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Щотижневий подкаст про новини та новинки тижня у світі кіно та серіалів від редакції Vertigo. Розповідаємо про найважливіші новини, найцікавіші майбутні проєкти та найактуальніші прем'єри, які ви можете або зможете подивитися.
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Vertical Slice

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Εκπομπή για το gaming που καταπιάνεται με θέματα της βιομηχανίας, κάνει μια μικρή τομή και κοιτάζει τι κρύβουν μέσα τους.
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Český rozhlas

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Diskuse s hosty z různých oborů, které spojuje duchovní vnímání světa. Všechny díly podcastu Vertikála můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Týždenný podcast denníka SME o filmových a seriálových novinkách. Moderátori Peter Konečný a Juraj Malíček rozoberajú kino premiéry aj nové tituly na streamovacích službách, ktoré sa oplatí vidieť a venujú sa aj novinkám, ktorým by ste sa radšej mali vyhnúť. Nová epizóda vychádza každú sobotu.
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Vērtību Kompass

Vērtību Kompass

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Latvijas Kristīgajā Radio Ceturtdienās 18.00 Sestdienās 01:00 atkārtojums Raidījums "Vērtību kompass" ir paredzēts jauniešiem, kā arī cilvēkiem, kuri ir nesen kļuvuši par kristiešiem. Tajā tiks apskatītas tēmas, kuras palīdz izprast Dieva gribu katra dzīvei mūsdienu pasaulē. Tāpat tiks runāts par jauniešiem aktuāliem tematiem - gan garīgiem, gan praktiskiem ikdienas dzīves aspektiem. Klausītāji ir aicināti piedalīties raidījuma veidošanā, sūtot savus jautājumus, ierosinājumus un atsauksmes šeit.
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Vertigo ‐ RTS Première

RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse

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A la rencontre d'une personnalité et des événements qui feront l'actualité des scènes, des médias et des arts. Fichiers disponibles durant 30 jours après diffusion. - Pour un usage privé exclusivement.
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Der Podcast greift spannende Glaubens- und Gewissensfragen aus Religion und Gesellschaft auf. Unsere Reporter*innen liefern Analysen, bieten Orientierung und erhellen Hintergründe. Was macht gute Pflege aus? Ist Religion für junge Menschen unattraktiv? Muss ich jemandem verzeihen, wenn er seine Schuld eingesteht? Unsere Reporter*innen spüren wöchentlich spannenden Glaubens- und Gewissensfragen nach: erhellend, überraschend, lebensnah. Themen auf den Grund gehen, den Horizont erweitern: "vert ...
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Vertical Research Advisory

Vertical Research Advisory

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In 2003, at the request of long time clients, Kip Herriage officially launched an investment newsletter, the Vertical Research Advisory (VRA), which he has Published and Edited for the past fifteen years showing my valued Subscribers EXACTLY how to demolish the stock market year in and year out.
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Welcome to the Vertical MRO Podcast, where we explore the fascinating world of helicopter maintenance, repair, and overhaul. Our episodes feature MRO experts who share invaluable tribal knowledge and stories that are sure to inspire current and aspiring industry maintainers.
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Growth Vertical

Neil Patel

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Welcome to Growth Vertical the place where people leading their careers, entrepreneurial goals or running businesses can come to learn strategies and tactics in digital marketing, advertising and personal development. I'm Neil Patel and I'll be sharing insights, experiences and stories to help others step outside their comfort zones to reach the next vertical point in their journey and find ways to growth hack themselves, their careers or their businesses in the most effective ways.
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The Vertical Space

Jim Barry, Peter Shannon & Luka Tomljenovic

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The Vertical Space is a podcast at the intersection of technology and flight, featuring deep dives with innovators, early adopters, and industry leaders. We talk about the radical impact that technology is creating as it disrupts flight, enabling new ways to access the vertical space to improve our lives - from small drones to large aircraft. Our guests are operators and innovators across the value chain: airframers, technologists, data and service providers, as well as end users.
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Interviewing high performers and people that have struggled through difficulties and still came out on top.. These people will inspire you to hit all your goals and live the life you desire. Definitely needed for those interested in self help like myself. Please listen,subscribe,share and leave a comment thank you 🙏
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The Power Vertical Podcast by Brian Whitmore

The Charles T. McDowell Center for Global Studies and Atlantic Council's Eurasia Center

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The Power Vertical Podcast by Brian Whitmore covers emerging and developing trends in Russian politics, shining a spotlight on the high-stakes power struggles, machinations, and clashing interests that shape Kremlin policy today. Brian Whitmore is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Eurasia Center and Russia and Eurasia Specialist and Assistant Professor of Practice at the Charles T. McDowell Center for Global Studies at The University of Texas at Arlington.
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Mise au vert

