You don’t have to dress up. You don’t have to be any particular age. We don’t care who you voted for in the last election. And please don’t feel the need to pretend about anything. Gateway Community Church is a place where God meets people who are far from perfect. That means anyone is welcome no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.
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The mustard seed, known for being the smallest of all seeds, grows into a large tree. This parable holds profound lessons for us about the nature of God’s kingdom, spiritual growth, and the surprising impact of even the smallest acts of faith. The Kingdom of God is like that small mustard seed—it’s unstoppable, it’s growing, and it’s destined to be…
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Mark 4:26-29 - Jesus shares a short but profound parable about the kingdom of God. He compares the kingdom to a seed that grows in secret, unbeknownst to the sower. The message is simple, yet it uncovers profound truths about how God’s work unfolds in ways we often cannot see. Let's take a fresh, creative look at the parable, focusing on the myster…
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Mark 4:21-25 - Jesus uses the metaphor of a lamp to teach powerful truths about how God's Word functions in our lives. Light is a central theme in this passage, revealing both our responsibility and privilege in how we handle and share the light of God's truth.
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Mark 4:1-20 - Jesus tells the Parable of the Sower to reveal the various ways people respond to God. The parable not only speaks of the sowing of seed but also highlights the different conditions of the heart and how they influence spiritual growth.
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Listen as Pastor Carlos dissects Superbowl commercials and pulls spiritual truths from common cultural moments.
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Mark 2:13-17 - Jesus demonstrates the relentless and inclusive nature of His mission. He calls Levi, a despised tax collector, to follow Him, and then shares a meal with him and other social outcasts. Through this encounter, Jesus shows that His mission is unstoppable because it’s not limited by social boundaries or human judgment. He doesn't seek …
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Mark 2:1-12 - In this passage, we witness the unstoppable power of Jesus' forgiveness. Jesus isn’t just offering a one-time fix—His forgiveness shakes the earth, changes hearts, and heals lives. This isn’t just “good news”—this is life-altering, jaw-dropping, can't-stop-it-now forgiveness.
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Mark 1:21-28 - We get a front-row seat to the incredible, jaw-dropping power of Jesus. His authority isn’t just something to admire—it’s unstoppable, mind-blowing, and life-changing! Jesus shows up, and everything changes. It’s not just a teaching moment—it’s a kingdom-shaking experience. Let’s dive into these fun and powerful points about the unst…
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Mark 1:1-15 - The Gospel of Mark shows us that the good news of Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises. This powerful message, confirmed by Jesus' baptism and God's approval, invites us into a life-changing journey. By embracing it, we become part of God's grand story of redemption that unfolds throughout history and in our own lives.…
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Hear Pastor Carlos talk about how destructive it can be to put new wine into old wineskins, and letting our new goals for the year be dictated by our old habits.
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Join us for our special Candlelight Service at Gateway. To watch the full service, you can visit our YouTube channel to find it there.
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The birth of Jesus was the announcement of God’s eternal love for everyone. The shepherds, the wise men, Mary and Joseph—all were invited into the story of redemption. The message of Christmas is that God’s "Forever Home" includes everyone: those who are near, those who feel far, and those who, like the faithful, may sometimes feel forgotten. Every…
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Zachariah and Elizabeth’s story is one of faithfulness in the face of silence. They had faithfully followed God, but their prayers for a child went unanswered for years. This message explores what it feels like when we’ve done everything right and yet God seems silent. How do we wait on God when we feel forgotten or overlooked?…
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Even Mary, who was intimately familiar with Jesus, had to grow in understanding who He truly was. This message challenges all of us—there is always more to learn about His nature, His mission, and what He’s calling us to. No matter how long we’ve known Him, there’s still room to grow.
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Zachariah and Elizabeth’s story is one of faithfulness in the face of silence. They had faithfully followed God, but their prayers for a child went unanswered for years. This message explores what it feels like when we’ve done everything right and yet God seems silent. How do we wait on God when we feel forgotten or overlooked?…
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Anxiety will cripple us into a bubble of self-protection. Biblical gratitude combats fear of the future, with the beauty of presence.
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Apathy will cause us to live disjointed lives. We will numb our pain deeming negative emotions to be useless. Biblical love drives out feelings of futility and points us towards purpose.
