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"Where do you learn how to love and obey God?" Townsend chose a red card... and we don't like those. But, maybe the problem is us! Take a listen and see what you might learn about how Townsend and Preacher Man understand where the "knowing" about love and obedience comes from and how important it is to APPLY what you learn. Got a question you want …
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"How important is it for Christians to rest on the Sabbath? Does this still apply to us today?" Do we even know what the Sabbath is, or what it's for? This week Townsend and Preacher Man will share their thoughts about the idea of Sabbath. Listen and see if you agree! BTW - This is EPISODE 1 of Preacher Man as a GRANDDAD! So, basically you HAVE to …
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"Do Christians have responsibilities towards the society they live in? What are they?" Preacher Man digs deep in his 90s history to call "duh" in response to the first part of this week's question... but what do you think those responsibilities are? Townsend takes charge right out of the gate - listen up and see what you think! **You have a limited…
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"Think of a difficult time in your life. Did you feel CLOSER or FURTHER away from God? Why might that be?" Buckle up Listener Land, this is one of those times where Townsend and Preacher Man have a different take on the topic. Listen and see which side you fall on. Townsend wants a poll afterward - cause she has a theory! ** Get 45% off the Magic M…
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"Are there any Christian teachings that are dealbreakers for you in friendships?" What do you think? Yes, no? Do you ever notice that you sometimes look for reasons to NOT have a relationship with someone? Do you think that's the way it's supposed to be? This week - Townsend and Preacher Man are gonna muse their way to an answer... so listen in and…
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"Do you think that religion has a place in politics? if so, what is it?" This week, we tackle those questions and maybe, just sayin', we give a few answers that'll give you something to chew on. You'll never know if you don't listen. So, you gotta listen so you'll know! Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to hear Townsend and Pre…
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Welcome to 2025! We're kicking off the year with an episode on hope - what's currently giving us hope AND what should be giving us all hope for the future. So, sit down (or stand up, we don't care!) and pull up your ears. We HOPE you enjoy... (see what I did there??) Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to hear Townsend and Preach…
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This week's episode is the last of 2024. With Christmas and a church lock-in both falling on Wednesdays, this was the last time for Townsend and Preacher Man to get together before the ringing in of 2025. So, they sat down and mused in the most literal sense of the word. No card, no topic prompt this week - just two folks reflecting on the year, th…
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Some conversations are easier to have than others. And sometimes, a conversation might have to do with things you don't know how to respond to. Today's episode looks at how Townsend and Preacher Man think someone should respond when a conversation that turns to God gets hit with the "I just don't believe that" bomb. Do you smack 'em with a Bible an…
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"If you could go back and change your past, would you do it?" Sort of the plot to "Back to the Future" and definitely the plot to the movie "The Family Man" from 2000. Not a new question at all, maybe even one you've considered a time or two. Would you do it - go back and change things if you had the chance? Got a question you want answered or a to…
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An annual tradition - Townsend and Preacher Man spend a little time reflecting on what they have to be thankful for in 2024 (hey - that rhymes!). We hope you'll not only enjoy this episode, but be encouraged to share your own "thanksgivings" with your family and friends. Or US - share it with us! We'd love to hear from you. Got a question you want …
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This week's episode is a response to the question: "Does all of the Bible still apply to us today?" Some might say no and refer to themselves as "New Testament Christians." Others might say yes, and find themselves seeking to follow Christ and feel an obligation to uphold every law and "rule" given in the Old Testament. Who is right? Is there a rig…
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You ever wondered what a "pregame" musing sounds like? This is about the closest you're ever gonna get! We were gonna be good and stick to the topic on the card... but then, we just didn't. So, instead you get our shotgun thoughts on the result of Election 2024 and how we hope that the people of God stay hungry to represent their Holy citizenship f…
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WAIT! Don't let the "churchy" word in the topic make you skip this episode. Sure, it's not a word you use all the time, but what it means and what it's referring to is EXTREMELY important. So, just relax and muse with us as we take a look at what some of the ideas are around Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross. Got a question you want answe…
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What's the role of government in your life? What's the role of the Church? Let's consider the role of those things and how maybe our understanding of them has become skewed. To support the Flynt family financially, please follow the link to their GoFundMe page: Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to hea…
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A musing on how the role of prayer has worked in our lives and how that role has changed over time. We hope that this episode brings you encouragement in your own prayer life and that you find a renewed hunger to spend time speaking with and listening to the Lord. If you something that Townsend and I could be praying about for you or with you, plea…
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At some point in your life someone called you a "liar, liar, pants on fire." We all hated it - even if it was true at the time. But, what about as an adult? Are we out here still living with our pants burning, or have we come to understanding that lying really isn't all that acceptable. For that matter - is it ever acceptable to lie? This week's mu…
