It’s time to lay toxic religion down and experience healing, wholeness, and freedom. Get ready for massive spiritual transformation as Catherine Toon, MD and her guests share. You have found a happy place of love – a breath of fresh air!
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Are you in a season of waiting and wondering what God is doing? In this video, we explore how God uses the waiting season to refine, prepare, and strengthen you for His perfect purpose. You’ll discover that waiting isn’t a punishment but a loving process of transformation.God loves you so much that He refuses to release you into something before yo…
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EP# 267 - The Living Lovely Church - Interview with Dr. Matt Pandel
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1:01:39In this inspiring conversation, Catherine Toon and Dr. Matt Pandel dive deep into the beauty and complexity of the Church as a living, breathing organism. Together, they explore how the Church evolves as a reflection of Christ, emphasizing unity amidst diversity and the transformative power of love. Dr. Pandel shares insights from his journey throu…
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EP# 266 - Being Co-Creators with God: Interview with Don Keathley on “Divine Partnership”
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1:03:56Discover how you can partner with God as a co-creator, bringing the unseen from the heavenly realm into the natural world. In this inspiring, encouraging and thought-provoking conversation, Don Keathley shares insights from his new book, Divine Partnership with God, along with powerful testimonies of miracles, solutions to life’s challenges, and th…
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We all face seasons of weakness and moments where strength seems out of reach. But God’s grace is more than enough to meet us in those places. In this uplifting episode, Catherine Toon dives into 2 Corinthians 12:9 to explore how God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. Learn how to access His provision, wisdom, and strength for transcendent br…
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We live in a chaotic world that moves so fast and pulls in so many different directions that it can be overwhelming. There is always the “next thing” that supposedly will offer what we think we need, until we “need” the next thing. But God as Love and the perfect Father/Husband/Friend is the only One Who knows what we really need. He the Only One W…
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All of God’s promises are yes and amen. But between the promise and the fulfillment is the waiting - and waiting and waiting. In the waiting we can find ourselves questioning why, getting angry at God, questioning ourselves, losing heart or even giving up. How can we wait well and stand strong, with hope and joy intact until we actually see the pro…
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God is Love and as such loves to engage with the beloved children He is one with. Throughout history in the Bible and in church history believers have experienced ecstatic encounters with the manifestation of glorious supernatural joy, sometimes in the most horrendous circumstances. Supernatural encounters are available to all by God grace, not by …
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God is a God of recompense. He is a God Who redeems, restores and recompenses. In all the areas we have been stolen from, we can release them to God and trust Him to restore and recompense us. He is faithful! Join me as I unpack this powerful, comforting, and encouraging message!Please rate, review, share, and subscribe - - a little thing that make…
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God is a God of promise, and His promises are anchored in His unfailing nature as Love. If you’ve ever faced the sting of disappointment, anger, or hope deferred, this message is for you. Let God meet you right where you are, bringing healing to the pain of the past and present, and delivering you into the fullness of His promises. Don’t miss this …
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Welcome to Catherine's recent interview on “From the Belly Podcast” with Doug Wheeler.One of humanity’s primordial fears is of not belonging: not being welcome in this life and not being welcome in the next. Join Doug Wheeler and Catherine Toon as they discuss being welcome and at home in the heart of God.Doug's contact info:“From the Belly Podcast…
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People are afraid. In post-election fallout in the US, perplexing tragedies that defy all our most sophisticated technologies and plans, and many predictions of rampant instability, the zeitgeist of the times create and magnify anxiety. It is all too easy to get overwhelmed, jaded, and hopeless. What does the future hold? How are we to manage ourse…
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The world is rife with fear, turmoil, confusion and instability. Much is being shaken under its own weight: things sourced in temporal things with confused or frankly wicked agendas. But God, Love Himself, is relentless in His redemptive process. His shaking is designed to shake off what is in us and the world that is not eternal and not sourced in…
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EP# - 256 - Redeeming Our Trials - Interview with Edna Harding