Catherine Bardiau et David Kirsch

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Comment fait-on pour manager de façon humaine ? Et c’est quoi une organisation qui vit ? Dans chaque épisode, nous partons à la rencontre de responsables d’équipes et de RH inspirants et inspirantes. Et ensemble, on va co-construire une boite à outils pour rendre les organisations et les équipes vivantes. Parce que manager dans un environnement enthousiasmant et bienveillant, c’est un défi mais on est convaincus que c’est possible !
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Vertical Playpen

High 5 Adventure Learning Center

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Want to learn more about Adventure and Experiential Education? Then this podcast is for you! Listeners of this podcast will get; - Adventure Programming Theory - Facilitation Tips - Activity Ideas - Industry Career Advice - Interviews from Industry Professionals High 5 Adventure Learning Center is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to helping individuals, teams, schools, communities and businesses improve the way they live, learn and work together. Connect with us at high5advent ...
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Bienvenido al Podcast de Vertikal. Enseñanzas bíblicas prácticas, motivadoras y relevantes con el potencial de transformar la vida. Para mas información visitanos en
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Vertical farming is a revolutionary approach to produce production leveraging controlled environment agriculture (CEA) technology and systems in innovative ways. It facilitates production of huge quantities of nutritious and quality fresh food without relying on favorable weather, high water usage, skilled labor, and high soil fertility. This ensures reliable yield and consistency in crop production year-round with climate control, and no effects of external environment factors such as disea ...
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Dale Daniels

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This is vertical9 radio/podcast use to be throw it all out there but I had to change. I"m bringing you guys more of the heat more talk more drama everything you want to hear. so get ready Vertical9 is taking over.
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Como grandes empresas têm construído suas verticais financeiras? Como é o processo de fintechzação por dentro? O mercado tem observado a aceleração do processo de criação de fintechs em grandes varejistas nos últimos anos. Diversos planos de negócio passaram a contemplar a criação de verticais financeiras — Oferecendo contas de pagamento, cartões e produtos de crédito. Passado o auge desse movimento, é possível identificar um mercado mais maduro, onde determinados players se tornaram verdade ...
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Vertigo Voices

Colby Park

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In this podcast, Vertigo fans Colby Park and Sophia Aldous talk about their favorite comic books, graphic novels and adaptations from DC Comics’ Mature Readers imprint that ran from 1993-2019.
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Muchas veces pensamos horizontalmente, con la mente centrada en el hombre. Y en este espacio buscaremos pensar, analizar y reflexionar verticalmente, con una mente centrada en los pensamientos de Dios.
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Gracias por sumarte a esta iniciativa de VERTICAL con la cual iniciamos el proceso de ir construyendo una red -tanto digital como presencial- de entrega de insumos útiles para el desarrollo de la reflexión política.
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V for Vertigo