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In most school across the country, kids stand up every morning and voice their pledge to the United States. Grownups... well, you might not make a pledge every morning, but does the Bible instruct you to maintain allegiance to your country as part of your faith? Just how "pledged" should your allegiance be? Glad you asked - cause this week we 're m…
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Yes - it's the topic that lots of folks love to hate. Only time someone brings up giving money to the church is when the preacher needs a new car, am I right? No. You're not right. But what is right? Should a believer still recognize their expectation to support their church financially or is that an Old Testament sort of thing that doesn't apply t…
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ALERT - LISTENER REQUESTED TOPIC INCOMING!! A citizen of Listener Land (one of y'all!) took the time to send Townsend a question - so we spent some time musing on it. BIG THANKS to whoever you are cause Preacher Man LOVES listener topics! We hope this episode is a blessing. Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to hear Townsend and…
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WAIT - don't skip this one. We promise, this isn't just an episode where we confess to being hippies. This is an honest look at how faith should, and does, impact our treatment of the world around us. Do you agree with our take? Let us know by reaching out and sharing your thoughts! Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to hear Tow…
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The world gets smaller every day - all the while feeling like we become more and more disconnected from each other. But, through technology and travel, we have the chance to encounter all sorts of people from all sorts of places. And often, those folks may not see the world the same way you do. So, how do we interact with them? How should we naviga…
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What can I type that will make you forgive us for being gone AGAIN?! Honest - the world was conspiring against us recording! Strung-out schedules and cooties all over the place made it impossible - but the great comeback has begun! So, sit back, relax, and muse with us on just what exactly the point of Christianity is in this week's episode. We lov…
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Story time this week as Townsend and Preacher Man reflect on some areas of their lives that they feel had the greatest impact on their faith-journey. AND - a chance for you to share as well by commenting on FB. Let us know what experiences have been impactful on your faith journey as you reflect on the ways God has moved you through each and every …
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We're back! And - maybe we never need to miss episodes again, cause SHEESH - these last two weeks have had some CRAZINESS happening around the world. But, why does it seem crazy? If it's wrong, how do we know it's wrong - how do we make it right? Those sorts of things deal with morality - or ethics - and have to do with the origins of our understan…
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Everyone knows what a favorite is - and truth be told, everyone has a favorite. A favorite movie, favorite color, or a favorite meal. We know about favorites. And, this week, Townsend and Preacher Man spend some time sharing who their favorite characters from the Bible are and why those characters hold that high position. We hope this week's musing…
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Have you ever gotten stuck in the idea that "stuff just happens"? Or, maybe you think that some things are planned out through God, but that He leaves other stuff to just... work itself out. This week's episode seeks to provide some thought-nuggets on how randomness, or "coincidence", does or does not work alongside the idea that God is sovereign a…
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Have you ever thought about the "rules" of prayer? Do we have to use certain words, certain phrases, or drop a specific name for our prayer to "count"? This week - Townsend and Preacher Man muse on the meaning and importance of praying in the name of Jesus. AND, a little extra addition when Preacher Man brings up the last word of our prayers and th…
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EPISODE 200??!! That's crazy to think about - April Fool's Day of 2020 to now, all so we can hang out with you guys! Thank you for making our podcast have a purpose. We love y'all! This week we dive into the issue of mental illness and how a Christian should think and understand the subject. It's a vast topic with lots of turns to take. We hope you…
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This week's card got Preacher Man in his "talking fast" personality - but that's only cause there's SO MUCH to know and share about why we can trust the Bible today is the Bible that was originally written. So, sit down and get ready to learn or be reminded of a handful of ways we can confirm that the Bible God has bestowed on us is the same word t…
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After a week of silence, we're back with this week's episode where Townsend and Preacher Man discuss the issues and things that parents should be considering when it comes to their children's education. Public, private, home... what are you supposed to do? And, once you make a choice, how involved should you be? Let's muse on it - from one who's ki…
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Are you a spiritual person? Are we? This week's episode is all about musing on what it means to be spiritual and how that impacts us as individuals and our involvement in the world. Is it just that part of us that can't be touched; that ethereal, unseen magic stuff? Or, is it something more, something very real and very important? Got a question yo…
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It's often the most common question people ask once the requirement of school and "staying at home" pass... what's my purpose? What's the point? IN FACT - You can go check out Episode 171 to hear a different take where Preacher Man and Townsend mused on the meaning of life. But, today isn't a retread - it's a consideration on what exactly life's pu…