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1:00:13God is ever present in every trial and tribulation we go through. He is always actively working in the midst to bring out something beautiful and powerful. When it doesn’t look like what we would like, we can trust Him that God is after something greater than we realize. Meanwhile we can rest and trust and find our joy, strength, vindication, and r…
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The world and the body of Christ is rife with fear. From anxiety to restlessness, to panic and paralyzing terror. We know that scriptures say that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, Love and a sound mind. But, how do we get past it in a world fraught with danger and uncertainty. Join me as I unpack this comforting, encouraging and…
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God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. When we refuse fear by embracing the Person of Love, we take on the mind of Christ in soundness of mind. In doing so we operate as unveiled sons and daughters of God! This allows limitless explosive power to transform the seen realm and bring the kingdom of heaven to earth.…
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Religion/life taught us that God is hard to please. But God is the most relaxed, “accepting-of-US-in-our-mess” Person in the Universe. He/She is truly Love! Join me for this thought provoking, encouraging, passionate message - don’t miss this one! Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @CatherineToonWatch on YouTub…
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One of the maladies that plagues so much of humanity is the haunting sense of not being enough. God has much to say about you and it is very beautiful and personal. Join me as I minister this healing message.Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @CatherineToonWatch on YouTube: Catherine Toon, MD (like & subscribe …
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There’s nothing like sitting at the feet with someone who has journeyed life with over 50 years of ministry experience! Join Bill Hanshew and myself as he generously shares from that wealth of wisdom and revelation in this delightful interview.Bishop Dr. Bill Hanshew World Bible School International Training Center: World Bible Schoo…
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God’s not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. How does this play out practically in the battles we face on a daily basis? Join Bill Vanderbush, Larry McKnight and myself for this thought provoking, empowering and encouraging message!For more information, Bill Vanderbush Larry at:https://joy…
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EP #249 - What is the Good News of the Gospel? Interview with Rod Williams
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1:12:07The Gospel, when rightly comprehended, is Life from death, Light from darkness, and Truth as a Person, Who sets free ALL of humanity and the created realm. The good news of the gospel reflects a God Who took/takes it upon Himself to cover every aspect of what it took/takes to redeem, heal, restore, renew and transform all for all His beloved kids a…
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God is about the business of maturing His kids into His gorgeous image. In doing so we are challenged to let go of idols and offense in every way it comes to be able to embrace the greater more glorious things that God has for us personally, in business, in ministry and every area of our lives! Join Andrew and myself as he shares his powerful story…
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We were created in the image and likeness of God, to operate as God operates in union with Him as our Source. Join me as we explore this empowering message!Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @CatherineToonWatch on YouTube: Catherine Toon, MD (like & subscribe for more!)…
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The most beautiful place you will ever visit is the sacred place of you and God inside you! Here is the authentic you - the one who is intrinsically beautiful, powerful, pure, honorable and trustworthy - just the way God made you! Join me as I unpack this inspiring message!Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @Ca…
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EP #245 - The Creative Power of Speaking Life Over Our Circumstances - Interview with Nicole Jansen
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1:01:31Our words are a creative force in our relationship with ourselves and others, as well as our careers, finances, and fulfillment. They can bolster our confidence and empower forward thinking, What we speak is critical for us to flow in creative productivity in all our pursuits, including entrepreneurship. They can break agreement with the kingdom of…
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God made Adam in the image and likeness of God - in that likeness He created them male and female. Masculinity and femininity have unique energies and expressions. Each gender carries a portion of the opposite gender. As each gender learns to flow in his/her expression, healthy identity forms and with the freedom to flex in the opposite energy as r…
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EP #243 - Getting Freed from the Trap of Religion - Interview with Lin Bennett
