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Text: Lamentations 1:1-22 There are times in our life where we turn to God with hope and expectation for what He will do, but recognize that there are often seasons in which there is significant waiting. Lamentations is an emotive cry of a people who are in the midst of pain and tragedy. During this Lenten season, we remember that God’s voice speak…
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“Sure Signs of a Maturing Faith” Text: Philippians 3:15-4:1 For the Christian, growth is not optional. Pastor Eric Larsen joins us again this week and talks about what it means to mature in the faith. The mature Christian knows what belongs in their life, and knows what needs to be left behind. The key to maturity is having a dynamic, authentic, an…
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“Image of God: Part 2” Text: Colossians 1:3-23 Last week, we explored what it means to be created in the image of God. This week, we look at Jesus, who is the clearest picture and articulation of who God is. As Paul says in his letter to the Colossians, Jesus is both the firstborn of the dead and the firstborn of creation; fully human and fully div…
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“Image of God: Part 1” Text: James 3:9, Genesis 1:24-31;5:1,9:6 Scripture tells us again and again that humanity was created in the image of God. Over the next two weeks, Pastor Tim will be talking about this and what it means for us. We have a natural tendency to apply this inwardly to ourselves, but the image of God is not just something that we …
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“3 Days Away but One Step Back” Text: Genesis 37:12-28 When Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers, all of them are at least three days away from their father’s influence. Using this story, guest Pastor Eric Larsen looks at the impact that distance and time can have when we are not as close to God as we once were. As the season of Lent approac…
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Letters of God’s Love: 1 John 3:1-24 Text: 1 John 3:1-24 In today’s passage, John addresses those in the early Church who believed that the way we live our lives does not matter. He asserts that what Christ has done in our life has ongoing implications for who we are to be and how we are to live – it should compel us to forsake the the habits and p…
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Letters of God’s Love: 1 John 2:7-17 Text: 1 John 2:7-17 As we discovered last week, the theme of God’s love is not exclusive to the New Testament, but it is a foundational message of the early church. We begin a month-long series based on the letters of John entitled “Letters of God’s Love.” In this first passage, John stresses that being a Christ…
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Text: Psalm 36 The theme of God’s steadfast love has been a defining mark of the relationship between God and His people. Psalm 36 can be seen as both a testimony of what God has seen the psalmist through as well as a prayer asking for help with the concerns of the present day. The hope is that God will provide and His love will work within us, cha…
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Text: Psalm 29, Luke 3 : 15-17, 21-22 Psalm 29 is a reminder of the greatness of our God; that He is above and greater than whatever comes our way. On this Sunday where we read about the baptism of Jesus, we recognize that God’s greatness and His voice and lordship over the Earth is found in the person of Jesus Christ, to whom we also ascribe all g…
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Text: Psalm 72 We start the new calendar year by studying Psalm 72, which was a “coronation psalm” used for the leaders of Israel. It expresses a desire and hope for peace and righteousness in the land and uses hyperbolic language which far outlasts what is capable with a single human ruler. In this way, the psalm also embodies the voice of a hope …
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“Who Will Intercede?” Text: 1 Samuel 2:12-26, Luke 2:41-52 As we read the story about Samuel, Eli, and Eli’s sons, Eli’s question is left unanswered; who will intercede for you if you have sinned against the Lord? The Gospel of Luke presents Jesus as the answer to this question, having been described as priest-like in the same way as Samuel was. He…
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“Changed in the Waiting: Peace” Text: Luke 1:39-55 We close this advent season with Mary’s song following her meeting with her relative Elizabeth, who was expecting the child that would become John the Baptist. Mary’s words are both a statement of faith and prophetically tell of how God will raise up those who are oppressed. As we get ready to cele…
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“Changed in the Waiting: Joy” Text: Luke 3:7-18 John the Baptist’s words of preparation can seem frightening at first, but his call to “produce fruit” is paired with the promise of Jesus coming with a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. This movement in our lives that changes, redeems, and restores us is able to remove the things that get in the w…
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“Changed in the Waiting: Love” Text: Luke 3:1-6 The second Sunday in this season of Advent focuses on love. Love is not just found in our emotions and feelings, but it can also be a way in which we interact with each other. Advent is a season of waiting, and we remember that even in the midst of dark times – in the midst of struggling and waiting –…
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“Changed in the Waiting: Hope” Text: Jeremiah 33:14-16 We enter into Advent, a season of expectation, with words from the book of Jeremiah. God’s promise to establish the peoples Judah and Israel – a nation that had turned away from God – and raise up an eternal line of David provides hope that is grounded in His covenantal faithfulness. In this se…
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Text: Mark 13:24-37 On this Christ the King Sunday, we wrap up our year-long study of the book of Mark. Jesus says to those who follow Him – His disciples then, and us now – to keep watch and be alert. We are called to be future-focused followers and to allow that, and not the fears and worries imposed on us by the world, to dictate how we live.…
