Sermons and podcasts from Hartford City Church
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Why did Jesus have to suffer?Di Hartford City Church
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True freedom is being set free from the ways of the world and being made alive in Christ.Di Hartford City Church
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This series will go through the letter to the Colossians found in the New Testament. This message introduced the letter, background and setting. Then turns to what Paul, the author, prays for. The things that any pastor wants to see grow in the life of the people .Di Hartford City Church
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Confronting the idols of materialism and nationalism as Jesus did the wilderness with Satan Matthew 4:1-11 I Timothy 6:17-19 Psalm 22:27-28Di Hartford City Church
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A reflection on Justice upon the occasion of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 2025 It's time for true Christians to stand up to the idols of legalism, materialism, and nationalism and start taking care of those in need Isaiah 58 Matthew 25Di Hartford City Church
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You've heard of Three Kings Day, but there at least five mentioned in the Matthew Narrative. Listen in as we go through Matthew chapter two and discover that there is only one true King!Di Hartford City Church
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The greatest present in Presence for God so love the world, that He gave us His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting Life! Merry ChristmasDi Hartford City Church
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Christy Page brings us a timely message on Joy for the third Sunday in Advent. Joy is a choice found in our faith in Jesus ChristDi Hartford City Church
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The Peace/shalom of God through Jesus Christ Peace on Earth, goodwill to all, for God's favor rests upon usDi Hartford City Church
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Hope Overcomes the darkness through the Promise of God that are for Everyone! Jesus Christ is our Living HopeDi Hartford City Church
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Realize, Rest, Receive, and Remember Strength for the journeyDi Hartford City Church
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The way of love and peaceDisputable matters and our responsibility to God, others, and selfDi Hartford City Church
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Parable of unmerciful servant forgiveness God's graceDi Hartford City Church
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How is God kind towards creation? Let's look together at this much needed fruit of Kindness in our lives and in the world today #dokindnessDi Hartford City Church
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The government and GodRomans chapter 13Di Hartford City Church
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Living sacrifices and loving our enemiesRomans chapter 12Di Hartford City Church
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We've lost the ability to respect one another and we desperately need it back! Listen as we learn from Jesus how to show respect in narrative of the woman who burst into the house of a Pharisee to show her respect for Jesus!Di Hartford City Church
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Trying to untangle Romans chapter 11Gentiles, Jews, getting in and being cut offDi Hartford City Church
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Romans 9:30 - 10:21Paul longs for his people to see Christ as the culmination of their law, history, and longingDi Hartford City Church
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When asked by a Samaritan Women to settle a debate on where the people of God should worship, Jesus didn't choose one side or the other, but declared there is another way, a better way. This way is higher, narrow, and the most excellent way because Jesus is the way. Support this podcast by donating at our website…
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Romans chapter 9 - it’s not about predestination anymore!!! It’s about Jesus taking on the purpose of Israel, fulfilling the promises if God, and furthering God’s plan on earthDi Hartford City Church
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An honest discussion of honestly that honestly we need right now!Di Hartford City Church
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Realizing that there is always more going on inside of us, deeper thirsts, deeper waters, we can connect more with ourselves and with others. God is the Searcher of Hearts Psalm 139Di Hartford City Church
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Finding the places where we can begin to connect with people. Even people we are having a hard time with Even enemies Christ is there waiting for us!Di Hartford City Church
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From groaning to glory - a look at the hope of God’s presence in our lives A recap of of Wednesday night Bible Study on RomansThis episode looks at chapter 8, verses 18-39Di Hartford City Church
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Jesus and the woman at the well from John chapter 4 helps us understand how to have conversations with those we dislike who are different from us. This message is the intro to a series on Uncommon Decency where we will learn to rediscover the common values of decency, kindness, and respect for all people. In this climate of hatred and vitriol we ne…
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The first half of Romans chapter 8One of greatest chapters in Bible!This episode covers verses 1-17Di Hartford City Church
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A message on the good news of God's grace from Ephesians 2:1-10Di Hartford City Church
