Welcome to the Weekly Song Videos of One of Those Times in a Life where Mark Pearson offers music written and performed over an ongoing career of more than forty years, songs to be enjoyed individually, seen as part of a larger yearlong concert, or appreciated as the soundtrack to of a life. Join the journey at the MarkPearsonMusic.com website and become part of the conversation at the Mark Pearson Music Facebook Page.
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I spent 13 yrs in a religious cult. This podcast is not only a outlet for me to express myself in a healthy and safe environment but hopefully I can help others recognize and get out of their situation as well. Let’s walk together Cover art photo provided by Lukas Bornhauser on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@luboco
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"Life in the Time of Corona" is a tribute to the novel "Life in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marcia Marquez. In this Podcast, our Cambridge AS level students in Gokkusagi Koleji, put their time, effort and love to gather documents published during history on pandemics. They have gathered documents in the forms of novel, short story, diary, poems, journals, autobiographies and even musical pieces. It means a lot to us if you listen to this worthy podcast which shares a lot with our ...
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Life in the Time of Corona: A Tribute to Love in the Time of Cholera
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1:01:59"Life in the Time of Corona" is a tribute to the novel "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In this Podcast, our Cambridge AS level students in Gokkusagi Koleji, put their time, effort and love to gather documents published during history on pandemics. They have gathered documents in the forms of novel, short story, diary, poems…
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Introducing myself and giving a little perspective on how I started looking for more than I bargained for.
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By the time you read this, we will have celebrated lighting the 49th and final campfire of this particular journey, this Pilgrimage, with a concert and the release of an album of fifteen new songs. I am filled with gratitude, thankful to discover I had the grit, and thankful for the grace given and received. I look forward to the next adventure(s),…
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As I reach this moment in the journey I am reminded again how long life takes and the fact that it is over in an instant. I am surprised that the last three stages of life turned out to each be ten year long. It was certainly not planned that way. While I’m too close to it to judge the quality of it, telling my story around forty-nine campfires has…
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There were a lot of significant benchmarks in the summer and fall of 2015. There was my 50th high school reunion and 50 years of friendship and musical partnership with Mike McCoy. My older brother celebrated his 70th birthday and my younger brother retired. Those moments combined with others involving lifelong connections or friendships made me re…
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As the pace of lighting these campfires increases—and the goal of lighting the “last campfire” on May 13th approaches--I realize what a luxury it has been to meander slowly through the memories and discoveries of a lifetime.At this campfire I talk about becoming part of a Civil Rights Pilgrimage in the fall of 2014. Preparing for those nine days on…
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When I started this journey of Gratitude, Grit, and Grace I thought it would be mostly one of awakening and recording memories. I continue to be surprised—pleasantly for the most part--at how much of it is about discovering and discoveries. By shining light into dark corners I am seeing things differently or for the first time. By opening long door…
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A few things became clear as I got ready to share my songs and stories in a series of virtual campfires. I would need a team of people to help me. It was going to take a lot longer than I first imagined. What I thought was going to be simply a journey of memory quickly became one of discovery as well. I also quickly realized that the exploration al…
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In the summer of 2007 I began what became the 7th and final stage of my personal and professional journey, “One of Those Times in a Life.” I realized I had finally faced long hidden fears in a way that I was able to live with them instead of in them. One of the ways the change appeared to show itself was in my songwriting. A process that was often …
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It has been a while since we lit the 41st campfire. In the interim I have written a number of new songs and recorded a 15 song CD. I am also getting ready for a concert to celebrate the release of the new album and the lighting of the 49th and final Campfire on this amazing journey, One of Those Times in a Life.I had promised myself when I began th…
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In the summer of 2004 I released a solo CD called “The Missing Peace.” At the same time my lifelong friend, Mike McCoy, joined me in The Brothers Four and during the 2004-2005 concert season The Brothers Four did a series of performances in the US with The Kingston Trio and Glenn Yarbrough and his group. In 2006 McCoy and I released a 25th annivers…
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The 40th campfire talks about the spring of 2004. That season I successfully completed the vocals for my most ambitious solo album, there were significant personnel changes within The Brothers Four, and I had a life altering moment with my older brother. Together those experiences propelled me on “The Road That Leads Us Home.”…
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In the 38th Campfire the long held and deep-seated fears that resided so long in my unconscious were found and freed and soon running wild. In this, the 39th Campfire, those fears begin to be given names and faces and in the naming and facing them I am able to begin claiming them.Di Mark Pearson
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It has been a while since we have lit a campfire…this 38th campfire talks about events in 2001. In the spring of that year I shared a book I created with a few family and friends. The manuscript contained my journey for “authenticity, belonging, and confidence” or, put another way, “a search for truth, home, and to find myself.” Somehow putting tha…