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Text: Mark 13:1-23 In the penultimate sermon of our series on the Gospel of Mark, we study Chapter 13; a passage that has often been used to teach us to be fearful. As we read the passage in its original context, we hear Jesus calling for His followers to be faithful in the midst of hardship and to continue proclaiming the Good News to all nations.…
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Text: Mark 12:35-44 Today’s passage from Mark contains the familiar story of a widow giving her last two coins to the Temple as an act of sacrificial giving. It comes after Jesus warns against those in power who cause injustice by taking advantage of others, including widows and their possessions. The story shows us that there will be times when we…
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Mark 12:28-34 To be close to the Kingdom of Heaven is to embrace the radical call of love that God has put on our life. This love is not only for the God who changes, redeems, restores, and liberates us from the power of sin, but it is also a love that forces us to not gloss over the people around us but instead to see them precisely how God has ma…
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Text: Mark 12:1-27 In today’s reading from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is recognized as one with integrity and a sense of imparitiality, yet the Pharisees and Herodians try to trap Jesus with questions of loyality to Rome, the controlling power in the world. In the current day, we are in the midst of a political season where the powers of this world …
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Text: Mark 11:11-13 We continue our study of the Gospel of Mark after Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem (which we typically read on Palm Sunday). In this passage, Jesus curses a fig tree that looks healthy but does not produce, despite being out of season. This fig tree represents the brokenness of what happens when who we are as the people of…
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Text: Mark 10:46-52 Throughout our study of the book of Mark, Jesus often shows that the grace of God moves in powerful ways in and among the people who have been dealt a bad hand in life. In today’s passage, Jesus heals a blind beggar named Bartimaeus and is called the “Son of David” for the first time. Just like Jesus’ disciples, who left everyth…
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Text: Mark 10:32-45 As Jesus foretells His death and resurrection while approaching Jerusalem, He also explains to His disciples that one must become a servant of all to become great. In learning what it is to be obedient and embrace holy living, we find that our lives are inextricably linked to the people we come into contact with whom God places …
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Text: Mark 10:17-31 How is it that we are saved? In today’s scripture reading, a rich man asks Jesus the way to have eternal life. Jesus responds by issuing a call to live with a sacrificial faith. We must also accept God’s grace, because the kingdom of God is not based on what we’ve accomplished or attained in life; the only way to enter the Kingd…
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Text: Mark 10:1-16 As we continue through the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is asked about divorce by the Pharisees. In the context of John the Baptist’s death which resulted from his disapproval of Herod’s divorce and remarriage, this question can be seen as an attempt to get Jesus in trouble as well. Marriage is one of God’s preferred analogies about His…
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Text: Mark 9:38‐50 Today’s passage from Mark begins with someone who is not a disciple of Jesus casting out demons in His name. This follows the story of the disciples not being able to perform a similar act, and later arguing who among them was the greatest. This story shows that the power of God at work in our world has nothing to do with our per…
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Text: Mark 9:14-37 In the story of Jesus healing a boy with convulsions, the boy’s father serves as a model of faith. He is someone with questions and concerns but despite this, Jesus accepts his faith with the words “I believe; help my unbelief.” We don’t have to have all of the answers before we come to God or be sanctified and freed from all of …
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Text: Mark 8:27-38 Who is Jesus for us? What do we see when hear or think about Jesus? Jesus asks His disciples this in today’s reading. Jesus reminds His disciples that who we are and how we live has everything to do with the God who has created us and the people He has put in our life, and while no life is without suffering, Jesus is there alongs…
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Text: Mark 8:1-26 Mark 8 begins with Jesus feeding another large crowd with only seven loaves of bread. Coming after the previous feeding of the 5,000 and the healing of the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter, this story is a continuation of showing that the power of God moves out in and among those in our world we are most likely to think are living …
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Text: Mark 7:24-37 Pastor Amanda Lawton continues our study of the gospel of Mark with two stories where Jesus heals those outside the Jewish faith. These stories challenge us as followers of Jesus to be boundary breakers and engage in the transformation of the marginalized so that those around us who are “outsiders” are welcomed to become insiders…
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Mark 7:1-23 When the Pharisees question Jesus about the practices of some of His disciples, He points out the ways in which their traditions are contrary to the commandments of God. Holiness is not a privatized concept about following earthly traditions or what we do or not do as individuals but instead is always about how we magnify God in our liv…
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“Provisions of Grace” Text: John 6:24-35 Today’s sermon passage comes from shortly after John’s account of the feeding of the 5,000. Wanting more miracles to address more of their needs, a portion of the crowd asks Jesus what He is going to do for them next. Jesus responds to them by encouraging them to believe in Him to earn the bread of eternal l…
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Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 In today’s passage, Paul uses the still-recognizable illustration of running to win the prize in a race. What is the prize in this race of faith? The prize we are seeking to win is to be faithful barers of the Gospel to a world which still needs to hear who God is. The race we are running is not just for ourselves; we sh…
