The mission of Spoken Gospel is to equip the church to speak the gospel out of every corner of scripture. Co-hosts and close friends, David Bowden and Seth Stewart, sit down every week to talk through a Bible passage and see how it points us to Jesus.
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===== 华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的 -《光明之言》、《普罗大众的好消息》、《福音之声》 / "Words of Light, "Good News for All People", "Sounds of Gospel" - (Edited with languages spoken by "Chinese Oversea") ====
Tze-John Liu
华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的-"生命的话语". "好消息", "福音歌"// (普通话, 广东话, 客家, 潮州话, 闽南话, 福建话, 莆仙(莆田)话, 闽北话, 福州话, 云南话, 海南话, 温州话, 上海话(吴语), 白苗话, 黑苗话, 蓝苗话, 景颇(克欽)话, 瑤族话, 壮族话, 回族话, 维吾尔话, 西藏话, 西藏康巴话) "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs". (Edited with languages spoken by "Chinese Oversea" // (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew, Min-Nan, Hokkien, Puxian(Putian), Minbei, Fuzhou, Yunnan, Hainan, Wenzhou, Shanghai(Wu), White Miao, Black Miao, Blue Miao, Jingpo(Kachin), Yao, Zhuang, Hui, Uyghur, Tibetan, Tibetan Kham)
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=====「生命の言葉」; 「良いニュース」; 「ゴスペルソング」- 日本で話されている主な言語 / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Japan =====
Tze-John Liu
「生命の言葉」; 「良いニュース」; 「ゴスペルソング」- 日本で話されている主な言語 / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Japan
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====== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", " राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीत" - नेपालीमा बोलिने प्रमुख भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Song" - Major Languages Spoken in Nepali ======
Nepal Good News 1
====== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", " राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीत" - नेपालीमा बोलिने प्रमुख भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Song" - Major Languages Spoken in Nepali ======
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======کلمات زندگی" ؛ "خبر خوب" ؛ "انجیل آهنگ ها" - زبانهای اصلی در ایران صحبت می شود" // "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" Major Languages Spoken in Iran / ======
Tze-John Liu
====== "کلمات زندگی" ؛ "خبر خوب" ؛ "انجیل آهنگ ها" - زبانهای اصلی در ایران صحبت می شود ====== (فارسی، فارسی، آذربایجانی، کردی، کرمانجی، گیلکی، مازندرانی، لری (لر، لری)، عربی، بلوچی، تالشی، ترکمنستان) ====== Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Iran" ====== ,Farsi, Persian, Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Kurmanji, Gilaki, Mazandarani, Lori(Lur, Luri), Arabic, Baluchi ) (Talysh, Turkmence
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====== "Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haberler", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Bazı Diller / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Some Languages Spoken in Turkey======
Turker Words of Life 1
====== "Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haberler", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Bazı Diller / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Some Languages Spoken in Turkey ======
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===== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", "राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीतहरू" - नेपालमा बोलिने केही साना भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songds" - Some Minor Languages Spoken in Nepal =====
Nepal Good News 2
===== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", "राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीतहरू" - नेपालमा बोलिने केही साना भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songds" - Some Minor Languages Spoken in Nepal =====
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====מילות חיים", "חדשות טובות", "שירי הבשורה" - עם שפות עיקריות המדוברות בישראל" / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - With Major Languages Spoken in Israel ====
==== "מילות חיים", "חדשות טובות", "שירי הבשורה" - עם שפות עיקריות המדוברות בישראל==== (עברית, יידיש, קווארה, ארמית, בוכרית, יהודית-טאט (ג'הורי), לאדינו, ערבית, ערבית מרוקאית, ערבית יהודית-עיראקית, ערבית פלסטינית, אנגלית, רוסית, פרסית (פרסית), פולנית, אמהרית, טיגרינה, רומניה, דויטש, ספרדית, גאורגית, יהודית-גאורגית, צרפתית, אפריקאית צרפתית, טורקית, הונגרית (מגירית), אוקראינית, מראתית, דומארית, איטלקית, טאגלוגית, תאילנדית , סינית, יוונית, אדיגה) ===="Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Hymns" ...
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"Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haber", "Müjde Şarkıları"-Türkiye'de Konuşulan Başlıca Diller // "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" -Major Languages Spoken in Turkey ====
Tze-John Liu
====="Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haber", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Başlıca Diller =====- (Türkçe, Kürtçe, İngilizce, Arapça: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arapça Kuzey Levanten Kuzey Lübnan, Zaza Dersim, Zazakî, Farsça, Gagauzca, Lazca, Kabardeyce, Adıgece, Ermenice, Azerice, Abhazca, Kırım Tatarcası) ===== "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Turkey =====- (Turkish, Kurdish, English, Arabic: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arabic North Levantine North Leba ...