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Do you have a church family? Are you a part of a specific church family that you feel called to and that you feel like you have an important place in? Have you ever stopped to think about what it was that led you to that specific church group or congregation? Was it the music, the pastor, the building, or maybe the service you saw within the walls?…
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This week's episode is on one of those "church words." But, whether it's a word you use a lot or have never heard before - it's a topic that NEEDS to be talked about more often. So, let's do that... let's talk about Sanctification and the importance of becoming more and more holy each day. Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to h…
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It might seem obvious to assume that the Bible is important to Townsend and/or Preacher Man (but remember - assumptions can be dangerous), but have you ever stopped to wonder if that's always been the case? Or, how important the Bible might be on a daily basis? This week's episode is all about answering the questions of why the Bible is important o…
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Do you believe in miracles? Have you ever thought about what counts as miraculous or if simple things are the same sort of miracle as those big, amazing, shocking examples that some people can share? Let's talk about that and see if we can't learn a little about finding the miracles around us in the life God has called us to live. Got a question yo…
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This week's episode asks Townsend and Preacher Man to reflect on how they've intentionally taught faith to their children and how they feel it has gone. Preacher Man's kids are all "grown" - Townsend still has a way to go. But, give a listen and see if you don't notice a similarity to how seriously they take the responsibility of actively teaching …
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Folks sometimes say that Science eradicates the Bible, or that to believe the Bible you have to ignore Science. But come on now... is that true? This week, Townsend and Preacher Man will muse on and consider how the Bible and Science go together, or how they don't. See if you agree or disagree with what they come up with. Got a question you want an…
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Welcome to another episode of MTPM - we're glad you're here! This week, Townsend and Preacher Man take a look at opportunities and how they can be (or aren't) imbalanced. It's sort of a hot-topic in the political world, but what should a believer be doing about it? How should a Christian see this issue and react? Glad you asked! Got a question you …
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Admit it - you missed us last week! Get this... we missed you too!! But, sickness, travel, and weddings made it a little too challenging to get together, so we bring you this week's special episode with a little "sorry about that" attached to it. We hope you enjoy hearing about the marriage conference that took place at our local church a few weeks…
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Have you ever wondered what should be conisdered "important" when building or supporting a community? You haven't? Well - then this episode is for you! Wait - you have? Well, good news - this episode is for you, too! In all seriousness, we invite you to join in with this week's episode and and ponder those aspects of community that we need to be de…
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We're back on our "topic schedule" this week and musing on how each of us could be more encouraging to those around us (and maybe even to ourselves). We invite you to join in on this week's conversation as we look at the biblical mandate to "stir one another up" and how we could be better at both giving and receiving encouragement. Got a question y…
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You thought the Super Bowl was about Taylor Swift and football? Naw - it was about two commercials setting the religious world on fire. Washing feet and Seeing people. Jesus gets us. Do we get Jesus? This week's episode in a "special edition" and was recorded at the request of a listener. So hey! - THANK YOU LISTENER! We hope you all enjoy the musi…
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This week offered a chance for Townsend and Preacher Man to take a close look at just exactly what the Holy Spirit is and why it matters in the life of a believer. Is the Holy Spirit He, it, a ghost, or just a "good feeling" that we have when we're living a life of faith? People disagree on all of these things, but what does the Bible say? Let's ta…
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Repentance is one of those "Bible" words. One we hear all the time in church - but occasionally one that we have heard so much we've forgotten what it means. So, this week Townsend and Preacher Man spend a few minutes together and look to answer the question, "what does it mean to repent?" Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to h…
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Maybe you've heard of "The Way of the Master," or "The Roman Road:" memorized ways that seek to teach us how to share the good news of Jesus to people we meet in the world. But what if the person you meet has never even heard of God. They have no familiarity with any of that "Bible" stuff at all. Does the conversation look the same? Do you stick to…
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Does it matter that a lot of folks don't live the way they believe? Does that sort of life have consequences? Maybe it's easy for us to say, "well, duh. Of course it has consequences." But, if we all agree to that, why are there so many examples of people not living a life that matches what they preach? This week, Townsend and Preacher Man turn the…
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The first card-pull of 2024 has Townsend and Preacher Man contemplating the importance of forgiveness in relationships and how its presence (or lack off) can impact how we connect to one another. Forgiveness can be a challenge - it can be the hardest thing to do in life. But, does it matter? Does forgiving change the way we see one another? Let's m…
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We made it through 2023! Phew!! Before we rush headlong into the new calendar and everything that 2024 has in store, Townsend and Preacher Man use this episode for some annual reflection on what they learned during 2023. How did they change? Where did they grow? Wanna know - gotta listen! Got a question you want answered or a topic you'd like to he…
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