V for Vertigo

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V for Vertigo is the only podcast about the world of Vertigo Comics. For 30 minutes every week, I talk about Vertigo news, review a trade, and have the occasional interview.
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Die ehemalige deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel halten manche für eine Kompromissmaschine, über den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin würden das wohl nur die allerwenigsten sagen, FPÖ und ÖVP müssen es gerade beweisen, ob sie den Kompromiss wirklich wollen – den ÖVP, SPÖ und NEOS nicht geschafft haben. War der Kompromiss früher einfacher, kann d…
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Юра і Микита обговорюють головні новини та новинки тижня у світі кіно та серіалів. Долучитися до нашої команди у ролі SMM-менеджера:Підтримати ЗСУ:Підтримати Vertigo на Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Поставити нам запитання:Наш Te…
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Akademický senát teologické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy totiž přijal návrh na odvolání děkana Jaroslava Brože. Co se stalo? Poslechněte si celý magazín. Všechny díly podcastu Vertikála můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Debatují: křesťanská lektorka Magdalena Volková a psycholog Ondřej Fafejta. Oba se zabývají metodou tvorby společenství Community Building podle Scotta Pecka. Všechny díly podcastu Vertikála můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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In dieser Folge gehe ich näher auf einige Gedankenverzerrungen ein, die dir schnell einmal passieren könnten, jedoch hoffentlich nur in leichter Form. Treten diese Verzerrungen allerdings gehäuft auf können sie dich durchaus krank machen und dich in gefühlt unendliche Grübelkreisläufe "werfen".…
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In today's episode, Tyler breaks down a jam-packed week of stock market action and covers the highlights from the first month of 2025. Despite a turbulent week, the major indexes managed to finish January with gains across the board. Additionally, we will take a look at various sectors and top performers for January - where gold, silver, and Bitcoi…
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*Podporte podcast Vertigo v aplikácii Toldo a získajte prístup k extra obsahu na Vo svete filmu sa opäť udialo veľa vecí a to aj v našich kinách. Asi ste niektorí práve prišli z divácky očakávaného slovenského trileru Černák a možno práve preto ste ešte nevideli vynikajúce filmy Skutočná bolesť či slovenské koprodukčné zázraky K…
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Was hält die Welt in ihrem Innersten zusammen? Was steht am Anfang allen Seins? Für die größten Rätsel unserer Welt finden Wissenschaft und Religion seit jeher unterschiedlichen Antworten. Für die Gläubigen hat der Schöpfergott die Welt erschaffen, für die Naturwissenschaften ist dies nicht viel mehr als Spekulation. Bibel oder Big Bang, Gott oder …
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Welcome to the Vertical MRO Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS and in partnership with Vertical Magazine. In this two-part series, Val Medved is away visiting Australia so Jon Gray, and Faith Ortega step in to host a conversation with Rob Estey from Pathfinder Aviation. This podcast episode accompanies an article featured in Vertical Mag…
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In today's episode, Kip dives into a strong day of stock market action. He explores the concept of a "bear trap," sheds light on the manipulative tactics of big market players, and emphasizes the bullish signals in the semiconductor sector. Kip also discusses the continuous innovation revolution, the robust state of the current bull market, and the…
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En 2023, le groupe de musique suisse Ester Poly, composé de la bassiste grisonne Martina Berther et de la batteuse genevoise Béatrice Graff, est invité pour une tournée en Tunisie. La réalisatrice Manuela Steiner décide alors de suivre les deux musiciennes pour en faire un film documentaire. Projection en avant-première au Cinema Sil Plaz à Ilanz/G…
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En reprenant la trame dʹun film méconnu, "Le portrait de Jennie"(1948), Philippe Forest conte le destin dʹun peintre maudit, sauvé de lʹoubli par lʹapparition dʹune jeune fille mystérieuse. Une nouvelle méditation romanesque sur le thème de la perte et de lʹinspiration artistique, portée par une écriture à la beauté lumineuse. Par Nicolas Julliard.…
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A Palexpo, 80 galeries triées sur le volet, des solo shows, des inventions numériques en première mondiale, des prix, des conférences, de grandes œuvres exposées hors stand, cʹest le temps dʹart Genève avec ses singularités comme la présence dʹune microédition de badges dʹartistes (LaClac) accessibles à toutes les bourses et présentés au P.A.G.E.S …
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Юра й Микита зустрічають спеціально запрошену гостю Лізу з каналу «фінчер кубриком», щоб вибрати свої найочікуваніші фільми 2025 року у форматі драфту.0:00 — вступ і правила5:40 — перший раунд17:02 — другий раунд26:20 — третій раунд35:20 — четвертий раунд44:30 — пʼятий раунд56:52 — інші примітні фільми 2025 рокуКанал Лізи:…
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In today's episode, Tyler provides in-depth coverage of the latest moves from J Powell and the Federal Reserve, including President Trump's reaction to the first FOMC of 2025. We will also cover the day's stock market action, including a detailed analysis of key earnings reports that came in today after the market close. Tune in as Tyler breaks dow…
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Par Rafael Wolf et Stéphane GobboUn parfait inconnu de James Mangold, avec Timothée Chalamet, Edward Norton, Elle Fanning.Companion de Drew Hancock, avec Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid.La pie voleuse de Robert Guédiguian, avec Ariane Ascaride, Jean-Pierre Darroussin.Les conseils :Iʹm not there (2007) de Todd Haynes, avec Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere, …
