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Customer Love

Customer Love

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R(elationship)-Commerce gibt es nun also auch auf die Ohren 🎧: Wir stellen Euch unsere neue Philosophie für das Digital Business, die in nachhaltigen Kundenbeziehungen 🤝 den Dreh- und Angelpunkt identifiziert, in unserem #Podcast 🎙 vor. Alle 14 Tage trifft Dimitrios Haratsis Top-Gäste aus der digitalen Wirtschaft, oft in Begleitung seiner "Stammgäste" und Co-Hosts Philipp Spreer und Joachim Stalph von der Digitalberatung elaboratum. Ihr gemeinsames Anliegen: digitale Kundenbeziehungen neu er ...
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In today's hyper competitive market, building a base of loyal fans has never been more important- or more challenging. The Business of Customer Love podcast will help you to break free from costly one off, transactional relationships and start becoming a brand your customers come back to again and again. Hear from leading experts in the field of customer love on how to create more meaninful relationships with your customers so you can build your business in a more sustainable, profitable way ...
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🎙️ Customer Love Folge 20: Vom Print-Dino zur Digitalrakete: Wie die MOPO ihre Zukunft neu erfindet. Regionale Tageszeitungen haben es zunehmend schwerer in einer digitalen Welt. In der aktuellen Folge von Customer Love 💖 spricht Host Dimitrios Haratsis mit Arist von Harpe, dem Geschäftsführer und Verleger der Hamburger Morgenpost (MoPo), über den …
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🎙️ Customer Love Folge 19: So geht Markenwandel! Wie ROSE Bikes sich neu erfindet, ohne seine Marken-DNA zu verlieren. In der neuesten Folge von Customer Love♥️ spricht Dimitrios Haratsis mit Thorsten Heckrath-Rose, dem Geschäftsführer von ROSE Bikes. Die Marke ROSE ist tief im Radsport verwurzelt – doch der Markt verändert sich. Das Fahhrad ist he…
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🎙️ Customer Love – Folge 17: Mit Beratung & Nachhaltigkeit zum ErfolgIn dieser Episode spricht Host Dimitrios Haratsis mit dem Geschäftsführer von Bergzeit, Martin Stolzenberger, über zwei entscheidende Erfolgsfaktoren im E-Commerce: Individuelle Beratung und nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle.💡 Individuelle Beratung als USP: KI kann Prozesse skalieren, …
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Kampf um die Kunden: Stationär versus E-Commerce? Wachstum geht anders! In der neuesten Folge von "Customer Love" 🎙️ tauchen Dimitrios Haratsis und Dr. Johannes Berentzen tief in die Welt des stationären Handels und diskutieren ebenfalls über den Onlinehandel.. Hier sind die drei spannendsten Erkenntnisse aus der Diskussion: ➡️ Omnichannel und Stat…
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Viele Unternehmen agieren im Blindflug, wenn es um Kundendaten und deren Nutzung geht – eine vertane Chance in gesättigten Märkten mit sinkender Konsumfreude. Dimitrios Haratsis diskutiert mit Andreas Fischer (CEO, minubo) und Joachim Stalph (Managing Partner, elaboratum), wie Daten effizient aktiviert werden und erörtern die Schlüsselrolle von AI …
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Das war unser 1. Jahr Customer LoveIn der letzten Folge in diesem Jahr blicken Dimitrios Haratsis, Dr. Philipp Spreer und Joachim Stalph zurück auf das erste Jahr „Customer Love“ 💖 und auf viele spannende Folgen und Gäste. Sie greifen die wichtigsten Trends und Diskussionen auf, die in den ersten 13 Folgen mit unseren Gästen aufgeworfen wurden. Es …
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Datenschutz oder Datenchaos?In Folge 13 unseres Podcasts „Customer Love“ 💖 diskutiert Dimitrios Haratsis mit Norman Wagner, Managing Director Germany bei Utiq, über kluge Datenstrategien im digitalen Zeitalter.Sie tauchen in die Welt der First-Party-Daten ein und betonen die Wichtigkeit des „Authentic Consent“ – also echte Zustimmung, die Kunden je…
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Digitale Transformation und Kundenzentrierung bei Hapag-Lloyd - Insights mit Dr. Ralf Belusa 🤝In der zwölften Folge von "Customer Love" 💖 begrüßt @Dimitrios Haratsis @Dr. Ralf Belusa, Managing Director bei Hapag-Lloyd AG.In einem erkenntnisreichen Gespräch beleuchten die beiden, wie Unternehmen die digitale Transformation meistern und den Kunden wi…
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Die Daten sprechen lassen: Vertrauen und Präzision im Influencer-Marketing 🤝In der neuesten Episode von Customer Love begrüßt Host @Dimitrios Haratsis @Jeanette Okwu, Chairwoman of the Board beim Bundesverband Influencer-Marketing e.V..Gemeinsam erkunden sie die essentielle Rolle von Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit im Influencer-Marketing und diskuti…
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Zwischen Klicks und Steinen: Die Zukunft des Einzelhandels im Omni-Kanal-Zeitalter In der neuesten Folge von "Customer Love" diskutiert Host Dimitrios Haratsis mit Paul Pörtner, dem General Manager Direct to Consumer bei Tom Tailor, über den technologischen Wandel und seine Auswirkungen auf die Fashion-Branche seit der Pandemie. Themen sind unter a…
