Welcome to the Apxilla podcast, where all the bitches gon be slayed
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Exploring how to achieve your greatest health, performance and mindset
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I am joined by functional neurologist Martin Fenn to discuss how the brain effects our perceptions of pain and ways in which we can maximise brain health in order to reduce pain.Di Chris Knott
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I am joined by world leading Scoliosis specialist Ed Paget to discuss his methodology when it comes to treating back pain. *** Ed takes me through his origins story and how he was one of the first practitioners to pioneer Osteopathy in Canada. He explains how he built his practice and what foundations enabled him to grow. *** Ed also talks me throu…
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In the third instalment of the Self Development series I discuss mental blocks and what we can do to overcome them. *** I go through questions you can ask yourself to help you overcome whatever obstacles you’ve been facing. This is an interactive podcast where you’ll need to annotate your thoughts after each question.…
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Steve and I discuss current dietary fads such as blood glucose monitoring, fasting and Keto diets. We explore which ones are the most effective, how valid they are and how to apply them correctly.Di Chris Knott
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Episode #222 - An Introduction to Osteoarthritis *** Recording this one was a real privilege. I’d like to introduce you to a lady by the name of Debra Bakowska. Debra is a Doctor of Osteopathy and had a Masters in Physiotherapy. She was my main tutor during my Osteopathy degree and I owe a lot of my concepts and treatment methods to her. *** To say…
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In the second instalment of the Self Development Podcast Series I discuss why it’s so important to have a vision of where you want to go and who you want to be. *** This episode includes an interactive element where you can do a “self assessment” on how clear you are with your vision and how you can work on it on a daily basis…
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In this episode, Geoff and I discuss his new book “From Fear Of Failure To Flying High”; his story of how he overcame his fear of failure to achieving success. This is a great episode for anyone looking to improve their business and finances.Di Chris Knott
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Part 1 of the Self Development Series: Perception *** I discuss where our perceptions come from and how we can shape them through careful analysis of the content we consumeDi Chris Knott
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I'm joined by Osteopath Will Bosson to discuss the myths behind stretching and what you can do to improve your mobilityDi Chris Knott
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I go through my top 3 tips for helping clients feel muscles more effectively, enhance movement and get the most out of their training sessions.Di Chris Knott
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I discuss the lung meridian according to TCM and how it affects training the shouldersDi Chris Knott
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I discuss my thoughts on how we can improve the health and fitness industry in order to help our clients and patients as much as possible.Di Chris Knott
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Q & A Roulette with Bonn Halliwell
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1:03:16Bonn and I play question roulette with 2 questions being about how to improve training for function and martial arts and 2 questions being ones we've never seen before.Di Chris Knott
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Don takes me through how and why you should be tracking your HRV and how to apply the data to your own training and recovery programmeDi Chris Knott
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I discuss the mechanics of a barbell glute bridge and the effects it has on the body. I also discuss factors that need to be considered for post natal training and Bikini athlete exercise selectionDi Chris Knott
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Jay talks me through his latest prep and the difficulties he faced in the run up to it. We discuss how he overcame the problems he faced and how he used his setbacks as motivation to work harder.Di Chris Knott
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In this episode I explain my treatment model and how I screen people in person. This goes through the physiological differences between muscle and fascia and how both need to be considered and understood when treating and training people. *** I also explain the joint and structural changes that are created when people do unilateral sports for a lon…
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In this episode I give a Lehman's guide to lower back issues, what to do, what you may have done and the best plan of action. This is an ideal reference to give to clients who have sustained a lower back injury and are unsure what to do. *** The functional anatomy muscle of the episode is the TFL. I expand on my functional anatomy video on the TFL …
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How Restrictions In The Body Are Related To Our Emotional State
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1:05:00In this episode, Master Yoga Instructor Kim Tang takes me through spinal biomechanics in Yoga and why is is just as much about strength as it is about flexibility. *** Kim and I also discuss how restrictions manifest in our body and how our mental state creates restrictions and vice versa. *** This is a great listen for anyone looking to use Yoga a…
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The effects of vitamin D on sleep and the microbiome
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1:40:12In this episode Will and I interview neurologist Stasha Gominak on the effects of vitamin D supplementation on sleep and the microbiome. *** Stasha takes us through how she started as a neurologist and how she began her research. She then moves onto vitamin D and the impact it had on her patient’s sleep along with other aspects of their lives. *** …
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In this episode I discuss the main difference between compound and isolation movements, when and why one is more applicable and how this affects our programme design. *** I also go through the concept of internal vs external mechanics. External mechanics of when machines are strongest and weakest has become incredibly popular in the past 5 years. T…
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In this episode I discuss Liver anatomy and how problems with the Liver can create issues with muscles further afield. *** I discuss the "forgotten" leg muscles such as the Popliteus, Gracilis and Sartorius and what they do during gait. I also explain the link between them and the Liver. *** Finally I go through common knee pain presentations, how …
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APX Treatments Therapist Will Bosson and I discuss Will's recent literature review on the effectiveness of HVT's on improving proprioception. Will informs me what the latest research is saying, how proprioception is measured and it's clinical significance for practitioners.Di Chris Knott
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Is hip hinging bad for your kidneys? *** This is my hypothesis question in my latest episode. The more I learn about the body, the more I learn about some fascinating correlations. These are things such as the relationships between fascia, organs and muscles as well as which muscles become inhibited when organs are under strain. *** Hip hinging as …
