Podcast by Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Who has the power? The powerful Lord gives life by his Spirit, through his gospel (v. 1-7) spreads his word through the boldness of his people (v. 8-10, 20) triumphs over the forces of darkness (v. 11-17) brings about stunning repentance (v. 18-19) In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power…
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #24 - Unstoppable: The Lord who Grows His People (Acts 18:18-28 )
Our faith journey in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (v18-21) Strengthening along the way, growing in the Gospel (v22-23) From strength to strength, maturing in the Gospel (v24-26) From receiving to giving encouragement - proclaiming the Gospel (v27-28)Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Our mission is to speak up for the Lord (v1-8)Jesus is the MessiahSpeaking for Christ is hard and rewardingThe Lord encourages courageous speaking (v9-11)The Lord confirms that He is GodThe Lord promises that He is with usThe Lord commands us to keep speakingThe Lord pledges that He has people who will be savedWe see the Lord's faithfulness when we…
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #22 - Unstoppable~ To Thessalonians: Bright Hope for Tomorrow
‘…if I could have seen the shore…’ Seeing the shore:The risen and reigning Lord Who turns death into sleep Who will come in glory to dwell with us So:Don’t focus on times and dates Wake up! Therefore encourage one another and build each other upDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #21 - Unstoppable~ To the Thessalonians Church: Strength For Today
Dear Thessalonians… We thank God for who you are: Loved, chosen, faithful and fruitful (ch 1)Remember who we are: approved by God, sharing both gospel and life (ch 2-3)So do this more and more: Living in order to please God (ch 4-5)The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with youDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #20 - Unstoppable - The Lord of Heaven and Earth (Acts 17:16-34 )
How do you respond to a city? What Paul sees A city full of idolsHe is greatly distressed by thisThe Lord Jesus alone deserves all our worship What Paul does He engages with people where they are (synagogue, marketplace, Areopagus)How do we engage with people around us?Merging our universesCrossing the ‘painline’ What Paul saysGod is our CreatorGod…
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #19 - Unstoppable -The Lord of the Scriptures (Acts 17:1-15 )
There is another king… Be persuaded! (v. 1-9) Be a Berean! (v. 10-15) ‘Many of them believed’Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #18 - Unstoppable-The Lord who opens hearts (Acts 16:6-40 )
The sovereign, triune God has a global gospel (v. 6-12)opens closed hearts (v. 13-15)frees the oppressed (v. 16-24)saves the captives (v. 25-40)‘...he was filled with joy’Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Artificial - Real Life in an Ai World #3 - Love in an AI World(Col 3:12-14; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 )
Artificial love in an AI world: disembodied, ‘magical’ relationships enabled by a digital guide that curves us inward Real love in God’s world: whole-person, divine love poured out by the Holy Spirit who leads us up and out ‘….put on love…’Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Time for an upgrade?An artificial hope:An upgraded humanityconquering the technical problem of deathon a fading planetThe certain hope of the gospel:A glorified humanityhealed of the spiritual problem of deathon a new heaven and earthCome, Lord Jesus!Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Artificial - Real Life in an Ai World #1 - Faith in an AI World (Psalm 36:5-9; John 1:9-14 )
Fake news in a post-truth world: Can you be sure of anything?Real faith in the real world: …is in the faithful One …whose word is true,…who has made his dwelling among us,…and who is full of grace and truthPeople take refuge in the shadow of your wingsDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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20250105 Faith and Depression (Psalm 42) by Trinity Church Victor HarborDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Depression … it’s more common than you think A helpful Psalm The long, dark night of the soul (v1-4)Desperate for fellowship with GodMisery, mockeryRecollectionSelf-talk (v5-6)Evangelist to selfIt won’t always be like thisLeaning in to God (v7-10)Deep calls to deepSongs in the nightStanding on the RockThe Ongoing Battle (v10-11)Bodily pain, taunts …
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Other Sermons #44 - Running the Race of Faith, Looking to Jesus ( Hebrews 12~1-3 ) by Trinity Church Victor HarborDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The PropositionThe PreparationThe Pioneer & PerfectorThe PrizeThe PonderingDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Christmas 2024 #2 - Christmas Day 2024 (Matthew 1:1-2:12 )
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1:00:52The Names of Christmasyou are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ (1:21) ‘...they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).’ (1:23) ‘..out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people…’ (2:6) ‘...they bowed down and worshipped him.’ (2:11)Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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What's happening this morning This morning some kids from our church family are going to share the story of the first Christmas through a play called: Festive Frieda Finds the Greatest Gift Along the way we'll need your help with some actions, and there'll be a chance later on for any kids to come on stage and gather around the manger. We'll also b…
