Dwell On Truth is the media ministry of Brenten Powers. DWELL stands for Discipleship, Worship, Evangelism, Loving God and Loving people. We believe the Truth of Jesus Christ according to the Bible is the solid foundation that we should dwell on.
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KSCO Welcomes Brenten Powers and Daniel Beaudoin back for the Flight 1080 show and announced that Dwell On Truth will continue with the help of listeners like you. Our new time slot is 9am-10am. Also subscribe to Dwell On Truth YouTube channels for new content coming soon.
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We are saved by grace apart from works, but we are saved for good works. Every man needs examples, like Paul encouraged Titus to be for older and younger men. Brenten teaches Titus 2 and features a missionary Any Ziesemer from Nations Outreach and the New Divide band. Check out www.nationsoutreach.org To join Brenten's care team go to www.dwellontr…
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Merry Christmas from Brenten Powers - highlights from our live Christmas Eve Eve Flight 1080 show on AM1080 KSCO. Featuring: Pastor Dave Campbell, Evangelist Daniel Beaudoin, and Host Dave Michaels.
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Brenten continues verse by verse through Paul's letter to Titus about the task of pastors, overseers or leaders of churches is to teach sound doctrine and refute false toxic talkers, to bring correcting and help people have solid faith and lives.
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Today's topic "Hold to the Word" is another way of saying "Dwell On Truth". Brenten Powers shares the biblical foundations for biblical teaching, instruction, doctrine, and that's holding fast to the trustworthy word of God as delivered through the prophets in the Old Testament, Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament. All things that Jesus tau…
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Is your pastor qualified by his relational, personal and doctrinal integrity according to God's word? This week, Brenten explores the 6 personal characteristics of qualified pastors found in Titus 1:8.
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Paul instructed Titus to appoint qualified elders as overseers or pastors in each city of Crete. The qualifications we look at today are marks of maturity, godly character and relational integrity. Brenten's teaching can help you learn how to be a good and faithful steward, even if you are not called to be pastors, because this qualifications for a…
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In this introduction to the book of Titus, Brenten looks at the examples of Paul, Titus and Pastors. If you are not part of a church, you'll be challenged to find a good church in this episode. Let Brenten know if you need help by calling or texting (831)594-2633, or email dwellontruth@gmail.com
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Reading Romans 12-14 and Titus 1-3, Plus my reactions to the week of the election took me through the 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) and from ranting to reasoning.
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Disclaimer: This episode is the opinion of Brenten Powers based on my personal convictions of that God is not calling me to vote for evil, or the lessor evil of 2 evils. It's not necessarily the view of the churches or organizations, or sponsors of other episodes. In the first half, I'm teaching from 2 Timothy 3, and in the second, I'm sharing my r…
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Brenten's final teaching through the end of the book of Romans. Topics include avoiding the deception of smooth euphemisms, serving the Lord Jesus Christ, packing the gospel into our praise and worship for the glory of God and obedience of faith. (Romans 16:17-27)
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In the closing chapter Paul's letter to Christians in Rome, the Apostle Paul greets people by name. Brenten teaches on the significance of acknowledging people by name, and the importance of our work in the church. We learn that having a systematic understanding of the Gospel is important but also that people of the Gospel are also important in the…
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Paul gives his concluding prayer requests in Romans 15:30-33
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Brenten Powers interviews Otis Coen of Hear the Call Music about his testimony of recovery from a life of sin, sex, drugs and rock and roll, to a life of commitment to God, wife and music for good.
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Brenten continues studying, teaching and encouraging listeners to follow Paul's examples in the service of Discipleship, Worship, Evangelism with Love for God and Love for people (DWELL). This episode is sponsored by: Topgradepaving.com and Brenten Powers Audio Visual Services and Open Air Campaigners, USA Northern California branch partners For or…
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Today's episode of Dwell On Truth features the highlights from our visit to Dave's Flight 1080 show on Wednesday August 28, 2024
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Brenten has been a guest on Dave's Flight 1080 show countless times, this is the first time Dave has been a guest on Dwell On Truth. Find out his background and journey closer to the faith and why he wants to help spread the word in this personal interview.
