Well Done, You Found me. You win all these free songs :D i love doing vocal work, and i will do it free of charge, just get in contact :D [email protected] SIDE NOTE: i dont do Like for like, so if ur gonna liek a track then unlike it later, the jokes on you :D secondly. i report EVERY single spam message thats posted to my account both on the message and the profile. other than this, i hope you enjoy my music, its all made for fun and its all free :D
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Just a little demo, installed the new version of my DAW< and had a tinker around. this isn't a song, and wont be a full version (unlikely) but I'm gonna get back into my music REAL soonDi Meekay UK
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heres the full version :DDi Meekay UK
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Music & Lyrics: PKAkatora(Video), Netta Barzilai(lyrics)Arrangement/Remix: Haa-kunPV: PKAkatoraPV Source: Project DIVA F2nd (Edit Mode) Original upload: https://youtu.be/NaQwdFqtFisOriginal Remix Upload: https://youtu.be/Xji0-h5a9kkConcept from Netta Barzilai's TikTokDi Meekay UK
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Alone (Edit 2 Feat DiamondLore) by Meekay UKDi Meekay UK
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Adrian Lux - Teenage Crime (Meekay Edit) by Meekay UKDi Meekay UK
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Just a demo track messing with effects. :DDi Meekay UK
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i dont care....i find it catchey ok :DDi Meekay UK
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something to work on, soundcloud exclusive, for now, minor fixes to happen before full releaseDi Meekay UK
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Who do you think you are by Meekay UKDi Meekay UK
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new music, just a little track :D enjoyDi Meekay UK
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something im working on in the new year :DDi Meekay UK
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very rough and in early stages, but you get the idea :D full version soonDi Meekay UK
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Well Took Longer Than Expected, But here it is, hope you enjoyDi Meekay UK
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some songs just dont make the release for some reason, heres some of the work in progress tunes that are sitting unfinished in my library :D all of these are very rough and just basic ideas, who knows. one of them may get finished :D or changed completely, with this stage in mind :D noone knows. hope you enjoy, im always making music. never think i…
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Hello heres the full version, didnt take too long, the other demo is out soon, hope u enjoy this as much as i did, this was made for fun and £0 was made to release this :D thanks for continued support for something i dont take seriously and just enjoy to do in my spare time, accapella available upon request…
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this song is about music connecting people together and not needing to understand the lyrics to just get picked up by music and taken somewhere, thats for the endless support :D hope you like this track, and all the full versions of demos are coming soonDi Meekay UK
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Demo for new song im working, some things may be changed prior to releaseDi Meekay UK
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https://soundcloud.com/user-152352235vocal editing work by me, i lay off the electronics for this one, hope you enjoy check out the user listed above, and i do not own this track, all rights reserved to sia and record company, this was completely non profit, and just for fun, no money was made whatsoever on this or any of my tracks…
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you like to prove a point to meinsted you looking so sillyyou like to flex your muscles, and i dont know why why wh wh why wh whycant you just be yourself tnite,insted of being who your not.i just want someone to be mine.and i dunno why why why why why wh whyi dunno why why wh wh why why why.i dunno why why wh wh why cozi like different from the re…
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heres something else thats been sitting on my pc for a while, wasnt sure if i liked it, but its grown on me, hope u enjoy it. made just for fun and non profitDi Meekay UK
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This has been sampled from a song that didnt get finished, thought this club version suited the hook better :D just something to listen to i guess, didnt spend alot of time on it :D enjoy :DDi Meekay UK
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sorry, timing errors and volume have been fixedDi Meekay UK
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new song with oliver and kagamine len, and the chorus by yours truly :D this isnt as polished as id like, but iv grown to love it as it is :D hope u enjoy, made this just for fun :DDi Meekay UK
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had so much fun with this, hope you enjoy itDi Meekay UK
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Flashlight Feat. Kagamine Len by Meekay UKDi Meekay UK
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heres what happens yet again when im bored at home for an hour, sorry its short, i dont have as much time as i used tolyrics:Its not that clear, where you go at night.Something just not right, thats for sure,That crazy feeling, i cant deny.Coz im always wondering much more.Maybe its nothing, i understand.Maybe its the power in my hand.Why cant i st…
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One Last Kiss (MINIS Version) by Meekay UKDi Meekay UK
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