Messages are primarily given by Pastor Luke Rosenberger.
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Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke began a series leading up to Easter about Jesus, the Messiah. In Matthew 16, Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah. The main idea was, "Jesus, the revealed Son of God, came to save all people."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from Revelation 3 about the letter to the church in Laodicea. Actions show the temperature of our passion for Jesus, self-sufficiency misses what Jesus offers, and repentance is the key to life with Jesus. The main idea was, "Jesus is ready for us to be hot and ready."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke shared two faulty ways of how we sometimes related to God: Life For God and Life From God and talked about God's invitation of life WITH God. The main idea was, "A healthy relationship with God enjoys Him more than what He gives."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke shared two faulty ways of how we sometimes related to God: Life Uncer God and Life Over God. Living WITH God is the view that is about accepting His invitation to be in relationship with Him. The main idea was, "A healthy relationship with God doesn’t use Him to get what we want."Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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Ellen Rosenberger shared from John 15:4-5 about living life WITH Jesus. Some of the youth shared about what they learned at Ice Camp, which was from this topic.Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from John 15 about Jesus warning His followers of the opposition they will face. The main idea was, "Though not accepted by the world, followers of Jesus belong to Him."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke continued the series, "Following Jesus Together" by preaching about Jesus' followers living according to His Word. He said, "As believers walk in friendship with Jesus they live according to His Word."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached about loving like Jesus, saying, "Loving like Jesus happens when you’re full of Jesus’ love." Fully receiving His Love, greely giving your life, and faithfully obeying His teaching.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke began the new year with a series about following Jesus together. He preached from John 15 about abiding in Jesus. He said, "Before going, stay and get filled with Jesus' love."Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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In our candle light service, we celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, on that Holy Night 2,000 years ago. Pastor Luke shared how looking a candy cane can show how much Jesus loves you.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached about Jesus being the greatest gift to savor, save and share. He said, "Because Jesus came to us, we get to go and share His love with others."Di East Bend Church
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This East Bend Christmas Program includes monologues from the characters in the story of Jesus' birth, special music, and testimonies of how the Lord has transformed their lives.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached about the angels appearing to a group of ordinary shepherds, to announce the birth of Jesus, the Savior. Shepherds were usually rejected socially and often rejected spiritually, but these shepherds experienced God's favor and His peace. The main idea was, "All people can experience the peace that Jesus brings."…
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Pastor Luke began an advent series about the announcements from the angels. In this first message about what the angel said to both Mary and Joseph, we find that "Hope is possible for believers, because nothing is impossible with God."Di East Bend Church
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The book of James was closed out by a message from Jim Phillips of Live Your Mission.Di East Bend Church
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Executive Director of Seek N Find Ministries, Mike Roberts, preached about what it looks like to live being mission minded.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from James 5 about how believers are to have patience, no matter their circumstances. The main idea was, "Believers patiently receive eternal treasures rather than take temporary pleasures."Di East Bend Church
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In this message, Pastor Luke preached James 4 about how we need to submit to the Lord. He said, "Living for ourselves always opposes living God’s way."Di East Bend Church
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Brian Zeifang from Jesus Is The Way Ministry, came and shared how God is working and preached about living a new way of life in Christ. Michael, from Jesus Is The Way, shared his testamony.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from James 3 about two types of wisdom: wisdom from above and earthly wisdom. The main idea was, "Wisdom from above doesn’t exalt those below."Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from James 2:14-26 about faith. Claiming faith doesn’t mean it’s saving faith. Faith without actions is dead and useless. The results of a saving faith are evident by actions. The main idea was, "Actions are the proof of genuine faith."Di East Bend Church
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Our Evana Network Regional Pastor, Don Patterson, continued in our series from the book of James. He preached from the first half of chapter 2, as James addresses favoritism in the church.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from the end of James 1 about being doers of God's Word. True faith humbly receives God's Word, continually obeys God's Word, and actively lives out God's Word. The main idea was, "How you live outside usually reveals what's inside."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from the book of James about temptations. The main idea was, "Don't trick yourself that God's good isn't good enough."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke began a new series on the book of James, called "Active Faith." In the first part of the book James is about the trials that believers face. Trials can produce perseverance and can lead to prayer, and can give perspective. The main idea was, "Enduring trials reminds believers to think eternally."…
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Pastor Luke preached Apostle Paul's benediction in 2 Corinthians about the Lord's blessing of being with us. The main idea was "God’s grace, love and fellowship is everything we truly need."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke concluded the series about the parable of the sower by preaching from Jeremiah 17, what a thriving life looks like. He said, "A life trusting in the Lord cultivates a life that thrives."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from Matthew 13 about having listening ears to Jesus' message. He said that "God's message is not hidden to those who are listening."Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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Guest speaker and former pastor, Paul Thomason, preached on the importance of forgiveness.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached about the plants that were fruitful, from Jesus' Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. He said, "God's message greatly multiplies when it's truly understood."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from Matthew 13:7 and 22, about the worries and worldly pleasures that choke out God's message. He said, "God's message gets choked when it's not embraced."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached about the second part of Jesus' parable of the sower in Matthew 13. He said, "God's message gets scorched when it's not well grounded."Di East Bend Church
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Lead Elder, Duane Eby, preached from 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 about how Christians are instructed to live a quiet life.Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from the first part of Jesus' parable of the sower, in Matthew 13. He said, "Main Idea: Our adversary destroys God's message when it's not understood."Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached from Exodus 19 about our Covenantal God. Our Covenantal God expects: His people to continually remember His salvation, His people to fully obey His commands, and His people to always be His holy nation. The main idea was, "Being in a covenant relationship changes who we are and how we live."Video available:…
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Pastor Luke preached from Exodus 16 about how the Lord abundantly provided for the Israelites. He said that "Our abundant God wants us to know He is trustworthy."Video available: East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached about how the Lord saved the Israelites from Egypt, in Exodus 13-15. The main idea was, "The Lord is the only One who delivers people from death."Di East Bend Church
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The message from Exodus 12 was given by Don Patterson, who is our regional pastor with Evana Network. He gave 7 bridges from Passover to Jesus. He said, "Today, we celebrate the God who provides, We recognize when Jesus paid our price. We are reminded to take Jesus in."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke preached about God's power displayed in Egypt in the 10 Plagues, from Exodus 5-11. The main idea was, "God's power shows all people that He alone is to be worshiped."Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke's message, from Exodus 3-4, was about Moses' interaction with our God who personally reveals His plans, His name, and His power. God equips people to accomplish His will in His name.Di East Bend Church
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Pastor Luke began a new series called, "Excerpts from Exodus" with a message about God's faithfulness in Exodus 1-2. He said, "Our faithful God is working even when we don’t see it."Di East Bend Church
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