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Anger unchecked leads us to overcorrect, believing it all depends on us. Biblical peace gives us an assurance of who God is and His control, regardless of the results.
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Discover the character and love of God as we journey through the 7 major signs in the Gospel of John. We will look at the life and work of Jesus through the eyes of one of his best friends and faithful disciples. In these 7 signs we encounter a depth to the glory and majesty of God, and how these truths can radically change our lives. They take us …
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Jesus can help us in the midst of all types of struggles.
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Discover the character and love of God as we journey through the 7 major signs in the Gospel of John. We will look at the life and work of Jesus through the eyes of one of his best friends and faithful disciples. In these 7 signs we encounter a depth to the glory and majesty of God, and how these truths can radically change our lives. They take us …
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Only God can satisfy Completely
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What would you say if Jesus stood in front of you and asked you, “do you want to be made well?”
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We can trust the Word of God.
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For God, nothing is to big, or too small.
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All of the signs and miracles of scripture point to Jesus.
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We live in an individualistic society. We are more connected than we’ve ever been and yet more lonely and isolated than ever. We’ve replaced physical proximity to others with superficial digital access to the world. If we really want to grow in Jesus and make Him known in the world, it’s time to reclaim what makes us unique and lean into community,…
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We live in an individualistic society. We are more connected than we’ve ever been and yet more lonely and isolated than ever. We’ve replaced physical proximity to others with superficial digital access to the world. If we really want to grow in Jesus and make Him known in the world, it’s time to reclaim what makes us unique and lean into community,…
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Spiritual Gifts are talked about in all sorts of ways in the Church today. Drawing from Scripture, we'll explore the purpose of spiritual gifts, their relationship to the fruits of the Spirit, and how they can be used effectively to build God's kingdom. This week, we hope to give you a balanced, biblical view on spiritual gifts, and how you can use…
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Do people still get healed today? This week, we'll examine biblical accounts and personal testimonies to understand healing as an expression of God's love and a gateway to deeper faith. We'll also tackle the tough questions about unanswered prayers for healing.
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Through Paul’s story, we’ll see how God can take our weaknesses, past mistakes, and even our opposition to Him, and turn them into powerful tools for His kingdom. Come and be inspired by the extraordinary ways God can work in and through us when we’re willing to answer His call!
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Clinton Allen is a worship leader, pastor, songwriter, and founder of Creative Curating—a consulting company that offers coaching, mentoring, and character development for worship leaders, creative teams, and artists.
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Laurie Polich Short is a speaker and bestselling author who has been featured on PBS and RightNow media. She has spoken to over 500,000 people over the last 25 years. Her books include “Faith, Doubt and God’s mysterious timing”(2023), “40 verses to ignite your faith" (2019) "When Changing Nothing Changes Everything" (2017), "Finding Faith in the Da…
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Steve Carter is a pastor, speaker, author of Grieve, Breathe, Receive, podcast host, and the former lead teaching pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. He hosts the Craft & Character podcast, where he helps people get better at the art and craft of communication while ensuring their character always leads the way. An avid sports fan, …
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Sabbath & fasting are the answers to the problems of business and misdirection.
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Scripture is the answer to the problem of confusion.
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Solitude is the answer to the problem of distraction.
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Hospitality is the answer to the problem of loneliness and isolation.
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This Sunday, Austin Gillis preaches about Gateway's impact around the world through our global mission partners.
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When we truly trust Jesus, He often chooses to heal us in the context of community- our friends.
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At some point our relationships will become strained, but we aren’t meant to face these challenges alone.
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Marriage is not a contract; it is a covenant with God and our spouse to grow in love, trust, and intimacy.
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Our romantic relationships are not meant to complete us, they are meant to complement the work of God in us.
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Singleness is a gift to embrace and enjoy, not a season to rush or avoid.
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God desires for us to unlearn unhealthy patterns and behaviors we saw or experienced, so that we do not repeat them.
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Our identity must be rooted in Christ, or we will try and find ourselves in everyone else.
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Jesus resurrected; His intention is that we follow.
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Too often in our faith journey, we have the right king, but the wrong kingdom in mind.
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