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Brenten reminds us of God's plan for all nations, as Romans 15:8-18 reveals the missionary mind, heart and ambition of Paul that we should have as our purpose too, in order that all "Gentiles" or people groups, ethnicities, nations may hear of Jesus, hope in, come to obedience, rejoicing, praising and glorifying the Lord for His mercy. You will be …
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Learn how it all began with a couple of the earliest episodes of Dwell On Truth from 2018. In the first half, I share my testimony of conversion and preparation to be a missionary. In the second half, you hear my first visit to the Flight 1080 show. Finally, one of my favorite clips of Dave's reaction to critics for having me on. Thanks to our spon…
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On Friday, Brenten Powers and Dave Campbell got to be guests on Dave Michael's Flight 1080 show to share about the True Love Festival happening Saturday, and to give scriptures about the Truth and the Love of God and share the Gospel. But we also took questions from callers and the host and co-host Billy Army over the 2 hour show. This has been edi…
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Brenten teaches from Romans 15 about how we follow Christ by welcoming one another, serving one another and loving one another. Coincidentally, this is the last episode sponsored by True Love Christian Music and Arts Festival where I invite you to come and see this love on display through the creative offerings of local Christian artists. I will be…
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Brenten Powers features guests from the True Love Christian Music Festival (www.truelovechristian.com) and guest teachers Paul Billings and Wesley Seamonds from Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe (now CCBC Eurasia). Scriptures covered in the second half are Romans 15:1-4
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How do we hold our faith in essentials with unity while allowing diversity in non-essentials and charity in all things? Romans 14 helps us to balance our personal freedoms with care for others hwo may believe slightly different than us on debatable matters. The Just shall live by faith and that faith can work through the higher law of love.…
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Brenten teaches Romans 13 about how to properly walk in the light of the gospel of God's love, and how not to walk in the darkness.
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Brenten Powers explores this practical section of Romans chapter 12 through 13.
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This episode of Dwell On Truth with Brenten Powers consists of 4 segments: Romand 10:17-21 Where Does Faith Come From? Romans 11:1-10 What about Israel? Romans 11:11-36 Hope For Gentiles And Israel Romans 12:1-5 Being Changed By The Mercy Of God Each segment has been edited down from the original 15-minute shows that aired on Latvia's Christian Rad…
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Brenten Powers teaches from Romans 9:22 to 10:16 about the mission of God.
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In this episode, Brenten Powers reads Romans chapters 9 through 11 about how the Gospel fits God's plan for Israel, and explains the tension between God's promises and God's elect.
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Dwell On Truth with Open Air Campaigners
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Brenten's interviews with Pastor David Guzik of www.enduringword.com and Pastor Manny Collazo from www.calvary.com
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Brenten Powers teaches theough Romans 8
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In this special Easter episode of Dwell on Truth, Brenten Powers welcomes spoken word poet Chelsea Kerr and apologist Daniel Beaudoin as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ today with a message of hope for the world to believe and receive our Risen Savior. Dan's websites: www.yoursoulmatters.org and www.oacnorcal.org Follow Chels…
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Brenten teaches through one of the mountain top chapters of the Bible, Romans chapter 8. Listen to see why. Music credit goes to Neil Livingston for the song God of All.