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Text: Mark 6:30-56 Following last week’s scripture reading about Herod’s feast that resulted in the beheading of John the Baptist, we encounter the familiar story of another feast; Jesus feeding the five thousand. Recognizing that the crowd is “like sheep without a shepherd,” Jesus acts in a completely different way from Herod. Rather than seeking …
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Text: Mark 6:14-29 Today’s passage from Mark tells of the John the Baptists’ death at the hands of Herodius and the powers of the world. Mark does this to foreshadow Jesus’ death, who, like John the Baptist, spoke prophetically and was not welcomed by the powers of the world. Pastor Tim also expresses some thoughts regarding the current world event…
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Text: Mark 6:1-13 Having just been rejected in His hometown of Nazareth, Jesus sends His disciples out two by two with a warning that they also may not always be welcomed. As we live out our faith, we may also encounter rejection but Jesus tells us to not let those moments linger; we are to continue being faithful to the purpose that God has for us…
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Text: Mark 5:21-43 Today’s passage from Mark has Jesus on a mission to visit the sick daughter of Jairus, a synagogue leader. Jesus’ trip is interrupted by a woman who touches His cloak without permission and is healed from a twelve-year illness. Despite the delay in arriving to Jairus’ home, Jesus is still able to raise Jairus’ daughter from the d…
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Mark 5:1-20 The story of Jesus healing the man with an unclean spirit reminds us that the grace of God follows us to wherever we’ve been cornered and offers help both now and forever more. This story is ours as well, and contains our mission; because God has loved us, we are not cast out from His love and grace but instead, we are sent out to tell …
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Text: 2 Corinthians 5:1-15 In today’s reading from 2 Corinthians, Paul talks about two different kinds of dwellings; the first is an “earthly tent” where we live in this world. The other is a dwelling built by God. While it can be read that this second home refers to God’s eternity, Paul’s expectation is that the home of God can be made real in the…
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“Jesus, Prophet of Grace” Text: Mark 4:26-41 We continue studying the Gospel of Mark. This passage, which echoes the Old Testament prophets Ezekiel and Jonah, reveals the prophetic power of Jesus Christ. The fullness of God’s message has been found in Jesus Christ; he is the embodiment and the fulfillment of God’s prophecies. Whatever the world mig…
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Text: Mark 4:1-25 We return to our study of the gospel of Mark by hearing one of Jesus’ first parables – the parable of the sower. The sowing work is the spreading of God’s grace throughout the world. It is not limited to one particular area or just where we think it should be spread. Jesus has shown himself capable to overcome the powers of the wo…
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“The Holy Spirit Brings Forgiveness” Text: Mark 3:20-35 Today is Pentecost, when the Church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit. While the traditional Pentecost scripture comes from the second chapter of Acts, since we have been going through the gospel of Mark this year, today’s reading comes from Mark. It is the second time in this gospel wher…
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“Counted Among the Disciples” Text: Mark 3:1-19 Following our “Why We Worship” series, we return to our study of the Gospel of Mark. In this passage, Jesus appoints His disciples. Mark describes them as having three purposes; “to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons.” God continues to inv…
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“Why We Worship: Communion” Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 We end our short series on “Why We Worship” by discussing Communion. In his letter to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importantance of Communion and the need to take it with genuineness. We celebrate this sacrament each week in our service; it serves as the culmination …
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“Why We Worship: Scripture” Sermon Text: Acts 3 : 11-26 We continue our mini sermon series on the worship practices of our local congregation at the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene. In today’s passage, Peter intentionally makes the point that the healing of a man unable to walk was not anything done in His own name, but in the name of Jesus. …
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“Why We Worship: Gifts of Praise & Prayer” Text: 1 Chronicles 16:23-34 Worship is the practice of drawing near to God. Today, we begin a short series called “Why We Worship,” where we talk about who we are at the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene and why we worship the way we do. Everything in worship for us is meant to be expressive of our des…
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1 Peter 3:13-16, Deuteronomy 5:12-15 What do you think of when hearing that someone lives a “questionable lifestyle?” What if we are the ones who are called to live by this description? Guest preacher Pastor Kim Richardson joins us and asks these questions, using 1 Peter and the book of Deuteronomy to discover how living a life that puts God first …
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“Breaking New Ground” Text: Isaiah 43:14-21 Today, the church held its Annual Meeting, where we celebrated what God has done in our midst during the past year. Pastor Tim read for us encouraging words from the prophet Isaiah, saying that God’s promises for His people are promises for us too. When God says that He will make a new way in the wilderne…
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Text: Mark 16:1-8 He is risen! On this Easter Sunday, we read the Gospel of Mark’s account of the resurrection of Jesus. The story of Easter is that God is pleased to raise one who is absolutely forgotten and rejected from the dead. This is our experience as well; no one is forsaken or forgotten. Each of us is invited into the resurrection story an…
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