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Christy Page delivers a clear and compelling message on Micah 6:8 God's blueprint for lives as summarized by Micah is to Do Justice, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly. Following the teaching and ways of Jesus, we can learn to live a life that promotes peace and goodness in the world. Tolkien, when writing about hobbits, gives us a literary example of live…
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Romans Recap Ep. 8 Chapter 7 - The Struggle is RealDi Hartford City Church
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Di Hartford City Church
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Dead to sinAlive in ChristRomans chapter 6Di Hartford City Church
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Looking a Goodness through the words and life of Jesus Text is Luke 11:1-13 Jesus teaching on prayer and the character of God as a good FatherDi Hartford City Church
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Hope in sufferingPeace with GodGrace of JesusDi Hartford City Church
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HCC worship leader Alissa Watson brings a powerful word about dealing with Anger. In a thoughtful and precise way, Alissa helps us acknowledge, understand, and process our anger in an emotionally and spiritually healthy way. Listen, like, and share! #loveallserveallwelcomeallDi Hartford City Church
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Pastor Phil answers random questions from the audience!Di Hartford City Church
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Chapter 4 of Romans gives us Abraham as an example and the “father” of our faithAbe believed God’s word and was declared righteous.Faith makes us right in God’s eyesFaith is trusting God to do what God saidFaith brings everyone in the world into God’s LoveAll of this is only done through Jesus Christ, the very presence of God’s love in the world an…
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God’s righteouness is given to us through the faith OF Jesus Christ. God takes care of our sin, because God is faithful to God’s promisesOur faith then is in Jesus Christ who does for us what we could not do for ourselvesText: Romans 3:9-31Di Hartford City Church
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The birthday of the church is Pentecost Sunday when the disciples first received the Holy Spirit. Jesus had promised to send the Holy Spirit as a helper, comforter, advocate and guide. Jesus had more to say, but didn't. The Spirit of Truth was promised to guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit is still speaking to us the words of Jesus - both wha…
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Pastor Phil recaps our Wednesday night Bible study through the book of Romans Episode 3 covers Romans 2:17-3:8 In this session we talk about how we should follow God with our heart and actions, not just our words and rely on our labeled identity. We also talk about how God is always faithful to His promises and his words, both for Jews and for ever…
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Pastor Phil recaps our Wednesday night Bible study through the book of Romans Episode 2 covers Romans 1:18-2:16 This session covers the controversial passage on homosexuality. There is growing evidence to revaluate this passage in light of the Roman culture and our new understandings about orientation and gender. Hartford City Church respects all p…
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Di Hartford City Church
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As part of our series, Jesus' Fruit, we are taking a look at how Jesus exemplifies the fruit of the Spirit. This week we talk about how Jesus is and shows us what the Greatest Love of All looks like. We hope you are encouraged and inspired by this message!Di Hartford City Church
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Not like the world's peace! When we understand more about the concept of Shalom, we are reading to listen to the words of Jesus, and let Christ's Peace (Shalom) rule in our hearts Thank you for listening and supporting our ministryDi Hartford City Church
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Jesus took care of his humanity by spending time in creation, with the Creator and by creating. Take a listen to this insightful message from Christy Page ~Di Hartford City Church
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Mary's encounter with the risen Jesus Christ Mary Magdalene is the first witness, the apostle to the apostles, and the first to preach the gospel of the resurrection. She plays a huge role in why Christianity is alive and well today! Jesus Christ, however, takes center stage as the One who is truly Savior and Lord. May this reflection on the Easter…
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Listen in as Pilate recounts the events of that fateful night when he met Jesus of Nazareth face to faceDi Hartford City Church
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A meditation upon St. Patrick's prayer and how Christ's presence can permeate our livesDi Hartford City Church
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Like Zacchaeus, many of us are looking for Jesus but can't see Him because of the crowd. Yet consistently and faithfully Jesus is looking for all of us, calls us by name, and we must respond to that call. May this message encourage and inspire you to respond to the call of God upon your life!Di Hartford City Church
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Jesus heals us mentally and emotionally as well as physically. Listen to this story of a woman who came to Jesus for healing, but found so much more. The power of faith is not in the size of our belief, but in the infinite love of God. May you experience the power of God's presence through Jesus Christ in your own life today!…
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