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Today on Bridging the Gap, we'll meet up with some religious leaders who had their own reasons for rejecting the diety of Jesus, but as we'll soon see, none of them could hold any water. Pastor Lloyd Pulley is taking us verse by verse through John. This edition of the program we plan to cover several key verses of John eight, verses twelve through …
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is leading us through John, and today Jesus is confronted by the religious leaders of His day. They’re about to lay down a clever trap. They think they have Jesus in a corner, in their attempt to accuse Him of wrongdoing. But Christ turns the tables in grand fashion, and really provides a beautiful lesson on forgiveness and repe…
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is in the midst of an intriguing study of John’s Gospel right now, and today, we’ll give our attention to chapter seven, verses forty through fifty-three, where a division occurs over the question, “Who is Jesus?” Still today division breaks out over that very question! But the answer, the truth about Jesus, remains the same.…
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Refreshing water is uniquely suited for quenching a thirst. Well, today on Bridging the Gap, we’ll see that only living water can quench our spiritual thirst. And maybe that’s what you’re in need of today, as you’re empty, dry and thirsty. Pastor Lloyd Pulley takes us now to John chapter seven with more about the water formulated by God to quench o…
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A human being can live about three days without water. I mention that because today we’ll be studying John seven, verses thirty-seven through thirty-nine, where Jesus speaks about the living water that only He can give. Physically, three days is our limit without water. Spiritually, without the living water Jesus gives, we are doomed to eternity in…
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We’re back in the Gospel of John today and we’ll return to our study in chapter seven, where we find the Pharisees confronting Jesus and trying yet again to trip Him up with their clever questions. But, as we’re about to see, their efforts are to no avail, and Jesus wasn’t about to fall for it. It’s a fascinating study on just how stubborn people c…
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Today Lloyd continues his series in the gospel of John. Of all the powerful entities we have at our disposal, none can compare with the Holy Spirit. He makes everything else absolutely pale in comparison. So, the question must be asked - if He is there, and available, why don’t we call on Him more often? Our study today is framed around John chapte…
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Today on Bridging the Gap, we’ll see that many of Jesus’ own disciples left His side. Immediately after this happened Jesus turned to the twelve and said, “Will you also go away?” Pastor Lloyd Pulley believes this is a question we each will be confronted with in our lifetime. So, join us in the sixth chapter of John, and consider your answer to tha…
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Today pastor Lloyd takes us back to the gospel of John, chapter five. Here Jesus points to His works and the scripture as the basis for faith, and that He is indeed God’s promised Messiah. Despite the obvious evidence, there were still a lot of skeptics around back then, just as there are today.Di Lloyd Pulley
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On our last program, we saw Jesus heal a man who had been crippled for many years. But physical healing was only part of his problem - he needed spiritual healing as well. We’ll see the Great Physician go to work on his spiritual condition today as our study of John takes us back to chapter five.Di Lloyd Pulley
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Imagine being sick and unable to care for yourself for thirty-eight years. I think it’s safe to say, most in that situation would suffer with feelings of hopelessness and despair. We find a man in that desperate condition today on Bridging the Gap. Jesus is about to restore this man to complete health, and at then same time, show the people around …
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Today we continue our series in the gospel of John with a look at a very familiar scene in the first twenty-three verses of chapter five. Jesus happened upon a sick man who was waiting at the Bethesda pool with the rest of the sick and hopeless, hoping to be cured. Jesus did just that.Di Lloyd Pulley
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Today on Bridging the Gap, we’re introduced to a father whose son was sick and near death. It doesn’t get much worse than that, I think we’d agree! But he did the right thing, in taking him to Jesus. Pastor Lloyd Pulley will suggest that’s the wisest thing we can do as parents- taking our kids to Christ!…
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God can and wants to use us to share His great message of salvation. And if you’re saved, you have a wonderful testimony to tell others about. Today, pastor Lloyd will urge us to share the great things God has done for us, with a sense of urgency. We’ll be in John chapter four, where a woman from Samaria did just that.…
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Today as we continue in chapter four, we’ll see the reaction Jesus got from His disciples when they saw Him talking to the woman at the well of Samaria. Talking to a Samaritan woman was a big no-no in those days. It just goes to show you that bigotry and prejudice are nothing new - they’ve been around a long time!…
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Nothing goes unnoticed with God. He sees all of our actions, and that should make us compel to please Him through our behavior all the more. Our study in John chapter four will continue today, so please stay with us because we’re going to rejoin a familiar and touching scene - the Lord’s encounter with the woman at the well.…
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Today we take you to John chapter four, where Jesus has a divine appointment with a woman from Samaria. Now this woman, like many people today, was trying to fill a need in her life with things that were not going to last. She’s about to learn that only Christ can bring satisfaction and meet her innermost needs. Join us, as we continue to see who J…