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"Im Olymp der Datenzentrierung: Wie man Kunden gewinnt und hält" 🏆 In der heutigen Folge von „Customer Love“ taucht Host @Dimitrios Haratsis mit @Alexander Schlüter, VP Marketing & Customer Product bei Flix(bus), in die Welt der datengetriebenen Organisationen ein. Gemeinsam beleuchten sie, wie Flix Daten nutzt, um Reisen für alle möglich zu machen…
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Customer Love is Data Love 🩵 - and vice versa 🔄 Mit @Daniela Cerna, Head of Strategy Customer & Sustainability @Zurich Insurance, taucht @Dimitrios Haratsis in die Tiefen der Kundenzentierung bei Versicherern ab. Unter anderem diskutieren die beiden darüber, ➡️ wie sich die Versicherungsbranche in den letzten 12-13 Jahren verändert hat. Spoiler: Ku…
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Customer Love in der dmexco-Woche! Host Dimitrios Haratsis lässt sich im Gespräch mit Corinna Hohenleitner, Director CEU, Activation bei criteo, mitnehmen in die faszinierende Welt des Retail Media - einer Branche auf der Überholspur. Corinna gibt uns Einblicke in die Erfolgsfaktoren von Retail Media: - Marken und Produkte werden dort präsentiert, …
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Aufgehoben – aber doch nur aufgeschoben? In unserer heutigen Podcast-Folge von „Customer Love“ diskutieren Dimitrios Haratsis und Joachim Stalph Googles Hin und Her um Third Party Cookies. Nun fallen diese im marktführenden Browser doch nicht weg – und nun ist das Problem gelöst? Joachim plädiert klar dafür, dass werbetreibende Unternehmen sich wei…
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Behavioral Product Design – Der Weg zum belastbarsten Business Case ever 🏆 Heute begrüßen sich Podcast-Host @Dimitrios Haratsis und Co-Host @Philipp Spreer zu der 5. Folge "Customer Love". In dieser gibt Philipp einzigartige Insights des neuen Ansatzes Behavioral Product Design in der Produktentwicklung und diskutiert mit Dimi über das Potenzial de…
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Der Customer Love-Host @Dimitrios Haratsis trifft in dieser Woche @Stefan Wolk, Director E-Commerce bei @Fielmann. Brillen als Fashion-Accessoires 👓, die aber auch ihren Dienst im Sinne der Gesundheit der Kund*innen tun sollen, werfen einen spannenden neuen Blickwinkel auf Relationship-Commerce auf: - Was macht Fielmann zum Universal-Optiker? - Ist…
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Hin und her macht die Taschen leer 💸 - Warum nachhaltige Kundenbeziehungen in der Finanzdienstleistung entscheidend sind! In der 3. Folge von "Customer Love" ist Hava Misimi zu Gast bei Dimitrios Haratsis. Hava ist Gründerin und CEO von Femance und setzt sich mit ihrem Team für Finanzbildung und eine Welt, in der alle finanziell sorglos sind, ein -…
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In this episode we spoke with by Deanna Hernandez. Deanna is the Field Marketing Officer for McDonald’s having previously held roles at other major consumer brands, including Walgreens, JCP Penny and Ace Hardware Corp. Deanna discussed how a company like McDonald's approaches customer loyalty and what opportunities they've identified to get ahead o…
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In this episode we were joined by Lee Roquet. Lee is the CEO of marketing agency Finch having previously held the role of VP of Customer Experience. Lee shared his journey from Chief Customer Officer roles to now running a company and how this has helped forge his customer led leadership style. During our chat, Lee also shared some tips on how cust…
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"We-Commerce - Das Miteinander macht den Unterschied 🤝 Heute begrüßt Dimitrios Haratsis in der zweiten Folge von "Customer Love" 💖 Bastian Siebers, CEO bei flaconi.Die beiden beleuchten den Weg von einer produktfokussierten zu einer customer-centric Organisation, den Bastian mit flaconi eingeschlagen hat. Entscheidend hierbei sind neben der vertrau…
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In this episode we spoke with Will Kingston. Will, an experienced CX thought leader, is the principal consultant for Cortico-X and a regular commentator for Sky News Australia. Will shared some of the key research findings behind his latest CX Manifesto and global trends reports. This included how CX can thrive in the AI age, the role behavioural e…
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Datengold oder Datenschutz-Debakel? In Folge 1 des Podcasts "Customer Love" trifft Dimitrios Haratsis auf Dirk Freytag, Präsident des Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e. V. Als "Urgesteine" im Digitalen Marketing tauschen sich die beiden über die aktuelle Marschroute in der Branche aus, die das Thema Datennutzung auf den Prüfstand stellt. D…
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In this episode we spoke with Pavel Gertsberg, CEO & Co-Founder of Fluffy pet insurance. Pavel discussed why, as a CEO, he places so much importance on customer experience and how this has driven a real competitive advantage for the business. During our chat, Pavel also explained how as the business scales they continue to focus on CX and the key p…
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In this episode we welcomed back to the show Dr Paul Zak. Dr Paul is the author of Immersion, the science of the extraordinary, and a professor at Claremont Graduate University. Dr Paul discussed whether brand love is really a thing from a scientific perspective and what the research says about the impact on consumers who identify as loving a brand…
