The Sharp Notes is a conversation podcast about music, sound, production and media hosted by Evan Toth.
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با پادکست های رو به اوج حال خوبی داری Scigasm سایگسم یکی از پادکست های سایت
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Lerne alles über Kryptowährungen und die Blockchain Technologie
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Podcast by Xavier de Tothesocial
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Fitness, Health and overall wellness. Living life to the max!
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A podcast series dedicated to all thing social media, marketing, and advertising. Support this podcast:
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Analysis and appreciation of Master Artist of Comics, Animation and Design, Alex Toth
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কাহিনী তত্ত্বে আপনাদের স্বাগত। রহস্য রোমাঞ্চকর , ভৌতিক এবং আরো নানান ধরনের গল্পো শোনার জন্য আমাদের চ্যানেল টি কে Subscribe করুন এবং Bell আইকন টি কে প্রেস করুন। নিয়মিত নানা ধরনের গল্প উপস্থাপন করাই আমাদের এক মাত্র লক্ষ্য। যদি আপনিও নিত্য নতুন গল্প লেখেন কিংবা ভয়েস অ্যাকটিন করতে চান তাহলে আপনি নিচে দেওয়া ওয়েব সাইট -এ গিয়ে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন। Our Wed Site : Our YouTube :
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Slovenský podcast o NBA . Novinky, horúce témy, zákulisné informácie
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Mindig foglalkoztatott a kèrdès, hogy mièrt tesszük mi emberek amit teszünk!! Aki keres az talàl! Jó tanács!! Ezen a Podcasten szeretnèm megosztani azokat a stratègiàkat amiket az elmúlt èvekben tanultam az emberi teljesítmènyrôl!! Tarts velem ès fejlôdjünk együtt! -TJ
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The Toth Zone chronicles musician James Toth’s all-consuming obsession with music while growing up in pre-9/11 New York City, and all the trouble it caused him along the way. It's a little like A Christmas Story, but with headbangers, hoodlums, and hip-hop. "...something like David Sedaris by way of Iggy Pop." - Elizabeth Nelson, Lawyers, Guns & Money blog
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Online marketing tippek és technikák a Tóth Mihály Marketing Akadémia Podcast adásaiban. Kövesd a Podcast-et minden nap!
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Mónika Tóth újságíró podcast csatornája. Tematikus podcastok: 117 PERC: 74 NAP: EGYEDI KULINÁRIS KOMMANDÓ: KÜLÖNÓRA: ...
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Unedited, Unscripted and Unstructured discussions of my Nudist Lifestyle, travels, thoughts, sharing of my food recipes. I'm a Nudist/Naturist who happens to be a Chef, traveler, adventurer, Podcaster ... ... hell, why not do all nude. I'm living life my way and so far its been a hell of ride; loving everyday! “Live Nude, Love Food, Live LIFE!”
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Beyond Beauty Podcast invites you to join life-changing conversations for women who want to stop their endless pursuit of controlling their bodies and appearance in order to feel worthy, and discover how to value themselves from within. Along the way, Nik Toth, NLP Mindset Coach, Somatic Educator & Healer, will share her own vulnerable transformation from a weight-loss-obsessed young woman secretly struggling with an eating disorder, through her holistic fitness journey, to discovering her ...
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Find happiness and health, inside and out, from a (w)holistic view. Stacy Toth welcomes guest experts weekly, to discuss applying modern wellness to be our best selves. With a focus on mental and physical health through self love and body positivity, expect myth busting of health and wellness fads and innovative topics that challenge our conception of health. From prioritizing mental health to hidden toxins in personal care products, Stacy draws from her experiences with a 20-year career in ...
