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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-Suffering_and_Glory.mp3(44:04) The persecution against the early church again intensifies as Stephen, one of the recently appointed deacons, becomes the center of the controversy. His martrydom becomes a clear example of of our own humiliation and coming exaltation. Sermon text: Acts 6-7…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-How_to_Have_Unspeakable_Consolation.mp3(37:21) Far from an abstract, irrelevant philosophical concept, the Bible’s teaching about the extent of God’s control is not only true but the only sure basis for any comfort in this trying life. Knowing and embracing God’s providence is the privilege and responsibil…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-They_Kept_Right_On_Preaching_Christ.mp3(46:36) The apostles are arrested again, and this time they come close to receiving the death penalty. But Christ stamps out this attack on the advancement of His glorious gospel through an unlikely man. Sermon text: Acts 5:14-42…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-Creation.mp3(35:07) Our magnificent God and Father created everything out of nothing as an arena to display His glorious majesty. Indeed, the King established and occupied His throne, the heavens and the earth. Sermon Text: Genesis 1:1-2 Belgic Confession Article 12…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-Great_Fear_Seized_the_Church.mp3(34:11) The Lord strikes Ananias and Sapphira dead in a terrifying, immediate act of church discipline carried out by the Lord of Glory. This is the same God we worship today, though often times we (dangerously) don’t treat Him like it. Sermon Text: Acts 4:32 – 5:14…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/amk_Confidence_Courage_Boldness.mp3(32:42) There’s no good reason for the political-religious temple establishment to oppose the gracious power of Christ at work through the apostles. But they do, so there’s no reason why the church should expand, given the strength of its opponents. But it does, so we must co…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/amk_Jesus_True_Eternal_God.mp3(27:40) As the author to the Hebrews explains, a priest who is holy and eternal is required to truly fulfill his office. If Jesus is indeed the great High Priest, then He must be holy and eternal. If He is holy and eternal, then He must be true God. Sermon text: Belgic Confession,…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/amk_Walking_Jumping.mp3(36:21) We see ourselves as the miserable, pathetic crippled beggar and as the rebellious, covenant-breaking, apostate generation of Israelites. We see the Lord as the One who gives us the opposite of what we deserve, giving us peace and future glorification. Sermon text: Acts 3:1-26…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/amk_Portrait_Two.mp3(32:43) The last two aspects of Luke’s prescriptive portrait of the early church regard the regular celebration of the Lord’s Supper and participation in “the prayers”. Sermon text: Acts 2:42-47Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/amk_Belgic_8_9_Trinity.mp3(36:12) The Scripture is clear about this magnificent and in some senses incomprehensible doctrine. To reject the teaching of the Trinity is to reject God Himself. Sermon text: Belgic Confession, Articles 8-9Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-The_Sufficiency_Of_Scripture.mp3(37:49) Please note: The last five minutes of the sermon were mistakenly deleted from this sermon. Challenges against the completeness of God’s Word arise in many different forms. A series of these challenges, including the rise of the Apocryphal books, and the unwarranted b…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-Portrait_of_the_Church.mp3(42:08) Luke breaks up his reporting of the dramatic, redemptive-historical events of the early part of Acts with this the first in a series of prescriptive portraits of the early church’s activity. Sermon text: Acts 2:40-47Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_The_Written_Word.mp3 The foundation of our beloved confession is that the Scripture is the very Word of God written. In fact, the foundation laid in article three is the basis for all of what the confession says about the Word in the following articles. Belgic Confession Article 3 2 Timothy 3:14-17…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Pentecost.mp3 Christ now pours out His Spirit, reversing the Babel disaster and empowering His church to be His instrument to recreate the fallen human race. Acts 2:1-21Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Why_So_Unpleasant.mp3 Doesn’t Luke know better than to start the triumphant tale of the early church’s expansion with the disheartening story of a suicidal reprobate? Apparently he knows this unpleasant story is exactly what we need to hear right at the beginning of Acts. Acts 1:12-26…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_God_Reveals_Himself.mp3 The true God reveals Himself in two ways: indirectly through the world He has made, and directly through His Word. Knowledge of God is not arbitrary but bound by His own revelation, and therefore treating His Word properly is of the utmost importance. Belgic Confession Article 2 Psa…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_God.mp3 We do not believe in any given god, but only in the true God as He has revealed Himself in His Word. His glory is in one sense beyond description, so we are left with Him coming down to our level to tell us the truth about Himself; and even at that, we can only know Him insofar as our finite minds …