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I'm joined by Deca-Ironman, Strongman and ex professional footballer Dan Reeve on the show to discuss hybrid training methods and how to integrate endurance work into your weigh training regime.Di Chris Knott
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I discuss the functional anatomy of the Tibialis Anterior and how it can be applied to training. *** I also explain the stomach line meridian from TCM, how this links to the Tibialis muscle and what you can do to improve it. *** Research paper reference: Chon et al. (2012) Co-contraction of ankle dorsiflexors and transverse abdominis function in pa…
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Case Histories, Gait Analysis & Sports Specific Training
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1:08:240:00 - About Matt and how he practises 7:00 - Task specificity and rehabilitation 12:15 - The validity of evidence approaches 24:10 - The importance of case histories 30:00 - Gait analysis and it’s relevance to treatment/training 45:45 - Sports specific trainingDi Chris Knott
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I discuss 3 main topics including: Deadlift technique and whether the "shoulders back" cue is appropriate or not Evening fasting and why I've been having my last meal of the day between 4-5pm How organ function can provide the missing link behind muscle inhibition and chronic injuriesDi chris knott
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I discuss everything that Jay and I did during my recent 12 week body composition phase plus how I trained for my 1 mile time trialDi chris knott
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I discuss two of the most important factors to consider when getting a client to do a movement plus how to grow your business using trialled and tested formulasDi chris knott
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In this episode I discuss the most common mistakes I see coaches make when looking to take their business online. I go through: How much I earn online and how easy this is to sustain How I built my online coaching business over the years How much time this business takes me to sustain The reality of what it's like being an online coach The biggest …
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Celeste joins me on the show to discuss how she dealt with her exercise addiction, what caused it and why it's so important to address. *** We chat about the pressure she felt to look and perform a certain way, how it impacted her monthly cycle and what she did in order to improve her relationship with training.…
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Do you have a goal? Are you working towards a goal because you believe it will make you happier? What would you say if I told you this wasn't true? *** In this episode, I discuss some recent ideas based on the Neuroscience books I've been reading and how they can help you when it comes to your own mental health.…
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In this episode I go through what you can do as a personal trainer to help your clients who suffer with lower back pain. This includes: - Understanding the nature of the lower back pain and it's implications - Knowing when to refer out - How to identify exercises which may make the situation worse - What to focus on when someone is injured - How to…
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Steve Grant from Fit For Film's talk me through their new PForm supplement, covering how it was made, the ingredients that are in it and why it's like no other post workout formula on the market.Di chris knott
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I go through the four joints of the shoulder, how you assess them and ways in which you can improve their mobility and functionDi chris knott
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I discuss the major differences there are when it comes to training men vs training women. This includes considerations in anatomy, pre/post pregnancy and also psychologically.Di chris knott
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I discuss how to optimise back training for yourself and your clients. In this one, I cover: The functional role of the Lats and why that must be considered for training How to prepare for back training exercises The dynamic movement model and how this impacts training Back training considerations for the general population; when exercise are and a…
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I discuss all things squatting, from; - Why do a squat? - What do I need to do before and after squats - How and why squats are so bespoke to the individual - Should the knees go over the toes? - When and why you should raise someones heels - How to position your pelvis when squattingDi chris knott
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I chat with the 2020 Britain's Strongest Man and WSM competitor Adam Bishop. We discuss his training, nutrition and recovery strategies which have enabled him to become one of the world's elite strongman competitors.Di chris knott
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The top two things I would recommend mastering as a way of building your self confidenceDi chris knott
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In this episode, I discuss exercise selection and how to periodise a plan based upon an individuals needs and current capability. *** The training topic of the week is shortened range bicep training and the re-requisites needed to do this exercise safe and effectively. *** Finally I go through the pros and cons of barbell training and how applicabl…
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This week's case studies which include: - Females with neck pain stemming from desk work - Powerlifter with lower back pain due to anterior hip restrictions - Female with chronic plantar fasciitisDi chris knott
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Muscle of the week: Pec Minor *** Movement of the week: Leg Press Isometric for hinging *** Presentation of the week: Overactive traps during trainingDi chris knott
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Movement of the week: Glute Ham Raise; it's mechanics, application and uses when training *** Muscle of the week: TFL; functional anatomy, common issues and how to address it *** Presentation of the week: Inverted heels; how this impacts deadlift mechanicsDi chris knott
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Turning Pro
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1:01:53Oscar and Jay join me on the show to discuss Oscar's recent show win and getting his IFBB Pro cardDi chris knott
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Episode #180 - Dr Gil Blander *** Dr Blander, CSO of Insider Tracker joins me on the show to discuss The ageing process, how we age and what we can do to prevent it The most important blood markers to focus on when having a test done What markers are most important to pay attention to for strength and hypertrophy gains Fasting and carbohydrate mana…
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I discuss what I look for during an assessment and how it impacts my exercise selection. As well as this I go through external factors beyond the gym floor which have a huge impact on whether people get results or notDi chris knott
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Jay joins me on the podcast to discuss programme design for gen pop clientele who are relatively new to training. We look at how to design nutrition plans which increase the likelihood of compliancy, what type of training they should be doing and how much psychology plays a role in getting results.Di chris knott
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I discuss my top tips for improving your digestive healthDi chris knott
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