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====کلمات زندگی"، "خبر خوب"، "آوازهای انجیلی" - زبانهای کوچک صحبت شده در ایران" / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Minor Languages Spoken in Iran ====
Persian Words of Life 1
===="کلمات زندگی" ، "خبر خوب" ، "آوازهای انجیلی" - زبانهای کوچک صحبت شده در ایران ==== ====Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Minor Languages Spoken in Iran====
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==== "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل" - اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في العراق / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Iraq ====
Tze-John Liu
====== "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل" - اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في العراق ====== (عربي قياسي ، عربي العراق ، آشوري العراق ، عربي بلاد ما بين النهرين البغدادي ، عربي بلاد ما بين النهرين خوزستان ، عربي مارديني ، عربي شرق أوسطي ، سرياني ، عربي شمال المشرق السوري حلب ، عربي شمال بلاد الشام دمشق ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي كالامون السوري ، العربية شمال بلاد الشام البيروتية ، عربي لبناني ، عربي فلسطيني ، عربي الخليج شرق المملكة العربية السعودية ، الخليج العربي الكويتي الحض ...
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====== "Durmuş sözleri", "Hoş Habar", "Hoş Habar aýdymlary" - Türkmenistanda gürleýän esasy diller(12 den 19) / "Words of Life", ""Good News", "Gospel Songs" - The Major Languages Spoken in Turkemenistan ...
Turkmenistan Words of Life 2
===== "Durmuş sözleri", "Hoş Habar", "Hoş Habar aýdymlary" - Türkmenistanda gürleýän esasy diller(12 den 19) / "Слова жизни", "Благая весть", "Евангельские песни" - Основные языки, на которых говорят в Туркмении(№12 до №19) / "Words of Life", ""Good News", "Gospel Songs" - The Major Languages Spoken in Turkemenistan(No.12 to No.19) =====
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===="اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في سوريا - "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs"- in Major Languages Spoken in Syria ===
===="اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في سوريا - "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل"===== (عربي ، عربي سوريا ، عربي دمشق ، كلامون سوري ، حلب سورية ، عربي لبناني شمالي ، عربي بيروت ، عربي بغداد ، عربي فلسطيني ، لو عربي مصري ، كردي (شمالي: عفرين) ، كرمانجي (قياسي) ، آرامي ، آرامي سوريا ، سريانية كلدانية ، أذربيجانية ، عربية بدوية ، إنكليزية ، فرنسية ، أرمينية سورية ، قبارديان ، أديغة ، شيشانية ، أبخازية) =="Gotinên Jiyanê", "Nûçeyên Baş", "Stranên Mizgîn"- Bi Zimanên Sereke ku li Sûr ...
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======= كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "الأغاني الإنجيلية" - الأسرة العربية والخليجية واللغات العربية الأخرى المستخدمة في قطر" // "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Arabic Family, Gulf ...
===="كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "الأغاني الإنجيلية" - الأسرة العربية والخليجية واللغات العربية الأخرى المستخدمة في قطر==== (الخليج العربي ، الخليج العربي ، شرق المملكة العربية السعودية ، الخليج العربي ، الحضاري الكويتي ، اللغة العربية الفصحى ، الإنجليزية ، العربية السودانية ، العربية السودانية الخرطوم ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي دمشق ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي كالامون السوري ، العربية شمال المشرق السوري حلب ، العربية شمال المشرق اللبناني ، العربية الشمال الشرقي البيروتي ،العربية ا ...
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In this podcast episode, David Bowden explores Jesus' teaching on divorce from Mark 10:1-12. David examines the passage within the broader narrative of Mark's gospel and the overarching story of Scripture. He unpacks how Jesus' response to the Pharisees reveals profound truths about God's design for marriage and His relationship with His people.…
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In this podcast episode, we dive deep into Mark 7:24-30, exploring the challenging story of Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman. This passage has often confused and even offended readers, but when understood in its proper context, it reveals a beautiful picture of Jesus' ministry to outcasts and foreigners.…
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In this episode, David and Seth explore the cast of characters that fill the book of Proverbs, from the Fool and the Wicked to the Wise and the Righteous. Through the journey of "Pete the Simple" - the malleable youth open to instruction - they show how these characters serve as warnings and examples on the path to wisdom, ultimately pointing to Je…
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In this podcast episode, Seth and David explore what it means to "fear the Lord" in the quest for wisdom. Starting in Genesis, they track the theme of wisdom and folly throughout the biblical story - from Adam and Eve's fateful choice in Eden to Jesus' perfect example of godly wisdom. Though the world saw the cross as foolishness, Jesus' humble obe…
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God made the world to reflect his wisdom. As people observe God’s wise ordering of the universe they compile proverbs, short sayings meant to be contemplated and applied to everyday life. Every culture has proverbs, so it’s no surpise we should find a book full of them in our Bibles. But what is wisdom as the Bible sees it? How do we live well in t…
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Seth and David ask why a song about the honeymoon night is in our Bibles and try to tell the story of the Hebrew people and Jesus as the story of a marriage.Di Spoken Gospel
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Seth and David go deep into the five main poetic movements in the Song of Songs.Di Spoken Gospel
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Get ready to hear about the greatest of all songs, the Song of Songs, or as it's also known, the Song of Solomon. Seth and David talk about the interconnected poems of the Song and the unique contribution it makes to the Bible's story.Di Spoken Gospel
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2 Corinthians: The Unveiled Face
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1:15:31Seth and David do a deep dive into one of their favorite verses in the Bible.Di Spoken Gospel
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2 Corinthians Overview: What is an Apostle?