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_The_Time_in_between.mp3 Jesus exercises His power and authority as He extends the multinational New Covenant church in Luke’s second volume, Acts. Christ’s instructions to the disciples prepare them and us for doing church and living life between the first coming of our Lord and the second. Acts 1:1-11…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Belgic_1a.mp3 The beginning of our series on this preeminent expression of the Bible’s basic teachings considers the meaning and implications of its first line: “We all believe with the heart and confess with the mouth. Belgic Confession Article 1 Colossians 1:9-12 and 2:1-3…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Joy_Amazement_Future.mp3 The conclusion to Luke’s first volume leaves us with Christ’s disciples amazed at what has happened. Christ has secured the glorification for them by His life, death, and resurrection. We now anticipate Christ’s continued work in history through the disciples and us as we turn to v…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Jesus_Is_Alive.mp3 The angels asked the women coming to Jesus’ grave, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”, in other words, “Why do you think and act like Jesus is dead, when He is alive?” We ask the church today the same question. (Please note: the first half-minute of the sermon is cut off th…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Guilt_and_Shame.mp3 Guilt and shame can eat people alive, and many attempts to deal with this problem just make things worse. In this story, the mercy of Christ in His atoning death extends to a man who acknowledges the root of his guilt and shame. Luke 23:26-54…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Rogue_Kings_True_King.mp3 Pilate, Herod, and the Sanhedrin unite to convict the true King of crimes He didn’t commit. This true King allows Himself to be identified with the criminal released in His place in a grand display of His amazing grace. Luke 23:1-25…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_The_Athanasian_Creed.mp3 Believe it or not, people might confess the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed and still deny the truth about who Jesus is. The Athanasian Creed answers recurring, cancerous heresies pertaining to the glorious God-man, our Lord Jesus Christ.. Matthew 28:16-20…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_How_Do_You_Relate_to_the_Cross.mp3 The various people and groups of people in Luke 22 all relate differently to Jesus as His death on the cross unmistakably nears. Where do you fit into the story? Luke 22Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_The_Sadducees_Take_Their_Shot.mp3 The Pharisees couldn’t discredit Jesus’ authority, nor could they make Him out to be a blasphemer, nor could they arouse the anger of the Roman government against Him. So, trying somehow to stop Him, the Sadducees attempt to poke holes in His theology. Jesus dispenses of t…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_The_Magnificent_Apostles_Creed.mp3 There are many reasons why the Apostle’s Creed has always been so popular. One is that its content is the apostolic doctrine itself, which Paul and the others were passionate about proclaiming and defending. 1 Timothy 1:1-14 http://media.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_The_Magn…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_They_Cannot_Kill_Him.mp3 Only Jesus will decide when it is time for Him to lay down His life for His sheep. In this story, He averts the traps set by the Sanhedrin to discredit His authority and to present Him as a threat to the Roman government. Luke 19:47 – 20:26…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Christs_Sufferings_and_Ours.mp3 Christ’s sufferings spilled over into the lives of His apostles. We who hear and believe the apostolic message have Christ’s sufferings spill over into our lives, too. These sufferings include persecution and other consequences of following Jesus, along with the agony of the…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Like_Israel_and_Not_Like_Israel.mp3 As we hear about Jesus crying over Jerusalem and angrily driving the hucksters out of the temple, we are called to identify ourselves with ancient Israel in one sense, but certainly not in another sense. Luke 19:41-46Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_When_Will_Jesus_Return.mp3 Find out the truth about the timing of Christ’s return. See what events you should expect will signal the end of the world as we know it. Luke 17:20-37 OT supporting text: Isaiah 52:1-10Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Why_the_Incarnation_Matters.mp3 Jesus the Son becoming the God-man has real implications for everyone living after that awe-striking event. Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 35-36 Hebrews 2Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_While_I_Am_Gone_Do_What_I_Say.mp3 As he approaches Jerusalem and the crowds anticipate immediate glorification, Jesus stops to correct their timeline. He focuses them and us who live in the delay between His first and second coming on believing Him and His gospel, and giving our whole lives to profitable s…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Stop_Justifying_Your_Greed.mp3 Part 2 of a two-part series on church plants and giving. Christians are tempted to be stingy in their financial support of the church. Church pastors are tempted to be greedy money-lovers. Our gratitude to Christ demands a different approach to money in the church. 1 Timothy …
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_Surprising_Grace.mp3 Part 1 of a two-part series on church plants and giving. The apostle Paul writes to the Corinthian church, challenging them to imitate the unexpected financial generosity expressed by the believers in Thessalonica, Philippi, and Berea. 2 Corinthians 8 & 9…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_White_Hot_Worship.mp3 Here’s the skinny on all the latest worship techniques that will set your congregation ablaze and grow your church into the thousands. Well, maybe not; it’s not our party anyway.Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AM_Is_God_in_Control_or_Not.mp3 We as human creatures like to rebel against the idea that our Creator is the One who personally directs everything that happens in the world. When we do this, we rob God of His glory, and we have no real basis to think that He is strong enough to help us in our troubles. Jeremia…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK_What_Do_You_Want_Jesus_To_Do.mp3 You may be surprised to hear that Jesus is fine with you asking Him to make you happy and comfortable and rich. But He will only answer that prayer for certain kinds of people. And the happiness and riches you’ll receive now are measured by a different standard than the wor…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-Will_Jesus_Find_Faith_on_the_Earth.mp3 Having told His disciples that His final return would be unmistakable and unexpected, Jesus makes very clear who in that day will receive glorification, and who will be left dejected. Luke 18:1-27Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-Increase_Our_Faith.mp3 In Luke 17, Jesus moves from instructing the beliefs and lives of His disciples in general, to addressing their responsibilities as apostles and church officers in particular. He also tells them where they will find the power to accomplish that kind of difficult obedience. Luke 17:1-…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMKTrueGodandTrueandRighteousMan.mp3 Why was it necessary for our salvation that Jesus be true, 100% God; and true, 100% man? Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 16 – 19Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-%20Luke%2016%20The%20Unjust%20Manager.mp3 In Luke 16, Jesus uses an odd story to teach His disciples to understand and use their money in a way unlike the self-righteous, immoral Pharisees. Of course, He needs to tell His disciples (us) this because they (we) are strongly tempted to think and act like His …
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-%20Heidelberg%20Catechism%2012%20-%2015.mp3 What do you mean when you say that “Jesus died on the cross for my sins?” You’d better have the right answer to this question, since many different answers have been offered and only one of them is true.Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/AMK-%20Luke%2015%20The%20Prodigal%20Son.mp3 In Luke chapter 15, Jesus masterfully weaves together three parables as one, challenging the Old Testament religious scholars who oppose Him to acknowledge their own lost condition and rejoice that He has come to seek and save the lost.…
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/The%20three%20sons%20of%20God.mp3 The Three Sons of God: Adam, Israel, Jesus – The first two fail, the third does notDi Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/The%20humble%20coming%20of%20the%20Lord%20of%20Glory.mp3 The humble coming of the Lord of Glory – God himself as an infantDi Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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LISTEN BY CLICKING HERE Jesus came in fulfillment of the Old Testament – What the Bible is aboutDi Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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LISTEN BY CLICKING HERE To All Who Believe – In What?Di Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://media.urclearning.org/audio/07_None_who_is_Righteous_except_Romans_2_25-3_24.mp3 None Who Is Righteous, Except One – Christ AloneDi Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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http://www.start.urclearning.org/audio/06%20What%20the%20Law%20says%20Romans%202_1-29.mp3 What the Law Says – We all stand condemned, and happily soDi Rev. Adam Kaloostian
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