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Willkommen zu Customer Love ! 💖 Wir stellen Euch R-Commerce (Relationship-Commerce), unsere neue Philosophie für das Digital Business, die in nachhaltigen Kundenbeziehungen 🤝 den Dreh- und Angelpunkt identifiziert, in unserem Podcast 🎙 vor. Den Auftakt in der "Folge 0" machen die drei Köpfe hinter R-Commerce: Martech-Experte Dimitrios Haratsis tauc…
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In this episode we spoke with Sam Magee. Sam has over a decade of experience spanning marketing, CX, operations and CRM and is currently the Head of Product & CX at Capsule Insurance. Sam discussed her experience in bringing customer data out of multiple silos across the business and best practices around creating a more holistic and actionable vie…
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In this episode we spoke with Edmund Bradbury. Edmund is a former professional cyclist and neuroscientist turned CX consultant who now works with the likes of HSBC Global CX, Stagecoach, Tesco Mobile and Bupa. Edmund discussed what customer leaders can learn from the world of professional sport in creating and executing successful CX and retention …
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In this episode we spoke with Joey Coleman. Joey is a world renowned public speaker and the author of best selling books Never Lose Another Customer and Never Lose Another Employee Again. Joey explained how customer defection is a cultural and structural problem within a business and what actions you can take in order to fix this problem for good. …
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In this episode we spoke with Harry Blamire. Harry's current role is Head of Customer Experience at B&Q, having previously held positions at LUSH Cosmetics and LV. Harry walked us through the process he and his team took to build the TradePoint app and how it's helping to make their customers live better and ultimately drive significant business gr…
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In this episode we spoke with Sam Phillips-Lord. Sam is the Senior Customer Insight Manager at Hastings Direct and has previously held CX and insights roles at BT, E.ON and Experian. Sam explained why businesses should be prioritising their biggest advocates as much as their biggest spenders, referencing some fascinating insights around the impact …
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In this episode we spoke with Paul Richardson. Paul has spent over 20 years working at HSBC, and is now the Client Experience Director for Private Bank. Paul explained why customer advocacy is such an important growth driver for HSBC and how they're using customer insights to inform product and service developments. During our chat, Paul also discu…
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The Business of Customer Love celebrates it's landmark 50th episode with a look back at some of the key highlights from our incredible guests over the last 12 months. In this episode, we hear insights from: Ron Holt, Founder of Pink Zebra Removal Fred Reichheld, Creator of the Net Promotor Score Carol Meyers, Partner at Glasswing Ventures Brittany …
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In this episode we spoke with Angela Porter. Angela is a vastly experienced marketing leader, having held roles at the likes of Tesco, Dunelm and Ladbrooks with her most recent role being CMO at Procook. Angela discussed the importance of customer advocacy at ProCook and how working with Mention Me has helped turn this into a sustainable and profit…
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In this episode we spoke with Jeff Dewing. Jeff is the Group CEO of CloudFM, best selling author of Doing the Opposite and a Top 50 Workplace Leader. Jeff discussed why employee experience is vital to ultimately delivering a superior CX and shared some simple but powerful strategies you can implement to help achieve this. During our chat, Jeff also…
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In this episode we spoke with Mark Slatin. Mark is recognised as one of the top 25 CX leaders globally by CX Magazine and is CEO of Empowered CX and a professor of practice at Michigan State University. Mark discussed why businesses should put more urgency into investing in a Customer Advocacy strategy now, and how you can get your CFO and other se…
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In this episode we spoke with Erin Gray. Erin is the Senior VP CX at Endy, and before that spent 5 years at Walmart managing their in store and eCommerce CX operations. Erin shared her experiences of building a high performing CX team from scratch and some of the exciting advocacy initiatives she's running at Endy, including their highly successful…
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In this episode we spoke with Nate Brown. Nate is the Executive Director of CX Accelerator, a non-profit community that exists to equip, encourage, and connect Customer Experience professionals at every stage of their career journey. Nate discussed the core principals of capturing the loyalty of the modern customer, and some of the outdated approac…