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Brenten Powers teaches verse by verse through Paul's letter to the Romans about the Gospel of Grace and how it changes our lives, from trying to walk in the old and failing, to learning to walk in the new way by grace, by God's Spirit and by the victory in Christ. These messages were preached originally on Latvian Christian radio 10 years ago, but …
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Brenten Powers taught Sound & Recording at Calvary Chapel Bible College (www.calvarychapelbiblecollege.com) and gave the students the opportunity to share their projects on the radio and this podcast. Please like, comment, subscribe and contact us to let us know you listened and liked it. I'll pass that on to my students and encourage them to keep …
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Brenten Powers teaches Romans 6 about living in the grace of God. For more or to support this media ministry go to www.dwellontruth.org/give
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Brenten Powers continues through Romans today in 4 segments: 5:19-21 Grace Abounds Much More 6:1 Shall We Continue To Sin? 6:2-7 Why Not Sin? 6:8-14 The Resurrected Life To support this show, give at www.dwellontruth.org/give
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Brenten Powers teaches from Romans 5:1-14 on many blessed results of justification by faith, such as standing in grace, peace with God, and hope of glory, that come from experiencing His love, the Holy Spirit, perseverance in trials, proven character. From sin and death Adam brought to all, to the life Christ provides, there is great freedom in sal…
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Brenten Powers shares the introduction to his Audio Visual: Sound & Recording course at Calvary Chapel Bible College to hopefully multiply disciples who will know and serve the Lord. Download the PowerPoint presentation for this talk at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AfogR09qK4o4nAUZeLoBtOkDgDwa5jHl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115230917334385563…
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Brenten Powers continues to teach verse by verse through Romans. Romans 4:1-8 Just Like Abraham Romans 4:9-12 Footsteps of Faith Romans 4:13-17 Great Promises Rest On Grace Romans 4:18-25 What Kind of Faith Saves?
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Does Christmas seem less spiritual than it use to be? This episode replays the highlights from 4-6pm December 18th, 2023, when evangelist Brenten Powers and Dave Campbell (Pastor of Calvary Chapel Capitola) shared the true joy and meaning of Christmas with Dave Michaels and his Flight 1080 show audience. Special thanks to CCC for sponsoring Brenten…
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Brenten Powers teaches verse by verse through Romans 2:17-3:25. Romans 2:17-24 IF YOU RELY ON THE LAW Romans 2:24-29 A MATTER OF THE HEART Romans 3:1-11 ALL ARE UNDER SIN Romans 3:9-20 "NO ONE DOES GOOD, NOT EVEN ONE" Romans 3:21-25 JUSTIFIED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE
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These scriptures are controversial and counter-cultural! Brenten shares his Verse by Verse teaching through Romans (originally aired on Latvian Christian Radio in 2012 in 15 minute segments and the original episodes still available at https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/brentenpowers ) Last week: Romans 1:1-8 INTRO TO THE GOSPEL, Romans 1:9-16 EAGER…
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Brenten's teaching on the gospel of grace from the last decade, hear Brenten's teaching from the beginning of Romans 1:v1-16 and a topical message on 10 fold Grace of God.
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Brenten Powers with Tom Fox, Brian Harmon, Dan Beaudoin and Frank Baldus, 4 of his OAC NorCal directors in OAC USA, and OAC SoCal and NorCal about why be passionate about presenting Christ to the lost. Be encouraged to be faithful, fruiful, and get involved in the great commission! Here's how you can get involved: You can come, share, give, join an…
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Special guest Noah Vining, a young friend shares his magic and message on this episode of the Dwell On Truth show with Brenten Powers. Follow him to see is magic, acting and new Christian content. Watch this episode on youtube at https://youtu.be/XBIUPwoJ1mo Noah Vining's channels: @official_noah_vining | TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@official_noa…
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Brenten teaches verse by verse through the letter from Jude - a call to contend for the Christian faith..
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In this episode, Brenten releases a new theme song to the tune of Be Thou My Vision - it starts out "Christ told believers to dwell". Plus after a word from our sponsor Top Grade Paving, we get to revisit the testimony of an old friend, pastor Kevin Fitzgerald. Lastly, pastor Manny Collazo's prayer from our last episode closes out the episode. Enjo…
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Brenten Powers interviews pastors David Guzik and Manny Collazo about discipleship, worship, evangelism, loving God and loving people (DWELL).
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The top 8 reasons why I know God exists- a classic message by Brenten Powers. This is one of the foundational messages from the early days of Brenten's radio ministry in California. It was aired on KKMC in 2018 and will be aired in October 2023 on KSCO. More info find Brenten on facebook.com/dwellontruth or facebook.com/brentenpowers…
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