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1:10:02Religion, in its impure form, is deadly. Instead of saving people, it puts people in bondage and, with the Christian version, it does so in Jesus’ name. But there is vast healing and hope for freedom. It is literally a movement authored by the Author and Finisher of Faith Himself! Join Lin Bennett and myself for this joyful conversation - guarantee…
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How many times have we asked ourselves, “God where are you?”. This is never so pressing as when we have an urgent need that only God can work out. God always invites us into greater revelation of who He is His goodness, His compassion, His mastery and His beauty! Join Pastor Larry McKnight as we tackle this question, discussions on the nature of “h…
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EP #241 - Where is God in our Urgency? A Delightful Conversation with Pastor Larry McKnight
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1:05:01How many times have we asked ourselves, “God where are you?”. This is never so pressing as when we have an urgent need that only God can work out. God always invites us into greater revelation of who He is His goodness, His compassion, His mastery and His beauty! Join Pastor Larry McKnight as we tackle this question, discussions on the nature of “h…
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EP #240 - Knowing God as Love - Interview with William Paul Young & Lin Bennett
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1:08:40Knowing God as a Person, Who loves by virtue of being Love, is the gateway to knowing Him/Her intimately. Intimacy incubates, births, and matures our ability to trust God more and more as Holy Spirit conforms and matures us into the image of Christ. God is a consuming fire Who consumes all that is not of Love’s kind, leaving us as His/Her cherished…
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Father, Son and Holy Spirit have always existed in loving oneness. They have made Themselves known throughout scripture and throughout the human experience, pointing to One Another in Love. Join Dr. C. Baxter Kruger and myself in this thought provoking and poignant discussion.Connect with Baxter:GAN Show - Across All Worlds with Jason ClarkPatreon …
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Traditional Christian parenting is failing. For decades young adults raised in Christian homes have been leaving the church in droves looking for answers elsewhere. Could it be that our focus has been on behavior management vs. the heart? Join Amy and myself as we discuss and unpack God’s answers for this critical issue! https://raisingamazingkids.…
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We were created in Love and in the image and likeness of Love. As such, God, Who is Love, upholds and empowers all things in line with His original design. Join me as I share this empowering message!Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @CatherineToonWatch on YouTube: Catherine Toon, MD (like & subscribe for more!…
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EP #236 - Unveiled Horizons - Interview with Pastor Bill Vanderbush
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1:05:54“God is better than you think, and you can’t imagine him better than he is.” This is a quote from Bill Vanderbush from his book “Unveiled Horizons”. What does an authentic, vulnerable, intimate, and unhindered relationship with God look like? What does it mean to abide in the rest of the living Word? What would we like our children and future gener…
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EP #235 - “The Rorschach God” - Interview with Pastor Matthew Hester
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1:02:04How we see God informs every area of our lives, including how we see ourselves and how we approach life. The truth is that humanity has a tendency to create God in its image with profound implications. As we go through the journey of life, our beliefs and convictions are subject to being challenged, forcing us to reconsider and potentially overhaul…
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EP #234 - Fresh Perspectives on Pastoring Interview with Pastors Channock Banet & Cory Rice
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1:02:33What happens when the Pastoral staff become burnt out with church as usual? How do we measure success in ministry? What does it mean to love our community well? If we shut down our churches would the community feel it? How do we re-think church? How do we re-imagine what pastoring looks like? What do we do while waiting for God’s answer for inspire…
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In life no one escapes the pain of being accused of wrongdoing. It is a level playing ground and is always painful. When the accusation is false it is particularly hurtful. How do we get over false accusations? How do we get over true guilt when the accusation is true? What about when we feel guilty, but the accusation is false? We need help and ha…
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The church has been hungry to see the blessing that the word of God talks about. What does it actually mean “to be blessed”? Join me as I unpack this joyful powerful message!Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @CatherineToonWatch on YouTube: Catherine Toon, MD (like & subscribe for more!)…
