Matt Deseno is the founder of multiple award winning marketing businesses ranging from a attraction marketing to AI appointment setting to customer user experience. When he’s not working on the businesses he teaches marketing at Pepperdine University and he also teaches other marketing agency owners how they created a software company to triple the profitability for the agency. Our Sponsors: * Check out Kinsta: * Check out Mint Mobile: * Check out Moorings: * Check out Trust & Will: * Check out Warby Parker: Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:…
Versek, mesék gyerekeknek, felnőtteknek; mert a mese kortalan.Mesélni és mesét hallgatni pedig öröm és végtelen szabadság.
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Keljfeljancsi - Ruhamese @estimese.podcast &n...Di estimese
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Az egyszeri gyerek @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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Farkastanya @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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Tüsszencs kavicsmeséi - A rét illata @estimese.podcast &nbs...Di estimese
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Kis barátok mesés éve - Tavasz @estimese.podcast &n...Di estimese
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A tenger @estimese.podcast &nb...Di estimese
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A szürke ló @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Arany alma arany ágon @estimese.podcast &nbs...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete - Volt egyszer egy tükör @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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Jancsika kutya akar lenni @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete - Volt egy alapos @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete - Volt az a lehellet @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete - Álomszedő @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete - Volt az a bolond @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete - Egyszer volt egy fénykép @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Lencsi könyve @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete - Egyszer volt egy Tündér @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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A Lakatlanok szigete @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Vár a vadon @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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Mese a kicsi királylányról, aki almákat mosolygott @estimese.podcast &nbs...Di estimese
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Macska-kisasszony @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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Nagypapa titkos óriása @estimese.podcast &nbs...Di estimese
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Madárlátta szenteste @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Maszat karácsonya @estimese.podcast &n...Di estimese
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A hálás virág @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Banán és a cserebere @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A kis kakas gyémánt félkrajcárja @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A nap meg az emberek @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A kis malac és a farkasok @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Hintadal @estimese.podcast &nbs...Di estimese
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Az okos anya @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Kutya-macska barátság @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Mért nem tudnak a fák járni? @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A lusta nyulacska @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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Az elefánt reggelije @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Többet ésszel, mint erővel @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Iciri-piciri @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Baba néni és Márk @estimese.podcast &n...Di estimese
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A húsvéti tojások @estimese.podcast &n...Di estimese
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Arany Lacinak @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A Nap és a Hold története @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Vackor és a három zsák meleg @estimese.podcast &nbs...Di estimese
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Varázsfészek @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A három kismalac @estimese.podcast &n...Di estimese
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A török és a tehenek @estimese.podcast &nb...Di estimese
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Borsószem hercegkisasszony @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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A gyógygomba utazása @estimese.podcast &nbs...Di estimese
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Félperces mondókák @estimese.podcast &...Di estimese
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Farsang @estimese.podcast ...Di estimese
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Pöttömke hóember lesz @estimese.podcast &n...Di estimese
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