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What child is this? End of the ages Word of the Father King of Creation Beautiful Saviour Risen ruler Fix your thoughts on JesusDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The Gospel Paul Preached (v1-11)If Christ is not raised (v12-19)Christ HAS been raised (v20-28)Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The strange security of elect exiles: The God of all grace is the God of all power! (v. 10-11) So…shepherd with a willing, servant heart (v. 1-4) clothe yourselves with humility (v. 5-6) cast your anxiety on him (v. 7) resist your enemy the devil (v. 8-9) This is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it!…
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Secular suffering? The strangeness of suffering in Christ: Don’t be surprised… but rejoice! Don’t be ashamed… but praise God! Don’t lose perspective… but commit yourself to your faithful Creator and continue to do good. Suffering as a ChristianDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Making the most of the time (1) Think like Jesus Look back at what Jesus did on the cross Finish with sin Living like this will mean suffering (2) Understand that everything is about to be wrapped up We look to the future So we pray (3) Focus on one another Love one another Be hospitable to one another Serve one another So that in everything God ma…
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Intro: “I could never do that”A Caution: GIGO, ChatGPT & “Odd“ Passages1 — (v8-14) Doing what doesn’t come naturally.2 — (vv15-22) What the heart loves, the Will chooses.Conclusion: A change of Heart.Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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A dirty word??The key to being strangers in a strange land: Shine out the goodness of your homeland (v. 11-12)One beautiful way to do that: Submit yourselves (2:13-20; 3:1-7) to every human authority for the Lord’s sake so that God would be glorifiedThe strange submission of Jesus is both our gift and our example (2:21-25)‘but now you have returned…
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We are strangers in a strange land. But what now?We are becoming a Holy Priesthood called to offer spiritual sacrifices.Jesus is our cornerstone.The Word of the Lord endures forever, the Love of the Lord endures forever.We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession.Declare the praises of the Lord. Declare the G…
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Holier-than-thou? The strange holiness of God’s elect exiles: strains toward a thought-out hope (1:13) is modelled on our holy Father (1:14-16) is purchased by the precious blood of Christ (1:17-21) works itself out in deep love (1:22, 2:1) is fuelled by the living and enduring word of God (1:23-25) ‘…now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.…
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1 Who we are in Christ (vs 1-2)2 What we have in Christ (vs 3-5)3 The preciousness of faith in Christ (vs 6-9)4 Our privilege to see the fulfilment of faith (vs 10-12)Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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A. Jesus shows He is GodB. Jesus confesses He is GodDisciples believe Jesus is GodA. Disciples worship Jesus as GodB. Disciples confess Jesus is GodLive in confident faith that Jesus is God our saviourA. Faith to save usB. Faith to endureDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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RetellReactRevealReasonRespondDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Job - Wisdom when it hurts #8 - ‘The Lord restored his fortunes : Wisdom and Hope‘ (Job 42:7-17)
Job - Wisdom when it hurts #8 - ‘The Lord restored his fortunes : Wisdom and Hope‘ (Job 42:7-17) by Trinity Church Victor HarborDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Job’s complaint:‘let the Almighty answer me’ The Lords answer: ‘Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? Brace yourself! Consider…the wonders of the natural world (ch. 38) the amazing animal kingdom (ch. 39) the strength of Behemoth (ch. 40) the matchless pride of Leviathan (ch. 41) ‘Everything under heaven belongs to me.’ (…
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Job - Wisdom when it hurts #6 - God comes in awesome majesty’: Wisdom in waiting (Job 32-37)
The pain of waiting Elihu’s Answers to Job: #1: God does speak, and he speaks to save (ch 32-33) #2: It is unthinkable that God would do wrong (ch 34) #3: God opposes the proud (ch. 35) #4: God comes in golden splendour (ch 36) Wise waitingDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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‘He’s as wise as an owl…’ Wisdom’s inaccessibility: ‘it cannot be found’ (v. 1-14) Wisdom’s worth: ‘beyond rubies’ (v. 15-19) Wisdom’s keeper: ‘he alone knows where it dwells’ (v. 20-27) Wisdom’s path: ‘The fear of the Lord’ (v. 28) …in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledgeDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Job - Wisdom when it hurts #4 - My advocate is on high: Wisdom when falsely accused (Job 16:11-22)
Falsely accused? Job’s great pain:Inexplicably struck down by God Unjustly pursued by his friends Job’s great longing:an advocate on high a living redeemer But this I know…Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Job - Wisdom when it hurts #3 - Who, being innocent, has ever perished: (Job 4:1-9; 8:1-7; 11:1-6)
Miserable comfort? Job’s miserable comforters: say some true things say some ignorant and cruel things have a strict system with no place for innocent suffering have a self-assured and grace-less tone are condemned by God are forgiven by God ‘Who, being innocent, ever suffered?’: The true wisdom and comfort of the cross of Christ…