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1:09:11A group of "super-apostles" have invaded the church in Corinth. In this episode, Seth and David talk about what exactly an apostle is and why Paul spends so much of this letter defending his ministry.Di Spoken Gospel
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In this podcast episode, Spoken Gospel Executive Director David Bowden shares about his latest book, Learning to Be Loved. This episode also includes a free audio version of Chapter 9: Bible, where you'll learn how the Bible is a place to encounter Jesus and be transformed.Di Spoken Gospel
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Isaiah Overview: The Servant's Songs
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1:04:32There are four songs in Isaiah attributed to God's Servant. Seth and David walk though each one and show how they anticipate the coming of Jesus and restoration of God's people.Di Spoken Gospel
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Every Christmas, Christians worldwide hear Isaiah's prophecies about a child called "Immanuel." Seth and David talk about one of the best-known prophecies in Scripture and how it prepares us for the birth of Jesus.Di Spoken Gospel
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One of Isaiah's most famous prophecies talks about a "suffering servant." But that idea is found all the way back in the book of Genesis. Seth and David trace the theme of servants throughout the Bible and talk about servants in the book of Isaiah.Di Spoken Gospel
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Isaiah is one of the most important books for both the Old and New Testaments. In this intro episode, Seth and David talk about what prophecy is and why Isaiah is so important to the Biblical story.Di Spoken Gospel
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Underneath almost every command Paul gives the Corinthian church is a summons to remember that Jesus is coming back soon. Jesus' second coming and the resurrection of all people are the motivation for almost everything he calls his church to do. Seth and David talk about bodies, Jesus' resurrection, and why resurrection bodies were so important to …
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The church in Corinth had a lot of problems and most of them had something to do with Corinthian’s posture towards their culture and their understanding of the resurrection. Seth and David introduce the book of Corinthians, talk about the strange way the ancient philosophy of Dualism pops up in modern culture, and how Corinthians is really good new…
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The final section of Romans opens with a question. If non-Jews have been included in God's promises to Israel because of faith in Jesus, what about Jews who do not believe in Jesus? Seth and David talk about the faithfulness of God and how he is still faithful to God's people.Di Spoken Gospel
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Romans Overview: A New Humanity
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1:03:02Paul tells us everything we "get" because of our faith in Jesus' death and resurrection. Seth and David talk about what it means to be God's heirs, to have the Spirit, to be adopted, and to be free.Di Spoken Gospel
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The opening chapters of Romans tell us that when humans stand before God, everyone is equal. We are all under the thumb of Sin and Death. Humanity's only hope to be rescued is faith in Jesus. Seth and David talk about what it means to be "saved" and how Jesus rescues us from both the power of Death and God's perfect justice.…
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Romans is one of the most unique and important books of the Bible. It's a letter that says over and over that ALL people are included in the promises God made to Israel. Seth and David talk through who Paul was and what was going on in Rome that led to the letter we call "Romans."Di Spoken Gospel
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Lamentations Overview: Mercy Every Morning
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1:00:16The Book of Lamentations is a series of five anonymous, acrostic poems that record and weep over the devastation of Jerusalem at the hands of Babylon. Seth and David walk through the story weaved throughout Lamentations' five poems and talk about the surprising good news of God's silence in the middle of suffering.…
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The Book of Lamentations is a series of five anonymous, acrostic poems that record and weep over the devastation of Jerusalem at the hands of Babylon. Seth and David talk about the artistic genius of Lamentations, the theological and therapeutic value of laments, and why we shouldn't sanitize our prayers.…
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Ezekiel Overview: A City of Rest and Freedom
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1:06:20Even more shocking than Ezekiel's oracles of judgment is his insistence that God has not rejected the very same people who have abandoned him. Seth and David talk about the shocking mercy of God, architectural Sabbaths, and why a vision of God's temple shows up at the end of Ezekiel.Di Spoken Gospel
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Ezekiel's prophecies are meant to shock his audience out of their spiritual apathy and idolatry and Ezekiel uses some of the most graphic language in the Bible to do it. Ezekiel uses images of blood, insects, prostitution, and even donkey sex to make his point. Seth and David walk through some of Ezekiel's most shocking prophecies and talk about ho…
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