A church of imperfect Jesus followers in Nebraska.
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2025-03-02 -Eph 5:-17 -"Walk in the Light" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-02-23 -Eph 5:1-7 -"Imitators of God" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-02-16 -Eph 4:25-32 -"I Don't Wear That Anymore" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-02-09 -Eph 4:17-24 -"Stop Walking That Way" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-02-02 -Eph 4:7-16 -"Grace to Serve" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-01-26 -Tyce Jensen -"The God Who Fights for Us" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-01-19 -Eph 4:1-6 -"Walk Worthy" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-01-12 -Ephesians 3:14-21 -"Means of the Mystery's Miraculous Mission" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2025-01-05 -Eph 3:1-13 -"Power Play" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-12-29 -Eph 2:11-22 -"Remembering Our Way to Unity" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-12-22 -Christmas: Matt 1:18-22 -"Decision of Joseph" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-12-15 -Eph 2:8-10 -"Grace and Good Works" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-12-08 -Eph 2:1-7 -"But God" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-12-01 -Eph 1:15-23 -"That You May Know" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-11-24 -Eph 1:13-14 -"Sealed by the Holy Spirit" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-11-17 -Eph 1:7-12 -"Redeemed" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-11-10 -Eph 1:4-6 -"Chosen by God" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-11-03 - Eph 1:3 -"Reason to Praise" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-10-27 -Eph 1:1-2 -"Introducing Ephesians: Grace & Peace" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-10-20 - Holy Spirit Topical Sermon by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-10-13 - 2 Kings 13 -"The End is Only the Beginning" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-10-06 -2 Kgs 9 -"Kingmaker & Judge" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-09-29 -Special Speaker Jon Haslett by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-09-22 Jim Fox by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-09-15 -2 Kgs 8:1-15 -"Remembered" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-09-08 -2 Kgs 6:24-7:20 -"Deliverance" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-08-25 -2 Kgs 6:8-23 -"Outnumbered" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-08-18 -2 Kgs 6:1-7 -"God of the Small Stuff" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-08-11 -2 Kings 5 -"Naaman part 3: Barriers to Salvation" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-08-04 -2 Kings 5 -"Naaman, pt 2 - The Results of Salvation" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-07-28 -2 Kings 5 -"Naaman, pt. 1: The Path of Salvation" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-06-09 -2 Kgs 2:19-25 -"Curse Reversed; Curse Applied" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-07-21 -2 Kings 4:42-44 -"More than Enough for Impossible" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-07-14 -2 Kgs 4:38-41 -"Miracle Soup" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-07-07 -2 Kgs 4:8-37 -"Mixed Blessings" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-12-17 -James 4:11-12 -"Right Judgment/Wrong Judgment" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-06-30 -Brett Thomas -Daniel 3 -"T'Sell Em on Your Image" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-06-23 -2 Kgs 4:1-7 -"Widow's Oil" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-06-16 -2 Kings 3 -"In Case of Emergency" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-06-02 -2 Kgs 2:1-18 -"Chariots of Fire" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-05-26 -Special Speaker Scott Mathis -"Life Stories from Church at Rancho Rio" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-05-19 -2 Kgs 1:1-18 -"Failure to Fear" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-05-05 -1 Kgs 22 -"Truth or Consequences" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-04-28 -1 Kings 21 -"Human Appetites & Divine Justice" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-04-21 -1 Kgs 20 -"The Burden of Proof" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-04-14 -1 Kgs 19:19-21 -"The Call of Elijah" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-04-07 -1 Kgs 19:1-18 -"The God in the Whisper" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-03-31 -Easter -John 18:1-12 -"Intentional Divine Substitute" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-03-24 -1 Kgs 18:41-46 -"A Rain and a Race" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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2024-03-17 -Brady Cone -"Gender Issues and Truth" by Imperial BereanDi Imperial Berean
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