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In today's episode, Kip discusses the strong market rebound after yesterday's sell-off in tech stocks. He will also explore the intriguing developments in the AI movement within the U.S. and the notable market bifurcations observed recently. We will cover market strategies, emphasizing the importance of contrarian signals and how to leverage them t…
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Pour son premier long-métrage, la cinéaste met en scène Mona (Laure Calamy), mère célibataire qui entretient une relation fusionnelle avec son fils trentenaire, Joël (Charles Peccia-Galletto), en situation de handicap. Ce-dernier, amoureux dʹOcéane, une collègue également en situation de handicap, apprend que sa copine est enceinte de lui. Une nouv…
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Layla Shlonsky est allée à la rencontre de quatre personnalités du monde de la culture suisse pour questionner lʹinfluence de lʹengagement, politique et social dans un carrière artistique. Rencontre avec Leïla Moon, Jean Romain, Jacob Berger et Nathalie Froehlich.Di [email protected] (Radio Télévision Suisse)
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Pour marquer la rentrée de janvier, Sarah Clément vous propose trois bédéistes de talent:- Aude Picault, Moi je quarantaine, Dargaud.- Candela Sierra, Je te lʹavais bien dit, Atrabile.- Adeline Casier, Em silêncio, La Boîte à Bulles.Di [email protected] (Radio Télévision Suisse)
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In this episode we dive into an engaging conversation with Sean Donohue, CEO of Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). The discussion covers a broad range of topics such as the significant role of travel and tourism in the global economy, the strategies of introducing new technologies in aviation, and the operational priorities of running o…
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Phil is joined by Loui McCurley to discuss the intricacies of rope access and fall protection, emphasizing the importance of understanding various safety standards and the role they play in ensuring safety at heights. He highlights the differences between fall protection methods, the significance of training and competency, and the value of cross-i…
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In today's episode, Tyler breaks down a turbulent start to the week after the Chinese company Deepseek AI sent ripples through the financial world. However, Tyler also covers the bright spots on the day that the financial mainstream media may have missed. We’ll also look ahead to a busy earnings week and a key FOMC meeting. Tune into today's podcas…
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The greatest capitalist in the world. The unofficial President of the United States - mit Space X lässt Elon Musk Raketen ins All starten und wieder landen - besser als die NASA, mit seinen E-Autos von Tesla hat er den Automarkt revolutioniert, ihm gehören mit X (vormals Twitter) nicht nur eine der größten Social-Media-Plattformen der Welt, sondern…
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20 ans après que ses parents et son jeune frère se soient volatilisés dans la nature sans que personne ne sache ce quʹils sont devenus, Sofia est contrainte de se plonger dans ce passé douloureux pour trouver enfin lʹexplication à cette disparition. Une chronique de Philippe Congiusti.Di [email protected] (Radio Télévision Suisse)
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À la Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, première grande rétrospective européenne de l'œuvre d'Olga de Amaral, avec près de 90 pièces textiles datant des années 1960 à aujourd'hui est au Grand Palais en avant-première de la réouverture de lʹensemble de ses galeries en juin 2025, exposition consacrée à lʹœuvre poétique et sensible de lʹartist…
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Second seul en scène de Laura Chaignat avec un spectacle sur le fil entre humour et gravité. Son thème : lʹamitié, que lʹon chérit ou que lʹon gâche. Interview de lʹhumoriste et comédienne jurassienne au micro de Thierry Sartoretti. En tournée : Môtiers, Les Mascarons, du 31 janvier au 2 février. Lausanne, Boulimie, du 12 au 14 février. Sion, le Sp…
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Send us a text! Encouragement is greatly appreciated! Plus we would love to pray for you and your family! In this episode we have a special guest, and we are having a conversation about why God allows evil. It is a deep conversation where we share our stories and opinions on this subject. Support the show…
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Юра і Микита обговорюють головні новини та новинки тижня у світі кіно та серіалів. 0:00 — вступ 1:13 — номінації на «Оскар» 33:40 — звіт Netflix за 4 квартал 2024 року 36:31 — трейлери (Alto Knights, «Мавпа») 39:07 — нові проєкти (Девід Літч зніматиме «14 друзів Оушена», Роберт Еґґерс зніматиме «Вовкулаку» та «Лабіринт», «Диявол у білому місті» пов…
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Při inaugurační bohoslužbě požádala washingtonská biskupka Mariann Edgarová Buddeová a představená washingtonské diecéze americké episkopální církve, nového amerického prezidenta Donalda Trumpa o soucit s menšinami a imigranty. Trump později označil její výroky za nevhodné a bohoslužbu za nudnou a neinspirativní. Víc v debatě s religionistou a poli…
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Připomínáme si 120 let od narození básníka a novináře Jana Zahradníčka. A to v rozhovoru s literárním vědcem Janem Wiendlem. Představíme výstavu mapující osudy český svitků Tóry. A povíme, že tvorba geniálního režiséra Davida Lynche byla ovlivněná i transcendentální meditací. Všechny díly podcastu Vertikála můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní apli…
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Die Forschenden sprachen von „der Spitze der Spitze des Eisbergs“. Sie hatten in kirchlichen Akten Hinweise auf mindestens 2225 Betroffene von sexualisierter Gewalt und 1259 Beschuldigte in der evangelischen Kirche seit 1946 ermittelt. Ein Schock – nicht nur viele protestantische Christinnen und Christen. Wir fragen in dem Podcast ein Jahr nach der…
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