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Dive into the best Podcast on Music.It is the podcast where we explore the diverse world of music one genre at a time. From rock to jazz, Latin to EDM, we uncover the history, cultural impact, and unique sounds that define each genre. Perfect for music lovers and curious minds!
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Prophet Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie

Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie

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Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie is a man of God whose ministry has brought the divine presence into the hearts of many all over the world. He is a firebrand prophet and an apostle with deep insight into the plans and purposes of God for this generation. He is a man sent by God and approved with miracles, signs and wonders. He is the founder and leader of POTTER'S CITY which Houses the World Prayer Centre and the Praying family Chapel. He is married to Mrs. Ivy Opoku-Sarkodie, and they are blessed wit ...
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Sarkari Result

Sarkari Result

Ogni giorno+ is your ultimate destination for the latest updates and information on sarkaru results and government job and exams. Whether you are looking for notifications on upcoming sarkari exams and sarkari results, detailed application processes, syllabus, admit cards, or Sarkari Result, Sarkariexam provides comprehensive and timely information to help you stay ahead. Sarkari Result, Official Sarkari Result
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Sarkasmus, Ironie und Schadenfreude Podcast

Sukadev Bretz - praktische Tipps für mehr Gelassenheit

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Wie kannst du mit Sarkasmus, Ironie und Schadenfreude umgehen? Selbsterkenntnis ist der erste Schritt zur Besserung: Werde dir bewusst, wann du selbst sarkastisch und ironisch wirst. Lachen ist die beste Medizin - aber nicht auf Kosten anderer. Ruhe bewahren in schwierigen Situationen.
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Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar Discourses

Mauricio Perez (Vimukta)

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My name is Mauricio Perez (Vimukta), I am a Social Worker, based in Washington State, USA. I read discourses from Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar also known as (P.R. Sarkar), also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, also affectionately called by His followers as Baba. He founded the worldwide spiritual organization Ananda Marga (Path of Bliss) in 1955. Ananda Marga websites: and for inquiries or feedback email: [email protected] Looking for inte ...
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Mi nombre es Mauricio Perez (Vimukta), soy Trabajador Social, radicado en el Estado de Washington, USA. Yo leo discursos e historias de Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar también conocido como (P.R. Sarkar), también conocido como Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, también llamado cariñosamente por Sus seguidores como Baba. Fundó la organización espiritual mundial Ananda Marga (Path of Bliss) en 1955. Sitios web de Ananda Marga: y para consultas o comentarios, ...
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====== "Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haberler", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Bazı Diller / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Some Languages Spoken in Turkey ======
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====="Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haber", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Başlıca Diller =====- (Türkçe, Kürtçe, İngilizce, Arapça: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arapça Kuzey Levanten Kuzey Lübnan, Zaza Dersim, Zazakî, Farsça, Gagauzca, Lazca, Kabardeyce, Adıgece, Ermenice, Azerice, Abhazca, Kırım Tatarcası) ===== "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Turkey =====- (Turkish, Kurdish, English, Arabic: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arabic North Levantine North Leba ...
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show series
Tällä kertaa aiheena keskustelutaidot. Lähetyksessä nostan esiin kaksi taitoa, joiden avulla pystymme varmistamaan, että muut viihtyvät seurassamme sekä sitä kautta parantamaan myös omaa sosiaalista elämäämme. Kiitos ja mukavia kuunteluhetkiä! Katso myös: - Blogi (samoja aiheita kuin täällä): - Kirjoittamani eKirjat: h…
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Welcome to the Build Your Music Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of music creation, industry insights, and personal stories from talented artists and producers! In this introductory episode, we’ll share our mission, what you can expect from each episode, and how we aim to inspire and empower music creators like you. Whether you're a seaso…
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Moni kokee vaikeana käyttäytyä normaalisti vastakkaisen sukupuolen seurassa ollessaan. Mistä kaikesta tämä voi johtua? Tämänkertaisessa lähetyksessä listaan neljä havaintoa, jotka olen tehnyt oman urani aikana. Kiitos ja mukavia kuunteluhetkiä! Tämä nauhoite löytyy myös tekstimuodossa:…
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Tämänkertaisessa lähetyksessä pohdin kolmea elämänhallintaan liittyvää tekniikkaa, joita usein suositellaan ADHD -henkilöille. Nämä ovat mielestäni erinomaisia tekniikoita myös kenelle tahansa muulle. Ei mitään mullistavaa luvassa, mutta hyviä perusjuttuja! Tämä nauhoite löytyy myös tekstimuodossa:…
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Send us a text Today's podcast is a reading of the book titled "Anandamurti: The Jamalpur Years by brother Devashish. This is a reading of the 32nd of 33 chapters of the book. Copyright 2010 by Devashish Donald Acosta. If you enjoy the book I would encourage you to consider purchasing a copy of the book to support the efforts of brother Devashish a…
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Send us a text [Please excuse any variations in tone as we are currently refining a cloned version of my voice. We're focused on increasing output quality and quantity.] Today's podcast is a reading of the book titled "Anandamurti: The Jamalpur Years by brother Devashish. This is a reading of the 31st of 33 chapters of the book. Copyright 2010 by D…
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Official Sarkari Result⁠ updates are just a click away on Our website offers easy navigation and regularly updated content to keep you informed about notifications, admit cards, and detailed exam processes for government jobs. Whether you aim for a career in banking, railways, or defense, Sarkariexam is your go-to resource for accu…
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⁠Sarkari Result⁠: Find the latest Sarkari Results on! Stay updated with notifications on government job exams, detailed application processes, and admit cards. Covering sectors like banking, railways, and defense, Sarkariexam is your go-to source for all your Sarkari Result needs. Stay ahead in your preparation with regularly update…
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Tällä kertaa aiheena ahdistus ja sen tarkoitus. Miksi me ihmiset ahdistumme niin helposti? Miksi olemme kehittyneet tällaisiksi? Voiko siitä olla jonkinlaista hyötyä? Tarkastellaan asiaa evoluutiopsykologian näkökulmasta! Tämä nauhoite löytyy myös tekstimuodossa:…
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Tällä kertaa podcastissa aiheena digiaddiktio ja älylaitteet. Kuinka saada niiden ongelmakäyttö kuriin? Tämä nauhoite löytyy myös tekstimuodossa: Katso myös: - Blogi (samoja aiheita kuin täällä): - Kirjoittamani eKirjat: h…
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Send us a text Today's podcast is a reading of the book titled "Anandamurti: The Jamalpur Years by brother Devashish. This is a reading of the 30th of 33 chapters of the book. Copyright 2010 by Devashish Donald Acosta. If you enjoy the book I would encourage you to consider purchasing a copy of the book to support the efforts of brother Devashish a…
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