No more you can study God's love letter daily in simple 10 minute chunks with this audio podcast where we study the bible verse by verse through observation (reading), interpretation (what does it mean) and application (what does it mean to your daily life). Challenge: commit to listening to this before you do any social media each day! Listen while jogging, driving to work, on your lunch break, on your way to drop off kids. Pastor Mike walks you systematically through the Bibl ...
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Find out in Hebrews 12:8-11
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A loving parent disciplines, and a child who wants to mature well accepts and respects such discipline.
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Veterans and military make a difference towards our freedom. Jesus is the true freedom. The perfect world will not exist this side of heaven, but there's purpose in the process.
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You are afraid, so is every American today. Politics, politicians, and political parties cannot save you nor bring you peace or joy. BUT JESUS Can!!!
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They were persecuted then. Our brothers and sisters in other countries are persecuted now. Persecution is heating up in America of Christians by non-believers. Expect it.
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Are you tough enough for God. Loving Jesus is not about prosperity or great health.
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Have you screwed up like David? How did he make it into the Faith Hall of Fame?
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Unforgiveness creates a prison around you and makes people bitter. Jesus offers complete forgiveness, regardless of how bad your past decisions have been.
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Today is the day. Don't focus on yesterday. Yesterday doesn't define you, it simply shapes your character.
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Suffering in the midst of sharing the gospel is way better than the passing pleasures that this earth has to offer.
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Saved by faith, or by rules, or by inheritance, or by birth order?
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Abraham believed by faith that his son Isaac would be raised from the dead if he sacrificed him. Why did he believe that?
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Sarah saved by faith, not deeds.
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Learn about Abraham in the Bible Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11:8-10
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How many people are you inviting onto the boat?
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How many deeds to we need to earn salvation from God?
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Why was Abel's sacrifice sufficient, but Cain's was not?
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What percentage of people can have salvation through deeds? 0%!
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God's timing is perfect. He has not forgotten about you.
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Christians losing free speech and others rights in America is sad, but ultimately expected. Don't let it ruin your joy or your witness.
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Do you have a healthy fear of Jesus?
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Can you get to heaven by being part of the Christian "fraternity"?
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What deeds will qualify you for heaven?
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What’s the point of going to church? Is it a requirement to salvation?
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Do you need to be clean before you approach Jesus?
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You take a bath daily to stay clean, but do you bathe yourself in the things of God daily?
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One offering was sufficient
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Thinking you deserve heaven because you’re not as bad as someone else, well, that’s called pride.
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Which one do you believe and why: Reincarnation? Purgatory? Or One earthly life followed by eternity in heaven or hell?
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The law doesn’t heal, it reveals!
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At what point does a follower of Jesus die?
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Focusing on earthly things leads to destruction and sadness. So let’s focus on Heavenly things :)
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Without shedding of blood there is no remission/forgiveness.
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Do you need a spiritual Mediator or can you remediate your own sins?
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What’s more valuable than money, super yachts, gold, crypto currencies or the prefect politician?
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God creates, we simply discover. He deserves glory, not us.
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Are priests sinners like you and I? The Bible says they are! But The High Priest Jesus was not :)
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How many days a year could the High Priest of Israel enter the Holy of Holies?
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Why is the Old Covenant called “old” and what was wrong with it?
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People brag about being “self-made.” What say you?
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Jesus offered the blood of how many people and animals as a sacrifice to God?
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How many different paths are there to Heaven? How do you know?
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How many priests have lived forever?
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Who is brave enough to comment that they’ve broken the 10 Commandments? Then how do you get to heaven?
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Does God want us to tithe or to hold tight to our money?
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Melchizedek, Who is he?
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Has God Broken Any Promise Yet?
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What’s the purpose of doing good deeds?
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