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Without the sun, our planet would die. The sun is the center of our solar system and gives us light. Now the moon on the other hand, doesn’t have its own light. It merely reflects the light of the sun. In our time together today you could say that John the Baptist was like the moon and Jesus like the sun. Without the sun, the moon wouldn’t shine. J…
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is in the gospel of John today and one of the most famous of all chapters, chapter three. Do you know what it means to be “born again”? It’s a pretty common term in Christian circles, yet many simply don’t understand what the Lord meant by that. Nicodemus needed some clarification, and perhaps you do too!…
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is currently taking us through a study of John’s gospel and today we’ll be finishing up chapter two. Jesus had just cleared out the Temple Courts and He made this interesting statement: “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days.” Jesus wasn’t talking about the Temple building. He was talking about his own body…
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As we continue our study of John’s Gospel today, we come across some people who were taking advantage of others and doing so in the house of God. They were pretending to be religious and this upset Jesus greatly. And very sadly this sort of thing is still happening in our world today, so let’s make sure we don’t get caught up in it ourselves.…
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Today on Bridging the Gap, we find Jesus and His disciples at a wedding, and something miraculous is about to take place. Jesus’ mother points at Jesus and tells the servants to, “Just do whatever He tells you to do”. Well said. Pastor Lloyd Pulley is taking us through John, and today we continue in chapter two, and the account of Jesus’ first reco…
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If you’ve been a Christian for some time, no doubt a well meaning friend has pointed to John chapter two, as though it’s giving permission for them to drink. But is that really the intent of the passage, or have we totally missed the point? Let’s find out together, and join Pastor Lloyd Pulley for this illuminating study framed around John two, ver…
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Today, Jesus meets and recruits several men to be His first disciples, including Andrew and Simon Peter and a fellow named Phillip. Phillip was touched by God, and the first thing he wanted to do is tell his friends! Pastor Lloyd Pulley will suggest that this is the sort of witness we’re to be. We’re finishing up John chapter one today.…
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In a court of law few things are more influential to a jury than an eye witness! It can make or break a case! And of course it’s important to establish the credibility of the witness too, and not just take their word for it. Well John the Baptist serves as an important witness of Jesus Christ. He’s about to tell us, “I have seen and have borne witn…
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When it comes to ministry, we need to realize, hopefully sooner rather than later, it’s all about Jesus, and not ourselves! And our lives and ministry must be fueled by the Spirit of God if they’re going to be effective. That comes to our attention through the passage before us today in John one, verses fourteen through eighteen.…
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We don’t have to look far in our society to see that people are denying that there is a personal God, and in lieu of that, they have formed their own personal beliefs. Pastor Lloyd Pulley will address this problem today, and point us to the solution. We’ll be in the Gospel of John once again today, and we’ll be highlighting verses six through thirt…
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley is in the beginning stages of a detailed examination of the Gospel of John, and today he’ll point us to the ultimate truth in life - Jesus Christ. So what is the source of truth? That’s a question being tossed around from Universities, to talk shows and churches all across the land. The answer without question is Jesus! And John…
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On today’s program, we begin an in-depth study of John’s gospel. When asked what a good book in the bible to read for a new believer, many bible scholars recommend the gospel of John. It offers a first hand account of the life of Jesus. Interestingly, John does not give an account of the birth of Jesus, but as Jesus began His ministry, John was rig…
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Today we bring you the final segment in pastor Lloyd’s series titled “Essential Christianity”. In Romans chapter eight, verses thirty-one through thirty-nine, Paul writes eloquently and powerfully about what we have in Christ Jesus. Stand by to be inspired! These are some of the most glorious words anywhere in scripture!…
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Our final study in Lloyd’s series “Essential Christianity”, begins today. If you’re a movie buff, you’re familiar with epics like Gone with the Wind, Star Wars and the like. Movie makers always save something special for the big finale, don’t they? Today we’ll be looking at Romans chapter eight, verses thirty-one through thirty-nine and some of the…
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Today on Bridging the Gap, pastor Lloyd Pulley tackles the question of our predestination as sinners saved by Grace through Jesus Christ. Does God know ahead of time who will say yes and who will say no to His Son? Romans chapter eight, verses twenty-six through thirty is our scripture text.Di Lloyd Pulley
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We’ve taken the last several weeks to carefully go through a study of Romans chapters five through eight, titled “Essential Christianity”, and today we find ourselves in chapter eight, verses twenty-six through thirty. God will cause all things to work together for good if we love God, but does that mean we can go to Him as if He were a catalog sto…
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