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Between September of 1998 and October of 2000 The Brothers Four performed more than 150 times in the US and in Japan. It was the only time the group ever traveled around America by tour bus. It still amazes me the group is going strong after 55 years. Some years the phone rings more often than others. Those years were one of those times.A correctio…
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My father died on May 28, 1997, the day before my mother’s 75th birthday. It was heartbreakingly unexpected. A month or so after he died I made a decision to make him the focus of my work for one year. At the end of the year I had created a musical memoir entitled Season of the Heart that explored the spring of 1997. A year to the day after he died…
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At a concert in Seattle on March 22, 1997 every singing group I had ever been a part of beginning with one in high school appeared on stage together. A week later in a concert in Spokane I was the opening act as well as one of The Brothers Four. Looking back those two events felt like one concert with a week long intermission. It has been something…
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In September of 1995 McCoy and I celebrated 30 years of friendship. For his birthday that month I gave him a songbook containing 52 original songs that we had sung through the years. At the time I saw that book and those songs as a culmination. Little did I know that our journey together was only beginning.…
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1995 was a year of writing songs for friends and family as well as for sale. I wrote songs for Pat’s and my wedding, Lindsey’s graduation, and for a concert celebrating 30 years of music and friendship with Mike McCoy. Of all the songs I wrote that year Let Love Go Forward, a song written for my wedding, is likely the most significant. It ends most…
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Beginning in March of 1994 there were a dozen moments or events that continued to remind me how close life is to death and how near love is to loss. While those experiences gave me pause and stopped me in my tracks they did not stop me from embracing life and celebrating love.Di Mark Pearson
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My cousin Jane died twenty years ago a few months before her 41st birthday. This Campfire describes the time from her diagnosis-November of 1992-until her death in March of 1994. As I re-remembered that time there was much I had forgotten while some of it remained as clear and close as yesterday. Making that time a part of One of Those Times in a L…
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The early 90’s brought significant changes in my life and career. I became an instant family man. The Brothers Four committed to performing more including frequent tours of Japan and regular tours around the US. It also was a time when I worked as a freelance verse writer for American Greetings as well as continuing my quest to “make it” as a songw…
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As I began to write about The Brothers Four’s connection to Japan and the Japanese people it all became more amazing. I realize that I have gone to Japan to perform for 45 years and the group has been going for more than 52 years. It is a connection that defies explanation and continues to fill me with gratitude. We will be returning again in May a…
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One of Those Times in a Life is a continuing journey of Gratitude and Grace as well as Memory and Discovery. It had been years since I thought about and remembered a solo concert I did in the fall of 1987. It was only in remembering it all those years later that it became clear how important it was to everything that followed.…
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Not long ago I was talking with a friend and told her that One of Those Times in a Life was sort of a Thank you and I’m sorry Tour. That is a humorous way of saying that it is a Journey of Gratitude and Grace. It has been a chance to get in touch with people some of whom I haven’t talked with in years and to thank them for being in or having been i…
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There have been a few times in a lifetime where I have suffered a crisis of faith. The summer of 1983 was one such time. In the year that followed I found out that it was still worth loving even when it meant losing…an important lesson. I continue to be grateful to those who were there when I needed them most.…
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When I was in grade school I remember someone coming up and asking, “Did you hear about the guy who swam across the ocean got half way across and realized he couldn’t make it so he turned around and went back.” Well, it’s too late to turn around now. With this Chronicle the rest of One of Those Times in a Life becomes a journey home. Quite an adven…
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Of all the Chronicles this may have been the most challenging. That is part of why it took so long to finish. I have also spent time in these last few months doing Campfire Concerts. It’s been great to do more live performances. The Mission Statement for all aspects of One of Those Times in a Life remains unchanged: To inspire others to share their…
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One of the bigger challenges of sharing a life and the stories that make up that life is finding ways to tell my story and stories while trying not to tell the stories or intrude on the privacy of people I love. For a hundred years my family had a “secret” connection with illnesses of the mind. Through the years people I love found many different w…
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It is a gift to relive a significant moment that took place long ago and to see it and feel it again with the perspective of time and space. It is challenging to build a bridge of words across the years and try to connect who I was then with who I am now.It would certainly have been “easier” if my dad’s visit had not been the day I was going into t…
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Mike McCoy and I have been friends and have sung together for nearly 50 years now. Nine years ago he joined me in The Brothers Four. Between the fall of 1979 and 1987 my musical career (except for The Brothers Four) was tied to McCoy. It is what I am calling the Fourth Stage in this amazing seven-stage journey.One of the things that makes our relat…
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One of Those Times in a Life has been a chance for me to learn or become aware of so many things. As I built the last campfire I learned (on a deeper more profound level) that so much of my journey is finding my way home. Building this campfire I realized how deep my gratitude is for the people and experiences who have shared the journey and helped…
