We share daily insights from old and new testaments, the Torah, Nevi’im/the Prophets, Ketuvim/the writings and the Brit Chadasha/New Testament 🥰 Explore God’s intent and truth in His language and patterns. Discover Yeshua and his Spirit throughout the Torah. Follow us daily or binge once a week on anchor.fm, spotify and apple podcast. Also available on other podcast platforms.
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The truth of our spiritual inheritance in Yeshua is explained by Paul, as he reflects on the tale of two brothers, and the family of Abraham.
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Paul illustrates what we as believers stand to inherit though God's promises.
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The prophet Malachi compares Israel with errant Esau, and leaves us with a choice each of us must make every single day.
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Jacob complicates matters with a dubious scheme, proving that doubt can lead to unwise choices.
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A hot meal, a conversation between two brothers - this scenario is a common one in families. But there is something monumental taking place, visible to those who can read the clues.
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Jacob and Esau were twins, but no two boys could be more different from one another. As the story unfolds, we find out these differences have consequences that echo throughout the ages.
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As Abraham's life comes to an end, a new generation arises with a new patriarch, Isaac. This week's parasha is narrated by theatre actor and producer, our friend Jeremy.
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Rebecca steps out in faith - much like Abraham once had - and a prophecy is activated.
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Even in the midst of a crazy world full of uncertainty, it's possible to know joy. It comes from knowing who truly rules all things.
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Will we recognise the Messiah when He comes? Diligent study reveals the clues hidden in God's Word.
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God's purpose for our lives is bigger than any obstacle we face. Obstacles are temporary!
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What does it mean to have God's favor? It means He has a purpose for you.
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How do you know what God wants? The secret lies in listening closely to His voice.
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The story shifts from Abraham and Sarah to their son Isaac. Now a young man and his family's new patriarch, Isaac is ready to take his place in God's plan. For this week's parasha, our guest storyteller is Rosella. She's a communicator who loves Jesus, words, puzzles, margaritas, her family, and their 2 black labs. She was also a newscaster once up…
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How blessed are all who take refuge in The Son 🥰
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God shows up mightily at the trees 🌲 🌲 of Mamre, then the fun begins 🤰 😆 👶🏻 🍼 🐑 🔥
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Then you will be called Repairer of the Breach & Restorer of the Streets...when the glory of Adonai will be your rear guard 🛡
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God spared not His best & begotten Son to save us 😪
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With God the impossible becomes amazing 🙀😱
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The visible proof of our faith is what we do with it 😳😳
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Despite Abraham’s weakness & Abimelech’s argument 😤😤 God is strong 💪🏻
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God shares His plans w Abraham for Sodom & Gomorrah 😞
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Trust in what God sees even if we cannot 🦯
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God got the last laugh 😂
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Walk🚶 the journey of Abram’s/Abraham’s persistent faith. Through his life all peoples are blessed. 👯♀️👯
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Did Abraham meet Jesus 😳🤯
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Righteousness or right standing is only through Yeshua & believing in Him as the way we can be saved 🥰
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God promised: Do not fear, I am your protector, your reward will be great 🤯
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What is the strength in waiting? ☹️ How strategic is it to stand still? 😐
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Will we half lie or fully trust Adonai? 😳🤔
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God has promised blessing waiting in acts of obedience 🥳
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Adonai has plans for Abraham but he had to make the first move 🐪 🐫 📦
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What does the story of Noah have to tell us about finding refuge in dark times?
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Psalm 56 (Tree of Life) - This I know that God is for me. In God I will put my trust 😔
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INTERVIEW: Andrew 😇from YUHHHCAST asks us questions on Scripture 📖 study and how to get started 👀
In this episode, Andrew😇from YUHHHCAST asks us questions on Scripture 📖 study, how to get started and how context makes all the difference 👀 . YUHHHCAST explores Christian art, thought, business, music and ministry & is on anchor.fm/yuhhhcast. Follow and reach out to Andrew on https://www.facebook.com/yuhhhcast/Join the YUHHHLIST on tiny.cc/yuhhhFo…
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Advantage of God’s advice hourglass
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Refuge in His Ark = Yeshua 🛳⚓️
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Open our eyes 👀
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Reminding a desperate people of God’s lovingkindness 🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♀️
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God’s faithfulness through the generations 👳🏼♂️👳🏻👳🏻♀️👶🏻
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New Agreement = New Standard 😬
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Exemplary faith in a fallen world will not fail us
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How do passages from Isaiah, John and Romans tie in with “In the Beginning”? What was God’s original plan 🥰
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Psalm 37 - Inheritance of the Righteous 🥰 (Complete Jewish Bible)
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How will we be saved? 🤔
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Yes yes, yo! We need it to be a blessing and to be blessed 🥰
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Jesus was at the beginning 🤯 Insights based on John 1:1-4
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Share your stories of Messiah 📜 Insights based on Isaiah 43:10-11
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Amidst confusion, struggle, feeling trapped, the darkness will end. 🤲🏽 Insights based on Isaiah 42:5-6
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“Did God really say...” 😔 Insights based on Genesis 3:15
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