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For nearly a decade, Sleepersound has been more than just a band—it’s been a brotherhood bound by a shared passion for creating immersive, emotionally rich music. Their journey together has been defined by deep friendship and an unspoken understanding that transcends words, allowing their sound to evolve organically. From late-night jam sessions to…
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From Boogaloo to the Big Screen: Michael Andrews (aka Elgin Park) Balances Music, Movies, and More with New Greyboy Allstars Compilation
For over three decades, Michael Andrews (aka Elgin Park) has been an integral part of the Greyboy Allstars, a band that has carved out a unique space in the world of funk, jazz, and soul. With their infectious grooves and deep musical chemistry, the group has remained a fixture on the scene, constantly evolving while staying true to their roots. As…
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Through addiction, industry upheavals, and personal reinvention, a rock survivor’s unwavering path forward. Perseverance is more than just endurance—it is the art of weathering storms without losing sight of the horizon. For Josh Todd - the last remaining original member of Buckcherry - survival in rock and roll has never been about mere resistance…
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Some artists walk, some artists run—but Michael Mayo flies. His latest album, Fly, isn’t just a title—it’s a philosophy. It’s about soaring past self-doubt, catching the updraft of creativity, and trusting that the music will take you exactly where you need to go. Raised in the rarefied air of music professionality—his mother has served as a powerh…
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Pressing Records From the Sugar Beet? Larry Jaffee and Kevin Da Costa Explain Their Icelandic Experiments to Create a More Sustainable Record
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1:07:31In 1979, Blondie released their fourth album, Eat to the Beat. Little did the band know that nearly a half-century later, there would be a discussion of pressing beats onto a record made of beets that one could - in theory - actually eat. Through a shared love of vinyl and an interest in investigating new and unique ways to make the process of pres…
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Wine, Music, and Philanthropy, the Heartbeat of Michael Dorf Founder the Knitting Factory and City Winery
In vino veritas, is a Latin expression which - when translated - means, “In wine, there is truth.” While that concept might be slightly romanticized, there’s no doubt that a little bit of truth, and a whole lot of vision - with nice cabernet - can influence an adventurous idea, or two. But, you’ve got to have the follow through the next morning to …
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Determination is an incredibly important part of success in any industry. But, in music and media, one must be constantly doing their thing in front of as many audiences as possible, all the time. Sure, this is an exhausting part of the gig, but - in many ways - it’s mandatory. Based in Los Angeles, Goldiie Lux had an interview scheduled with me du…
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Good friends can get you through difficult times. They have your back through thick and thin, they know how to anticipate if you need support, and they can always be relied upon for understanding. However, when that friendship involves music, it can be even richer and more fulfilling. José Medeles and Nathan Trueb have known each other for many yea…
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Join Stacy in saying farewell to this chapter of the show, reminiscing about the last 12 years of weekly podcasting and the last 145 episodes of Season 3, when Stacy went solo! It's been a journey of deep dives, some tough conversations, and discovering new ways to be our best selves - inside and out! Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel to ge…
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Massachusetts has always been aligned with revolutionary thoughts. Anyone paying attention in elementary history classes knows that our very own American Revolution began in Boston Harbor with a little event known as the Boston Tea Party. Just because a thing is a certain way, doesn’t mean it should stay that way forever: that’s Boston, that’s Amer…
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One of the very first guests to appear on the original version of this show, author and a pioneer of the ancestral movement, Mark Sisson, joins Stacy to get real about the benefits of walking, small businesses going big, his own health evolution, and what it's like working with family. Pre-order Mark's newest book, Born to Walk: The Broken Promises…
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It’s not always what we say, sometimes it’s more about what we leave out; the silence in between our words can speak volumes. The same can be said of music, particularly the music of Roger Eno who has recently released a companion piece of sorts to his last release titled, The skies, they shift like chords (2023). This newest album is an extension …
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Episode 143: What Helps Queer Folks - Conversion Therapy or Gender Affirming Care? w/ Ann Russo
Ann Russo is a licensed therapist and advocate, passionate about understanding the intersections of mental health, sexuality, and spirituality. Ann and Stacy discuss the mental, emotional, and physical ramifications of interventions like conversion therapy and gender affirming care, why leading with love matters, and why our society is only as good…
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When we talk about an individual being artistic, usually we’re referring to the visual or graphic arts field, and every so often, music. However, an infusion of art is really necessary in any branch of knowledge: coding, medicine, logistics, education or any other field for that matter really all require a bit of an artistic eye to be elevated to i…
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Episode 142: Why Choose a Childless or Sober Life? w/ Ruby Warrington
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1:08:53British lifestyle journalist and author Ruby Warrington joins us to discuss two topics that are not only personal to her, but she has also written about: Choosing to be childless and exploring sobriety. Ruby and Stacy have a vulnerable conversation about what family means, what privilege looks like when making a choice outside of the societal norm …
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Is your passport up-to-date? If it’s not, now might be the right time to submit your application to ensure it’s valid. Because you’re going on a bit of an international trip: from Brussels to Denmark and right here back to the good old United States of America. You’re taking a little bit of an excursion and you’ve got the best excuse to do so: good…
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Stacy drops in with a big announcement! She has always loved thinking deeper on popular fads and in her upcoming Is It Real podcast, Stacy will have a series of shows dedicated to one topic. Each will be a deep dive into the facts and truth behind something, as well as the misinformation. She'll bring you along as she researches topics like, why pe…
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Who didn’t love hanging out in grandma’s basement? There were always a lot of fun things down there. If you were lucky, there might have been an old stereo console crafted out of impossibly heavy wood tucked between the air hockey table and a dart board. It’s possible too, that it still worked. The dials would light up and a DJs voice wafts in from…