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Creating this campfire I realized on some significant level that One of Those Times in a Life is about finding my way home. It has been the journey of a lifetime. I am filled with gratitude for a chance to be able to make such a journey.Di Mark Pearson
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This Chronicle is dedicated to my teammates. It is something to think of them and those times and to weave our shared experiences into a larger life’s tapestry all these years later.This Chronicle mentions games the University of Washington played against the University of Oregon and Washington State. As a point of clarification I want to make sure…
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As usual this chronicle took longer than I thought it would. It is also more satisfying than I could have imagined. A few days ago I realized that each of these Chronicles is like having a conversation with myself from an earlier time. During the first year I went to Nashville I was 28 years old. Also it has been an amazing way to remember things l…
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It is an amazing adventure to journey around a life and a career, to find the contour of collected memories. It makes a difference that I am still writing songs, recording, performing and growing as a person in the midst of all this looking back.Di Mark Pearson
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This has been a hard Chronicle to create. I realize more than ever how important songwriting is and has been to this journey of a lifetime, how much it has added and continues to add to my life and to each strand of my career. I am filled with gratitude for a chance to spend a lifetime learning the craft of songwriting.…
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Each of the seven stages is essential to the journey all are important chapters in the story. It took longer than I thought to find the heartbeat of this, the third stage to rediscover the wonder, the tears, the laughter, the joy of that time now long ago.Di Mark Pearson
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Sometime in the preparation of each Chronicle I am reminded of The Old Man in the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. In that story the old man went out further and fished deeper waters than he had ever done before. Even after he had hooked his mighty fish there was doubt about who would give out or up first. In the old man’s case sharks destroyed the incredi…
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There are artists who played roles in the Folk Revival who had significant careers beyond folk music. John Phillips founded The Mamas and Papas after The Journeymen disbanded. Roger McGuinn left The Chad Mitchell Trio to help form The Byrds. Kenny Rogers had a stint with The New Christy Minstrels before becoming, well, Kenny Rogers. John Stewart, w…
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It breaks my heart to think of the amount of weapons our country continues to export to the rest of the world. It is also heartbreaking to think of how much the song When Johnny Comes Marchin’ Home continues to resonate.To watch and download the HD version of this Campfire please go to my YouTube Channel.…
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It is something to be remembering those first trips to Japan while creating new memories on my 30th trip to Japan. It is one of the great gifts of my life to grow up and now grow old with Japan remaining a big and important part of my life and career.Di Mark Pearson
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It is something to be able to finally tell my whole story. I was quite emotional when I was working on this Chronicle. There are so many things involved in changing the course of a lifetime. I talked to my mom and my brothers about what I am doing. They are each supportive. It means a lot. It also means that I want to be respectful of who and where…
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One of Those Times in a Life is truly underway. I shared the journey with a live audience last week. The Trail Map will soon be ready to share. While there is still so much to do it feels like things are beginning to slow down a little. At the same time The Brothers Four are getting ready to leave for Japan in three weeks for a month of performing.…
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It is fun to begin the next stage of this journey. The Brothers Four videos were recorded recently in the Wheeler Theater at Fort Worden near Port Townsend. I don’t think we have ever sat around and simply sung while the cameras rolled. The videos should be a nice combination with the Campfire Chronicles talking of my first years as one of The Brot…
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It continues to surprise me how long it takes to create a context while breathing life into the content of this project and journey. I never assumed it would be easy, but I didn’t appreciate how complicated and difficult it would be at times. Part of that is continuing to imagine and see the bigger picture while simultaneously organizing and giving…
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Much of the recent cultural conversation appears to reinforce the notion that we are all in this alone. The social contract we began writing in the 1930’s that includes things like Social Security, the GI Bill, the Interstate Highway System, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare, is now often described as too expensive, unnecessary, or an intrusion o…
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A Moment to ReflectLately it seems that while life may take a long time that it is over much too soon. It is hard to believe that I’ve been singing with Mike McCoy for more than forty-six years and it’s been forty-three years since I started singing with The Brothers Four. One of the things that make this One of Those Times in a Life is that making…
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From the British Invasion to the 1967 Monterey Pops FestivalIn 1963 it was cool to call yourself a folk singer. By the time I turned seventeen in March of 1964 The Beatles had appeared and folk music quickly lost its cool and commercial appeal. Roger McGuinn known as Jim McGuinn during his folk days as the accompanist for The Chad Mitchell Trio for…
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A Page Filled with Gratitude… One of the best parts of the last year has been having a chance to work with an amazing group of talented people while getting ready to share this journey of songs and stories. Here are some of the people who are invaluable to the process and the journey: Al Bergstein - Mountainstone Productions Al creates the videos f…
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