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Higher Dimension Church 's Podcast

Higher Dimension Church

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Too many people settle for a life that isn’t fulfilling. At Higher Dimension Church we guide people to discover God’s unique purpose for their life so they can live with clarity, impact future generations, and experience the freedom of knowing God. With 23 years behind us, we’re excited for the 23 plus years ahead of us. Share this podcast channel with your family, friends, coworkers - everybody. Weekly you can expect a new episode geared towards inspiring you to live a fulfilled life.Don’t ...
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This season we’ve switched it up with some authentic new elements that we know you will enjoy. Tell your spouse, friends and co-workers that The Answer Podcast Season 2 is out now!! Leave your comments, submit your questions, and enjoy the journey while we provide real answers so that your relationship can thrive. Marriages struggling with intimacy…
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When you're passionate about Jesus you're passionate about The Word of God! To ignite your passion for Jesus, you have to commit to studying and applying the Word of God When you build your life on Jesus' word, it gives you stability. Study and apply the Word of God. Mark 12:30 (MES) Jesus said, Love the Lord God with all your passion (heart) and p…
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Passion is for purpose! What are spiritual gifts? A spiritual gift is an ability given to you to carry out God's will successfully. A spiritual gift is an ability given to you to Glorify God by serving others well. Spiritual gifts are always in alignment with your purpose. Purpose gives you passion. Passion doesn't give you purpose Polish your pass…
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Passion is the force behind greatness. Nothing great is ever accomplished without passion. Nothing great is ever sustained in life without passion. Higher passion is the commitment to pursue a relationship with Jesus. Remember. Journal Jesus actions in your life. Remembering the passion of Christ should inspire you to pursue a higher passion. Revel…
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Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV The company you keep should inspire you to follow Jesus. Who’s in your company? What company are you having over? What company are you working for? Bad Company is anything that pulls us away from God. Bad company causes you to devalue the word of God. 'I no longer ca…
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Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.” Teaching gives your children information but training gives them demonstration. The target is Love God and Love people. Parents are warriors who have been entrusted with children (Arrows) to help them to become weapons of mass instruction against the darkness of this world. Psalm …
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What kind of family do you want to build? God created every family to be a model family. The model family is a reflection of God. In the model family, the wife submits because of her devotion to God. In the model family, the husband loves his wife so much that he prioritizes her needs and wants above his own, because of his devotion to God. In the …
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People do what people see. Covenant spirit. With you know matter what. Ruth 1:16 (CSB) But Ruth replied Don’t plead with me to abandon you or to return and not follow you. For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live; your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Ruth 2:2 (CSB)…Will you let me go into the fields …
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Men are expected to be Christian role models. Character - a model man does what he says. Worker - a model man knows if he doesn't work he doesn't eat. Relationship with God - a model man doesn't just have religion he has a relationship. You need a man that loves Jesus more than he loves you! Generous - a model man knows he’s been blessed to be a bl…
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We need God. You + God can defeat any giant you face. Do you know who God is? When you know who God is, you discover who you are. “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the …
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Failure is a part of life. Failure is a part of life, but it's not the end. My setback is an opportunity to come back stronger! It’s hard to trust a repeat offender! To rebound from a failure will take more than remorse. (Emotional expression) You need to repent. (Behavior change) You can’t pray or talk your way out of something you behave your way…
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God wants men to surrender and trust that his plans are better. Surrender is not defeat, it’s really a victory over self, desires, and will. The secret to a Christian man’s strength is admitting your weakness When you recognize that you're weak, you depend on God's strengths to help you be a Christian man. It's time to put your gloves up and surren…
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Circumstances and critics can hijack a man's hope. When you place your hope in Jesus, you will have flood assurances. The leaf was a message of hope and the beginning of a new era of life. The olive leaf for the Christian is a verse of Scripture Keep hoping in Jesus! Jesus is our dove from heaven who passes leaves of hope! Hold onto your hope in Je…
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Consistency with God is the key to unlocking your destiny. What happens when you don’t talk to God consistently? When you talk to God, do you let Him talk back to you? God, the creator of the universe, wants to talk with you. Pray. The best prayer life is a never-ending conversation with God. ”“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will fin…