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In this episode we spoke with Lisa Erickson. Lisa is a former Customer Relationship Director turned advocacy consultant with over 20 years industry experience with companies including Best Buy, Target and Sleep Number Corp. Lisa discussed why customer value goes beyond how much they’re spending and the success she had in implementing a model which …
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In this episode we spoke with Cam Roegiers de Silva, a customer strategy expert with over 10 years experience in the fashion industry. Cam shared some practical steps that CX and CRM leaders can take to turn advocacy into a powerful growth channel within their business. During our chat, Cam shared some examples of campaigns she ran at eCommerce ret…
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In this episode we spoke with David Wachs, CEO of Handwrytten. David shared the story that led him to founding Handwrytten and how they're helping brands to cut through the noise and engage with their customers like never before. During our chat, David also shared some best practices around implementing handwritten notes into your customer strategy…
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In this episode we spoke with Shorouk Ali, Assistant Customer Experience Manager at Boubyan Bank. Shorouk discussed how tracking advocacy has helped her team build successful customer led initiatives which in turn are keeping customers loyal to the bank. During our chat, Shorouk also shared how the CEO and other senior leaders have immersed themsel…
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In this episode we spoke with Nathalie Nahai, best selling author, behavioural science and consumer trends expert. Nathalie shared 4 key psychology principals and how to apply them to your CX strategy so you can engage your customers like never before. During our chat, Nathalie also explained how nailing these principals can help turn passive custo…
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In this episode we spoke with Rob Korzinek, Founder & CEO of Zing Cover. Rob discussed Zing's approach to CX and why having a big focus on it at all levels of the business is giving them a competitive advantage in the market. During our chat, Rob also shared some key advice on selling the benefits of taking a customer led approach to the CFO and ot…
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In this episode we spoke with Ingrid van Ruiswijk, Senior Customer Service Manager for E-commerce at PVH Corp and formally New Balance. Ingrid shared her advice on how customer service teams can be seen less as a cost driven operation and more as an essential way to generate better customer loyalty and retention for the business. During our chat, I…
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In this episode we spoke with Charles Ryan Minton, Keynote Speaker & Bestselling Author of Thanks for Coming in Today. Charles shared some real-world, actionable steps for how any business can immediately improve their customer experience ratings from his many years of experience working in the hospitality sector. During our chat, Charles also disc…
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In this episode we spoke with Adrian Swinscoe, CX advisor, author, speaker and creator of Punk CX. Adrian discussed the concept of a punk version of customer experience and how it pushes business leaders to fundamentally think and act differently in their approach to CX. During our chat, Adrian shared some key concepts and practical takeaways from …
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In this episode we spoke with Lynn Hunsaker, Chief Customer Officer at ClearAction Continuum. Lynn discussed the concept of Customer Inspired Growth and how businesses can grow 8x more by leading with this approach. During our chat, Lynn explained how companies can use CX insights more effectively to guide the growth of their business and how to en…
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In this episode we spoke with Jay Baer, renowned CX strategist, researcher, and bestselling author of The Time To Win. Jay discussed the importance of responsiveness in CX and how to strike the balance between speed and personalisation to drive maximum engagement with your customers. During our chat, Jay shared examples of companies he's seen strik…
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In this episode we spoke with Nick Macfarline, a Customer Experience Leader who’s previous companies include Sky, Vodafone and Cazoo. Nick shared his 5 step approach to achieving great customer experience from his time working at some of the UK's biggest companies. During our chat, Nick also discussed some of the biggest challenges facing CX teams …
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In this episode we spoke with Dennis Snow, a former Disney World executive and Customer Experience Speaker, Consultant and Author. Dennis revealed what brands from all walks of life can learn from Disney World's core principals around customer love to help build their own base of loyal fans. During our chat, Dennis also discussed how organizations …
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