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All the created realm was created in love and beauty. And God was so pleased with His beautiful creation - nowhere as much as His beloved children created to bear His glorious radiant image and likeness. Join Catherine as she shares this love saturated message!Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @CatherineToonWa…
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Very little in life is static. In my last episode, I discussed the constancy of change. Constant change can make life feel very scary and unsettling. What can we count on when everything around us is changing? Any human-originated construct or entity, including religion in any flavor, has and will continue to fail and disillusion us. What is left? …
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Life is almost never static. Change is an integral part of life cycles, aging, vocations, callings within vocations/avocations, and relationships. Change can be scary and often painful. But it also is crucial for growth and a fulfilling life. How do we know when and what change to embrace and how to embrace it? How Join Catherine Toon as she shares…
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EP #228 - The Journey to Learn Our True Identity - Interview with Pastor Jerry Gray
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1:00:35Everyone has a unique journey grappling with who they are. And God is with everyone on that journey, revealing who He is and who we are as Christ in this world. Join me and Pastor Jerry Gray in this intimate and delightful conversation! Facebook: @Jerry L Gray New Life In Christ, Lawrence Church: @NLICLawrenceEmail: nlicpastorjl@gmail.comWebsite: h…
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As we are journeying in our walk of faith, we will inevitably disagree with one another. This can result in a myriad of negative consequences. Disagreement is inevitable, but disassociating with one another because of disagreements is unnecessary. We are to be famous for our love, not our agreement. Join Jason Clark and myself as we discuss this im…
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EP #226 - Maturing in Love - Interview with Chris Blackeby
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1:41:10God is Love and, as such, He is constantly at work conforming His kids into the image of Love. Maturity is manifesting Love and loving as Christ loves. This can look like many things and is as big as God is. Join Chris Blackeby and myself as we discuss this life-giving message!As He Is Ministries, where Chris Blackeby serves as the Education Direct…
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The crucifixion is the pivotal moment in the reconciliation of the world back to a God Who has always loved and pursued. Grappling with the immensity of this defies our intellectual concepts and is best broached with the mystery of theological poetry. Join Pastor Zahnd and myself as he shares from his newest beautiful, powerful book, “The Wood Betw…
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We were meant for freedom! But freedom is not just freedom from oppressive negative things, but freedom to experience the good things God has for us. But not all freedom is godly freedom. We can also abuse freedom when we use it in ways that exploit others. This violates the greatest command - to love as Christ loves. So God empowers us to handle o…
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We will see whatever we assume. This is never revealed more so than with how we see God. It is also a truth with how we see one another. Only Love Sees 20/20 and Love assumes the loveliness of the one He loves. Join me for this enlightening discussion!Stay connected with Catherine:Catherinetoon.comFB: Catherine Toon, MDIG: @CatherineToonWatch on Yo…
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Commonly we talk about God as omnipresent, present everywhere. Scripture even says that God is in hell, Sheol, the realm of the dead. But then we flip into language of those in Christ and out of Christ or Christ in some but not others. There is objective truth of Christ being in all and all being in Christ and there is subjective experience of sepa…
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Karen Welton is passionate about helping women break out of fear and shame, discover their God-given feminine expression and infuse their marriages, work and family with joy and freedom! Join Karen and myself for this intimate, joyous, and powerful interview perfect for women and the men who love them!Websites:Painfreebirth.comhttps://www.hersacred…
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In this age of questioning and deconstructing/reconstructing Christian faith, many treasures have inadvertently been cast aside because of the noxiousness of how they have been misrepresented or abused. One of these is the kingdom concept. The kingdom of God when rightly defined, understood, and manifested, is transformational on a world and cosmic…
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EP #219 - The Life-Giving Power of Reflective Solitude - Interview with Robin Beach
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1:01:17Reflective solitude is a deliberate practice of tuning out the distractions and noise of the world and tuning into the presence and power of God. In our packed and noisy lives, practices such as these often get squeezed out and it is that very deficit that creates an even more crucial need. But as we turn our affection back to God in such life-givi…
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