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Job - Wisdom when it hurts #2 - Sighing has become my daily food’: Wisdom in lament (Job 2:11-3:26)
Toxic positivity? Job’s suffering: No one said a word to him (2:11-13) Job’s curse: ‘May the day of my birth perish’ (3:1:10) Job’s question: ‘Why?’ (3:11-23) Job’s lament: ‘I have no rest, but only turmoil’ (3:24-26) The grace of lament in the man of sorrowsDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Job - Wisdom when it hurts #1 - Does Job fear God for nothing? Wisdom in suffering (Job 1:1-2:10)
An armchair or a wheelchair conversation? Introducing Job: A truly wise man Satan’s test: Fearing God for nothing Job’s ordeal: Unexplained, extreme suffering Job’s wisdom: Persevering worship Wisdom in sufferingDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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Peace when it hurts?The glory due his name (v. 1-2)The glory of his voice (v. 3-9)The glory in his people (v. 9-11)Glory, strength, and peaceDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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1. The Lord provides, the Lord guides. 2. The Lord provides for our whole being, body and soul. 3. The Lord is with us even in the darkest hour of our lives. . In the darkness, Jesus has gone before us. 4. Our Lord and Saviour, Our Shepherd, Jesus Christ, is with us now and forever. Jesus provides life in abundance, pouring out beyond the boundarie…
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God reveals His glory in creationGod reveals His grace in His wordGod's revelation saves and transforms usDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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What’s the fine print? The sharp dispute: “Required to keep the law of Moses” (v. 1-5) Peter’s warning: “Why do you try to test God?” (v. 6-11) James’s judgment: Fulfilment and flexibility (v. 12-21) Faith expressing itself through loveDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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God's question for us is? Who has (Isaiah 53:1)1) Responses to Jesus so far ... (6:5o-7:24) a) Jesus' `not there yet. brothers in Galilee (1-9) b) Who are `the. Jews' and why do they want to kill Jesus? (10-24) 2) Divided responses during the feast of booths (25-36)a) `a people’s shallow. belief & `grumbling' about Jesus' identity' (25-36)b) unable…
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #16 - Galatians: Jesus is enough! (Galatians 2:20-3:9; 5:13-26)
Watch out!Paul’s three questions for these new churches:What’s with you!? Jesus + something = nothing! (ch. 1-2)Who are you? The redeemed children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (ch. 3-4)How then should you live? Freedom, faith, and the fruit of the Spirit. (ch. 5-6)‘…what counts is the new creation’…
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #15 - Through many hardships to kingdom growth (Acts 14:1-28)
‘Men wanted for hazardous journey…’Reality check #1: We must go through many hardships… Proud plots Superstition and stoningReality check #2: All that God had done through them! Bold, effective, confirmed proclamation great numbers believe churches are strengthenedDangerous journey: The pilgrim’s progress from this world to that which is to come…
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #14 - From ancient promise to wonderful fulfilment (Acts 13)
What’s your mission?An international church sends out an international missionThis mission: is God’s mission! is what all history has been straining towards proclaims beautiful news to all nations provokes fierce opposition brings eternal life and global light and Spirit-filled joy What’s your mission?…
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #13 - Threatened existence to powerful rescue (Acts 11:27-12:25)
Storm clouds are coming…The Spirit of the Lord provides for his hungry people (11:27-30)The angel of the Lord rescues his imprisoned apostle (12:1-19)The word of the Lord triumphs over a pretender King (12:20-24)But the word of God continued to spread and flourishDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #12 - From critical believers to the First Christians (Acts11:1-26)
A critical spirit?A critical moment: even to Gentiles! (v. 1-18)Ahead of the curve: Cypriots and Cyrenes go rogue (v. 19-21)What the grace of God had done: The first ‘Christian’ church (v. 22-26)“…he was glad and encouraged them to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.”Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #11 - From holy separation to gospel unity (Acts 9:32-10:48)
‘Tear down this wall!’Jesus wonderfully transforms lives … among the Jews (9:32-43)But what about Acts 1:8? The ends of the earth? (From B.C. to A.D.: God’s holy people fulfilled in Jesus)Jesus demonstrates his radical, global fulfilment With two disturbing visions (10:1-16) With two illegal house visits (10:17-33) With two astonishing outpourings …
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An unlikely convert?The risen Lord breaks through with transforming light The risen Lord binds together in shocking unity The risen Lord sends out in suffering boldnessLives transformed by the good news of Jesus throughout the Fleurieu regionDi Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus #9 - From scattered defeat to shocking expansion (Acts 8:1-40)
A eucatastrophe!?From scattered defeat (8:1-3)To shocking expansion: To the Samaritans!? (8:4-25) To an Ethiopian eunuch!? (8:26-40)A completely unsurprising shock Acts 1:8 Isaiah 56:3 Genesis 12:1-3‘Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went’Di Trinity Church Victor Harbor
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