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Light and dark have been engaged in an eternal dance since the earliest of times. You’ve all seen the yin and yang which - if nothing else - illustrates that complicated symbiosis between good and evil: you can’t have the hero if you don’t have the villain. It’s just one of those conundrums of humanity. Writers, poets, filmmakers, artists of all il…
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Chef and author Phoebe Lapine joins Stacy to discuss navigating wellness without falling into diet culture. As a culinary expert, Phoebe highlights how to enhance meals with delicious, nutrient-packed ingredients and why breakfast truly matters. Together, they delve into autoimmune disorders, elimination diets, and balancing short-term therapeutic …
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Eilon Paz and His New Book, "Dust & Grooves, Vol. 2: Further Adventures In Record Collecting"
Technology’s growth in the last decade has been astounding. I don’t have to tell you how AI has just begun to impact our lives, and we all grit our teeth peeking to witness its evolution. But, though it all, there’s a timeless beauty to the still photograph. Even our 21st century blogs and social media are - in many ways - simply a digital photo bo…
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Episode 139: Dead Wrong, The Impacts of Misinformation and Disinformation on our Well-Being w/ Geeta "Dr. G" Nayyar
Author and rheumatologist Geeta “Dr. G” Nayyar, MD, MBA, joins Stacy to warn of the impacts of misinformation and disinformation on our health and well-being, why personalized care matters, and what the modern day “stranger danger” conversation looks like in the age of social media. Find Dr. G:…
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Some guys just do it all. Today we speak with Andy Babiuk about the newest release from the Chesterfield Kings who have been rock and roll torch-bearers over the last forty plus years. The album is titled, We’re Still All The Same. Take that musical pathway, connect it with Little Steven - and his Wicked Cool Records label - and first you’ve got a …
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Epidemiologist, science author, and co-founder of the nutrition service Zoe, Dr. Tim Spector joins Stacy to share the importance of getting back to the basics of eating a diverse diet and why that means getting more stuff on our plate, not less! Dr. Spector talks about how why this is beneficial to our microbiome and overall health, and will also i…
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I don’t know when you first found out about the role of a session musician, but for me, it was associated with The Monkees. I remember not quite understanding how a band could make music, yet still not play all of the instruments on the record. Well, my youthful naïveté was obliterated when I learned that there exists a highly skilled, dedicated, p…
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Episode 137: All About Amino Acids w/ Dr. Christine Smith
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1:05:19Functional Medicine Practitioner and Doctor of Chiropractic Dr. Christine Smith joins Stacy to get nerdy about amino acids, help us understand what “listening to your body” can actually look like, and why it may be important to change how your nervous system communicates with your body. Find Dr. Christine Smith: https://ww…
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Episode 136: Willpower and the Connection Between Food & Mood w/ Jenn Trepeck
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1:27:05Health Coach Jenn Trepeck prides herself on “wellness without the weirdness” and joins Stacy to dive into why perfection and extremes don't serve us, how accountability can be a key to willpower, and why the tools that help us today may not be the same ones that help us tomorrow. Find Jenn: Insta…
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As Bruce Springsteen once sang, “two hearts are better than one” and that certainly is the case with The Heavy Heavy. Not only does the name of the band have a second helping of Heavy, but the group is fronted by two musicians who, you’ll soon find out, act as a team when it comes to decisions about the group’s sound and direction. About a decade a…
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Episode 135: How to Choose, Lifestyle Changes vs. Medication w/ Holistic Pharmacist Patrick Alonso
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1:06:09Licensed Pharmacist and Healthcare Advocate Patrick Alonso joins Stacy to talk about getting off the “medication hamster wheel” that often happens as we get older. He has a passion for working with patients to make long-term lifestyle changes, using medication as a tool, and empowering us all to understand why we are taking the pharmaceuticals and …
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Sometimes, the only way to find yourself is by getting a little bit lost. Israel Nebeker - lead singer of the band Blind Pilot - experienced this first hand. The band came strongly upon the music scene in 2008, gaining particular media attention for their “bike tour” which brought them from Bellingham, Washington all the way to San Diego, Californi…
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We're bringing you a replay of one of our most popular episodes. Learn all about protein and optimizing muscle through food and movement with medical practitioner, author, and founder of The Institute for Muscle-Centric Medicine, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. Since this episode aired just over a year ago, we get an update from Stacy on how including more pro…
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Imagine hearing a style of music that has become very popular; a genre you might hear on a TV commercial, or maybe on your favorite streaming program, or perhaps coming from a car window as it passes you by the street. Now, try to pretend that the style of music you’re hearing was popularized by your dad. Seun Kuti goes through this process often a…
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Raise your hand if you've ever misjudged or missed the mark on something or someone? Nutritionist Michael Biamonte joins for a brief conversation about Candida yeast overgrowth and then Stacy gives us a rundown on fungal infections, parasites, and the range of protocols often used in treating these. And while this conversation didn't go quite as ex…
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You don’t need to be using your vocal cords to sing. There are other ways to do it, you don’t even need to be a human being! Birds sing, the wind sings while you’re standing on the beach watching the surf, and maybe you could even say that an air conditioner sings in the background as it cools your room on a hot Summer day. Just because something i…
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Mindfulness trainer and breathwork practitioner Kurtis Lee Thomas joins Stacy to talk about the impact stress has on our health and well-being, how curiosity is consciousness at work, and why one of the most impactful things we can do for ourselves is literally right under our noses! Find Kurtis: Li…
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On this bonus episode, the 10th person to walk around the world, Tom Turcich, joins Stacy to tell us why and how he and his pup, Savannah, took on this 7-year adventure. Tom shares his reflections, lessons learned, and the kindness of humanity he discovered along the way. Find Tom:…
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