Sunday morning Sermons by Pastor Kevin
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Today's text ties up the interaction between Jesus and Pilate. But we also hear the cries of the Jewish leadership, "Crucify Him!" and, "We have no king but Caesar!" Our challenge is to find application to our own lives in this text. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus stands before Pilate, who thinks he is judging the Savior. But, ultimately, it is Pilate who is being weighed in the balance and found wanting. - Pastor Kevin
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Our text today brings us the 3 denials of Peter of the Lord as well as a slap to the face of our Savior that should spark an awakening in us to consider His sufferings and walk in thankfulness for everything He was willing to endure because of His great love. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus has completed His teaching ministry with the prayer of John 17. Now He enters into His suffering beginning with His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Let's look at some of details surrounding this event. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus closes out His High Priestly prayer with words of unity, glory, and love, even for those of us living 2,000 years after these words were offered to the Father. - Pastor Kevin
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In this central part of Jesus' High Priestly prayer, Jesus focuses His words on the disciples that have been with Him for the past 3+ years. Of course, there are principles you and I can embrace even 2,000 years later from Jesus' eternal words. - Pastor Kevin
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John 17 has come to be known as Jesus' High Priestly prayer and it is a beautiful display of His heart as He was about to go to the cross. It is a prayer like no other. Let's look at the Lord's opening words together... - Pastor Kevin
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Let's look at the final words Jesus would use to instruct His disciples before His suffering and death on the cross. - Pastor Kevin
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God desires to reveal Himself to mankind so that we might know Him and love Him. One of the key ways He has chosen to do this is through the Bible. To neglect our Bibles is to deliberately neglect knowing and loving God as we might. Let's make 2025 a year in which we read our Bibles carefully and purposefully! - Pastor Kevin…
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What lessons can we learn from the wise men of Matthew 2 this Christmas season? Who were they? Where were they from? What did they know? How did they respond? And, finally, how can we benefit from their example? - Pastor Kevin
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As Jesus and the disciples are leaving Passover supper and walking through dark Jerusalem toward the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus continues to teach the disciples about the Father, Himself, the Holy Spirit, joy, love, and the abundant life found only in Him. But there are hard times ahead as well and the Savior wants them to be prepared for that as …
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Fruitfulness in the Christian is often needlessly complicated by even well-meaning Christian. In today's text, Jesus breaks down the abundant Christian life into one simple concept: abiding... abiding in Christ, abiding in His love through humble, loving obedience. - Pastor Kevin
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We complete John 14 by looking at 2 gifts that Jesus promised His disciples before departing: the Holy Spirit, and peace. There are other details certainly that surround these 2 gifts, but these promises were central to the 11 and they ought to be central to our lives as well. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus makes some miraculous claims to His disciples here in John 14. The more we trust Him, the more comfort He gives us through His Spirit and His word. Let's explore this deep, deep passage together. Pastor Kevin
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With Judas gone, Jesus really begins to open His heart to the remaining eleven disciples. In today's text we learn that Jesus must go to the cross alone to fulfill the will of the Father. Naturally, the disciples are confused and disheartened, so Jesus gives them (and us) words of comfort. - Pastor Kevin…
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Today's text gives us a living parable, rather than a parable in words. It gives us an opportunity to compare our pride with the humility of Christ and, hopefully, reevaluate our lives of Christian service. - Pastor Kevin
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The end of John 12 brings us to the end of the first half of John's Gospel. In these final verses, we are confronted with the testimony of Isaiah the prophet of God regarding the extent of Jesus' earthly ministry, as well as a summary of the past 3-and-a-half years of Jesus' life in His own words. - Pastor Kevin…
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Today's text gives us the final words of Jesus' public ministry, and they really set the stage for everything that is about to follow. Let's be encouraged to live a quiet, confident, faithful life through the days that lie ahead. - Pastor Kevin
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How can you and I know that God's salvation isn't limited to the Jews only, but extends to the whole world? What does Jesus Himself teach about this? Let's begin to explore this in today's sermon. - Pastor Kevin
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Today's passage gives us a glimpse into the heart of man. We also get insight into the plan of God. These 2 are often in conflict, so let's see what we can learn from this text. - Pastor Kevin
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We've heard Martha's testimony in clear, concise, accurate words; today, we will hear Mary's testimony, and she gives it without saying a word. It's beautiful! - Pastor Kevin
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God's inspired word gives us a glimpse into the tactics the devil uses through wicked rulers to bring untold suffering into our world. Christians would be wise to equip themselves to recognize and do battle against these tactics. - Pastor Kevin
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We have come to the actual sign of Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus from the dead, pointing powerfully ahead to His own resurrection and the resurrection of all those who are in Him. The text is powerful, and the lessons are profound. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus has finally arrived at Bethany and meets with Martha and Mary, who have very different kinds of testimonies. But Jesus isn't immune to the grief and pain of those around Him... quite the opposite. Jesus uniquely experiences the pain from seeing everything that has gone wrong with His Creation because of sin. And He is about to do something ab…
