Sunday Gospel pubblico
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Learn more about how a man can grow in happiness at, including daily Gospel devotions from the Mass for every day of the year. The podcast can help a man draw closer to Jesus Christ, learn the Catholic faith and grow in happiness by becoming a better Catholic Son and Catholic Father. In every episode, a man can hear the Gospel reading from the Holy Catholic Mass, hear what Jesus is accomplishing, discover what can lead a man to be more awed by Jesus ...
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Catholic reflections on the Sunday Gospel. For men. Every Sunday, we’re called to the altar of Christ to receive the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. Prepare to encounter our Lord by reading and praying with the Word of God. Each week, we’ll send you the Sunday Gospel reading with a reflection to help you prepare for Sunday Mass.
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Go deeper into the Sunday Gospel, and make "keeping holy the Sabbath" a more important part of your life and a practice in your family, household or community. One way that we strive to do this in St. Therese Institute's faith formation program is by inviting our students to participate in a weekly "The Lord's Day Celebration". We invite you to join them as we present to you the reflection that is weekly penned by one of our students and shared with our student community. Find out more at ww ...
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show series
Jesus reveals that men must repent or perish in the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by fearing the punishment of the eternal Hell and by seeking the Gift of Knowledge so he can recognize and repent from his sins and by pursuing the Virtue of Magnificence so he can become great by being fruitful in Christ. Go…
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Jesus is supernaturally transfigured and the Trinity is revealed. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Humility so he can be humbled and awed at Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist and by pursuing the Virtue of Perseverance so he can frequently anticipate his own glorified body. Go to to grow f…
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Jesus is crucified and suffers on the Cross. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Wisdom from the Holy Spirit so he can imitate Jesus Christ from the Cross and forgive others and by building the Virtue of Sacrifice so he can heroically sacrifice himself to build Christ's Holy Catholic Church.…
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Jesus is crowned with thorns and mocked by Roman soldiers. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by pursuing the Virtue of Justice so he can always refuse to cooperate with evil and by building the Virtue of Courage by meditating upon the the Crowning with Thorns of Jesus Christ. Go to to grow further in holiness and happine…
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Jesus is condemned to death after the Jewish mob calls for His crucifixion. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Fruit of Generosity from the Holy Spirit so he can frequently remember to have sorrow that his own sins contributed to Christ's Crucifixion and be moved to pray for all sinners and by building the Virtue of Diligence s…
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Jesus is rejected by the Jewish mob and is scourged. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Counsel from the Holy Spirit so he can make holy choices, especially when faced with difficult decisions, and by pursuing the Virtue of Self-control so he can remember and meditate upon the Scourging of Jesus and grow in Chastity. Go…
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Jesus carries His Cross to the place of The Skull. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Sacrifice so he can embrace self-sacrifice and follow Jesus Christ and by pursuing the Virtue of Patience so he can endure the sorrows of his own personal cross. Go to to grow further in holiness and happiness. …
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Jesus dies on the Cross. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Gratitude so he can give Jesus thanks that He personally died to save him and by pursuing the Virtue of Piety so he can more fully receive the fruits of Holy Communion. Go to to grow further in holiness and happiness. See the special ser…
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The dead body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross and placed in the Holy Sepulcher. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Virtue of Hope so he can always trust Jesus to raise his body from decay and death and by building the Virtue of Charity so he can help many to receive life in Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism. Go to E…
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Jesus' prophecy of St. Peter's three denials come true. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Prudence so he only makes promises he is able and willing to keep and by cultivating the Virtue of Truth so he can always avoid making false oaths of any kind. Go to to grow further in holiness and happines…
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Jesus is interrogated by Pilate and Herod. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit so he can be guided by God when he is confronted by prideful men and by building the Virtue of Fortitude so he can imitate Christ when facing and enduring persecution. Go to to grow further i…
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Jesus is condemned to death by the Jewish leadership. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Kindness so he can bear love instead of false witness and by seeking the Virtue of Hope so he can never fail to place his hope in God and reject suicide. Go to to grow further in holiness and happiness. See t…
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Jesus undergoes the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit so he can always have deep contrition for his sins and by building the Virtue of Obedience so he can strive to conform his will to the Will of God. Go to to grow further in holine…