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It’s your season The way to know your season is discernment. To know the seasons of your life you can borrow discernment. If you don’t know what season you're in you will not know what to do Seasons of our lives are determined by the choices we make. You can start a new season in your life by deciding to do what God says God will help you get throu…
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With everything going on in our world, people are loosing hope and walking out of relationships because of fear. Prayer and prudence will save a lot of relationships and rebuild broken marriages. Don’t give up on your relationship, lean into the conversation and do want you need to do for your relationship to win.…
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2 Chronicles 1:7-12 7 That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” 8 Solomon answered God, “You have shown great kindness to David my father and have made me king in his place. 9 Now, Lord God, let your promise to my father David be confirmed, for you have made me king over a people who are as nume…
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Do you have a money plan? God has a plan and if followed will lead to financial prosperity. In life you don’t win by accident. You succeed in life because you intentionally put a plan in place and you stick with it. God's plan for debt is to eliminate it. To eliminate debt, focus more on needs and not your wants. Eliminate so you can elevate your l…
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I desire to have a fully funded life. Give money a purpose. What is your money fuel? Commit to developing a plan that will fully fund your life. Your money needs a purpose. 1 Chronicles 29:14 (NIV) “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what c…
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You can choose the sin, not the consequence. Adam's choice led to death but Jesus' choice led to life. Grace doesn't just save you, grace empowers you to live right. Jesus chose to die for me so that I could have eternal life. Choose Jesus and live Romans 5:12 (CSB) Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in…
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Celebrate with purpose Do not let your tradition get in the way of the reason you have a tradition to begin with. Honor with purpose Live with purpose Celebrate with Purpose ”The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.“ John 12:12 NIV ”They took palm branches and went out to meet him, sh…
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Patients guard your heart against anger and aggravation. Wait with patience Patience is a fruit of the spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers you to wait with patience. Faith in Jesus gives you the confidence to wait with patience. Faith in Jesus will give you patience to endure tribulations. People who are patient know that the season they are in is not…
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Excessive worry will lead to health problems. The word worry comes from a German word that means to strangle and be choked by your emotions. Worrying is deadly. How do you stop worrying and start living? The reason you shouldn’t worry is because Jesus cares. Worry less and trust Jesus more. Mark 4:19 (NIV)….the worries of this life, the deceitfulne…
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What can be better in your life today? What’s stopping you from your better life? What’s stopping you from experiencing a better life? God’s word is the key to unlocking a better life. ”Where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is he.“ Proverbs 29:18 KJV ”When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild…
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God's greatest matches usually take the most time. A match a match is a person circumstance or situation that is similar to another If you want to find the right match in life prioritize your life In order to determine if someone or something is the right match you must evaluate and investigate Look at your comfort as the compass as to whether or n…
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Teams that win are unified. A marriage is a team. The bible is the playbook for marriage Teams practice to improve their skills. You have to improve your relationship skills to make the marriage better. You can’t win without a team. Genesis 2:22 (NIV) Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the…
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Love is more than what you say, it's what you do. Talk is cheap but action is priceless Love provides and protects. Love is a promise keeper. Marriage is a covenant and not a contract. Love is affectionate. Put your love into action. Love does. Songs of Songs 3:6 (NIV) Who is this coming up from the wilderness like a column of smoke, perfumed with …
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Love and hurry are incompatible. Love takes time. Marriage doesn't conceal problems, marriage magnifies them. Jesus was never in a hurry. To build a loving relationship un-hurry your life, commit to being present so you can build a relationship that lasts. Song of Songs 1:2 ( NIV) Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for your love is more d…
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With opportunity there comes opposition. The tactics of opposition are psychological. Satan has one trick in his bag, mind games. The effects of opposition is discouragement. Insecurity comes when you live in your feelings. Security comes when you live by faith. The response to opposition should be spiritual and practical. God is fighting for you b…