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Hearing Jesus is on His way, Martha rushes out to meet Him. Today's text details the discussion they have. We endeavor to be comforted by the words of Christ in our own lives as well. - Pastor Kevin
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We've arrived at the telling of the events surrounding Jesus' 7th and final sign in the Gospel of John. It is surely the greatest of His signs prior to His resurrection and He performs it in a way that may be unexpected, but is for our sakes, that we may believe. - Pastor Kevin
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This last part of John 10 has historically been difficult to understand. There are 2 primary interpretations, neither of which we will look at this morning. Rather than dwell on the details this complex argument, we'll simply consider the Psalm from which Jesus quotes to get His view of His words. And we'll make some application. - Pastor Kevin…
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Once again, Jesus is confronted by His enemies (the Jewish elites) and they demand that He submit Himself to their idea of what He should be. Jesus is having none of it, though, and forces everyone around Him consider not just His teaching, but His works. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus as the Good Shepherd is one of the most memorable and comforting pictures given to us in the Scriptures. Let's consider this picture together. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus closes out chapter 9 with a commentary on everything that has taken place since He opened the eyes of the man born blind. And, if we have eyes to see, I think we will find ourselves in His commentary. - Pastor Kevin
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After Jesus healed the man born blind, a discussion ensues between him and his family, and the Pharisees. This discussion gets heated and reveals to us the heart of man. - Pastor Kevin
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We begin chapter 9 of John in this sermon. AND we begin our look at the sixth of the seven signs in John's Gospel. In this sermon, we (very briefly) look at the existence and role of pain and suffering in the world, and the Christian's response. - Pastor Kevin
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John 8 concludes with one of the most remarkable statements in the history of mankind, uttered of course by Jesus Christ. Let's consider it together. - Pastor Kevin
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We're taking a break from John 8 for a week or so. God pressed on me to bring this message this week instead. Let me know your thoughts. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus continues to ratchet up the pressure on His enemies as He reveals to them who they really are... and the truth stands in opposition to the lie of their real father, the devil. - Pastor Kevin
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I must apologize for the periodic loss of control of my emotions. We had a family tragedy this week, and I'm doing my best. Jesus is the Truth, and He has offered to make us free if we will abide in Him. Let's consider in some depth what this all means. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus once again is facing His most recalcitrant critics. But, although He is speaking to them, He is doing it for our sake, that we might know Him better. - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus is the Light of the world, not just the light of my own little heart. What are the repercussions of this immense truth? - Pastor Kevin
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The story of the woman caught in adultery, and brought before Jesus by the religious leaders is certainly one of the most powerful and moving stories of all time. I think it's because it is such a relatable foreshadowing of the story of Calvary. Let me explain why... - Pastor Kevin
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It's Resurrection Sunday, and Jesus gives us a resurrection invitation in today's text. Let's take some time to consider it. - Pastor Kevin
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There is a lot of confusion surrounding Jesus in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles described in John 7. How is Jesus going to deal with the confusion amongst the many groups there? That's what we'll discuss today. - Pastor Kevin
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Right up front, I must apologize for the audio quality; halfway through the sermon, the computer froze, so there is a 2 minute section that I had to re-record in order to produce the entire sermon. This week's sermon presents the start of Jesus' time in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus teaches the people, but at the same time, calls…
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Jesus time had not yet arrived. He was perfectly committed to the will of the Father and so the timing of God's plan mattered as much as the events of God's plan. What can Christians glean from these few short verses? - Pastor Kevin
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We have come to the end of John 6. It is not only a long chapter, but it is also complex and controversial. But here, at its conclusion, we are challenged once again to decide what to do with Jesus of Nazareth. Consider well... - Pastor Kevin
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Jesus never backed down from controversy, and He never backed down from telling the truth. Today's text is a difficult text, and it has caused controversy for nearly 2 millennia now. Let's consider it with the goal of application to our lives in 2024. - Pastor Kevin
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Those who have believed in Jesus should be absolutely secure in knowing that they are His. There is nothing that can snatch us out of His hand. - Pastor Kevin
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When we listen to (or read) the words of Jesus in the Gospels, we must be very, VERY careful to take His teachings in context. A failure to do this can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings of Christian doctrine and our responsibility as Christians to be obedient to our Lord. Hopefully, this message encourages us to this end. - Pastor Kevin…
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The people see Jesus as the Prophet; they aspire to make Him king; but they fail to consider His priestly work, enabling Him to be the One who comes to us in the storms of life. Let's not make the same mistake. - Pastor Kevin
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The feeding of the 5,000 is the only miracle of Jesus that is recorded in all 4 Gospels. Let's consider it for a time to try and find out why. - Pastor Kevin
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Today's text brings us to the end of the 'Divinity Sermon', one of the most powerful self-revelations of Jesus Christ concerning His equality with the Father. We are in a courtroom, with Jesus as the accused, and it doesn't go well for His accusers. In the words of a famous defendant, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" - Pastor Kevin…
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