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Jesus battles and conquers Satan in the Temptation. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Temperance so he can conquer media “gluttony” and avoid the many near occasions of sin and by growing in the Virtue of Studiousness so he can replace idle and destructive curiosity with the useful study of the Bible. Go to EveryCat…
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Jesus commands men to give alms to the poor, to pray and to fast. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Sacrifice so he can make a challenging Lenten vow and by growing in the Virtue of Fortitude so he can have the strength to fulfill his Lenten vow.Di Every Catholic Man
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Hello and welcome to the Bible Study Podcast! This is a special announcement about the 2025 11-Part Series on the Passion of the Christ. Lent—meaning “long days”—is an ancient 40-day liturgical pilgrimage that begins on Ash Wednesday when ashes remind us of our unavoidable death. It prepares us for Easter a…
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Jesus reveals the absurdity of condemning others and urges men to purify their hearts and be fruitful. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Prudence so he can live out the Truth of Christ and by seeking the Gift of Piety from the Holy Spirit so he can always strive for holiness and bear good fruit. Go to EveryCatholicM…
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Jesus promises great rewards to those who love their enemies. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit so he can form his conscience upon Christ and His Church and by pursuing the Virtue of Prudence so he can more consistently make holy choices. Go to to grow further in holi…
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Jesus promises happiness to the righteous and warns of woes to the unrighteous. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit so he build the Cardinal Virtues and grow in Beatitude and by seeking the Gift of Fortitude so he can be strengthened in the Spirit to continually strive to receive happiness …
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Jesus awes Simon-Peter with a miraculous catch of fish. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Magnificence so he can take up the magnificent work of Jesus Christ and by goin in the Virtue of Diligence so he can grow and use his talents to build Christ’s Holy Catholic Church. Go to to grow further in…
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Jesus awes and moves Simeon to prophecy at His Presentation. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Duty and to seek St. Joseph’s help to become a better Catholic father and by growing in the Virtue of Vindication so he can regularly conduct a deep Examination of Conscience, repent and be forgiven in the Sacrament of Pen…
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St. Luke introduces his purpose in writing his Gospel of Jesus. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Wisdom from the Holy Spirit so he can recognize his personal need for Salvation and by seeking the Fruit of Faithfulness from the Holy Spirit so he can peace and joy in daily life. Go to to grow furthe…
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Jesus mysteriously prefigures the Eucharist by miraculously changing water into wine. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Understanding so he can more deeply meditate upon the glory of God and by building the Virtue of Religion so he can zealously and joyously practice the Catholic faith. Go to to gr…
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Jesus is baptized in the river Jordan by St. John the Baptist and God the Almighty Father and the Holy Spirit reveal themselves to many eyewitnesses. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Wisdom from the Holy Spirit so he can more fully experience Jesus in the Sacraments and by seeking the Fruits of Faithfulness, Joy, Peac…
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The astounding manifestation of Our Lord is celebrated in the great Feast of the Epiphany. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Magnanimity so he can commit to greatness as a man of Jesus Christ and by growing in the Virtue of Self-control so he can continually seek the holy excellence of sainthood.…
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The startling reality that our Blessed Lady is the Mother of God is celebrated with the great Solemnity of Mary Mother of God on January 1. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Understanding from the Holy Spirit so he can ponder the mystery of the Mother of God and by growing in the Virtue of Piety so he can grow in Devot…
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God’s plan for families to be led by fathers with their wives is celebrated in the Feast of the Holy Family. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Obedience so he can be obedient to God’s call to headship and by growing in the Virtue of Duty so he can more perfectly imitate the sacrificial leadership of St. Joseph. Go t…
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St. John the Evangelist reveals that Jesus is the Son of God and Divine Word who was with God from the beginning and causes Creation to occur and offers all willing men the blessing of salvation. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Studiousness so he can turn away worldly curiosities to the Word and by building the Vi…
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The shepherds are directed by Jesus’ army of angels to worship Him in the humble stable in Bethlehem and become the first witnesses to Christ. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Fruits of Peace and Joy by reflecting of Our Lady’s recollections of the birth of her Son and by seeking the Gift of Understanding so he can wonder at …
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