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To fix that which is broken you need a plan Get things in order now. You know when things are out of order because there is a spirit of confusion. God is not the author of confusion so when your life is not aligned to the book (Bible) you are out of order. Get help. People are essential to your prosperity. Let go of toxic people. Stop worrying abou…
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Planning is an act of faith. Where are you? (Asses) Where are you headed? (Vision) A vision is a mental picture of a desired future that has been inspired by God. The value of vision is that it gives you clear direction. What's your target? (Goal) Nehemiah 2:13 (NIV) By night I went out through the Valley Gate toward the Jackal Well and the Dung Ga…
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Do you know the power of love and respect? Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. You can not love and respect someone like God has called you to by your own strength. The Holy Spirit enables you to do what you need to do even when you feel like you can’t. Rel…
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You can overcome problems with a plan. When you have a problem you should pray. Withdraw daily to a quiet place, fast and pray while you're waiting on God to give you a plan. When you are burdened with a problem don’t panic, pray! Why should you pray? Prayer is an opportunity to release your problems to God. Prayer doesn’t change things God does, a…
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Excuses are the enemies to the call that’s on your life. What has God called you to do? Why aren’t you answering the call? Greater is in you. Greater is on you. Luke 5:1 (NIV) One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. 2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left th…
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What is the Christmas message? Jesus was born to save us from the bondage of sin, so that we could have the greatest gift of eternal life. Receive the Christmas message in your heart. Respond to the Christmas message by faith. God’s Word is His promissory note and your faith is what brings the promise to pass. Retell the Christmas message to all. T…
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Those who trust God will find security in his sovereignty. Sovereign: The Lord has all power over everything. Romans 8:28 NIV And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Psalm 115:3 NIV Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.” Ecclesiastes 7:13 NIV Consider …
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Do you know the most important part of a relationship wish list? In order to build relationships that can stand and withstand winds, you need the right foundation. Faith in the foundation for successful relationships. The promises we make at the altar can be achieved by faith. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. Move from learning about faith t…
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Just because you say, “thank you,” doesn’t mean you are grateful. Ungrateful people say “thank you” too The best way to say thank you is with your actions. The best way to show God you’re thankful is by living the life He created for you. What are you grateful for? How grateful are you? “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in th…
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If you wait for the perfect time you will waste all your time. What are you waiting for? What blessing are you missing out on because of procrastinating? If not now, then when? It's how we focus on today that helps build our faith for tomorrow. “Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.” - Eccl…
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You have to keep the right perspective to serve You have to keep God first Be faithful with your little Luke 4:25-26 NIV 25 “I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land. 26 Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them, but to a wido…
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Are you emotionally healthy? Emotional unhealthiness is causing a lot of issues within relationships. Typically when you’re dating you only get to see 15% of the person and this creates issues down the road. It takes time to get to the other 85%, it takes time to see their character and intentions unfold within the relationship. If a relationship i…
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Great success requires great sacrifice. You will experience a more satisfying success when the purpose of your sacrifice is for serving others. When you make a great sacrifice you make a great difference in the lives of others. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”” - Mark 10:4…
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Our families have been born to win. Whenever there is decline in the family it leads to a Faith Crisis. Faith is confidence in the promise of God. Faith is built through relationships. What should we pass down to our family? Judges 2:7 (NIV) The people served the LORD throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had …
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Are you generous? Are you selfish? A selfish person is only concerned with self. Grateful people are generous. Generosity flows from an understanding of biblical stewardship. John 12:3 (NIV)Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the…
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Would you like to be rich? Life is not about what you have but rather what you’re doing with it. Money can cause people to be arrogant Your value is not determined by your valuables! 1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV) Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope …
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