些年在年轻化方面的失败、拜登违背此前承诺坚持竞选连任所造成的党内困局、贺锦丽并非能够服众的候选人等等;但是节目还在排期时,连续发生了特朗普遇刺、拜登退选、贺锦丽接班等大事,“忽左忽右”方面认为围绕拜登年龄所展开的讨论已经错过了新闻周期,所以最终没有将节目发出。回头看来,我当时对民主党整体状况的担忧还是站得住脚的;当然,这并非要往自己脸上…
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Max and I were definitely in a mood when we recorded this episode of the podcast. When we started spitballing topics before the show, we couldn't come up with much. Unsurprisingly, this turned out to be one of the best episodes yet. Listen in as we discuss Coaches College, 3 sets of 10, principles of programming, the biggest mistakes we've made, an…
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In this episode of From Discomfort to Strength, Rob explores the relentless pressure of staying ahead in a hyper-connected world and the often-overlooked importance of genuine rest. Through personal anecdotes and reflective insights, he discusses the damaging effects of burnout and the power of cultivating healthy boundaries, mindful relaxation, an…
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Dani Myers Glynn is a powerlifter in the USAPL. She's competed across two different weight classes, soon to be three, qualifying and placing in the top 10 for the last three years in both the 100 + and 100 kg categories. By day, she is an HR specialist, and by night, she is one of the strongest people in the country. Listen in as we discuss the Arn…
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这是我做客《小声喧哗》(已停办)的一期节目,录制于2018年8月4日,聊的是2018年上映的皮克斯动画电影《超人总动员2》(Incredibles 2)及其贴片动画《包宝宝》(Bao)。我参加《小声喧哗》的节目共有七次,其中《马男波杰克》(BoJack Horseman)与《千钧一发》(Gattaca)两期均已有文字整理稿(未收入《空谈》);剩下几期录音,等将来有空时再发。 【以下是原节目的文字介绍】   《超人总动员2》在相隔十四年以后回归。在第一部“合家欢”的结尾之后,第二部的剧情几乎无缝衔接了第一部,重燃了观众的怀旧之情,有观众说,“就好像中间十四年的时光,只不过是插播了一个广告”。   这部皮克斯动画在2018年面对的,已经是女性主义普及、与相对自觉的现代媒体熏陶下的观众,因而,它的…
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In this episode of From Discomfort to Strength: Philosophical Explorations in Growth, we explore the complex social dynamics that high-functioning, high-masking autistic individuals often face through the lens of the uncanny valley. Drawing parallels between the unease caused by humanoid robots and the discomfort felt in interactions with those who…
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In this episode, Max and I dive into the fundamentals of effective coaching, breaking down our three key principles: rapid iteration, utilizing tools over rigid schools of thought, and the importance of execution. Enjoy! Follow Max and sign up for the CoachLogik beta: Follow me an…
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In this fourth episode of "From Discomfort to Strength: Philosophical Explorations in Growth," we examine how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing access to knowledge and leveling the playing field of intelligence. Building upon our previous discussions about overcoming adversity, exploiting mismatches for personal growth, and aligning with f…
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Host Jack Russell Weinstein interviews Michael Rosen, a distinguished professor of Ethics and Politics at Harvard University and author of Dignity: Its History and Meaning. Their conversation explores the multifaceted nature of dignity, tracing its historical evolution and examining its significance in contemporary discourse. Rosen, who specializes…
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This was the most meaningful podcast that I've recorded to date, as I was joined by the legend Dr. David Burns. David is a psychiatrist and author known for his contributions to cognitive behavioral therapy. His book "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" explores the philosophical underpinnings of how our thoughts influence our emotions and behavior…
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In this third episode of "From Discomfort to Strength: Philosophical Explorations in Growth," we delve into the intriguing relationship between luck, flow states, and personal alignment. Building upon our previous discussions about overcoming the temptation to quit and exploiting mismatches for personal growth, we explore the idea that luck may be …
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I am once again joined by the magnificent Max Aita, this time to discuss remote coaching. We chat about the Xs and Os of successful remote coaching, including the importance of inter- and intrapersonal skills, thinking in patterns and not pieces, and where intuition fits in. Enjoy. Follow Max and sign up for the CoachLogik beta: https://www.instagr…
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In this insightful monologue, we explore the concept of exploiting mismatches and how recognizing and leveraging opportunities where your strengths align with others' weaknesses can lead to profound personal growth. Through a philosophical and strategic lens, we examine how embracing disparities, honing self-awareness, and executing with precision …
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